Exemple #1
  def train(self, refB, xData, uData, saveParams=True):
    """Trains and returns a pymbar MBAR object as the model "parameters."
    refB = np.array(refB)

    if xData.shape[0] != uData.shape[0]:
      print('First observable dimension (%i) and size of potential energy' \
            ' array (%i) don\'t match!'%(xData.shape[0], uData.shape[0]))
      raise ValueError('x and U must have same shape in first dimension')

    if (xData.shape[0] != refB.shape[0]) or (uData.shape[0] != refB.shape[0]):
      print('First dimension of data must match number of provided beta values.')
      raise ValueError('For interpolation, first dimension of xData, uData, and refB must match.')

    #Want to be able to handle vector-value observables
    #So make sure x has 3 dimensions, even if technically observable is scalar
    #Note that currently ragged data is not allowed, but I don't check for this!
    #(data sets at each state point must have the same number of samples)
    if len(xData.shape) == 2:
      xData = np.reshape(xData, (xData.shape[0], xData.shape[1], 1))

    #Remember, no ragged data, otherwise the below won't work right
    allN = np.ones(xData.shape[0])*xData.shape[1]
    allU = uData.flatten()
    Ukn = np.tensordot(refB, allU, axes=0)
    mbarObj = mbar.MBAR(Ukn, allN)

    if saveParams:
      self.refB = refB
      self.x = xData
      self.U = uData
      self.params = mbarObj

    return mbarObj
Exemple #2
    def calculate_dG_using_mbar(self, u_kn: np.array, N_k: dict, env: str):

        logger.debug("Pairwise Free Energy Estimate")
        u_kn_ = copy.deepcopy(u_kn)
        start = 0
        for d in range(u_kn.shape[0] - 1):
            nr_of_snapshots = N_k[env][d] + N_k[env][d + 1]
            u_kn_ = u_kn[d:d + 2:, start:start + nr_of_snapshots]
            m = mbar.MBAR(u_kn_, N_k[env][d:d + 2])
                m.getFreeEnergyDifferences(return_dict=True)["Delta_f"][0, 1])
                m.getFreeEnergyDifferences(return_dict=True)["dDelta_f"][0, 1])

            start += N_k[env][d]

        return mbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k[env], initialize="BAR", verbose=True)
Exemple #3
  def predict(self, B, params=None, refB=None, useMBAR=False):
    """Performs perturbation at state of interest.
    #Check if have parameters
    if params is None:
      #Use trained parameters if you have them
      if self.params is None:
        raise TypeError('self.params is None - need to train model before predicting')
      params = self.params

    if refB is None:
      if self.refB is None:
        raise TypeError('self.refB is None - need to specify reference beta')
      refB = self.refB

    #Specify "parameters" as desired data to use
    x = params[0]
    U = params[1]

    #Make sure B is an array, even if just has one element
    if isinstance(B, (int, float)):
      B = [B]
    B = np.array(B)

    if useMBAR:
      mbarObj = mbar.MBAR(np.array([refB*U]), [U.shape[0]])
      predictVals = np.zeros((len(B), x.shape[1]))
      for i in range(len(B)):
        predictVals[i, :] = mbarObj.computeMultipleExpectations(x.T, B[i]*U)[0]

      #Compute what goes in the exponent and subtract out the maximum
      #Don't need to bother storing for later because compute ratio
      dBeta = B - refB
      dBetaU = (-1.0)*np.tensordot(dBeta, U, axes=0)
      dBetaUdiff = dBetaU - np.array([np.max(dBetaU, axis=1)]).T
      expVals = np.exp(dBetaUdiff)

      #And perform averaging
      numer = np.dot(expVals, x) / float(x.shape[0])
      denom = np.average(expVals, axis=1)
      predictVals = numer / np.array([denom]).T

    return predictVals
def perturbWithSamples(B, refB, x, U, useMBAR=False):
    """Computes observable x (can be a vector) at a set of perturbed temperatures
     of B (array) from the original refB using potential energies at each config
     and standard reweighting. Uses MBAR code instead of mine if desired.
    if x.shape[0] != U.shape[0]:
        print('First observable dimension (%i) and size of potential energy' \
              ' array (%i) don\'t match!'%(x.shape[0], U.shape[0]))
        raise ValueError('x and U must have same shape in first dimension')

    #Check shape of observables and add dimension if needed
    #Note that for observables with more than 1 dimension, things won't work
    if len(x.shape) == 1:
        x = np.array([x]).T

    #While we're at it, also make B into an array if it isn't, just for convenience
    if isinstance(B, (int, float)):
        B = [B]
    B = np.array(B)

    if useMBAR:
        mbarObj = mbar.MBAR(np.array([refB * U]), [U.shape[0]])
        outval = np.zeros((len(B), x.shape[1]))
        for i in range(len(B)):
            outval[i, :] = mbarObj.computeMultipleExpectations(x.T,
                                                               B[i] * U)[0]

        #Compute what goes in the exponent and subtract out the maximum
        #Don't need to bother storing for later because compute ratio
        dBeta = B - refB
        dBetaU = (-1.0) * np.tensordot(dBeta, U, axes=0)
        dBetaUdiff = dBetaU - np.array([np.max(dBetaU, axis=1)]).T
        expVals = np.exp(dBetaUdiff)

        #And perform averaging
        numer = np.dot(expVals, x) / float(x.shape[0])
        denom = np.average(expVals, axis=1)
        outval = numer / np.array([denom]).T

    return outval
Exemple #5
    def __initialize__(self, mixture):
        m = mixture.m
        n = mixture.n

        mb = self.MBAR = mbar.MBAR(np.hstack(mixture.u), n,

        mixture.f = mb.f_k
        mics.verbose and info("Free energies after convergence:", mixture.f)

        flnpi = (mixture.f + np.log(n/sum(n)))[:, np.newaxis]
        mixture.u0 = [-logsumexp(flnpi - u) for u in mixture.u]
        self.P = [np.exp(flnpi - mixture.u[i] + mixture.u0[i]) for i in range(m)]

        Theta = mb._computeAsymptoticCovarianceMatrix(np.exp(mb.Log_W_nk), mb.N_k)
        mixture.Theta = np.array(Theta)
        mics.verbose and info("Free-energy covariance matrix:", mixture.Theta)

        mixture.Overlap = mb.N_k*np.matmul(mb.W_nk.T, mb.W_nk)
        mics.verbose and info("Overlap matrix:", mixture.Overlap)
#Now need to construct matrix
#For each umbrella, need energy of all sampled configurations in that umbrella
Umat = np.zeros((len(umbDirs), len(allU)))

#Make potential energies dimensionless
allU *= beta

#Set reference for potential energies
#allU -= np.min(allU)

for i, aref in enumerate(allRef):

    Umat[i, :] = allU + beta * ((0.5 * springConst) * ((allDist - aref)**2))

#And use mbar to get pmf!
mbarobj = mbar.MBAR(Umat, numSamples)

deltaGs, deltaGerr, thetaStuff = mbarobj.getFreeEnergyDifferences()

print "\nFree energies between states:"
print deltaGs[0]
print "\nwith uncertainties:"
print deltaGerr[0]

#Now also calculate pmf
binsize = 0.05  #nm
pmfBins = np.arange(np.min(allDist) - (1E-06), np.max(allDist), binsize)
pmfBinInds = np.digitize(allDist, pmfBins) - 1
pmfBinCents = 0.5 * (pmfBins[:-1] + pmfBins[1:])
nBins = len(pmfBinCents)
Exemple #7
    #Loop over alchemical states with this restraint and add energy
    for j in range(numStates):

        Ukn[i * numStates + j, :] = allPots[:, j] + (xyEnergy / kBT)

#Print some info about numbers of samples and effective numbers of samples
print(np.sum(nSamps, axis=1))
print('  ')

#Now should be set to run MBAR
#Note we ignore the pV term, as it won't matter here because all states have same V for given configuration
#Also note that we haven't actually sampled the states we're interested in (i.e. unrestrained)
#So we have to reweight, or us perturbation to get the free energies we're interested in
mbarObj = mbar.MBAR(Ukn, nSamps.flatten())
dG, dGerr = mbarObj.computePerturbedFreeEnergies(allPots.T)

#Would also be nice to generate 2D PMF based on x and y coordinates
#To do this, can actually use computePMF from mbar, but need to map back into 2D
#Actually, have to do for each solute separately, then combine via Boltzmann weights of bins

#First define bins
xWidth = xyBox[0] / 10.0
yWidth = xyBox[1] / 10.0
xBins = np.arange(-0.5 * xyBox[0], 0.5 * xyBox[0] + 0.01, xWidth)
yBins = np.arange(-0.5 * xyBox[1], 0.5 * xyBox[1] + 0.01, yWidth)

#And initiate PMFs and unweighted histograms
 def perform_mbar(self):
     print('Performing MBAR')
     rpots_matrix = self._calc_decorrelated_rpots_for_all_conditions()
     num_steps_per_condition = self._decor_outs.get_num_steps_per_condition(
     self._mbar = mbar.MBAR(rpots_matrix, num_steps_per_condition)
Exemple #9
def getConfigWeightsSurf(kB=0.008314459848, T=298.15):
  """Computes and returns the configuration weights for simulations with a solute
   at an interface.
   Mostly replicates calcdGsolv in genetic_lib, but returns config weights in both
   the fully coupled and decoupled states (also includes pV term - won't matter very
   much for free energy differences, but maybe matters for weighting configurations, 
   even though also probably not too much).
  #First define directory structure, spring constants, etc.
  simDirs = ['Quad_0.25X_0.25Y', 'Quad_0.25X_0.75Y', 'Quad_0.75X_0.25Y', 'Quad_0.75X_0.75Y']
  kXY = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0] #spring constant in kJ/mol*A^2
  refX = [7.4550, 7.4550, 22.3650, 22.3650]
  refY = [8.6083, 25.8249, 8.6083, 25.8249]
  distRefX = [7.4550, 7.4550, 7.4550, 7.4550]
  distRefY = [8.6083, 8.6083, 8.6083, 8.6083]
  numStates = 19

  #And some constants
  kBT = kB*T
  beta = 1.0 / kBT

  #First make sure all the input arrays have the same dimensions
  numSims = len(simDirs)
  allLens = np.array([len(a) for a in [kXY, refX, refY, distRefX, distRefY]])

  #Want to loop over all trajectories provided, storing solute position information to calculate restraints
  xyPos = None #X and Y coordinates of first heavy atom for all solutes - get shape later
  nSamps = np.zeros((len(simDirs), numStates), dtype=int) #Have as many x-y restraints as sims and same number of lambda states for each 
  allPots = np.array([[]]*numStates).T #Potential energies, EXCLUDING RESTRAINT, for each simulation frame and lambda state
                                       #Will also include pV term because may matter for configurations
  xyBox = np.zeros(2)

  for i, adir in enumerate(simDirs):

    topFile = "%s/../sol_surf.top"%adir
    trajFile = "%s/prod.nc"%adir
    alchemicalFile = "%s/alchemical_output.txt"%adir

    #First load in topology and get atom indices 
    top = pmd.load_file(topFile)

    #Get solute heavy atoms for each solute
    #Also get indices of surface atoms to use as references later
    #Only taking last united atoms of first SAM molecule we find
    heavyIndices = []
    for res in top.residues:
      if res.name not in ['OTM', 'CTM', 'STM', 'NTM', 'SOL']: #Assumes working with SAM surface...
        thisheavyinds = []
        for atom in res.atoms:
          if not atom.name[0] == 'H':

    #Make into arrays for easier referencing
    heavyIndices = np.array(heavyIndices)

    #Load in the potential energies, INCLUDING RESTRAINT, at all states for this simulation to figure out frames to skip
    alcDat = np.loadtxt(alchemicalFile)
    startTime = alcDat[0, 1]
    startFrame = int(startTime) - 1 #Be careful here... need write frequency in alchemical file to match exactly with positions
                                    #AND assuming that have written in 1 ps increments... 
                                    #Also, first frame in trajectory is NOT at time zero, so subtract 1
    thisPot = alcDat[:, 3:-1]
    thispV = alcDat[:, -1]

    #Next load in the trajectory and get all solute coordinates that matter
    top.rb_torsions = pmd.TrackedList([])
    top = pt.load_parmed(top, traj=False)
    traj = pt.iterload(trajFile, top, frame_slice=(startFrame, -1))
    nFrames = len(traj)
    xyBox = np.array(traj[0].box.values)[:2] #A little lazy, but all boxes should be same and fixed in X and Y dimensions

    thisxyPos = np.zeros((nFrames, len(heavyIndices), 2))
    thisnSamps = np.zeros(numStates, dtype=int)

    #Reference x and y coordinates for this restraint
    thisRefXY = np.array([refX[i], refY[i]])

    for j, frame in enumerate(traj):

      thisPos = np.array(frame.xyz)
      thisXY = thisPos[heavyIndices[:,0]][:, :2] #Takes XY coords for first heavy atom from each solute
      thisxyPos[j,:] = thisXY 
      thisnSamps[int(alcDat[j, 2])] += 1 #Lambda states must be indexed starting at 0

      #Also get wrapped positions relative to each reference face
      #AND calculate xy restraint energy to remove by adding this for each solute
      xyEnergy = 0.0
      for k in range(len(heavyIndices)):
        xy = thisXY[k]
        #Then separately reimage around the restraint reference positions to calculate energy
        xy = wl.reimage([xy], thisRefXY, xyBox)[0] - thisRefXY
        xyEnergy += (  0.5*kXY[i]*(0.5*(np.sign(xy[0] - distRefX[i]) + 1))*((xy[0] - distRefX[i])**2)
                     + 0.5*kXY[i]*(0.5*(np.sign(xy[1] - distRefY[i]) + 1))*((xy[1] - distRefY[i])**2) )

      #Remove the restraint energy (only for x-y restraint... z is the same in all simulations)
      thisPot[j,:] -= (xyEnergy / kBT)

      #And also add in pV contribution
      thisPot[j,:] += thispV[j]

    #Add to other things we're keeping track of
    if xyPos is None:
      xyPos = copy.deepcopy(thisxyPos)
      xyPos = np.vstack((xyPos, thisxyPos))
    nSamps[i,:] = thisnSamps
    allPots = np.vstack((allPots, thisPot))

  #Now should have all the information we need
  #Next, put it into the format that MBAR wants, adding energies as needed
  Ukn = np.zeros((len(simDirs)*numStates, int(np.sum(nSamps))))

  for i in range(len(simDirs)):

    #First get energy of ith type of x-y restraint for all x-y positions
    thisRefXY = np.array([refX[i], refY[i]])
    #Must do by looping over each solute
    xyEnergy = np.zeros(xyPos.shape[0])
    for k in range(len(heavyIndices)):
      xy = wl.reimage(xyPos[:,k,:], thisRefXY, xyBox) - thisRefXY
      xyEnergy += (  0.5*kXY[i]*(0.5*(np.sign(xy[:,0] - distRefX[i]) + 1))*((xy[:,0] - distRefX[i])**2)
                   + 0.5*kXY[i]*(0.5*(np.sign(xy[:,1] - distRefY[i]) + 1))*((xy[:,1] - distRefY[i])**2) )

    #Loop over alchemical states with this restraint and add energy
    for j in range(numStates):
      Ukn[i*numStates+j, :] = allPots[:,j] + (xyEnergy / kBT)
  #Now should be set to run MBAR
  mbarObj = mbar.MBAR(Ukn, nSamps.flatten())

  #Following computePMF in MBAR to get configuration weights with desired potential of interest
  logwCoupled = mbarObj._computeUnnormalizedLogWeights(allPots[:,0])
  logwDecoupled = mbarObj._computeUnnormalizedLogWeights(allPots[:,-1])

  #Also report average solute-system LJ and coulombic potential energies in the fully coupled ensemble
  #(with restraints removed)
  #Just printing these values
  avgQ, stdQ = mbarObj.computeExpectations(allPots[:,0] - allPots[:,4], allPots[:,0])
  avgLJ, stdLJ = mbarObj.computeExpectations(allPots[:,4] - allPots[:,-1], allPots[:,0])
  print("\nAverage solute-system electrostatic potential energy: %f +/- %f"%(avgQ, stdQ))
  print("Average solute-system LJ potential energy: %f +/- %f\n"%(avgLJ, stdLJ))

  #Also print information that can be used to break free energy into components
  #Start by just printing all of the free energies between states
  alldGs, alldGerr = mbarObj.computePerturbedFreeEnergies(allPots.T)
  print("\nAll free energies relative to first (coupled) state:")
  #And the free energy changes associated with just turning on LJ and elctrostatics separately
  dGq = alldGs[0][0] - alldGs[0][4]
  dGqErr = np.sqrt((alldGerr[0][0]**2) + (alldGerr[0][4])**2)
  print("\nElectrostatic dG (with LJ on): %f +/- %f"%(dGq, dGqErr))
  dGlj = alldGs[4][4] - alldGs[4][-1]
  dGljErr = np.sqrt((alldGerr[4][4]**2) + (alldGerr[4][-1])**2)
  print("\nLJ dG (no charges): %f +/- %f"%(dGlj, dGljErr))
  #Now calculate average potential energy differences needed for computing relative entropies
  dUq, dUqErr = mbarObj.computeExpectations(allPots[:,0] - allPots[:,4], allPots[:,0])
  print("\nAverage electrostatic potential energy in fully coupled state: %f +/- %f"%(dUq, dUqErr))
  dUlj, dUljErr = mbarObj.computeExpectations(allPots[:,4] - allPots[:,-1], allPots[:,4])
  print("\nAverage LJ potential energy (no charges) in uncharged state: %f +/- %f"%(dUlj, dUljErr))

  #And return weights after exponentiating log weights and normalizing
  wCoupled = np.exp(logwCoupled)
  wCoupled /= np.sum(wCoupled)
  wDecoupled = np.exp(logwDecoupled)
  wDecoupled /= np.sum(wDecoupled)

  return wCoupled, wDecoupled
Exemple #10
def getConfigWeightsBulk(alchfile='alchemical_output.txt', kB=0.008314459848, T=298.15):
  """Given an alchemical output file, computes and returns configuration weights in
   both the fully coupled and decoupled ensembles of the solute.
  rawdat = np.loadtxt(alchfile)
  lstates = rawdat[:,2]
  Ukn = rawdat[:,3:-1] 
  pV = rawdat[:,-1] #pV term is in last column
  #pV term doesn't matter for free energy differences
  #But does matter for configuration weights (even though it's a small contribution)

  Nsamps = np.zeros(Ukn.shape[1], dtype=int)

  for i in range(Ukn.shape[1]):
    Nsamps[i] = int(np.sum((lstates==i)))
    Ukn[:,i] += pV

  #neworder = np.argsort(lstates)
  #Ukn = Ukn[neworder]

  Ukn /= (kB*T)

  mbarObj = mbar.MBAR(Ukn.T, Nsamps)

  #Following computePMF in MBAR to get configuration weights with desired potential of interest
  logwCoupled = mbarObj._computeUnnormalizedLogWeights(Ukn[:,0])
  logwDecoupled = mbarObj._computeUnnormalizedLogWeights(Ukn[:,-1])

  #Also report average solute-system LJ and coulombic potential energies in the fully coupled ensemble
  #(with restraints removed)
  #Just printing these values
  avgQ, stdQ = mbarObj.computeExpectations(Ukn[:,0] - Ukn[:,4], Ukn[:,0])
  avgLJ, stdLJ = mbarObj.computeExpectations(Ukn[:,4] - Ukn[:,-1], Ukn[:,0])
  print("\nAverage solute-water electrostatic potential energy: %f +/- %f"%(avgQ, stdQ))
  print("Average solute-water LJ potential energy: %f +/- %f\n"%(avgLJ, stdLJ))

  #Also print information that can be used to break free energy into components
  #Start by just printing all of the free energies between states
  alldGs, alldGerr = mbarObj.computePerturbedFreeEnergies(Ukn.T)
  print("\nAll free energies relative to first (coupled) state:")
  #And the free energy changes associated with just turning on LJ and elctrostatics separately
  dGq = alldGs[0][0] - alldGs[0][4]
  dGqErr = np.sqrt((alldGerr[0][0]**2) + (alldGerr[0][4])**2)
  print("\nElectrostatic dG (with LJ on): %f +/- %f"%(dGq, dGqErr))
  dGlj = alldGs[4][4] - alldGs[4][-1]
  dGljErr = np.sqrt((alldGerr[4][4]**2) + (alldGerr[4][-1])**2)
  print("\nLJ dG (no charges): %f +/- %f"%(dGlj, dGljErr))
  #Now calculate average potential energy differences needed for computing relative entropies
  dUq, dUqErr = mbarObj.computeExpectations(Ukn[:,0] - Ukn[:,4], Ukn[:,0])
  print("\nAverage electrostatic potential energy in fully coupled state: %f +/- %f"%(dUq, dUqErr))
  dUlj, dUljErr = mbarObj.computeExpectations(Ukn[:,4] - Ukn[:,-1], Ukn[:,4])
  print("\nAverage LJ potential energy (no charges) in uncharged state: %f +/- %f"%(dUlj, dUljErr))

  #And return weights after exponentiating log weights
  wCoupled = np.exp(logwCoupled)
  wCoupled /= np.sum(wCoupled)
  wDecoupled = np.exp(logwDecoupled)
  wDecoupled /= np.sum(wDecoupled)

  return wCoupled, wDecoupled
Exemple #11
 def _load_mbar_results(file: str):
     results = pickle.load(open(file, "rb"))
     return mbar.MBAR(results["u_kn"],
Exemple #12
            interp_i_cross = i

    # Evaluate the interpolation functions at this set of points
    ls = fs(mu_interp)
    lspl1 = fspl1(mu_interp)

    # -------------------------------------------------- #
    #  Use MBAR to shift subdomains by calculating free  #
    #  energy difference between data in overlap region  #
    # -------------------------------------------------- #
    print "Joining subdomains %d and %d using MBAR" % (s, s + 1)

    # See pymbar documentation for detailed explanation
    U_kn = np.array([ls, lspl1])
    N_k = [interp_i_cross, Ninterp - interp_i_cross]
    mbar_obj = mbar.MBAR(U_kn, N_k)
    matrix = mbar_obj.getFreeEnergyDifferences(compute_uncertainty=True)

    # Shift and error, output by pymbar
    shift = matrix[0][1, 0]
    sigma = matrix[1][1, 0]
    print "shift: ", shift, "+/-", sigma

    # Minimise free energy difference between subdomains by shifting the higher-mu subdomain
    data_list[s + 1] += shift

    # Sample shift error from a mean 0 Gaussian with standard deviation 'sigma'
    for j in range(Nsamples_join):
        uncertainty = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma)
        data_list_err[j][s + 1] += (
            shift + uncertainty
Nsamps = np.zeros(Ukn.shape[1])
for i in range(Ukn.shape[1]):
    gU = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(Ukn[:, i])
    print("Correlation time if using state %i: %f" % (i, gU))
    Nsamps[i] = np.sum((lstates == i))
    Ukn[:, i] += PVdat

#Don't need to order them - it just makes things more complicated when computing averages
#neworder = np.argsort(lstates)
#Ukn = Ukn[neworder]

Ukn /= kBT

mbarObj = mbar.MBAR(Ukn.T, Nsamps)
dG, dGerr, thetaStuff = mbarObj.getFreeEnergyDifferences()


print("dGsolv = %f" % (-1.0 * dG[0][-1]))
print("dGsolvError = %f" % (dGerr[0][-1]))

with open('mbar_object.pkl', 'w') as outfile:
    pickle.dump(mbarObj, outfile)

           header='Potential energies at all interaction states (kBT)')
Exemple #14
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-f', '--infile', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--binsize', type=float, default=0.5)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', type=str, default='noTitleProvided')
args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.infile, 'rb') as f:
    npzfile = np.load(f)

    #Read data file
    Umat = npzfile['Umat']
    numSamples = npzfile['numSamples']
    allDists1D = npzfile['allDists1D']

#Now create and plot PMF
mbarobj = mbar.MBAR(Umat, numSamples, verbose=True)

deltaGs, deltaGerr, thetaStuff = mbarobj.getFreeEnergyDifferences()

print("\nFree energies between states:")
print("\nwith uncertainties:")

#Now also calculate pmf
pmfBins = np.arange(
    np.min(allDists1D) - (1E-20), np.max(allDists1D), args.binsize)
pmfBinInds = np.digitize(allDists1D, pmfBins) - 1
pmfBinCents = 0.5 * (pmfBins[:-1] + pmfBins[1:])
nBins = len(pmfBinCents)