Exemple #1
 def test_cn(self):
     nn = Critic2NN()
    def test_cn(self):

        nn = Critic2NN()
        self.assertEqual(nn.get_cn(self.diamond, 0), 4)
Exemple #3
def get_NNs_pm(atoms, site_idx, NN_method):
	Get coordinating atoms to the adsorption site

		atoms (Atoms object): atoms object of MOF

		site_idx (int): ASE index of adsorption site
		NN_method (string): string representing the desired Pymatgen
		nearest neighbor algorithm:
		refer to http://pymatgen.org/_modules/pymatgen/analysis/local_env.html
		neighbors_idx (list of ints): ASE indices of coordinating atoms
    #Convert ASE Atoms object to Pymatgen Structure object
    bridge = pm_ase.AseAtomsAdaptor()
    struct = bridge.get_structure(atoms)

    #Select Pymatgen NN algorithm
    NN_method = NN_method.lower()
    if NN_method == 'vire':
        nn_object = MinimumVIRENN()
    elif NN_method == 'voronoi':
        nn_object = VoronoiNN()
    elif NN_method == 'jmol':
        nn_object = JmolNN()
    elif NN_method == 'min_dist':
        nn_object = MinimumDistanceNN()
    elif NN_method == 'okeeffe':
        nn_object = MinimumOKeeffeNN()
    elif NN_method == 'brunner_real':
        nn_object = BrunnerNN_real()
    elif NN_method == 'brunner_recpirocal':
        nn_object = BrunnerNN_reciprocal()
    elif NN_method == 'brunner_relative':
        nn_object = BrunnerNN_relative()
    elif NN_method == 'econ':
        nn_object = EconNN()
    elif NN_method == 'dict':
        #requires a cutoff dictionary located in the pwd
        nn_object = CutOffDictNN(cut_off_dict='cut_off_dict.txt')
    elif NN_method == 'critic2':
        nn_object = Critic2NN()
    elif NN_method == 'openbabel':
        nn_object = OpenBabelNN()
    elif NN_method == 'covalent':
        nn_object = CovalentBondNN()
    elif NN_method == 'crystal':
        nn_object = CrystalNN(porous_adjustment=True)
    elif NN_method == 'crystal_nonporous':
        nn_object = CrystalNN(porous_adjustment=False)
        raise ValueError('Invalid NN algorithm specified')

    #Find coordinating atoms
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        neighbors = nn_object.get_nn_info(struct, site_idx)
    neighbors_idx = []
    for neighbor in neighbors:

    return neighbors_idx