def test_errors_and_warnings(self): with pm.Model(): A = pm.Normal("A") B = pm.Uniform("B") strace = pm.sampling.NDArray(vars=[A, B]) strace.setup(10, 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="from existing MultiTrace"): pm.sampling._choose_backend(trace=MultiTrace([strace])) strace.record({"A": 2, "B_interval__": 0.1}) assert len(strace) == 1 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Continuation of traces"): pm.sampling._choose_backend(trace=strace)
def point_list_to_multitrace(point_list: List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]], model: Optional[Model] = None) -> MultiTrace: """transform point list into MultiTrace""" _model = modelcontext(model) varnames = list(point_list[0].keys()) with _model: chain = NDArray(model=_model, vars=[_model[vn] for vn in varnames]) chain.setup(draws=len(point_list), chain=0) # since we are simply loading a trace by hand, we need only a vacuous function for # chain.record() to use. This crushes the default. def point_fun(point): return [point[vn] for vn in varnames] chain.fn = point_fun for point in point_list: chain.record(point) return MultiTrace([chain])
def _sample(draws, step, start=None, trace=None, chain=0, tune=None, progressbar=True, model=None, random_seed=None): sampling = _iter_sample(draws, step, start, trace, chain, tune, model, random_seed) progress = progress_bar(draws) try: for i, trace in enumerate(sampling): if progressbar: progress.update(i) except KeyboardInterrupt: trace.close() return MultiTrace([trace])
def sample_smc( draws=2000, kernel=IMH, *, start=None, model=None, random_seed=None, chains=None, cores=None, compute_convergence_checks=True, return_inferencedata=True, idata_kwargs=None, progressbar=True, **kernel_kwargs, ): r""" Sequential Monte Carlo based sampling. Parameters ---------- draws: int The number of samples to draw from the posterior (i.e. last stage). And also the number of independent chains. Defaults to 2000. kernel: SMC Kernel used. Defaults to pm.smc.IMH (Independent Metropolis Hastings) start: dict, or array of dict Starting point in parameter space. It should be a list of dict with length `chains`. When None (default) the starting point is sampled from the prior distribution. model: Model (optional if in ``with`` context)). random_seed: int random seed chains : int The number of chains to sample. Running independent chains is important for some convergence statistics. If ``None`` (default), then set to either ``cores`` or 2, whichever is larger. cores : int The number of chains to run in parallel. If ``None``, set to the number of CPUs in the system. compute_convergence_checks : bool Whether to compute sampler statistics like Gelman-Rubin and ``effective_n``. Defaults to ``True``. return_inferencedata : bool, default=True Whether to return the trace as an :class:`arviz:arviz.InferenceData` (True) object or a `MultiTrace` (False) Defaults to ``True``. idata_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for :func:`pymc.to_inference_data` progressbar : bool, optional default=True Whether or not to display a progress bar in the command line. **kernel_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the SMC kernel. The default IMH kernel takes the following keywords: threshold: float Determines the change of beta from stage to stage, i.e. indirectly the number of stages, the higher the value of `threshold` the higher the number of stages. Defaults to 0.5. It should be between 0 and 1. n_steps: int The number of steps of each Markov Chain. If ``tune_steps == True`` ``n_steps`` will be used for the first stage and for the others it will be determined automatically based on the acceptance rate and `p_acc_rate`, the max number of steps is ``n_steps``. tune_steps: bool Whether to compute the number of steps automatically or not. Defaults to True p_acc_rate: float Used to compute ``n_steps`` when ``tune_steps == True``. The higher the value of ``p_acc_rate`` the higher the number of steps computed automatically. Defaults to 0.85. It should be between 0 and 1. Keyword arguments for other kernels should be checked in the respective docstrings Notes ----- SMC works by moving through successive stages. At each stage the inverse temperature :math:`\beta` is increased a little bit (starting from 0 up to 1). When :math:`\beta` = 0 we have the prior distribution and when :math:`\beta` =1 we have the posterior distribution. So in more general terms we are always computing samples from a tempered posterior that we can write as: .. math:: p(\theta \mid y)_{\beta} = p(y \mid \theta)^{\beta} p(\theta) A summary of the algorithm is: 1. Initialize :math:`\beta` at zero and stage at zero. 2. Generate N samples :math:`S_{\beta}` from the prior (because when :math `\beta = 0` the tempered posterior is the prior). 3. Increase :math:`\beta` in order to make the effective sample size equals some predefined value (we use :math:`Nt`, where :math:`t` is 0.5 by default). 4. Compute a set of N importance weights W. The weights are computed as the ratio of the likelihoods of a sample at stage i+1 and stage i. 5. Obtain :math:`S_{w}` by re-sampling according to W. 6. Use W to compute the mean and covariance for the proposal distribution, a MVNormal. 7. For stages other than 0 use the acceptance rate from the previous stage to estimate `n_steps`. 8. Run N independent Metropolis-Hastings (IMH) chains (each one of length `n_steps`), starting each one from a different sample in :math:`S_{w}`. Samples are IMH as the proposal mean is the of the previous posterior stage and not the current point in parameter space. 9. Repeat from step 3 until :math:`\beta \ge 1`. 10. The final result is a collection of N samples from the posterior. References ---------- .. [Minson2013] Minson, S. E. and Simons, M. and Beck, J. L., (2013), Bayesian inversion for finite fault earthquake source models I- Theory and algorithm. Geophysical Journal International, 2013, 194(3), pp.1701-1726, `link <>`__ .. [Ching2007] Ching, J. and Chen, Y. (2007). Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Bayesian Model Updating, Model Class Selection, and Model Averaging. J. Eng. Mech., 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2007)133:7(816), 816-832. `link < %282007%29133:7%28816%29>`__ """ if isinstance(kernel, str) and kernel.lower() in ("abc", "metropolis"): warnings.warn( f'The kernel string argument "{kernel}" in sample_smc has been deprecated. ' f"It is no longer needed to distinguish between `abc` and `metropolis`", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) kernel = IMH if kernel_kwargs.pop("save_sim_data", None) is not None: warnings.warn( "save_sim_data has been deprecated. Use pm.sample_posterior_predictive " "to obtain the same type of samples.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if kernel_kwargs.pop("save_log_pseudolikelihood", None) is not None: warnings.warn( "save_log_pseudolikelihood has been deprecated. This information is " "now saved as log_likelihood in models with Simulator distributions.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) parallel = kernel_kwargs.pop("parallel", None) if parallel is not None: warnings.warn( "The argument parallel is deprecated, use the argument cores instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if parallel is False: cores = 1 if cores is None: cores = _cpu_count() if chains is None: chains = max(2, cores) else: cores = min(chains, cores) if random_seed == -1: raise FutureWarning( f"random_seed should be a non-negative integer or None, got: {random_seed}" "This will raise a ValueError in the Future") random_seed = None if isinstance(random_seed, int) or random_seed is None: rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=random_seed) random_seed = list(rng.integers(2**30, size=chains)) elif isinstance(random_seed, Iterable): if len(random_seed) != chains: raise ValueError( f"Length of seeds ({len(seeds)}) must match number of chains {chains}" ) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid value for `random_seed`. Must be tuple, list, int or None" ) model = modelcontext(model) _log = logging.getLogger("pymc")"Initializing SMC sampler...")"Sampling {chains} chain{'s' if chains > 1 else ''} " f"in {cores} job{'s' if cores > 1 else ''}") params = ( draws, kernel, start, model, ) t1 = time.time() if cores > 1: pbar = progress_bar((), total=100, display=progressbar) pbar.update(0) pbars = [pbar] + [None] * (chains - 1) pool = mp.Pool(cores) # "manually" (de)serialize params before/after multiprocessing params = tuple(cloudpickle.dumps(p) for p in params) kernel_kwargs = { key: cloudpickle.dumps(value) for key, value in kernel_kwargs.items() } results = _starmap_with_kwargs( pool, _sample_smc_int, [(*params, random_seed[chain], chain, pbars[chain]) for chain in range(chains)], repeat(kernel_kwargs), ) results = tuple(cloudpickle.loads(r) for r in results) pool.close() pool.join() else: results = [] pbar = progress_bar((), total=100 * chains, display=progressbar) pbar.update(0) for chain in range(chains): pbar.offset = 100 * chain pbar.base_comment = f"Chain: {chain+1}/{chains}" results.append( _sample_smc_int(*params, random_seed[chain], chain, pbar, **kernel_kwargs)) ( traces, sample_stats, sample_settings, ) = zip(*results) trace = MultiTrace(traces) idata = None # Save sample_stats _t_sampling = time.time() - t1 sample_settings_dict = sample_settings[0] sample_settings_dict["_t_sampling"] = _t_sampling sample_stats_dict = sample_stats[0] if chains > 1: # Collect the stat values from each chain in a single list for stat in sample_stats[0].keys(): value_list = [] for chain_sample_stats in sample_stats: value_list.append(chain_sample_stats[stat]) sample_stats_dict[stat] = value_list if not return_inferencedata: for stat, value in sample_stats_dict.items(): setattr(, stat, value) for stat, value in sample_settings_dict.items(): setattr(, stat, value) else: for stat, value in sample_stats_dict.items(): if chains > 1: # Different chains might have more iteration steps, leading to a # non-square `sample_stats` dataset, we cast as `object` to avoid # numpy ragged array deprecation warning sample_stats_dict[stat] = np.array(value, dtype=object) else: sample_stats_dict[stat] = np.array(value) sample_stats = dict_to_dataset( sample_stats_dict, attrs=sample_settings_dict, library=pymc, ) ikwargs = dict(model=model) if idata_kwargs is not None: ikwargs.update(idata_kwargs) idata = to_inference_data(trace, **ikwargs) idata = InferenceData(**idata, sample_stats=sample_stats) if compute_convergence_checks: if draws < 100: warnings.warn( "The number of samples is too small to check convergence reliably.", stacklevel=2, ) else: if idata is None: idata = to_inference_data(trace, log_likelihood=False), model) return idata if return_inferencedata else trace