def _eval_define(self, node: obj.Cell): try: _, sym, expr = node except ValueError: raise InvalidFormError( "define form should consist of 2 elements" " first one being a symbol and the second one being" " an assigned expression") if not isinstance(sym, obj.Symbol): raise InvalidFormError( "first argument to the define form should be a symbol") self._current_env[sym] = self.eval(expr)
def _eval_lambda(self, node: obj.Cell): try: _, args, body = node except ValueError: raise InvalidFormError( "lambda form should consist of arguments and a function body") if args is not None: if not isinstance(args, obj.Cell): raise InvalidFormError("lambdas arguments should be a list") for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, obj.Symbol): raise InvalidFormError( "lambda form arguments should be symbols") return obj.Lambda(self, args, body)
def _eval_cond(self, node: obj.Cell): try: _, *exprs = node except ValueError: raise InvalidFormError( "cond form should consist of at least one condition" " and one expression to evaluate") try: for cond, expr in exprs: if self.eval(cond): return _ReuseStack(expr) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidFormError( "each condition should be followed by an expression to be evaluated." )
def _eval_quote(self, node: obj.Cell): try: _, expr = node except ValueError: raise InvalidFormError( "quote form should consist of a single argument" " which is a value to be quoted") return expr
def _eval_begin(self, node: obj.Cell): try: _, *exprs = node except ValueError: raise InvalidFormError( "begin form should be followed by at least one expression") for expr in exprs[:-1]: self.eval(expr) return _ReuseStack(exprs[-1])
def _eval_list(self, list: obj.Cell): if list is None: raise LogicError("Cannot evaluate an empty list") func, *args = list if isinstance(func, obj.Symbol) and func in self._special_forms: return self._special_forms[func](list) func = self.eval(func) args = [self.eval(arg) for arg in args] if not callable(func): raise InvalidFormError( "First value of an unquoted list should be a function") return func(*args)
def _eval_car_to_cell(self, node: obj.Cell): try: car, expr = node except ValueError: raise InvalidFormError( "car should be followed by a single expression to evaluate") cell = self.eval(expr) if cell is None: raise LogicError("car cannot be used on an empty list") if not isinstance(cell, obj.Cell): raise EvalTypeError("car can only be called on a list") return cell
def _eval_set(self, node: obj.Cell): err = InvalidFormError( "set! form should consist of memory reference (Symbol or cons cell)" " and an expression to evaluate") try: _, ref, expr = node except ValueError: raise err if isinstance(ref, obj.Symbol): ref_env = self._current_env.lookup(ref) if ref_env is None: raise EvaluationError(f"unknown symbol {ref}") ref_env[ref] = self.eval(expr) elif isinstance(ref, obj.Cell) and is sym.CAR: cell = self._eval_car_to_cell(ref) cell.value = self.eval(expr) else: raise err