Exemple #1
 def correlation(self):
     # Caption #
     caption = "Correlation of loss values in" \
               " 22 countries and 2 data sources."
     # Import #
     from forest_puller.viz.correlation import all_graphs
     # Initialize #
     result = ""
     # Loop every country batch #
     for graph in all_graphs[:-1]: result += str(BareFigure(graph=graph)) + '\n\n'
     # The last one can have the caption #
     result += str(ScaledFigure(graph   = all_graphs[-1],
                                caption = caption,
                                label   = 'correlation'))
     # Return #
     return result
Exemple #2
 def genus_comp(self):
     # Caption #
     caption = "Comparison of genus composition in the growing stock at" \
               " 4 different time points in 27 countries."
     # Import #
     from forest_puller.viz.genus_barstack import all_graphs, genus_legend
     # Initialize #
     result = ""
     # Loop every country batch #
     for graph in all_graphs: result += str(BareFigure(graph=graph)) + '\n\n'
     # Add the legend #
     result += str(ScaledFigure(graph   = genus_legend,
                                caption = caption,
                                label   = 'genus_comp'))
     # Return #
     return result
Exemple #3
 def comp_total_area(self):
     # Caption #
     caption = "Comparison of total forest area reported in" \
               " 27 countries and 5 data sources."
     # Import #
     from forest_puller.viz.area_comp import all_graphs, legend
     # Initialize #
     result = ""
     # Loop every country batch #
     for graph in all_graphs: result += str(BareFigure(graph=graph)) + '\n\n'
     # Add the legend #
     result += str(ScaledFigure(graph   = legend,
                                caption = caption,
                                label   = 'comp_total_area',
                                width   = '9em'))
     # Return #
     return result
Exemple #4
 def waste_gen_by_country(self):
     # Import #
     from waste_flow.viz.gen_by_country import countries, legend
     # Caption #
     caption = "Legend for waste generation"
     # Initialize #
     result = ""
     # Add the legend #
     result += str(ScaledFigure(graph   = legend,
                                caption = caption,
                                label   = 'wastes_legend',
                                width   = '18em'))
     # Loop every country batch #
     for viz in countries.values():
         result += '\n--\n**%s**\n--\n\n' % viz.country.long_name
         for graph in viz.all_graphs:
             result += str(BareFigure(graph=graph)) + '\n\n'
     # Return #
     return result
Exemple #5
 def comp_increments(self):
     # Caption #
     caption = "Comparison of gains, losses, and totals reported" \
               " in 27 countries and 5 data sources."
     # Import #
     from forest_puller.viz.increments import countries, legend
     # Initialize #
     result = ""
     # Loop every country #
     for iso2_code in country_codes['iso2_code']:
         graph = countries[iso2_code]
         result += str(BareFigure(graph=graph)) + '\n\n'
     # Add the legend #
     result += str(ScaledFigure(graph   = legend,
                                caption = caption,
                                label   = 'comp_increments',
                                width   = '9em'))
     # Return #
     return result
Exemple #6
 def comp_conv_to_tons(self):
     # Caption #
     caption = "Comparison of gains, losses, and totals converted to tons of" \
               " carbon reported in 27 countries and 5 data sources."
     # Import #
     from forest_puller.viz.converted_to_tons import countries, legend, all_codes
     # Initialize #
     result = ""
     # Loop every country #
     for iso2_code in all_codes:
         graph = countries[iso2_code]
         result += str(BareFigure(graph=graph)) + '\n\n'
     # Add the legend #
     result += str(ScaledFigure(graph   = legend,
                                caption = caption,
                                label   = 'comp_conv_to_tons',
                                width   = '9em'))
     # Return #
     return result
Exemple #7
 def waste_gen_by_sector(self):
     # Import #
     from waste_flow.viz.gen_by_sector import sectors, legend
     from waste_flow.common            import nace_names
     # Caption #
     caption = "Legend for waste generation"
     # Initialize #
     result = ""
     # Add the legend #
     result += str(ScaledFigure(graph   = legend,
                                caption = caption,
                                label   = 'wastes_legend',
                                width   = '20em'))
     # Loop every country batch #
     for viz in sectors.values():
         row  = nace_names.query('nace == @viz.sector')
         text = row.iloc[0]['full_name']
         if len(text) > 60: text = text[:60] + ' [...]'
         result += '\n--\n**%s**\n--\n\n' % text
         for graph in viz.all_graphs:
             result += str(BareFigure(graph=graph)) + '\n\n'
     # Return #
     return result
Exemple #8
# Built-in modules #

# Third party modules #

# Internal modules #
from forest_puller import cache_dir

# First party modules #
from pymarktex.figures import LatexFigure, BareFigure

# Monkey patch #
LatexFigure.abs_path = lambda s: '../' + s.path.rel_path_from(cache_dir)

# Import #
from forest_puller.viz.manuscript.area_comparison import all_graphs, legend

# Initialize #
result = ""

# Loop every country #
for g in all_graphs:
    result += str(BareFigure(graph=g, width='\\textwidth'))

# Print #

# Add the legend #