Exemple #1
# Create base layer
layer = l.create_qua()
layer.createpts_xyz((nx, 2, 1), [0., 0., 0.], [distance, dy, 0.],
                    rz_switch=[1, 1, 1],
layer.setatt('itetclr', 12)

# Create top of mesh
# Collapse y values
layer.addatt('y_save', vtype='vdouble', rank='scalar')
layer.copyatt('yic', 'y_save')
layer.setatt('yic', 0.)

# Read in lidar top elevations
peat_surf_pts = l.read('surface_coords2.avs')
peat_surf_pts.addatt('z_save', vtype='vdouble', rank='scalar')
peat_surf_pts.copyatt('zic', 'z_save')
peat_surf_pts.setatt('zic', 0.)

# Interpolate surface elevations to layer mo
layer.addatt('z_val', vtype='vdouble', rank='scalar')
layer.interpolate_voronoi('z_val', peat_surf_pts, 'z_save')
layer.copyatt('y_save', 'yic')
layer.copyatt('z_val', 'zic')

# Save peat top
layer.setatt('imt', 1)
layer.setatt('itetclr', 1)
Exemple #2
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT
import numpy
lg = PyLaGriT()

# Read in mesh
motet = lg.read('tet_matclr.inp')

# Jim Bridger fault coordinates in feet from John Ziao
cs = [[498000., 381946., 0.], [497197., 381946., 0.], [494019., 384890., 0.],
      [490326., 386959., 0.], [487822., 388599., 0.], [486337., 390755., 0.],
      [486337., 392000., 0.]]

# Convert to meters
cs = numpy.array(cs) / 3.28

# Create surfaces of fault
ss = []
for p1, p2 in zip(cs[:-1], cs[1:]):
    p3 = p1.copy()
    p3[2] = -4000.
    ss.append(lg.surface_plane(p1, p2, p3))

# Create region by boolean operations of fault surfaces
boolstr = ''
for i, s in enumerate(ss):
    if not i == 0: boolstr += ' and '
    boolstr += 'le ' + s.name

r = lg.region_bool(boolstr)

# Create pset from region
Exemple #3
# Collect data into avs format
# JDM:  Not sure if this should be nx*ny? 
davs = numpy.zeros([nx*ny,4])
ind = 0
for i,row in enumerate(d):
    for j,v in enumerate(row):
        davs[ind,:] = [ind + 1, xx[i,j], yy[i,j], v]
        ind += 1
# Write data to avs file 

# Crank up pylagrit
lg = PyLaGriT()
# Read in elevations in avs fromat
m = lg.read(dem_file_base+'.avs')
# Take a look, change paraview exe
# Will need to use glyph filter to view points

# Copy z values over to attribute
# Not sure why this has to be done, but not data elements don't get removed otherwise

# Create connected quad mesh surface
m2 = lg.create()
# Create temporary z value attribute
Exemple #4
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT
import numpy as np

# User parameters #######################
# Discretization
nx = 61
ny = 61
# Polygon delineation filename
polygon_file = '2d_mesh.avs'
# User parameters #######################

l = PyLaGriT()

# Read in polygon delineation mesh
mopoly = l.read(polygon_file)

# Create quad using polygon min and max coordinates
xs = np.linspace(mopoly.xmin, mopoly.xmax, nx)
ys = np.linspace(mopoly.ymin, mopoly.ymax, ny)
moquad = l.gridder(xs, ys, elem_type='quad', connect=True)
mopoly.setatt('itetclr', 1)

# Create extruded quad to tet and center at z=0
moprism = mopoly.extrude(1.0)
moprism.trans((0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.5))
motet = moprism.grid2grid_prismtotet3()

# Clean up a little
pset1_fp.setatt('imt', 4)
pset2_fp.setatt('imt', 5)
pset3_fp.setatt('imt', 6)

eltset1_fm.setatt('itetclr', 1)
eltset2_fm.setatt('itetclr', 2)
eltset3_fm.setatt('itetclr', 3)
eltset1_fp.setatt('itetclr', 4)
eltset2_fp.setatt('itetclr', 5)
eltset3_fp.setatt('itetclr', 6)

# 06 Define a polyline and truncate the exterior boundary of the mesh with the polyline
# Read boundary polygon file
mobndry = lg.read('basin_bnd_ply_rescale.inp')

# Extrude the polyline into a vertical surface
mofence = mobndry.extrude(3200, 'const', 'volume', [0, 0, -1])


# Translate the extrusion to make it cover the vertical extent of the hex mesh
mofence.trans((0, 0, -3100), (0, 0, 0))
