Exemple #1
    def test_chroot(self):
        """Test the preexec function"""
        cmd = ["python3", "-c", "import sys; print('Failure is always an option'); sys.exit(0)"]

        # There is no python3 in /tmp so this is expected to fail
        with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
            startProgram(cmd, root="/tmp/")
Exemple #2
    def test_startProgram(self):
        cmd = ["python3", "-c", "import os; print(os.environ['LC_ALL'])"]
        proc = startProgram(cmd, reset_lang=True)
        (stdout, _stderr) = proc.communicate()
        self.assertEqual(stdout.strip(), b"C")

        cmd = ["python3", "-c", "import os; print(os.environ['LORAX_TEST'])"]
        proc = startProgram(cmd, env_add={"LORAX_TEST": "beefy miracle"})
        (stdout, _stderr) = proc.communicate()
        self.assertEqual(stdout.strip(), b"beefy miracle")

        cmd = ["python3", "-c", "import os; print('HOME' in os.environ)"]
        proc = startProgram(cmd, env_prune=["HOME"])
        (stdout, _stderr) = proc.communicate()
        self.assertEqual(stdout.strip(), b"False")
Exemple #3
    def test_childenv(self):
        """Test setting a child environmental variable"""
        setenv("LORAX_CHILD_TEST", "mustard IS progress")
        cmd = ["python3", "-c", "import os; print(os.environ['LORAX_CHILD_TEST'])"]

        proc = startProgram(cmd)
        (stdout, _stderr) = proc.communicate()
        self.assertEqual(stdout.strip(), b"mustard IS progress")
Exemple #4
    def test_preexec(self):
        """Test the preexec function"""
        cmd = ["python3", "-c", "import sys; print('Failure is always an option'); sys.exit(0)"]

        # There is no python3 in /tmp so this is expected to fail
        proc = startProgram(cmd, reset_handlers=True, preexec_fn=lambda: True)
        (stdout, _stderr) = proc.communicate()
        self.assertEqual(stdout.strip(), b"Failure is always an option")