Exemple #1
def call_api(func, args=""):

    s = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
    # Accepts standard http auth
    auth = parse_auth(request.get_header('Authorization', ''))
    if 'session' in request.POST or 'session' in request.GET:
        # removes "' so it works on json strings
        s = s.get_by_id(remove_chars(request.params.get('session'), "'\""))
    elif auth:
        user = PYLOAD.checkAuth(auth[0], auth[1],
                                request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))
        # if auth is correct create a pseudo session
        if user: s = {'uid': user.uid}

    api = get_user_api(s)
    if not api:
        return error(401, "Unauthorized")

    if not PYLOAD.isAuthorized(func, api.user):
        return error(403, "Forbidden")

    if not hasattr(PYLOAD.EXTERNAL, func) or func.startswith("_"):
        print "Invalid API call", func
        return error(404, "Not Found")

    # TODO: possible encoding
    # TODO Better error codes on invalid input

    args = [loads(unquote(arg)) for arg in args.split("/")[1:]]
    kwargs = {}

    # accepts body as json dict
    if request.json:
        kwargs = request.json

    # file upload, reads whole file into memory
    for name, f in request.files.iteritems():
        kwargs["filename"] = f.filename
        content = StringIO()
        kwargs[name] = content.getvalue()

    # convert arguments from json to obj separately
    for x, y in request.params.iteritems():
            if not x or not y or x == "session": continue
            kwargs[x] = loads(unquote(y))
        except Exception, e:
            # Unsupported input
            msg = "Invalid Input %s, %s : %s" % (x, y, e.message)
            print msg
            return error(415, msg)
Exemple #2
def call_api(func, args=""):

    s = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
    # Accepts standard http auth
    auth = parse_auth(request.get_header('Authorization', ''))
    if 'session' in request.POST or 'session' in request.GET:
        # removes "' so it works on json strings
        s = s.get_by_id(remove_chars(request.params.get('session'), "'\""))
    elif auth:
        user = PYLOAD.checkAuth(auth[0], auth[1], request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))
        # if auth is correct create a pseudo session
        if user: s = {'uid': user.uid}

    api = get_user_api(s)
    if not api:
        return error(401, "Unauthorized")

    if not PYLOAD.isAuthorized(func, api.user):
        return error(403, "Forbidden")

    if not hasattr(PYLOAD.EXTERNAL, func) or func.startswith("_"):
        print "Invalid API call", func
        return error(404, "Not Found")

    # TODO: possible encoding
    # TODO Better error codes on invalid input

    args = [loads(unquote(arg)) for arg in args.split("/")[1:]]
    kwargs = {}

    # accepts body as json dict
    if request.json:
        kwargs = request.json

    # file upload, reads whole file into memory
    for name, f in request.files.iteritems():
        kwargs["filename"] = f.filename
        content = StringIO()
        kwargs[name] = content.getvalue()

    # convert arguments from json to obj separately
    for x, y in request.params.iteritems():
            if not x or not y or x == "session": continue
            kwargs[x] = loads(unquote(y))
        except Exception, e:
            # Unsupported input
            msg = "Invalid Input %s, %s : %s" % (x, y, e.message)
            print msg
            return error(415, msg)
Exemple #3
    def overridePlugins(self):
        excludedList = []

        if self.plugintype == "hoster":
            pluginMap    = dict((name.lower(), name) for name in self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins.iterkeys())
            accountList  = [account.type.lower() for account in self.core.api.getAccounts(False) if account.valid and account.premium]
            pluginMap    = {}
            accountList  = [name[::-1].replace("Folder"[::-1], "", 1).lower()[::-1] for name in self.core.pluginManager.crypterPlugins.iterkeys()]

        for plugin in self.pluginsCached():
            name = remove_chars(plugin, "-.")

            if name in accountList:
                if name in pluginMap:

        if not self.supported and not self.new_supported:
            self.logError(_("No %s loaded") % self.plugintype)

        # inject plugin plugin
        self.logDebug("Overwritten %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(sorted(self.supported))))

        for plugin in self.supported:
            hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
            hdict['new_module'] = self.pluginmodule
            hdict['new_name']   = self.pluginname

        if excludedList:
            self.logInfo(_("%ss not overwritten: %s") % (self.plugintype.capitalize(), ", ".join(sorted(excludedList))))

        if self.new_supported:
            plugins = sorted(self.new_supported)

            self.logDebug("New %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(plugins)))

            # create new regexp
            regexp = r'.*(?P<DOMAIN>%s).*' % "|".join(x.replace('.', '\.') for x in plugins)
            if hasattr(self.pluginclass, "__pattern") and isinstance(self.pluginclass.__pattern, basestring) and '://' in self.pluginclass.__pattern:
                regexp = r'%s|%s' % (self.pluginclass.__pattern, regexp)

            self.logDebug("Regexp: %s" % regexp)

            hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
            hdict['pattern'] = regexp
            hdict['re']      = re.compile(regexp)
Exemple #4
    def overridePlugins(self):
        excludedList = []

        if self.plugintype == "hoster":
            pluginMap    = dict((name.lower(), name) for name in self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins.iterkeys())
            accountList  = [account.type.lower() for account in self.core.api.getAccounts(False) if account.valid and account.premium]
            pluginMap    = {}
            accountList  = [name[::-1].replace("Folder"[::-1], "", 1).lower()[::-1] for name in self.core.pluginManager.crypterPlugins.iterkeys()]

        for plugin in self.pluginsCached():
            name = remove_chars(plugin, "-.")

            if name in accountList:
                if name in pluginMap:

        if not self.supported and not self.new_supported:
            self.logError(_("No %s loaded") % self.plugintype)

        # inject plugin plugin
        self.logDebug("Overwritten %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(sorted(self.supported))))

        for plugin in self.supported:
            hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
            hdict['new_module'] = self.pluginmodule
            hdict['new_name']   = self.pluginname

        if excludedList:
            self.logInfo(_("%ss not overwritten: %s") % (self.plugintype.capitalize(), ", ".join(sorted(excludedList))))

        if self.new_supported:
            plugins = sorted(self.new_supported)

            self.logDebug("New %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(plugins)))

            # create new regexp
            regexp = r'.*(?P<DOMAIN>%s).*' % "|".join(x.replace('.', '\.') for x in plugins)
            if hasattr(self.pluginclass, "__pattern") and isinstance(self.pluginclass.__pattern, basestring) and '://' in self.pluginclass.__pattern:
                regexp = r'%s|%s' % (self.pluginclass.__pattern, regexp)

            self.logDebug("Regexp: %s" % regexp)

            hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
            hdict['pattern'] = regexp
            hdict['re']      = re.compile(regexp)
Exemple #5
def call_api(func, args=""):

    s = request.environ.get("beaker.session")
    # Accepts standard http auth
    auth = parse_auth(request.get_header("Authorization", ""))
    if "session" in request.POST or "session" in request.GET:
        # removes "' so it works on json strings
        s = s.get_by_id(remove_chars(request.params.get("session"), "'\""))
    elif auth:
        user = PYLOAD.checkAuth(auth[0], auth[1], request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", None))
        # if auth is correct create a pseudo session
        if user:
            s = {"uid": user.uid}

    api = get_user_api(s)
    if not api:
        return HTTPError(401, dumps("Unauthorized"), **response.headers)

    if not PYLOAD.isAuthorized(func, api.user):
        return HTTPError(403, dumps("Forbidden"), **response.headers)

    if not hasattr(PYLOAD.EXTERNAL, func) or func.startswith("_"):
        print "Invalid API call", func
        return HTTPError(404, dumps("Not Found"), **response.headers)

    # TODO: possible encoding
    # TODO Better error codes on invalid input

    args = [loads(unquote(arg)) for arg in args.split("/")[1:]]
    kwargs = {}

    # accepts body as json dict
    if request.json:
        kwargs = request.json

    # convert arguments from json to obj separately
    for x, y in chain(request.GET.iteritems(), request.POST.iteritems()):
        if not x or not y or x == "session":
        kwargs[x] = loads(unquote(y))

        result = getattr(api, func)(*args, **kwargs)
        # null is invalid json response
        if result is None:
            result = True
        return dumps(result)

    except ExceptionObject, e:
        return HTTPError(400, dumps(e), **response.headers)
Exemple #6
def call_api(func, args=""):

    s = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
    # Accepts standard http auth
    auth = parse_auth(request.get_header('Authorization', ''))
    if 'session' in request.POST or 'session' in request.GET:
        # removes "' so it works on json strings
        s = s.get_by_id(remove_chars(request.params.get('session'), "'\""))
    elif auth:
        user = PYLOAD.checkAuth(auth[0], auth[1],
                                request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))
        # if auth is correct create a pseudo session
        if user: s = {'uid': user.uid}

    api = get_user_api(s)
    if not api:
        return HTTPError(401, dumps("Unauthorized"), **response.headers)

    if not PYLOAD.isAuthorized(func, api.user):
        return HTTPError(403, dumps("Forbidden"), **response.headers)

    if not hasattr(PYLOAD.EXTERNAL, func) or func.startswith("_"):
        print "Invalid API call", func
        return HTTPError(404, dumps("Not Found"), **response.headers)

    # TODO: possible encoding
    # TODO Better error codes on invalid input

    args = [loads(unquote(arg)) for arg in args.split("/")[1:]]
    kwargs = {}

    # accepts body as json dict
    if request.json:
        kwargs = request.json

    # convert arguments from json to obj separately
    for x, y in chain(request.GET.iteritems(), request.POST.iteritems()):
        if not x or not y or x == "session": continue
        kwargs[x] = loads(unquote(y))

        result = getattr(api, func)(*args, **kwargs)
        # null is invalid json response
        if result is None: result = True
        return dumps(result)

    except ExceptionObject, e:
        return HTTPError(400, dumps(e), **response.headers)
Exemple #7
    def parseHeader(self):
        """parse data from received header"""
        for orgline in self.decodeResponse(self.header).splitlines():
            line = orgline.strip().lower()
            if line.startswith("accept-ranges") and "bytes" in line:
                self.p.chunkSupport = True

            if "content-disposition" in line:

                m = search("filename(?P<type>=|\*=(?P<enc>.+)'')(?P<name>.*)", line)
                if m:
                    name = remove_chars(m.groupdict()['name'], "\"';/").strip()
                    self.p._name = name
                    self.log.debug("Content-Disposition: %s" % name)

            if not self.resume and line.startswith("content-length"):
                self.p._size = int(line.split(":")[1])

        self.headerParsed = True
Exemple #8
    def parseHeader(self):
        """parse data from received header"""
        for orgline in self.decodeResponse(self.header).splitlines():
            line = orgline.strip().lower()
            if line.startswith("accept-ranges") and "bytes" in line:
                self.p.chunkSupport = True

            if "content-disposition" in line:

                m = search("filename(?P<type>=|\*=(?P<enc>.+)'')(?P<name>.*)", line)
                if m:
                    name = remove_chars(m.groupdict()['name'], "\"';/").strip()
                    self.p._name = name
                    self.log.debug("Content-Disposition: %s" % name)

            if not self.resume and line.startswith("content-length"):
                self.p.size = int(line.split(":")[1])

        self.headerParsed = True
    def downloadFile(self, pyfile):
        url = pyfile.url

        for i in range(5):
            header = self.load(url, just_header=True)

            # self.load does not raise a BadHeader on 404 responses, do it here
            if 'code' in header and header['code'] == 404:
                raise ResponseException(404)

            if 'location' in header:
                self.logDebug("Location: " + header['location'])
                base = search(r'https?://[^/]+', url).group(0)
                if header['location'].startswith("http"):
                    url = unquote(header['location'])
                elif header['location'].startswith("/"):
                    url = base + unquote(header['location'])
                    url = '%s/%s' % (base, unquote(header['location']))

        name = html_unescape(unquote(urlparse(url).path.split("/")[-1]))

        if 'content-disposition' in header:
            self.logDebug("Content-Disposition: " +
            m = search("filename(?P<type>=|\*=(?P<enc>.+)'')(?P<name>.*)",
            if m:
                disp = m.groupdict()
                if not disp['enc']:
                    disp['enc'] = 'utf-8'
                name = remove_chars(disp['name'], "\"';").strip()
                name = unicode(unquote(name), disp['enc'])

        if not name:
            name = url
        pyfile.name = name
        self.logDebug("Filename: %s" % pyfile.name)
        self.download(url, disposition=True)
Exemple #10
    def downloadFile(self, pyfile):
        url = pyfile.url

        for _ in xrange(5):
            header = self.load(url, just_header=True)

            # self.load does not raise a BadHeader on 404 responses, do it here
            if "code" in header and header["code"] == 404:
                raise ResponseException(404)

            if "location" in header:
                self.logDebug("Location: " + header["location"])
                base = match(r"https?://[^/]+", url).group(0)
                if header["location"].startswith("http"):
                    url = unquote(header["location"])
                elif header["location"].startswith("/"):
                    url = base + unquote(header["location"])
                    url = "%s/%s" % (base, unquote(header["location"]))

        name = html_unescape(unquote(urlparse(url).path.split("/")[-1]))

        if "content-disposition" in header:
            self.logDebug("Content-Disposition: " + header["content-disposition"])
            m = search("filename(?P<type>=|\*=(?P<enc>.+)'')(?P<name>.*)", header["content-disposition"])
            if m:
                disp = m.groupdict()
                if not disp["enc"]:
                    disp["enc"] = "utf-8"
                name = remove_chars(disp["name"], "\"';").strip()
                name = unicode(unquote(name), disp["enc"])

        if not name:
            name = url
        pyfile.name = name
        self.logDebug("Filename: %s" % pyfile.name)
        self.download(url, disposition=True)
Exemple #11
def normalize(domain):
    """ Normalize domain/plugin name, so they are comparable """
    return remove_chars(domain.strip().lower(), "-.")
Exemple #12
def normalize(domain):
    """ Normalize domain/plugin name, so they are comparable """
    return remove_chars(domain.strip().lower(), "-.")