def __init__(self, core, thrift=False, user=None, pw=None): global idPool Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.core = core self.count = 0 #: number of methods self.time = time() self.api = ThriftClient(user=user, password=pw) if thrift else core.api = idPool idPool += 1
class APIExerciser(Thread): def __init__(self, core, thrift=False, user=None, pw=None): global idPool Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.core = core self.count = 0 #: number of methods self.time = time() self.api = ThriftClient(user=user, password=pw) if thrift else core.api = idPool idPool += 1 # self.start() def run(self):"API Excerciser started %d" % with open("error.log", "ab") as out: # core errors are not logged of course out.write("\n" + "Starting\n") out.flush() while True: try: self.testAPI() except Exception: self.core.log.error("Excerciser %d throw an execption" % traceback.print_exc() out.write(traceback.format_exc() + 2 * "\n") out.flush() if not self.count % 100:"Exerciser %d tested %d api calls" % (, self.count)) if not self.count % 1000: out.flush() if not sumCalled % 1000: #: not thread safe"Exercisers tested %d api calls" % sumCalled) persec = sumCalled / (time() - self.time)"Approx. %.2f calls per second." % persec)"Approx. %.2f ms per call." % (1000 / persec))"Collected garbage: %d" % gc.collect()) # sleep(random() / 500) def testAPI(self): global sumCalled m = ["statusDownloads", "statusServer", "addPackage", "getPackageData", "getFileData", "deleteFiles", "deletePackages", "getQueue", "getCollector", "getQueueData", "getCollectorData", "isCaptchaWaiting", "getCaptchaTask", "stopAllDownloads", "getAllInfo", "getServices", "getAccounts", "getAllUserData"] method = random.choice(m) # print "Testing:", method if hasattr(self, method): res = getattr(self, method)() else: res = getattr(self.api, method)() self.count += 1 sumCalled += 1 # print res def addPackage(self): name = "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 10)) urls = createURLs() self.api.addPackage(name, urls, random.choice([Destination.Queue, Destination.Collector])) def deleteFiles(self): info = self.api.getQueueData() if not info: return pack = random.choice(info) fids = pack.links if len(fids): fids = [f.fid for f in random.sample(fids, random.randint(1, max(len(fids) / 2, 1)))] self.api.deleteFiles(fids) def deletePackages(self): info = random.choice([self.api.getQueue(), self.api.getCollector()]) if not info: return pids = [ for p in info] if pids: pids = random.sample(pids, random.randint(1, max(floor(len(pids) / 2.5), 1))) self.api.deletePackages(pids) def getFileData(self): info = self.api.getQueueData() if info: p = random.choice(info) if p.links: self.api.getFileData(random.choice(p.links).fid) def getPackageData(self): info = self.api.getQueue() if info: self.api.getPackageData(random.choice(info).pid) def getAccounts(self): self.api.getAccounts(False) def getCaptchaTask(self): self.api.getCaptchaTask(False)
def main(): config = {"addr": "", "port": "7227", "language": "en"} try: config["language"] = os.environ["LANG"][0:2] except: pass if (not exists(join(pypath, "locale", config["language"]))) or config["language"] == "": config["language"] = "en" configFile = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(), ".pyloadcli")) if configFile.has_section("cli"): for opt in configFile.items("cli"): config[opt[0]] = opt[1] gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None]) translation = gettext.translation("pyLoadCli", join(pypath, "locale"), languages=[config["language"],"en"],fallback=True) translation.install(unicode=True) interactive = False command = None username = "" password = "" shortOptions = 'iu:p:a:hcl:' longOptions = ['interactive', "username="******"pw=", "address=", "port=", "help", "commands", "language="] try: opts, extraparams = getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOptions, longOptions) for option, params in opts: if option in ("-i", "--interactive"): interactive = True elif option in ("-u", "--username"): username = params elif option in ("-a", "--address"): config["addr"] = params elif option in ("-p", "--port"): config["port"] = params elif option in ("-l", "--language"): config["language"] = params gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None]) translation = gettext.translation("pyLoadCli", join(pypath, "locale"), languages=[config["language"],"en"],fallback=True) translation.install(unicode=True) elif option in ("-h", "--help"): print_help(config) exit() elif option in ("--pw"): password = params elif option in ("-c", "--comands"): print_commands() exit() except GetoptError: print 'Unknown Argument(s) "%s"' % " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) print_help(config) exit() if len(extraparams) >= 1: command = extraparams client = False if interactive: try: client = ThriftClient(config["addr"], int(config["port"]), username, password) except WrongLogin: pass except NoSSL: print _("You need py-openssl to connect to this pyLoad core.") exit() except NoConnection: config["addr"] = False config["port"] = False if not client: if not config["addr"]: config["addr"] = raw_input(_("Address: ")) if not config["port"]: config["port"] = raw_input(_("Port: ")) if not username: username = raw_input(_("Username: "******"Password: "******"addr"], int(config["port"]), username, password) except WrongLogin: print _("Login data is wrong.") except NoConnection: print _("Could not establish connection to %(addr)s:%(port)s." % {"addr": config["addr"], "port": config["port"]}) else: try: client = ThriftClient(config["addr"], int(config["port"]), username, password) except WrongLogin: print _("Login data is wrong.") except NoConnection: print _("Could not establish connection to %(addr)s:%(port)s." % {"addr": config["addr"], "port": config["port"]}) except NoSSL: print _("You need py-openssl to connect to this pyLoad core.") if interactive and command: print _("Interactive mode ignored since you passed some commands.") if client: writeConfig(config) cli = Cli(client, command)
class APIExerciser(Thread): def __init__(self, core, thrift=False, user=None, pw=None): global idPool Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.core = core self.count = 0 #: number of methods self.time = time() self.api = ThriftClient(user=user, password=pw) if thrift else core.api = idPool idPool += 1 # self.start() def run(self):"API Excerciser started %d" % with open("error.log", "ab") as out: # core errors are not logged of course out.write("\n" + "Starting\n") out.flush() while True: try: self.testAPI() except Exception: self.core.log.error("Excerciser %d throw an execption" % print_exc() out.write(format_exc() + 2 * "\n") out.flush() if not self.count % 100:"Exerciser %d tested %d api calls" % (, self.count)) if not self.count % 1000: out.flush() if not sumCalled % 1000: #: not thread safe"Exercisers tested %d api calls" % sumCalled) persec = sumCalled / (time() - self.time)"Approx. %.2f calls per second." % persec)"Approx. %.2f ms per call." % (1000 / persec))"Collected garbage: %d" % gc.collect()) # sleep(random() / 500) def testAPI(self): global sumCalled m = ["statusDownloads", "statusServer", "addPackage", "getPackageData", "getFileData", "deleteFiles", "deletePackages", "getQueue", "getCollector", "getQueueData", "getCollectorData", "isCaptchaWaiting", "getCaptchaTask", "stopAllDownloads", "getAllInfo", "getServices", "getAccounts", "getAllUserData"] method = choice(m) # print "Testing:", method if hasattr(self, method): res = getattr(self, method)() else: res = getattr(self.api, method)() self.count += 1 sumCalled += 1 # print res def addPackage(self): name = "".join(sample(string.ascii_letters, 10)) urls = createURLs() self.api.addPackage(name, urls, choice([Destination.Queue, Destination.Collector])) def deleteFiles(self): info = self.api.getQueueData() if not info: return pack = choice(info) fids = pack.links if len(fids): fids = [f.fid for f in sample(fids, randint(1, max(len(fids) / 2, 1)))] self.api.deleteFiles(fids) def deletePackages(self): info = choice([self.api.getQueue(), self.api.getCollector()]) if not info: return pids = [ for p in info] if pids: pids = sample(pids, randint(1, max(floor(len(pids) / 2.5), 1))) self.api.deletePackages(pids) def getFileData(self): info = self.api.getQueueData() if info: p = choice(info) if p.links: self.api.getFileData(choice(p.links).fid) def getPackageData(self): info = self.api.getQueue() if info: self.api.getPackageData(choice(info).pid) def getAccounts(self): self.api.getAccounts(False) def getCaptchaTask(self): self.api.getCaptchaTask(False)