Exemple #1
def testing():
    dummy_streamer = ble2lsl.Dummy(muse2016)  #

    streams = resolve_byprop(
        "type", "EEG", timeout=5
    )  #type: EEG, minimum return streams = 1, timeout after 5 seconds

    streamIn = StreamInlet(
        streams[0], max_chunklen=12, recover=True
    )  #Grab first stream from streams, MUSE chunk 12, drop lost stream
    )  #This actually isn't required: pull_sample() and pull_chunk() implicitly open the stream.
    #But it's good to be explicit because it makes the code clearer
    print("Pull Sample")
          )  #Returns a tuple with the actual values we want.
    #The first element is the list of channel values, the second element is a timestamp. This is a snapshot of our stream
    #at a certain point in time.
    print("Pull Chunk")
    ts = time.time()
    while (1):
        x = streamIn.pull_chunk()
        if all(x):
            #if not np.shape(x) == (2, 0):
            t = [t - ts for t in x[1]]
            print(t[-1] - t[0])

        # for y in x:
        #     for z in y:
        #         print(z)


    # data first then time stamps, sick

    pprint(streamIn.info().as_xml())  #what
    timeC = streamIn.time_correction()

    #Clean up time

    streamIn.close_stream()  #calls lsl_close_stream
    streamIn.__del__()  #Not throwing errors
Exemple #2
class LslStream(object):
    This class creates the basic connection between the computer and a Lab Streaming
    Layer data stream. With it connecting is made simpler and pulling and processing
    information directly is made trivial.

        __init__(**stream_info): Initiates a connection when the class is called
        connect(**stream_info): Connects to a data stream in the network given
                defined by the keyword args
        pull(**kwargs): Pulls a sample from the connected data stream
        chunk(**kwargs): Pulls a chunk of samples from the data stream

        streams: List of found LSL streams in the network
        inlet: Stream inlet used to pull data from the stream
        metainfo: Metadata from the stream
    def __init__(self, **stream_info):

    def connect(self, **stream_info):
        This method connects to a LSL data stream. It accepts keyword arguments that define
        the data stream we are searching. Normally this would be (use keywords given between
        quotes as key for the argument) 'name' (e.g. 'Cognionics Quick-20'), 'type' (e.g. 'EEG'),
        'channels' (e.g. 8), 'freq' (from frequency, e.g. 500), 'dtype' (type of data, e.g.
        'float32'), 'serialn' (e.g. 'quick_20').

        After receiving the information of the stream, the script searches for it in the network
        and resolves it, and then connects to it (or the first one in case there are many, that's
        the reason why one has to be as specific as possible if many instances of LSL are being used
        in the lab). It prints some of the metadata of the data stream to the screen so the user
        can check if it is right, and returns the inlet to be used in other routines.

            **kwargs: Keyword arguments defining the data stream

            streams, inlet, metainfo
        # Put the known information of the stream in a tuple. It is better to know as much
        # as possible if more than one kit is running LSL at the same time.
        stream_info_list = []
        for key, val in stream_info.items():

        # Resolve the stream from the lab network
        self.streams = resolve_stream(*stream_info_list)

        # Create a new inlet to read from the stream
        self.inlet = StreamInlet(self.streams[0], max_buflen=938)

        # Get stream information (including custom meta-data) and break it down
        self.metainfo = self.inlet.info()

    def pull(self, **kwargs):
        This method pulls data from the connected stream (using more information
        for the pull as given by kwargs).

            kwargs: Extra specifications for the data pull from the stream

            the data from the stream
        # Retrieve data from the data stream
        return self.inlet.pull_sample(**kwargs)

    def init_pull(self, **kwargs):
        This serves as a sacrificial initialization pull to get the streaming going.
        This method pulls data from the connected stream (using more information
        for the pull as given by kwargs).

            kwargs: Extra specifications for the data pull from the stream

            the data from the stream

        print('Marker Stream Initializarion Pull: ',

    def chunk(self, **kwargs):
        This method pulls chunks. Uses sames formating as .pull
        # chunk, timestamp = self.inlet.pull_chunk(**kwargs)
        return self.inlet.pull_chunk(**kwargs)

    def mark_check(self, **kwargs):
        # Available Markers.
        ava_markers = self.inlet.samples_available()
        print('Available Markers: ', ava_markers)

    def inlet_del(self, **kwargs):
Exemple #3
    Pull chunk or recording:
    if online:
        # Online:
            RRi, Ti = RRInlet.pull_chunk(timeout=1.5)  # lists of lists
            # of format:
            # RRi = [[rr,], [rr,], [rr,], [rr,],...]
            # Ti = [t, t, t, t,...]
            # RRi, Ti == [], None if timeout reached with no sample found

            if RRi == []:
                print "No more samples to pull..."
        except WindowsError:
            # skip iteration and try again
            # print "Windows access exception on loop", i
            i += 1

        if RRi != []:
            for n in xrange(len(RRi)):  # each received sample in the chunk
                RRi[n] = (RRi[n][0] + 2**15
                          )  #/ 1000.0  # Compensate for Faros silliness

            # RR = RR.append(pd.Series(RRi, index=Ti))
            # skip iteration and try again