Exemple #1
    def lmul_T(self, x):

        check_cuda(str(type(self)) + ".lmul_T")

        assert x.dtype == self._filters.dtype

        op_axes = ('c', 0, 1, 'b')
        axes = self.output_axes
        if tuple(axes) != op_axes:
            x = x.dimshuffle(*[axes.index(ax) for ax in op_axes])

        x = gpu_contiguous(x)

        rval = ImageActs(pad=self.pad,
                         stride=self.kernel_stride[0])(x, self._filters)

        # Format the output based on the input space
        axes = self.input_axes
        assert len(axes) == 4

        if tuple(axes) != op_axes:
            rval = rval.dimshuffle(op_axes.index(axes[0]),

        return rval
Exemple #2
    def lmul_T(self, x):
        .. todo::


        check_cuda(str(type(self)) + ".lmul_T")

        assert x.dtype == self._filters.dtype

        op_axes = ("c", 0, 1, "b")
        axes = self.output_axes
        if tuple(axes) != op_axes:
            x = x.dimshuffle(*[axes.index(ax) for ax in op_axes])

        x = gpu_contiguous(x)

        rval = ImageActs(pad=self.pad, partial_sum=self.partial_sum, stride=self.kernel_stride[0])(x, self._filters)

        # Format the output based on the input space
        axes = self.input_axes
        assert len(axes) == 4

        if tuple(axes) != op_axes:
            rval = rval.dimshuffle(
                op_axes.index(axes[0]), op_axes.index(axes[1]), op_axes.index(axes[2]), op_axes.index(axes[3])

        return rval
Exemple #3
def test_image_acts_strided():

    # Tests that running FilterActs with all possible strides 

    rng = np.random.RandomState([2012,10,9])

    #Each list in shape_list : 
    #[(channels, rows, cols, batch_size),(channels, filter_rows, filter_cols, num_filters)]
    shape_list = [[(1, 7, 8, 5),     (1, 2, 2, 16)],
                  [(3, 7, 8, 5),     (3, 3, 3, 16)],
                  [(16, 11, 11, 4),  (16, 4, 4, 16)], 
                  [(3, 20, 20, 3),   (3, 5, 5, 16)],
                  [(3, 21, 21, 3),   (3, 6, 6, 16)],

    for test_idx in xrange(len(shape_list)):
        images = rng.uniform(-1., 1., shape_list[test_idx][0]).astype('float32')
        filters = rng.uniform(-1., 1., shape_list[test_idx][1]).astype('float32')
        gpu_images = float32_shared_constructor(images,name='images')
        gpu_filters = float32_shared_constructor(filters,name='filters')
        print "test case %d..."%(test_idx+1) 
        for ii in xrange(filters.shape[1]):
            stride = ii + 1
            output_python = FilterActs_python(images,filters,stride)
            hidacts = rng.uniform(-1., 1., output_python.shape).astype('float32')
            gpu_hidacts = float32_shared_constructor(hidacts,name='hidacts')
            Img_output_python = ImageActs_python(filters,hidacts,stride,(images.shape[1], images.shape[2]))            
            Img_output = ImageActs(stride=stride)(gpu_hidacts, gpu_filters, as_tensor_variable((images.shape[1], images.shape[2])))
            Img_output = host_from_gpu(Img_output)
            f = function([], Img_output)
            Img_output_val = f()
            warnings.warn("""test_image_acts_strided success criterion is not very strict.""")
            if np.abs(Img_output_val - Img_output_python).max() > 2.1e-5:
                assert type(Img_output_val) == type(Img_output_python)
                assert Img_output_val.dtype == Img_output_python.dtype
                if Img_output_val.shape != Img_output_python.shape:
                    print 'cuda-convnet shape: ',Img_output_val.shape
                    print 'python conv shape: ',Img_output_python.shape
                    assert False
                err = np.abs(Img_output_val - Img_output_python)
                print 'stride %d'%stride
                print 'absolute error range: ', (err.min(), err.max())
                print 'mean absolute error: ', err.mean()
                print 'cuda-convnet value range: ', (Img_output_val.min(), Img_output_val.max())
                print 'python conv value range: ', (Img_output_python.min(), Img_output_python.max())