Exemple #1
 def test_apply_transformation(self):
     t = InsertSitesTransformation(["Fe", "Mn"], [[0.0, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0.2, 0.2]])
     s = t.apply_transformation(self.struct)
     self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Li4 Mn1 Fe1 O4")
     t = InsertSitesTransformation(["Fe", "Mn"], [[0.001, 0, 0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.2]])
     # Test validate proximity
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.apply_transformation, self.struct)
Exemple #2
def getInterstitials(ase_in,inter,spinpol):

	pmg_init	= AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(ase_in)
	pmg_init2 	= SpacegroupAnalyzer(pmg_init).get_conventional_standard_structure()
	interstitial = Interstitial(pmg_init2,None,covalent_radii) #accuracy=high breaks...
	os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
	output = []
	for i,site in enumerate(interstitial.enumerate_defectsites()):
		coordination =  int(round(interstitial.get_defectsite_coordination_number(i)))
		mult 	= 0 # interstitial.get_defectsite_multiplicity(i) -- broken ???
		insert  = InsertSitesTransformation([inter],[site.coords],coords_are_cartesian=True)
			pmg_new = insert.apply_transformation(pmg_init2.copy())
			ase_new = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_atoms(pmg_new)

			if   coordination == 4: siteName='T'
			elif coordination == 6: siteName='O'
			else: siteName = '%d-fold'%coordination
			strname = '_%s-%s'%(inter,siteName)

			if spinpol: 
				new_magmoms = [3 if e in misc.magElems else 0 for e in ase_new.get_chemical_symbols()]

		except ValueError: pass #ValueError: New site is too close to an existing site!

	return output
Exemple #3
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = InsertSitesTransformation(
         ["Fe", "Mn"], [[0.5, 0, 0], [0.1, 0.5, 0.2]]).as_dict()
     t = InsertSitesTransformation.from_dict(d)
     s = t.apply_transformation(self.struct)
     self.assertEqual(s.formula, "Li4 Mn1 Fe1 O4")
Exemple #4
    def adsorb_atom(cls, structure_a, site_a, atom, distance,
                    surface=[0, 0, 1], xyz=0):
        Gets the structure of single atom adsorption.

        structure_a: the slab structure for adsorption
        site_a:  given sites for adsorption.
             default(xyz=0): site_a = [a, b, c], within [0,1];
             xyz=1: site_a = [x, y, z], in Angstroms.
        atom: adsorbed atom species
        distance: between centers of the adsorbed atom and the given site.
             in Angstroms
        surface: direction of the surface where atoms are adsorbed to
             default: surface = [0, 0, 1]
        xyz: default is 0. 1 means site_a = [x, y, z], in Angstroms.

        from pymatgen.transformations.site_transformations import \

        lattice_s = structure_a.lattice
        abc_s = lattice_s.abc
        # a123_s = lattice_s.matrix
        b123_s = lattice_s.inv_matrix.T
        # print surface
        vector_o = np.dot(surface, b123_s)
        print vector_o
        lens_v = np.sqrt(np.dot(vector_o, vector_o.T))
        V_o = vector_o / lens_v * distance

        if xyz == 0:
            # site_a = [a, b, c]
            for i in xrange(3):
                if site_a[i]> 1 or site_a[i] < 0:
                    raise ValueError("site_a is outsite the cell.")
            site_abc = V_o / abc_s + site_a
            # site_a = [x, y, z]
            for i in xrange(3):
                if site_a[i] > abc_s[i]:
                    raise ValueError("sites_a is outside the cell.")
            site_a1 = np.array(site_a)

            # convert to a1, a2, a3
            #< site_a2 = np.dot(a123_s, site_a1.T) / abc_s
            #< site_abc = (V_o+site_a2) / abc_s
            site_a2 = np.dot(b123_s, site_a1.T)

            site_abc = V_o/abc_s+site_a2

        for i in xrange(3):
            if site_abc[i] < 0 or site_abc[i] > 1:
                raise ValueError("wrong distance, atom will be outside the cell.")

        print 'add_site:', site_abc, atom

        ist = InsertSitesTransformation(species=atom, coords=[site_abc])
        structure_ad = ist.apply_transformation(structure_a)

        return structure_ad
Exemple #5
def main():
    jIDs = [x[0] for x in plotQuery(['jobid'], CONSTRAINTS)]

    question = "Going to add an %s interstitial to %d bulk objects.\n(y/n)--> " % (
        inter, len(jIDs))

    if raw_input(question).lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
        for j in jIDs:
            aseinitID = query1('aseid', 'jobid', j)
            aseinit = asedb.get_atoms(id=aseinitID)

            # Access information about previous Job / Atoms object
            jobinit = db2object(j)
            xc, pw, kptden = jobinit.xc, jobinit.pw, jobinit.kptden
            psp, xtol, strain = jobinit.psp, jobinit.xtol, jobinit.strain
            precalc, dftcode = jobinit.precalc, jobinit.dftcode
            nameinit = jobinit.name()
            structure = jobinit.structure()
            vacancies = jobinit.vacancies()

            # Create conventional PyMatGen Object
            pmg_init = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(aseinit)
            pmg_init2 = SpacegroupAnalyzer(

            interstitial = Interstitial(
                pmg_init2, None, covalent_radii)  #accuracy=high breaks...
            os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')

            for i, site in enumerate(interstitial.enumerate_defectsites()):
                coordination = int(
                mult = 0  # interstitial.get_defectsite_multiplicity(i) -- broken ???
                insert = InsertSitesTransformation([inter], [site.coords],
                pmg_new = insert.apply_transformation(pmg_init2.copy())
                ase_new = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_atoms(pmg_new)

                emt = ase_new.get_potential_energy()

                if coordination == 4: siteName = 'T'
                elif coordination == 6: siteName = 'O'
                else: siteName = '%d-fold' % coordination

                question = ('site: %s\ncoordination: %s\nmultiplicity: %s' %
                            (site.coords, coordination, mult) +
                            '\ninitial ase id: %d \nxc: %s \npw: %d ' %
                            (aseinitID, xc, pw) +
                            '\nkptden: %f \npsp: %s\nxtol: %f\nstrain: %f' %
                            (kptden, psp, xtol, strain) +
                            '\nprecalc: %s \ndftcode: %s' %
                            (precalc, dftcode) +
                            '\n\nDoes this structure look good?\n(y/n)--> ')

                if raw_input(question).lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
                    if checkForDuplicates(ase_new, structure, emt):

                        newquestion = 'What structure does this have?\n(leave blank for general triclinic case)\n--> '
                        structure = raw_input(newquestion)
                        if structure is '': structure = 'triclinic'

                        info = {
                            'name': nameinit + '_%s-%s' % (inter, siteName),
                            emt  # EMT for relaxed structures useless, only relevant for deciding when to relax something
                            False  # Could always doing this be a problem?
                            'comments': 'Generated from initializeHydride.py',
                            'parent': aseinitID,
                            'kind': 'bulk',
                            'structure': structure,
                            'interstitial': siteName
                        if vacancies is not None: info['vacancies'] = vacancies

                        newaseid = asedb.write(ase_new, key_value_pairs=info)

                        newjob = Job(None, 'bulkrelax', newaseid, None, None,
                                     xc, pw, kptden, psp, xtol, strain,
                                     2 if xc == 'mBEEF' else 1, precalc,
                                     dftcode, None, None, 'initialized')
