def log(self, X, Y):
     U = multiprod(multitransp(X), Y)
     if self._k == 1:
         return multiskew(np.real(logm(U)))
     for i in range(self._k):
         U[i] = np.real(logm(U[i]))
     return multiskew(U)
Exemple #2
 def euclidean_to_riemannian_hessian(self, point, euclidean_gradient,
                                     euclidean_hessian, tangent_vector):
     Xt = multitransp(point)
     Xtegrad = Xt @ euclidean_gradient
     symXtegrad = multisym(Xtegrad)
     Xtehess = Xt @ euclidean_hessian
     return multiskew(Xtehess - tangent_vector @ symXtegrad)
Exemple #3
        def log(self, R, Q):
            """Riemannian logarithm with base point R evaluated at Q

                Note that tangent vectors are always represented in the Lie Algebra.Thus, the Riemannian and group
                operation coincide.
            assert R.shape == Q.shape

            versors = Rotation.from_matrix(np.einsum('...ij,...kj', Q,
            X = np.einsum('ijk,...k', self.versor2skew, versors)
            return multiskew(X)
Exemple #4
        def jacobiField(self, R, Q, t, X):
            """Evaluates a Jacobi field (with boundary conditions gam(0) = X, gam(1) = 0) along the geodesic gam from R to Q.
            :param R: element of the space of SO(3)^k
            :param Q: element of the space of SO(3)^k
            :param t: scalar in [0,1]
            :param X: tangent vector at R
            :return: tangent vector at gam(t)
            assert R.shape == Q.shape == X.shape and np.isscalar(t)

            if t == 1:
                return np.zeros_like(X)
            elif t == 0:
                return X
                # gam(t)
                P = self.geopoint(R, Q, t)

                # orthonormal eigenvectors of the Jacobi operator that generate the parallel frame field along gam and the
                # eigenvalues
                lam, F = self.jacONB(R, Q)

                Fp = np.zeros_like(F)
                alpha = np.zeros_like(lam)

                for i in range(3):
                    # transport bases elements to gam(t)
                    Fp[:, i, ...] = self.transp(R, P, F[:, i, ...])
                    # expand X w.r.t. F at R
                    alpha[:, i] = self.eleminner(R, F[:, i, ...], X)

                # weights for the linear combination of the three basis elements
                weights = weightfun(lam, t, self.elemdist(R, Q))

                # evaluate the adjoint Jacobi field at R
                a = weights * alpha
                for i in range(3):
                    Fp[:, i, ...] = vectime3d(a[:, i], Fp[:, i, ...])

                return multiskew(np.sum(Fp, axis=1))
Exemple #5
 def proj(self, X, H):
     """orthogonal (with respect to the euclidean inner product) projection of ambient
     vector ((k,3,3) array) onto the tangentspace at X"""
     # skew-sym. part of: H * X.T
     return multiskew(np.einsum('...ij,...kj', X, H))
Exemple #6
 def randvec(self, X):
     G = self.rand()
     return multiskew(G / self.norm(X, G))
Exemple #7
 def rand(self):
     return multiskew(rnd.randn(*self._shape))
Exemple #8
 def euclidean_to_riemannian_hessian(self, point, euclidean_gradient,
                                     euclidean_hessian, tangent_vector):
     return multiskew(euclidean_hessian)
Exemple #9
 def tangent(self, X, H):
     return multiskew(H)
Exemple #10
 def proj(self, X, U):
     return multiskew(U)
Exemple #11
 def to_tangent_space(self, point, vector):
     return multiskew(vector)
Exemple #12
 def projection(self, point, vector):
     return multiskew(multitransp(point) @ vector)
Exemple #13
 def log(self, point_a, point_b):
     return multiskew(multilogm(multitransp(point_a) @ point_b))
Exemple #14
 def random_tangent_vector(self, point):
     tangent_vector = self.random_point()
     return multiskew(tangent_vector / self.norm(point, tangent_vector))
Exemple #15
 def random_point(self):
     return multiskew(np.random.normal(size=self._shape))
Exemple #16
 def egrad2rgrad(self, X, U):
     return multiskew(U)
Exemple #17
 def proj(self, X, H):
     return multiskew(multiprod(multitransp(X), H))
Exemple #18
 def ehess2rhess(self, X, egrad, ehess, H):
     return multiskew(ehess)
Exemple #19
 def ehess2rhess(self, X, egrad, ehess, H):
     Xt = multitransp(X)
     Xtegrad = multiprod(Xt, egrad)
     symXtegrad = multisym(Xtegrad)
     Xtehess = multiprod(Xt, ehess)
     return multiskew(Xtehess - multiprod(H, symXtegrad))
Exemple #20
 def projection(self, point, vector):
     return multiskew(vector)