def decrypt(self, plugin_map, password=None, err=False): result = [] self.progress = ProgressInfo("BasePlugin", "", _("decrypting"), 0, 0, len(, self.owner, ProgressType.Decrypting) # TODO QUEUE_DECRYPT for name, urls in plugin_map.iteritems(): klass = self.core.pluginManager.loadClass("crypter", name) plugin = None plugin_result = [] # updating progress self.progress.plugin = name = _("Decrypting %s links") % len(urls) if len( urls) > 1 else urls[0] #TODO: dependency check, there is a new error code for this # TODO: decrypting with result yielding if not klass: self.error = True if err: plugin_result.extend( LinkStatus(url, url, -1, DS.NotPossible, name) for url in urls) self.log.debug("Plugin '%s' for decrypting was not loaded" % name) else: try: plugin = klass(self.core, password) try: plugin_result = plugin._decrypt(urls) except Retry: sleep(1) plugin_result = plugin._decrypt(urls) plugin.logDebug("Decrypted", plugin_result) except Abort: plugin.logInfo(_("Decrypting aborted")) except Exception, e: plugin.logError(_("Decrypting failed"), e) self.error = True # generate error linkStatus if err: plugin_result.extend( LinkStatus(url, url, -1, DS.Failed, name) for url in urls) # no debug for intentional errors if self.core.debug and not isinstance(e, Fail): self.core.print_exc() self.writeDebugReport(plugin.__name__, plugin=plugin) finally: if plugin:
def fetchForPlugin(self, plugin, urls, cb): """executes info fetching for given plugin and urls""" # also works on module names pluginname = plugin.__name__.split(".")[-1] try: cached = [] #results loaded from cache process = [] #urls to process for url in urls: if url in self.m.infoCache: cached.append(self.m.infoCache[url]) else: process.append(url) if cached: self.m.log.debug("Fetched %d links from cache for %s" % (len(cached), pluginname)) cb(cached) if process: self.m.log.debug("Run Info Fetching for %s" % pluginname) for result in plugin.getInfo(process): #result = [ .. (name, size, status, url) .. ] if not type(result) == list: result = [result] links = [] # Convert results to link statuses for res in result: if isinstance(res, LinkStatus): links.append(res) elif type(res) == tuple and len(res) == 4: links.append( LinkStatus(res[3], res[0], int(res[1]), res[2], pluginname)) elif type(res) == tuple and len(res) == 5: links.append( LinkStatus(res[3], res[0], int(res[1]), res[2], pluginname, res[4])) else: self.m.log.debug("Invalid getInfo result: " + result) # put them on the cache for link in links: self.m.infoCache[link.url] = link cb(links) self.m.log.debug("Finished Info Fetching for %s" % pluginname) except Exception, e: self.m.log.warning( _("Info Fetching for %(name)s failed | %(err)s") % { "name": pluginname, "err": str(e) }) self.core.print_exc()
def decrypt(self, plugin_map, password=None, err=None): result = [] # TODO QUEUE_DECRYPT for name, urls in plugin_map.iteritems(): klass = self.m.core.pluginManager.loadClass("crypter", name) plugin = klass(self.m.core, password) plugin_result = [] try: try: plugin_result = plugin._decrypt(urls) except Retry: sleep(1) plugin_result = plugin._decrypt(urls) except Abort: plugin.logInfo(_("Decrypting aborted")) except Exception, e: plugin.logError(_("Decrypting failed"), e) # generate error linkStatus if err: plugin_result.extend( LinkStatus(url, url, -1, DS.Failed, name) for url in urls) if self.core.debug: self.core.print_exc() self.writeDebugReport(plugin.__name__, plugin=plugin) finally:
def updateResult(self, plugin, result, force=False): #parse package name and generate result #accumulate results self.cache.extend(result) if len(self.cache) >= 20 or force: #used for package generating tmp = [(name, LinkStatus(url, name, plugin, int(size), status)) for name, size, status, url in self.cache] data = parseNames(tmp) self.m.setInfoResults(self.rid, data) self.cache = []
def checkLinks(self, links): """ initiates online status check, will also decrypt files. :param urls: :return: initial set of data as :class:`OnlineCheck` instance containing the result id """ hoster, crypter = self.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(links) #: TODO: withhold crypter, derypt or add later # initial result does not contain the crypter links tmp = [(url, LinkStatus(url, url, pluginname, -1, DS.Queued)) for url, pluginname in hoster + crypter] data = parseNames(tmp) rid = self.core.threadManager.createResultThread(data) return OnlineCheck(rid, data)
def checkOnlineStatus(self, urls): """ initiates online status check, will also decrypt files. :param urls: :return: initial set of data as :class:`OnlineCheck` instance containing the result id """ data, crypter = self.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(urls) # initial result does not contain the crypter links tmp = [(url, (url, LinkStatus(url, pluginname, "unknown", 3, 0))) for url, pluginname in data] data = parseNames(tmp) result = {} for k, v in data.iteritems(): for url, status in v: status.packagename = k result[url] = status data.update(crypter) # hoster and crypter will be processed rid = self.core.threadManager.createResultThread(data, False) return OnlineCheck(rid, result)
def updateResult(self, plugin, result, force=False): #parse package name and generate result #accumulate results self.cache.extend(result) if len(self.cache) >= 20 or force: #used for package generating tmp = [(name, (url, LinkStatus(name, plugin, "unknown", status, int(size)))) for name, size, status, url in self.cache] data = parseNames(tmp) result = {} for k, v in data.iteritems(): for url, status in v: status.packagename = k result[url] = status self.m.setInfoResults(self.rid, result) self.cache = []
def to_link_list(links, status=DS.Queued): return [ LinkStatus(link, link, -1, status) if isinstance(link, basestring) else link for link in links ]
def getInfo(cls, urls): for url in urls: yield LinkStatus(url, url + " - checked", randint(1024, 2048), DS.Online) sleep(1)