Exemple #1
def get_kpts(screener, cif_file, level):
	Obtain the number of kpoints
		screener (class): pymofscreen.screener class

		cif_file (string): name of CIF file

		level (string): accuracy level

		kpts (list of ints): kpoint grid
		gamma (bool): True for gamma-centered
    niggli = screener.niggli
    mofpath = screener.mofpath
    kpts_path = screener.kpts_path
    kppas = screener.kppas
    kpts = None
    if not mofpath:
        mofpath = ''

    if kpts_path == 'Auto':

        if level == 'low':
            kppa = kppas[0]
        elif level == 'high':
            kppa = kppas[1]
            raise ValueError('kpoints accuracy level not defined')
        filepath = os.path.join(mofpath, cif_file)
        if '.cif' in cif_file:
            parser = CifParser(filepath)
            pm_mof = parser.get_structures(primitive=niggli)[0]
            pm_mof = pm.Structure.from_file(filepath, primitive=niggli)
        pm_kpts = Kpoints.automatic_density(pm_mof, kppa)
        kpts = pm_kpts.kpts[0]

        if pm_kpts.style.name == 'Gamma':
            gamma = True
            gamma = None

        old_cif_name = cif_file.split('.cif')[0].split('_')[0]
        infile = open(kpts_path, 'r')
        lines = infile.read().splitlines()

        for i in range(len(lines)):
            if old_cif_name in lines[i]:
                if level == 'low':
                    kpts = lines[i + 1]
                    gamma = lines[i + 2]
                elif level == 'high':
                    kpts = lines[i + 3]
                    gamma = lines[i + 4]
                    raise ValueError('Incompatible KPPA with prior runs')
        kpts = np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.matrix(kpts))).tolist()
        if not kpts or len(kpts) != 3:
            raise ValueError('Error parsing k-points for ' + cif_file)

        if gamma == 'True':
            gamma = True
        elif gamma == 'False':
            gamma = False
            raise ValueError('Error parsing gamma for ' + cif_file)

    return kpts, gamma
def cif_structure(file_name):
    parser = CifParser(file_name)
    structure = parser.get_structures()[0]
    return structure
Exemple #3
    def test_get_primitive_standard_structure(self):
        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "bcc_1927.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 109.47122063400001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 109.47122063400001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 109.47122063400001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 7.9657251015812145)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 7.9657251015812145)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 7.9657251015812145)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "btet_1915.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 105.015053349)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 105.015053349)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 118.80658411899999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 4.1579321075608791)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 4.1579321075608791)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 4.1579321075608791)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "orci_1010.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 134.78923546600001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 105.856239333)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 91.276341676000001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 3.8428217771014852)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 3.8428217771014852)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 3.8428217771014852)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "orcc_1003.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 164.985257335)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 15.854897098324196)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 15.854897098324196)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 3.99648651)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "orac_632475.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 144.40557588533386)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 5.2005185662155391)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 5.2005185662155391)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 3.5372412099999999)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "monoc_1028.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 63.579155761999999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 116.42084423747779)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 148.47965136208569)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 7.2908007159612325)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 7.2908007159612325)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 6.8743926325200002)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "hex_1170.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 120)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 6.9779585500000003)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "rhomb_3478_conv.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 28.049186140546812)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 28.049186140546812)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 28.049186140546812)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 5.9352627428399982)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 5.9352627428399982)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 5.9352627428399982)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "rhomb_3478_conv.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        structure.add_site_property("magmom", [1.0] * len(structure))
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure(keep_site_properties=True)
        self.assertEqual(prim.site_properties["magmom"], [1.0] * len(prim))

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "rhomb_3478_conv.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        structure.add_site_property("magmom", [1.0] * len(structure))
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure(keep_site_properties=False)
        self.assertEqual(prim.site_properties.get("magmom", None), None)
Exemple #4
 def setUpClass(cls):
     r = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, "CoO19128.cif"))
     cls.structure = r.get_structures()[0]
     cls.atoms = Atoms(cls.structure, "O", 10.0)
Exemple #5
 def cif_structure(self, file_name):
     parser = CifParser(file_name)
     structure = parser.get_structures()[0]
     # parse.close()
     return structure
Exemple #6
    def test_CifParserSpringerPauling(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Below are 10 tests for CIFs from the Springer Materials/Pauling file DBs.

            # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1928405.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures(True):
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Er1 Mn3.888 Fe2.112 Sn6")

            # Partial occupancy on sites, previously parsed as an ordered structure
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1011081.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures(True):
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Zr0.2 Nb0.8")

            # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1615854.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures(True):
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Na2 Al2 Si6 O16")

            # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1622133.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures(True):
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Ca0.184 Mg13.016 Fe2.8 Si16 O48")

            # Partial occupancy on sites, previously parsed as an ordered structure
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1908491.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures(True):
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Mn0.48 Zn0.52 Ga2 Se4")

            # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1811457.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures(True):
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Ba2 Mg0.6 Zr0.2 Ta1.2 O6")

            # Incomplete powder diffraction data, previously unparsable
            # This CIF file contains the molecular species "NH3" which is
            # parsed as "N" because the label is "N{x}" (x = 1,2,..) and the
            # corresponding symbol is "NH3". Since, the label and symbol are switched
            # in CIFs from Springer Materials/Pauling file DBs, CifParser parses the
            # element as "N".
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1002871.cif')
            self.assertEqual(parser.get_structures(True)[0].formula, "Cu1 Br2 N6")
            self.assertEqual(parser.get_structures(True)[1].formula, "Cu1 Br4 N6")

            # Incomplete powder diffraction data, previously unparsable
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1704003.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures():
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Rb4 Mn2 F12")

            # Unparsable species 'OH/OH2', previously parsed as "O"
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1500382.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures():
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Mg6 B2 O6 F1.764")

            # Unparsable species 'OH/OH2', previously parsed as "O"
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'PF_sd_1601634.cif')
            for s in parser.get_structures():
                self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Zn1.29 Fe0.69 As2 Pb1.02 O8")
Exemple #7
 def test_primes(self):
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'C26H16BeN2O2S2.cif')
         for s in parser.get_structures(False):
             self.assertEqual(s.composition, 8 * Composition('C26H16BeN2O2S2'))
Exemple #8
 def test_no_symmops(self):
     f = os.path.join(test_dir, "nosymm.cif")
     p = CifParser(f)
     s = p.get_structures()[0]
     self.assertEqual(s.formula, "H96 C60 O8")
Exemple #9
def process_precomputed_core(
    The main function that generates the data to be sent back to the view.

    :param name: The structure name (CSD reference code) (string)
    :param loggerobject: if not None, should be a valid logger, that is used
       to output useful log messages.
    :return: this function calls directly flask methods and returns flask
    :raise: FlaskRedirectException if there is an error that requires
        to redirect the the main selection page. The Exception message
        is the message to be flashed via Flask (or in general shown to
        the user).
    loggerobject.debug("dealing with {}".format(name))
    start_time = time.time()
        loggerobject.debug("building path")
        structurefilepath = os.path.join(
            THIS_DIR, "compute", "precomputed", "structures", name + ".cif"
        loggerobject.debug("structurefilepath is {}".format(structurefilepath))

        s = CifParser(structurefilepath, occupancy_tolerance=100).get_structures()[0]

        loggerobject.debug("read pymatgen structure")
        structure_tuple = tuple_from_pymatgen(s)
        loggerobject.debug("generated structure tuple")

    except Exception as excep:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
        # There was an exception...
        logger.debug("Exception {} when parsing the input".format(excep))
        raise FlaskRedirectException(
            "I tried my best, but I wasn't able to load your "
            "file in format because of {}".format(excep)
        ) from excep

    parsing_time = start_time - time.time()
    logger.debug("Successfully read structure in {}".format(parsing_time))

    # Now, read the precomputed results
        logger.debug("reading pickle")

        precomputed_dict = load_pickle(
                THIS_DIR, "compute", "precomputed", "precomputed", name + ".pkl"

        # feature_array = precomputed_dict["feature_array"]
        feature_value_dict = precomputed_dict["feature_value_dict"]
        metal_indices = precomputed_dict["metal_indices"]
        # feature_names = precomputed_dict["feature_names"]
        # metal_sites = precomputed_dict["metal_sites"]
        predictions_output = precomputed_dict["predictions_output"]
        prediction_labels = precomputed_dict["prediction_labels"]
        featurization_output = precomputed_dict["featurization_output"]

    except Exception as excep:  # pylint:disable=broad-except, invalid-name
        logger.debug("Exception {} when parsing the input".format(excep))
        raise FlaskRedirectException(
            "I tried my best, but I wasn't able to load your "
            "result for '{}'... because of {}".format(name, excep)
        ) from excep

    logger.debug("Successfully read pickle with precomputed results")

        in_json_data = {
            "cell": structure_tuple[0],
            "scaled_coords": structure_tuple[1],
            "atomic_numbers": structure_tuple[2],

        path_results = get_json_for_visualizer(s)

        raw_code_dict = copy.copy(path_results)

        raw_code_dict["primitive_lattice"] = path_results["primitive_lattice"].tolist()
        raw_code_dict["primitive_positions"] = path_results[
        inputstructure_positions_cartesian = np.dot(
            np.array(in_json_data["scaled_coords"]), np.array(in_json_data["cell"])
        primitive_positions_cartesian = np.dot(
        primitive_positions_cartesian_refolded = np.dot(
            np.array(path_results["primitive_positions"]) % 1.0,
        raw_code_dict["primitive_positions_cartesian"] = primitive_positions_cartesian

        raw_code_dict["primitive_types"] = path_results["primitive_types"].tolist()
        primitive_symbols = [
            chemical_symbols[num] for num in path_results["primitive_types"]
        raw_code_dict["primitive_symbols"] = primitive_symbols

        raw_code = json.dumps(raw_code_dict, indent=2)

        raw_code = (
            str(jinja2.escape(raw_code)).replace("\n", "<br>").replace(" ", "&nbsp;")
        inputstructure_cell_vectors = [
            [idx, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]]
            for idx, coords in enumerate(in_json_data["cell"], start=1)
        inputstructure_symbols = [
            chemical_symbols[num] for num in in_json_data["atomic_numbers"]
        inputstructure_atoms_scaled = [
            [label, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]]
            for label, coords in zip(
                inputstructure_symbols, in_json_data["scaled_coords"]
        inputstructure_atoms_cartesian = [
            [label, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]]
            for label, coords in zip(
                inputstructure_symbols, inputstructure_positions_cartesian

        atoms_scaled = [
            [label, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]]
            for label, coords in zip(
                primitive_symbols, path_results["primitive_positions"]

        atoms_cartesian = [
            [label, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]]
            for label, coords in zip(primitive_symbols, primitive_positions_cartesian)

        direct_vectors = [
            [idx, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]]
            for idx, coords in enumerate(path_results["primitive_lattice"], start=1)

        primitive_lattice = path_results["primitive_lattice"]
        xsfstructure = []
        for vector in primitive_lattice:
            xsfstructure.append("{} {} {}".format(vector[0], vector[1], vector[2]))
        xsfstructure.append("{} 1".format(len(primitive_positions_cartesian_refolded)))
        for atom_num, pos in zip(
            path_results["primitive_types"], primitive_positions_cartesian_refolded
            xsfstructure.append("{} {} {} {}".format(atom_num, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
        xsfstructure = "\n".join(xsfstructure)

        compute_time = time.time() - start_time

    except Exception as excep:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
        logger.debug("Exception {} when parsing the input".format(excep))

    return dict(
Exemple #10
 def test_missing_atom_site_type_with_oxistates(self):
     parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'P24Ru4H252C296S24N16.cif'))
     c = Composition({'S0+': 24, 'Ru0+': 4, 'H0+': 252, 'C0+': 296,
                      'N0+': 16, 'P0+': 24})
     for s in parser.get_structures(False):
         self.assertEqual(s.composition, c)
Exemple #11
 def test_one_line_symm(self):
     f = os.path.join(test_dir, "OneLineSymmP1.cif")
     p = CifParser(f)
     s = p.get_structures()[0]
     self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Ga4 Pb2 O8")
Exemple #12
 def test_primes(self):
     parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'C26H16BeN2O2S2.cif'))
     for s in parser.get_structures(False):
         self.assertEqual(s.composition, 8 * Composition('C26H16BeN2O2S2'))
Exemple #13
    def test_CifParser(self):
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'LiFePO4.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Li4 Fe4 P4 O16",
                             "Incorrectly parsed cif.")

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'V2O3.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "V4 O6")

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'Li2O.cif'))
        prim = parser.get_structures(True)[0]
        self.assertEqual(prim.formula, "Li2 O1")
        conv = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        self.assertEqual(conv.formula, "Li8 O4")

        #test for disordered structures
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'Li10GeP2S12.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Li20.2 Ge2.06 P3.94 S24",
                             "Incorrectly parsed cif.")
        cif_str = """#\#CIF1.1
#               Crystallographic Information Format file
#               Produced by PyCifRW module
#  This is a CIF file.  CIF has been adopted by the International
#  Union of Crystallography as the standard for data archiving and
#  transmission.
#  For information on this file format, follow the CIF links at
#  http://www.iucr.org

_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M          'P 1'
_cell_length_a                          10.4117668699
_cell_length_b                          6.06717187997
_cell_length_c                          4.75948953998
loop_ # sometimes this is in a loop (incorrectly)
_cell_angle_beta                        92.0
_cell_angle_gamma                       93.0
_chemical_name_systematic               'Generated by pymatgen'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number             1
_chemical_formula_structural            FePO4
_chemical_formula_sum                   'Fe4 P4 O16'
_cell_volume                            300.65685512
_cell_formula_units_Z                   4
   1  'x, y, z'

    Fe  Fe1  1  0.218728  0.750000  0.474867  0  .  1
    Fe  JJ2  1  0.281272  0.250000  0.974867  0  .  1
    # there's a typo here, parser should read the symbol from the
    # _atom_site_type_symbol
    Fe  Fe3  1  0.718728  0.750000  0.025133  0  .  1
    Fe  Fe4  1  0.781272  0.250000  0.525133  0  .  1
    P  P5  1  0.094613  0.250000  0.418243  0  .  1
    P  P6  1  0.405387  0.750000  0.918243  0  .  1
    P  P7  1  0.594613  0.250000  0.081757  0  .  1
    P  P8  1  0.905387  0.750000  0.581757  0  .  1
    O  O9  1  0.043372  0.750000  0.707138  0  .  1
    O  O10  1  0.096642  0.250000  0.741320  0  .  1
    O  O11  1  0.165710  0.046072  0.285384  0  .  1
    O  O12  1  0.165710  0.453928  0.285384  0  .  1
    O  O13  1  0.334290  0.546072  0.785384  0  .  1
    O  O14  1  0.334290  0.953928  0.785384  0  .  1
    O  O15  1  0.403358  0.750000  0.241320  0  .  1
    O  O16  1  0.456628  0.250000  0.207138  0  .  1
    O  O17  1  0.543372  0.750000  0.792862  0  .  1
    O  O18  1  0.596642  0.250000  0.758680  0  .  1
    O  O19  1  0.665710  0.046072  0.214616  0  .  1
    O  O20  1  0.665710  0.453928  0.214616  0  .  1
    O  O21  1  0.834290  0.546072  0.714616  0  .  1
    O  O22  1  0.834290  0.953928  0.714616  0  .  1
    O  O23  1  0.903358  0.750000  0.258680  0  .  1
    O  O24  1  0.956628  0.250000  0.292862  0  .  1

        parser = CifParser.from_string(cif_str)
        struct = parser.get_structures(primitive=False)[0]
        self.assertEqual(struct.formula, "Fe4 P4 O16",
                         "Incorrectly parsed cif.")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.a, 10.4117668699)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.b, 6.06717187997)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.c, 4.75948953998)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.alpha, 91)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.beta, 92)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.gamma, 93)

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'srycoo.cif'))
                         "Sr5.6 Y2.4 Co8 O21")

        # Test with a decimal Xyz. This should parse as two atoms in
        # conventional cell if it is correct, one if not.
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, "Fe.cif"))
        self.assertEqual(len(parser.get_structures(primitive=False)[0]), 2)

        # Below are 10 tests for CIFs from the Springer Materials/Pauling file DBs.

        # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1928405.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Er1 Mn3.888 Fe2.112 Sn6")

        # Partial occupancy on sites, previously parsed as an ordered structure
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1011081.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Zr0.2 Nb0.8")

        # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1615854.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Na2 Al2 Si6 O16")

        # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1622133.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Ca0.184 Mg13.016 Fe2.8 Si16 O48")

        # Partial occupancy on sites, previously parsed as an ordered structure
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1908491.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Mn0.48 Zn0.52 Ga2 Se4")

        # Partial occupancy on sites, incorrect label, previously unparsable
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1811457.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Ba2 Mg0.6 Zr0.2 Ta1.2 O6")

        # Incomplete powder diffraction data, previously unparsable
        # This CIF file contains the molecular species "NH3" which is
        # parsed as "N" because the label is "N{x}" (x = 1,2,..) and the
        # corresponding symbol is "NH3". Since, the label and symbol are switched
        # in CIFs from Springer Materials/Pauling file DBs, CifParser parses the
        # element as "N".
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1002871.cif'))
        self.assertEqual(parser.get_structures(True)[0].formula, "Cu1 Br2 N6")
        self.assertEqual(parser.get_structures(True)[1].formula, "Cu1 Br4 N6")

        # Incomplete powder diffraction data, previously unparsable
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1704003.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures():
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Rb4 Mn2 F12")

        # Unparsable species 'OH/OH2', previously parsed as "O"
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1500382.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures():
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Mg6 B2 O6 F1.764")

        # Unparsable species 'OH/OH2', previously parsed as "O"
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'PF_sd_1601634.cif'))
        for s in parser.get_structures():
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Zn1.29 Fe0.69 As2 Pb1.02 O8")
    return [atoi(c) for c in re.split('(\d+)', text)]

# ####################################################


i = 0
for file in filelist:
    i = i + 1
    file_cif = file + '.cif'
    structure_parser = CifParser(file_cif)
    # print(structure_parser)
    structure = structure_parser.get_structures(
        primitive=False)  # use False without using primitive cell
    # print(structure)
    for filename in os.listdir("."):
        if filename == 'POSCAR':
            os.rename(filename, filename + '_' + str(i - 1))

# filename = input('input the cif file: ')
# structure_parser = CifParser(filename)
# print(structure_parser)
# structure = structure_parser.get_structures()
# print(structure)
# structure[0].to(filename='POSCAR')
Exemple #15
    def test_CifParser(self):
        parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'LiFePO4.cif')
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Li4 Fe4 P4 O16",
                             "Incorrectly parsed cif.")

        parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'V2O3.cif')
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "V4 O6")

        bibtex_str = """
    author = "Andersson, G.",
    title = "Studies on vanadium oxides. I. Phase analysis",
    journal = "Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988)",
    volume = "8",
    year = "1954",
    pages = "1599--1606"
        self.assertEqual(parser.get_bibtex_string().strip(), bibtex_str.strip())

        parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'Li2O.cif')
        prim = parser.get_structures(True)[0]
        self.assertEqual(prim.formula, "Li2 O1")
        conv = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        self.assertEqual(conv.formula, "Li8 O4")

        # test for disordered structures
        parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'Li10GeP2S12.cif')
        for s in parser.get_structures(True):
            self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Li20.2 Ge2.06 P3.94 S24",
                             "Incorrectly parsed cif.")
        cif_str = """#\#CIF1.1
#               Crystallographic Information Format file
#               Produced by PyCifRW module
#  This is a CIF file.  CIF has been adopted by the International
#  Union of Crystallography as the standard for data archiving and
#  transmission.
#  For information on this file format, follow the CIF links at
#  http://www.iucr.org

_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M          'P 1'
_cell_length_a                          10.4117668699
_cell_length_b                          6.06717187997
_cell_length_c                          4.75948953998
loop_ # sometimes this is in a loop (incorrectly)
_cell_angle_beta                        92.0
_cell_angle_gamma                       93.0
_chemical_name_systematic               'Generated by pymatgen'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number             1
_chemical_formula_structural            FePO4
_chemical_formula_sum                   'Fe4 P4 O16'
_cell_volume                            300.65685512
_cell_formula_units_Z                   4
   1  'x, y, z'

    Fe  Fe1  1  0.218728  0.750000  0.474867  0  .  1
    Fe  JJ2  1  0.281272  0.250000  0.974867  0  .  1
    # there's a typo here, parser should read the symbol from the
    # _atom_site_type_symbol
    Fe  Fe3  1  0.718728  0.750000  0.025133  0  .  1
    Fe  Fe4  1  0.781272  0.250000  0.525133  0  .  1
    P  P5  1  0.094613  0.250000  0.418243  0  .  1
    P  P6  1  0.405387  0.750000  0.918243  0  .  1
    P  P7  1  0.594613  0.250000  0.081757  0  .  1
    P  P8  1  0.905387  0.750000  0.581757  0  .  1
    O  O9  1  0.043372  0.750000  0.707138  0  .  1
    O  O10  1  0.096642  0.250000  0.741320  0  .  1
    O  O11  1  0.165710  0.046072  0.285384  0  .  1
    O  O12  1  0.165710  0.453928  0.285384  0  .  1
    O  O13  1  0.334290  0.546072  0.785384  0  .  1
    O  O14  1  0.334290  0.953928  0.785384  0  .  1
    O  O15  1  0.403358  0.750000  0.241320  0  .  1
    O  O16  1  0.456628  0.250000  0.207138  0  .  1
    O  O17  1  0.543372  0.750000  0.792862  0  .  1
    O  O18  1  0.596642  0.250000  0.758680  0  .  1
    O  O19  1  0.665710  0.046072  0.214616  0  .  1
    O  O20  1  0.665710  0.453928  0.214616  0  .  1
    O  O21  1  0.834290  0.546072  0.714616  0  .  1
    O  O22  1  0.834290  0.953928  0.714616  0  .  1
    O  O23  1  0.903358  0.750000  0.258680  0  .  1
    O  O24  1  0.956628  0.250000  0.292862  0  .  1

        parser = CifParser.from_string(cif_str)
        struct = parser.get_structures(primitive=False)[0]
        self.assertEqual(struct.formula, "Fe4 P4 O16")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.a, 10.4117668699)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.b, 6.06717187997)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.c, 4.75948953998)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.alpha, 91)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.beta, 92)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.gamma, 93)

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'srycoo.cif')
                         "Sr5.6 Y2.4 Co8 O21")

        # Test with a decimal Xyz. This should parse as two atoms in
        # conventional cell if it is correct, one if not.
        parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / "Fe.cif")
        self.assertEqual(len(parser.get_structures(primitive=False)[0]), 2)
Exemple #16
    def test_get_primitive_standard_structure(self):
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'bcc_1927.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 109.47122063400001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 109.47122063400001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 109.47122063400001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 7.9657251015812145)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 7.9657251015812145)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 7.9657251015812145)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'btet_1915.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 105.015053349)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 105.015053349)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 118.80658411899999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 4.1579321075608791)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 4.1579321075608791)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 4.1579321075608791)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'orci_1010.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 134.78923546600001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 105.856239333)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 91.276341676000001)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 3.8428217771014852)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 3.8428217771014852)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 3.8428217771014852)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'orcc_1003.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 164.985257335)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 15.854897098324196)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 15.854897098324196)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 3.99648651)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'monoc_1028.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 63.579155761999999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 116.42084423747779)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 148.47965136208569)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 7.2908007159612325)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 7.2908007159612325)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 6.8743926325200002)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'hex_1170.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 120)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 6.9779585500000003)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'rhomb_3478_conv.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        prim = s.get_primitive_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.alpha, 28.049186140546812)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.beta, 28.049186140546812)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.gamma, 28.049186140546812)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.a, 5.9352627428399982)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.b, 5.9352627428399982)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.lattice.c, 5.9352627428399982)
Exemple #17
 def test_site_symbol_preference(self):
     parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'site_type_symbol_test.cif')
     self.assertEqual(parser.get_structures()[0].formula, "Ge0.4 Sb0.4 Te1")
# Initiate the surface screening algorithm
SS = ScreenSurf(bulkstruct)

index = SS.ScreenSurfaces(natomsinsphere=20,
# ScreenSurfaces uses the following parameters:
#    natomsinsphere = Increases radius of sphere until there are #natomsinsphere in the sphere. For simple structures this can be as low as 20.
#    keep = What percentage of the histogram to keep up to. Using keep=0.8 means we only keep the most common 80% of planes.
#    samespeconly = This is whether or not to search for only atoms of the same element in the sphere.
#    ignore = these are atoms to ignore. These often include small atoms on complex anions (e.g., O on CO_3^2-), or other moieties, like hydrogen.

#Structures can also be read from CIF files in pymatgen
parser = CifParser("AnataseTiO2.cif")
Anatase = parser.get_structures()[0]
SS = ScreenSurf(Anatase)
index = SS.ScreenSurfaces(natomsinsphere=20,

#Structures can also be read from VASP POSCAR files in pymatgen
LiFePO4 = Poscar.from_file("Poscar_LiFePO4").structure
SS = ScreenSurf(LiFePO4)
index = SS.ScreenSurfaces(natomsinsphere=100,
Exemple #19
    def test_parse_symbol(self):
        Test the _parse_symbol function with several potentially
        problematic examples of symbols and labels.

        test_cases = {
            "MgT": "Mg",
            "MgT1": "Mg",
            "H(46A)": "H",
            "O(M)": "O",
            "N(Am)": "N",
            "H1N2a": "H",
            "CO(1)": "Co",
            "Wat1": "O",
            "MgM2A": "Mg",
            "CaX": "Ca",
            "X1": "X",
            "X": "X",
            "OA1": "O",
            "NaA2": "Na",
            "O-H2": "O",
            "OD2": "O",
            "OW": "O",
            "SiT": "Si",
            "SiTet": "Si",
            "Na-Int": "Na",
            "CaD1": "Ca",
            "KAm": "K",
            "D+1": "D",
            "D": "D",
            "D1-": "D",
            "D4": "D",
            "D0": "D",
            "NH": "N",
            "NH2": "N",
            "NH3": "N",
            "SH": "S"

        for e in Element:
            name = e.name
            test_cases[name] = name
            if len(name) == 2:
                test_cases[name.upper()] = name
                test_cases[name.upper() + str(1)] = name
                test_cases[name.upper() + "A"] = name
            test_cases[name + str(1)] = name
            test_cases[name + str(2)] = name
            test_cases[name + str(3)] = name
            test_cases[name + str(1) + "A"] = name

        special = {"Hw": "H", "Ow": "O", "Wat": "O",
                   "wat": "O", "OH": "", "OH2": ""}

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            parser = CifParser(self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'LiFePO4.cif')
            for sym, expected_symbol in test_cases.items():
                self.assertEqual(parser._parse_symbol(sym), expected_symbol)
Exemple #20
def read_cif(path, primitive=True):
    parser = CifParser(path)
    return parser.get_structures(primitive)[0]
Exemple #21
 def test_dot_positions(self):
     f = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / "ICSD59959.cif"
     p = CifParser(f)
     s = p.get_structures()[0]
     self.assertEqual(s.formula, "K1 Mn1 F3")
Exemple #22
 def test_dot_positions(self):
     f = os.path.join(test_dir, "ICSD59959.cif")
     p = CifParser(f)
     s = p.get_structures()[0]
     self.assertEqual(s.formula, "K1 Mn1 F3")
Exemple #23
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import unittest
import os

from pymatgen.io.feff.sets import FeffInputSet
from pymatgen.io.feff import FeffPot
from pymatgen.io.cif import CifParser

test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..",
cif_file = 'CoO19128.cif'
central_atom = 'O'
cif_path = os.path.join(test_dir, cif_file)
r = CifParser(cif_path)
structure = r.get_structures()[0]
x = FeffInputSet("MaterialsProject")

class FeffInputSetTest(unittest.TestCase):

    header_string = """* This FEFF.inp file generated by pymatgen
TITLE comment: From cif file
TITLE Source:  CoO19128.cif
TITLE Structure Summary:  Co2 O2
TITLE Reduced formula:  CoO
TITLE space group: (P6_3mc), space number:  (186)
TITLE abc:  3.297078   3.297078   5.254213
TITLE angles: 90.000000  90.000000 120.000000
TITLE sites: 4
Exemple #24
 def test_site_symbol_preference(self):
     parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'site_type_symbol_test.cif'))
     self.assertEqual(parser.get_structures()[0].formula, "Ge0.4 Sb0.4 Te1")
Exemple #25
    start_time = time.time()

    if args.generate:
        # Generate new structures. (Multiple structures at one time, still random, peichen will implement Domain selection).

        if os.path.isfile(args.gensetting):
            print("Using exisiting generator setup in {}".format(
            with open(args.gensetting) as fin:
                generator = StructureGenerator.from_dict(json.load(fin))
                "No existing generator setup detected. Constructing a new one."
            prim = CifParser(args.prim).get_structures()[0]
            compaxis = json.loads(args.compaxis) if args.compaxis else None
            enforceoccu = json.loads(
                args.enforceoccu) if args.compaxis else None
            transmat = json.loads(args.transmat) if args.transmat else None

            generator = StructureGenerator(prim, args.vasprun, enforceoccu, args.samplestep, args.scs,args.numsc,\

        #    print("Generator aborted. Check the reason carefully.")

    elif args.fit:
Exemple #26
def compute_environments(chemenv_configuration):
    string_sources = {
        'cif': {
            'string': 'a Cif file',
            'regexp': '.*\.cif$'
        'mp': {
            'string': 'the Materials Project database',
            'regexp': 'mp-[0-9]+$'
    questions = {'c': 'cif'}
    if chemenv_configuration.has_materials_project_access:
        questions['m'] = 'mp'
    lgf = LocalGeometryFinder()
    allcg = AllCoordinationGeometries()
    strategy_class = strategies_class_lookup[
    #TODO: Add the possibility to change the parameters and save them in the chemenv_configuration
    default_strategy = strategy_class()
    max_dist_factor = chemenv_configuration.package_options[
    firsttime = True
    while True:
        if len(questions) > 1:
            found = False
                'Enter the source from which the structure is coming or <q> to quit :'
            for key_character, qq in questions.items():
                print(' - <{}> for a structure from {}'.format(
                    key_character, string_sources[qq]['string']))
            test = input(' ... ')
            if test == 'q':
            if test not in list(questions.keys()):
                for key_character, qq in questions.items():
                    if re.match(string_sources[qq]['regexp'],
                                str(test)) is not None:
                        found = True
                        source_type = qq
                if not found:
                    print('Wrong key, try again ...')
                source_type = questions[test]
            found = False
            source_type = list(questions.values())[0]
        if found and len(questions) > 1:
            input_source = test
        if source_type == 'cif':
            if not found:
                input_source = input('Enter path to cif file : ')
            cp = CifParser(input_source)
            structure = cp.get_structures()[0]
        elif source_type == 'mp':
            if not found:
                input_source = input(
                    'Enter materials project id (e.g. "mp-1902") : ')
            a = MPRester(chemenv_configuration.materials_project_api_key)
            structure = a.get_structure_by_material_id(input_source)
        print('Computing environments for {} ... '.format(
        se = lgf.compute_structure_environments(
        print('Computing environments finished')
        while True:
            test = input(
                'See list of environments determined for each (unequivalent) site ? '
                '("y" or "n", "d" with details, "g" to see the grid) : ')
            strategy = default_strategy
            if test in ['y', 'd', 'g']:
                for eqslist in se.equivalent_sites:
                    site = eqslist[0]
                    isite = se.structure.index(site)
                        if strategy.uniquely_determines_coordination_environments:
                            ces = strategy.get_site_coordination_environments(
                            ces = strategy.get_site_coordination_environments_fractions(
                    except NeighborsNotComputedChemenvError:
                    if ces is None:
                    if len(ces) == 0:
                    comp = site.species_and_occu
                    #ce = strategy.get_site_coordination_environment(site)
                    if strategy.uniquely_determines_coordination_environments:
                        ce = ces[0]
                        if ce is None:
                        thecg = allcg.get_geometry_from_mp_symbol(ce[0])
                        mystring = 'Environment for site #{} {} ({}) : {} ({})\n'.format(
                            str(comp), thecg.name, ce[0])
                        mystring = 'Environments for site #{} {} ({}) : \n'.format(
                        for ce in ces:
                            cg = allcg.get_geometry_from_mp_symbol(ce[0])
                            csm = ce[1]['other_symmetry_measures'][
                            mystring += ' - {} ({}): {:.2f} % (csm : {:2f})\n'.format(
                                cg.name, cg.mp_symbol, 100.0 * ce[2], csm)
                    if test in [
                            'd', 'g'
                    ] and strategy.uniquely_determines_coordination_environments:
                        if thecg.mp_symbol != UNCLEAR_ENVIRONMENT_SYMBOL:
                            mystring += '  <Continuous symmetry measures>  '
                            mingeoms = se.ce_list[isite][
                            for mingeom in mingeoms:
                                csm = mingeom[1]['other_symmetry_measures'][
                                mystring += '{} : {:.2f}       '.format(
                                    mingeom[0], csm)
            if test == 'g':
                test = input(
                    'Enter index of site(s) for which you want to see the grid of parameters : '
                indices = list(map(int, test.split()))
                for isite in indices:
            if no_vis:
                test = input('Go to next structure ? ("y" to do so)')
                if test == 'y':
            test = input(
                'View structure with environments ? ("y" for the unit cell or "m" for a supercell or "n") : '
            if test in ['y', 'm']:
                if test == 'm':
                    mydeltas = []
                    test = input('Enter multiplicity (e.g. 3 2 2) : ')
                    nns = test.split()
                    for i0 in range(int(nns[0])):
                        for i1 in range(int(nns[1])):
                            for i2 in range(int(nns[2])):
                                    np.array([1.0 * i0, 1.0 * i1, 1.0 * i2],
                    mydeltas = [np.zeros(3, np.float)]
                if firsttime:
                    vis = StructureVis(show_polyhedron=False,
                    vis.show_help = False
                    firsttime = False
                for isite, site in enumerate(se.structure):
                        ces = strategy.get_site_coordination_environments(site)
                    except NeighborsNotComputedChemenvError:
                    if len(ces) == 0:
                    ce = strategy.get_site_coordination_environment(site)
                    if ce is not None and ce[0] != UNCLEAR_ENVIRONMENT_SYMBOL:
                        for mydelta in mydeltas:
                            psite = PeriodicSite(site._species,
                                                 site._fcoords + mydelta,
                            neighbors = strategy.get_site_neighbors(psite)
            test = input('Go to next structure ? ("y" to do so) : ')
            if test == 'y':
Exemple #27
    def test_get_conventional_standard_structure(self):
        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "bcc_1927.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 9.1980270633769461)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 9.1980270633769461)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 9.1980270633769461)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "btet_1915.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 5.0615106678044235)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 5.0615106678044235)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 4.2327080177761687)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "orci_1010.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 2.9542233922299999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 4.6330325651443296)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 5.373703587040775)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "orcc_1003.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 4.1430033493799998)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 31.437979757624728)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 3.99648651)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "orac_632475.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 3.1790663399999999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 9.9032878699999998)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 3.5372412099999999)

        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "monoc_1028.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 117.53832420192903)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 14.033435583000625)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 3.96052850731)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 6.8743926325200002)
        parser = CifParser(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "hex_1170.cif"))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 120)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 6.9779585500000003)

        structure = Structure.from_file(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "tric_684654.json"))
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 74.09581916308757)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 75.72817279281173)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 63.63234318667333)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 3.741372924048738)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 3.9883228679270686)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 7.288495840048958)

        structure = Structure.from_file(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "tric_684654.json"))
        structure.add_site_property("magmom", [1.0] * len(structure))
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure(keep_site_properties=True)
        self.assertEqual(conv.site_properties["magmom"], [1.0] * len(conv))

        structure = Structure.from_file(
            os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "tric_684654.json"))
        structure.add_site_property("magmom", [1.0] * len(structure))
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure(
        self.assertEqual(conv.site_properties.get("magmom", None), None)
    'Greigite_127', 'Pyrite_12728', 'Pyrrhotite_288', 'Mackinawite_14518',
    'Marcasite_12726', 'Smythite_80', 'Tochilinite_15564', 'Troilite_4160'
d = '/home/kenneth/proj/proMin/minerals/database/reformat'
bv_elem = []
bv_sum = []
bv_type = []
bvs = []

for m in mins:
    mn, num = m.split('_')
    fi = os.path.join(d, mn, mn + '_' + str(num) + '.cif')
    # print(fi)
    # exit()
    parser = CifParser(fi)
    structure = parser.get_structures(primitive=True)[0]
    els = [Element(el.symbol) for el in structure.composition.elements]

    if not set(els).issubset(set(BV_PARAMS.keys())):
        raise ValueError(
            "Structure contains elements not in set of BV parameters!")

    bv = pma.BVAnalyzer()

    # Perform symmetry determination and get sites grouped by symmetry.
    if bv.symm_tol:
        finder = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, bv.symm_tol)
        symm_structure = finder.get_symmetrized_structure()
        equi_sites = symm_structure.equivalent_sites
Exemple #29
    def test_get_conventional_standard_structure(self):
        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'bcc_1927.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 9.1980270633769461)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 9.1980270633769461)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 9.1980270633769461)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'btet_1915.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 5.0615106678044235)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 5.0615106678044235)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 4.2327080177761687)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'orci_1010.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 2.9542233922299999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 4.6330325651443296)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 5.373703587040775)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'orcc_1003.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 4.1430033493799998)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 31.437979757624728)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 3.99648651)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'orac_632475.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 3.1790663399999999)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 9.9032878699999998)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 3.5372412099999999)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'monoc_1028.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 117.53832420192903)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 14.033435583000625)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 3.96052850731)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 6.8743926325200002)

        parser = CifParser(os.path.join(test_dir, 'hex_1170.cif'))
        structure = parser.get_structures(False)[0]
        s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=1e-2)
        conv = s.get_conventional_standard_structure()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.alpha, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.beta, 90)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.gamma, 120)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.a, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.b, 3.699919902005897)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(conv.lattice.c, 6.9779585500000003)
Exemple #30
db = client[DB]

group = Group.get_from_string('%s_cif_raw' % COLLECTION)

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
                    filename='%s.log' % COLLECTION)
logging.info('Creating collection %s', COLLECTION)

collection = db[COLLECTION]
documents = []
for cif in group.nodes:
    path, structures, source, structure, document = [None] * 5
    path = cif.get_file_abs_path()
        structures = CifParser(path).get_structures(primitive=False)
    except Exception as exception:
        logging.error('%s', str(exception))
        source = cif.get_attr('source')
        for structure in structures:
            document = {'source': source, 'structure': structure.as_dict()}
            if not (len(documents) % (N / 10)):
                logging.info('%d documents collected', len(documents))
            if len(documents) == N:
                logging.info('Inserting %d documents into %s', len(documents),
                    result = collection.insert_many(documents)
                except Exception as exception: