Exemple #1
    def eliminate_self_joins(cls, formulas):
        """Remove self joins.

        Return new list of formulas that is equivalent to
        the list of formulas FORMULAS except that there
        are no self-joins.
        def new_table_name(name, arity, index):
            return "___{}_{}_{}".format(name, arity, index)

        def n_variables(n):
            vars = []
            for i in range(0, n):
                vars.append("x" + str(i))
            return vars

        # dict from (table name, arity) tuple to
        #      max num of occurrences of self-joins in any rule
        global_self_joins = {}
        # remove self-joins from rules
        results = []
        for rule in formulas:
            if rule.is_atom():
            LOG.debug("eliminating self joins from %s", rule)
            occurrences = {}  # for just this rule
            for atom in rule.body:
                table = atom.tablename()
                arity = len(atom.arguments)
                tablearity = (table, arity)
                if tablearity not in occurrences:
                    occurrences[tablearity] = 1
                    # change name of atom
                    atom.table.table = new_table_name(table, arity,
                    # update our counters
                    occurrences[tablearity] += 1
                    if tablearity not in global_self_joins:
                        global_self_joins[tablearity] = 1
                        global_self_joins[tablearity] = (max(
                            occurrences[tablearity] - 1,
            LOG.debug("final rule: %s", rule)
        # add definitions for new tables
        for tablearity in global_self_joins:
            table = tablearity[0]
            arity = tablearity[1]
            for i in range(1, global_self_joins[tablearity] + 1):
                newtable = new_table_name(table, arity, i)
                args = [compile.Variable(var) for var in n_variables(arity)]
                head = compile.Literal(newtable, args)
                body = [compile.Literal(table, args)]
                results.append(compile.Rule(head, body))
                LOG.debug("Adding rule %s", results[-1])
        return results
Exemple #2
 def consequences(self, filter=None, table_theories=None):
     """Return all the true instances of any table in this theory."""
     # find all table, theory pairs defined in this theory
     if table_theories is None:
         table_theories = set()
         for key in self.rules.keys():
             table_theories |= set([(rule.head.table.table,
                                    for rule in self.rules.get_rules(key)])
     results = set()
     # create queries: need table names and arities
     # TODO(thinrichs): arity computation will need to ignore
     #   modals once we start using insert[p(x)] instead of p+(x)
     for (table, theory) in table_theories:
         if filter is None or filter(table):
             tablename = compile.Tablename(table, theory)
             arity = self.arity(tablename)
             vs = []
             for i in range(0, arity):
                 vs.append("x" + str(i))
             vs = [compile.Variable(var) for var in vs]
             tablename = table
             if theory:
                 tablename = theory + ":" + tablename
             query = compile.Literal(tablename, vs)
             results |= set(self.select(query))
     return results
Exemple #3
def retrieve(theory, tablename):
    # type: (topdown.TopDownTheory, str) -> List[ast.Literal]
    """Retrieves all the values of an external table.

    Performs a select on the theory with a query computed from the schema
    of the table.
    arity = theory.schema.arity(tablename)
    table = ast.Tablename(tablename, theory.name)
    args = [ast.Variable('X' + str(i)) for i in range(arity)]
    query = ast.Literal(table, args)
    return theory.select(query)
Exemple #4
    def get_rules(self, key, match_literal=None):
        facts = []

        if (match_literal and not match_literal.is_negated() and
                key in self.facts):
            # If the caller supplies a literal to match against, then use an
            # index to find the matching rules.
            bound_arguments = tuple([i for i, arg
                                     in enumerate(match_literal.arguments)
                                     if not arg.is_variable()])
            if (bound_arguments and
                    not self.facts[key].has_index(bound_arguments)):
                # The index does not exist, so create it.

            partial_fact = tuple(
                [(i, arg.name)
                 for i, arg in enumerate(match_literal.arguments)
                 if not arg.is_variable()])
            facts = list(self.facts[key].find(partial_fact))
            # There is no usable match_literal, so get all facts for the
            # table.
            facts = list(self.facts.get(key, ()))

        # Convert native tuples to Rule objects.

        # TODO(alex): This is inefficient because it creates Literal and Rule
        # objects.  It would be more efficient to change the TopDownTheory and
        # unifier to handle Facts natively.
        fact_rules = []
        for fact in facts:
            # Setting use_modules=False so we don't split up tablenames.
            #   This allows us to choose at compile-time whether to split
            #   the tablename up.
            literal = compile.Literal(
                key, [compile.Term.create_from_python(x) for x in fact],
            fact_rules.append(compile.Rule(literal, ()))

        return fact_rules + list(self.rules.get(key, ()))
Exemple #5
 def plug(row):
     """Plugs in found values in query litteral"""
     args = [(congress_constant(trans[arg].to_os(row[arg]))
              if isinstance(arg, int) else arg) for arg in pattern]
     return ast.Literal(query.table, args)