Exemple #1
def test_b5(u):
  """ Test b5 space-group and equivalents """
  from numpy import dot
  from numpy.random import randint
  from pylada.crystal import Structure, which_site

  x, y = u, 0.25-u
  lattice = Structure([[0,0.5,0.5],[0.5,0,0.5],[0.5,0.5,0]]) \
                     .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
                     .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
                     .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
                     .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
                     .add_atom(8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, "B") \
                     .add_atom(1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, "B") \
                     .add_atom(     x,     x,     x, "X") \
                     .add_atom(     x,     y,     y, "X") \
                     .add_atom(     y,     x,     y, "X") \
                     .add_atom(     y,     y,     x, "X") \
                     .add_atom(    -x,    -x,    -x, "X") \
                     .add_atom(    -x,    -y,    -y, "X") \
                     .add_atom(    -y,    -x,    -y, "X") \
                     .add_atom(    -y,    -y,    -x, "X") 
  assert which_site(lattice[6].pos + [0.5, -0.5, 2], lattice) == 6
  for i, atom in enumerate(lattice):
    assert which_site(atom.pos, lattice) == i
    for j in xrange(10):
      newpos = dot(lattice.cell, randint(10, size=(3,)) - 5)
      assert which_site(atom.pos + newpos, lattice) == i, (atom.pos, newpos, i)
Exemple #2
def test_b5(u):
    """ Test b5 space-group and equivalents """
    from numpy import dot
    from numpy.random import randint
    from pylada.crystal import Structure, which_site

    x, y = u, 0.25 - u
    lattice = Structure([[0,0.5,0.5],[0.5,0,0.5],[0.5,0.5,0]]) \
                       .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, "B") \
                       .add_atom(1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, "B") \
                       .add_atom(     x,     x,     x, "X") \
                       .add_atom(     x,     y,     y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(     y,     x,     y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(     y,     y,     x, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -x,    -x,    -x, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -x,    -y,    -y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -y,    -x,    -y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -y,    -y,    -x, "X")
    assert which_site(lattice[6].pos + [0.5, -0.5, 2], lattice) == 6
    for i, atom in enumerate(lattice):
        assert which_site(atom.pos, lattice) == i
        for j in xrange(10):
            newpos = dot(lattice.cell, randint(10, size=(3, )) - 5)
            assert which_site(atom.pos + newpos,
                              lattice) == i, (atom.pos, newpos, i)
def test_position_to_atomic_site_correspondence(u):
    from numpy import dot
    from numpy.random import randint
    from pylada.crystal import which_site

    lattice = get_a_b5_lattice(u)
    assert which_site(lattice[6].pos + [0.5, -0.5, 2], lattice) == 6
    for i, atom in enumerate(lattice):
        assert which_site(atom.pos, lattice) == i
        for j in range(10):
            newpos = dot(lattice.cell, randint(10, size=(3,)) - 5)
            assert which_site(atom.pos + newpos, lattice) == i, (atom.pos, newpos, i)
def test_position_to_atomic_site_correspondence(u):
    from numpy import dot
    from numpy.random import randint
    from pylada.crystal import which_site

    lattice = get_a_b5_lattice(u)
    assert which_site(lattice[6].pos + [0.5, -0.5, 2], lattice) == 6
    for i, atom in enumerate(lattice):
        assert which_site(atom.pos, lattice) == i
        for j in range(10):
            newpos = dot(lattice.cell, randint(10, size=(3, )) - 5)
            assert which_site(atom.pos + newpos,
                              lattice) == i, (atom.pos, newpos, i)
Exemple #5
def test():
  from numpy import all, abs, dot, identity
  from pylada.dftcrystal import Crystal, External
  from pylada.crystal import which_site

  orig = Crystal(227, 5.43).add_atom(0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 'Si')
  b = External(copy=orig.eval())
  assert all(abs(orig.eval().cell - b.initial.cell) < 1e-8)
  assert len(b.initial) == 2
  assert repr(b) == repr( eval(repr(b), {'External': External}) )
  assert len(b.print_input().splitlines()) == 2
  assert b.print_input().splitlines()[0] == 'EXTERNAL'
  assert b.print_input().splitlines()[1] == 'END EXTERNAL'

  # check that symmetries as extracted are ok.
  for atom in b.initial:
    for op in orig.symmetry_operators:
      assert all(abs(identity(3, dtype='float64') - dot(op[:3].T, op[:3])) < 1e-8)
      assert which_site(dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3], b.initial) != -1

  # Check that running structure through crystal works
  c = b.eval()
  assert all(abs(c.cell - b.cell) < 1e-8)
  assert len(c) == 2
  assert all(abs(abs(c[0].pos) - [0.67875]*3) < 1e-8)
  assert all(abs(abs(c[1].pos) - [0.67875]*3) < 1e-8)
  assert all(abs(c[0].pos + c[1].pos) < 1e-8)
Exemple #6
def inequivalent_sites(lattice):
  """ Returns a list containing only one site index per inequivalent sub-lattice. """
  from pylada.crystal import which_site

  result = set( i for i in range(len(lattice.sites)) ) 
  for i, site in enumerate(lattice.sites):
    if i not in result: continue
    for op in lattice.space_group:
      j = which_site( op(site.pos), lattice )
      if j != i and j in result: result.remove(j)
  return result
Exemple #7
  def _spin(self, position):
    """ Returns formatted spin. """
    from pylada.crystal import which_site
    from pylada.error import ValueError

    # find sublattice
    sublattice = which_site(position, self.lattice)
    if sublattice == -1: raise ValueError('Could not find atomic site')

    # create spin and adds it to group.
    return spin(position - self.lattice[sublattice].pos, sublattice)
Exemple #8
def test_rotations():
  from numpy import all, dot, zeros
  from numpy.linalg import inv
  from pylada.crystal import binary, supercell, HFTransform, space_group,        \
  from pylada.enum import Transforms

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']
  sg = space_group(lattice)
  invcell = inv(lattice.cell)

  def get_cells(n):
    for i in xrange(1, n):
      yield [[i, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0, -0.5, 0.5]]
    for i in xrange(1, n):
      yield [[i, 0, 0], [0, i, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    for i in xrange(1, n):
      yield [[i, 0, 0], [0, i, 0], [0, 0, i]]
    yield dot(lattice.cell, [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2]])
  for cell in get_cells(8):
    # create random structure
    structure = supercell(lattice, cell)
    hft = HFTransform(lattice, structure)
    # these are all the translations
    transforms = Transforms(lattice)
    permutations = transforms.transformations(hft)
    assert permutations.shape == (len(sg) - 1, len(structure))
    operations = transforms.invariant_ops(structure)
    assert any(operations) 

    # compute each translation and gets decorations
    for index, (op, isgood) in enumerate(zip(sg[1:], operations)):
      if not isgood: continue
      # Create rotation and figure out its index
      permutation = zeros(len(structure), dtype='int') - 1
      for atom in structure:
        pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
        newsite = which_site(pos, lattice, invcell)
        i = hft.index(atom.pos - lattice[atom.site].pos, atom.site)
        j = hft.index(pos - lattice[newsite].pos, newsite)
        permutation[i] = j
      assert all(permutation == permutations[index])
def test_rotations(cell):
    from numpy import all, dot, zeros
    from numpy.linalg import inv
    from pylada.crystal import binary, supercell, HFTransform, space_group,        \
    from pylada.decorations import Transforms

    lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
    lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
    lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']
    sg = space_group(lattice)
    invcell = inv(lattice.cell)

    # create random structure
    structure = supercell(lattice, cell)
    hft = HFTransform(lattice, structure)

    # these are all the translations
    transforms = Transforms(lattice)
    permutations = transforms.transformations(hft)
    assert permutations.shape == (len(sg) - 1, len(structure))
    operations = transforms.invariant_ops(structure)
    assert any(operations)

    # compute each translation and gets decorations
    for index, (op, isgood) in enumerate(zip(sg[1:], operations)):
        if not isgood:
        # Create rotation and figure out its index
        permutation = zeros(len(structure), dtype='int') - 1
        for atom in structure:
            pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
            newsite = which_site(pos, lattice, invcell)
            i = hft.index(atom.pos - lattice[atom.site].pos, atom.site)
            j = hft.index(pos - lattice[newsite].pos, newsite)
            permutation[i] = j
        assert all(permutation == permutations[index])
def test_b5(u):
    """ Test b5 space-group """
    from random import random, randint
    from numpy import all, abs, dot, pi
    from numpy.linalg import inv, norm
    from numpy.random import random_sample
    from pylada.crystal import space_group, Structure, transform
    from pylada.crystal import which_site

    x, y = u, 0.25 - u
    structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]]) \
        .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
        .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
        .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
        .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
        .add_atom(8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, "B") \
        .add_atom(1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, "B") \
        .add_atom(     x,     x,     x, "X") \
        .add_atom(     x,     y,     y, "X") \
        .add_atom(     y,     x,     y, "X") \
        .add_atom(     y,     y,     x, "X") \
        .add_atom(    -x,    -x,    -x, "X") \
        .add_atom(    -x,    -y,    -y, "X") \
        .add_atom(    -y,    -x,    -y, "X") \
        .add_atom(-y,    -y,    -x, "X")
    ops = space_group(structure)
    assert len(ops) == 48
    invcell = inv(structure.cell)
    for op in ops:
        assert op.shape == (4, 3)

        other = transform(structure, op)
        assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], structure.cell) - other.cell) < 1e-8)
        for a, atom in zip(structure, other):
            assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], a.pos) + op[3] - atom.pos) < 1e-8)
            assert a.type == atom.type
        sites = []
        for i, atom in enumerate(structure):
            pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
            j = which_site(pos, structure, invcell)
            assert j != -1
        assert len(set(sites)) == len(structure)

    structure[0], structure[-1] = structure[-1], structure[0]
    ops = space_group(structure)
    assert len(ops) == 48
    for op in ops:
        assert op.shape == (4, 3)

        other = transform(structure, op)
        assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], structure.cell) - other.cell) < 1e-8)
        for a, atom in zip(structure, other):
            assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], a.pos) + op[3] - atom.pos) < 1e-8)
            assert a.type == atom.type
        sites = []
        for i, atom in enumerate(structure):
            pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
            j = which_site(pos, structure, invcell)
            assert j != -1, (i, atom, op)
        assert len(set(sites)) == len(structure)

    # try random rotation, translations, atom swap
    structure[0], structure[-1] = structure[-1], structure[0]
    for u in range(10):
        axis = random_sample((3, ))
        axis /= norm(axis)
        rotation = rotation_matrix(pi * random(), axis)
        translation = random_sample((3, ))
        other = transform(structure, rotation, translation)
        for u in range(10):
            l, m = randint(0,
                           len(structure) - 1), randint(0,
                                                        len(structure) - 1)
            a, b = other[l], other[m]
            other[l], other[m] = b, a
        invcell = inv(other.cell)
        ops = space_group(other)
        for z, op in enumerate(ops):
            assert op.shape == (4, 3)

            other2 = transform(other, op)
            assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], other.cell) - other2.cell) < 1e-8)
            for a, atom in zip(other, other2):
                assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], a.pos) + op[3] - atom.pos) < 1e-8)
                assert a.type == atom.type
            sites = []
            for i, atom in enumerate(other):
                pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
                j = which_site(pos, other, invcell)
                if j == -1:
                    print((i, z))
                    raise Exception()
            assert len(set(sites)) == len(other)
def test_b5(u):
  """ Test b5 space-group and equivalents """
  from random import random, randint
  from numpy import all, abs, dot, pi
  from numpy.linalg import inv, norm
  from numpy.random import random_sample
  from pylada.crystal.cppwrappers import space_group, Structure, equivalent,     \
  from pylada.math import Rotation
  from pylada.crystal import which_site

  x, y = u, 0.25-u
  structure = Structure([[0,0.5,0.5],[0.5,0,0.5],[0.5,0.5,0]]) \
                       .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(2.500000e-01, 2.500000e-01, 5.000000e-01, "A") \
                       .add_atom(8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, 8.750000e-01, "B") \
                       .add_atom(1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, 1.250000e-01, "B") \
                       .add_atom(     x,     x,     x, "X") \
                       .add_atom(     x,     y,     y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(     y,     x,     y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(     y,     y,     x, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -x,    -x,    -x, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -x,    -y,    -y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -y,    -x,    -y, "X") \
                       .add_atom(    -y,    -y,    -x, "X") 
  ops = space_group(structure)
  assert len(ops) == 48
  invcell = inv(structure.cell)
  for op in ops:
    assert op.shape == (4, 3)

    other = transform(structure, op)
    assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], structure.cell)-other.cell) < 1e-8)
    for a, atom in zip(structure, other):
      assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], a.pos) + op[3] - atom.pos) < 1e-8)
      assert a.type == atom.type
    sites = []
    for i, atom in enumerate(structure):
      pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
      j = which_site(pos, structure, invcell)
      assert j != -1
    assert len(set(sites)) == len(structure)

    assert equivalent(structure, other, cartesian=False)
    assert equivalent(other, structure, cartesian=False)

  structure[0], structure[-1] = structure[-1], structure[0]
  ops = space_group(structure)
  assert len(ops) == 48
  for op in ops:
    assert op.shape == (4, 3)

    other = transform(structure, op)
    assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], structure.cell)-other.cell) < 1e-8)
    for a, atom in zip(structure, other):
      assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], a.pos) + op[3] - atom.pos) < 1e-8)
      assert a.type == atom.type
    sites = []
    for i, atom in enumerate(structure):
      pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
      j = which_site(pos, structure, invcell)
      assert j != -1, (i, atom, op)
    assert len(set(sites)) == len(structure)

    assert equivalent(structure, other, cartesian=False)
    assert equivalent(other, structure, cartesian=False)

  # try random rotation, translations, atom swap
  structure[0], structure[-1] = structure[-1], structure[0]
  for u in xrange(10):
    axis = random_sample((3,))
    axis /= norm(axis)
    rotation = Rotation( pi*random(), axis)  
    rotation[3] = random_sample((3,))
    other = transform(structure, rotation)
    for u in xrange(10):
      l, m = randint(0, len(structure)-1), randint(0, len(structure)-1)
      a, b = other[l], other[m]
      other[l], other[m] = b, a
    invcell = inv(other.cell)
    ops = space_group(other)
    for z, op in enumerate(ops):
      assert op.shape == (4, 3)
      other2 = transform(other, op)
      assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], other.cell)-other2.cell) < 1e-8)
      for a, atom in zip(other, other2):
        assert all(abs(dot(op[:3], a.pos) + op[3] - atom.pos) < 1e-8)
        assert a.type == atom.type
      sites = []
      for i, atom in enumerate(other):
        pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3]
        j = which_site(pos, other, invcell)
        if j == -1:
          print i, z
          print atom 
          print op
          print pos
          print other
          raise Exception()
      assert len(set(sites)) == len(other)

      assert equivalent(other, other2, cartesian=False)
      assert equivalent(other2, other, cartesian=False)