Exemple #1
    def __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs):
        if name is _Unpickling:
            return object.__new__(cls)  # for pickle
            model = Model.get_context()
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                "No model on context stack, which is needed to "
                "instantiate distributions. Add variable inside "
                "a 'with model:' block, or use the '.dist' syntax "
                "for a standalone distribution."

        if not isinstance(name, string_types):
            raise TypeError(f"Name needs to be a string but got: {name}")

        data = kwargs.pop("observed", None)
        cls.data = data
        if isinstance(data, ObservedRV) or isinstance(data, FreeRV):
            raise TypeError("observed needs to be data but got: {}".format(type(data)))
        total_size = kwargs.pop("total_size", None)

        dims = kwargs.pop("dims", None)
        has_shape = "shape" in kwargs
        shape = kwargs.pop("shape", None)
        if dims is not None:
            if shape is not None:
                raise ValueError("Specify only one of 'dims' or 'shape'")
            if isinstance(dims, string_types):
                dims = (dims,)
            shape = model.shape_from_dims(dims)

        # failsafe against 0-shapes
        if shape is not None and any(np.atleast_1d(shape) <= 0):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Distribution initialized with invalid shape {shape}. This is not allowed."

        # Some distributions do not accept shape=None
        if has_shape or shape is not None:
            dist = cls.dist(*args, **kwargs, shape=shape)
            dist = cls.dist(*args, **kwargs)
        return model.Var(name, dist, data, total_size, dims=dims)
Exemple #2
    def __new__(
        name: str,
        dims: Optional[Dims] = None,
    ) -> RandomVariable:
        """Adds a RandomVariable corresponding to a PyMC3 distribution to the current model.

        Note that all remaining kwargs must be compatible with ``.dist()``

        cls : type
            A PyMC3 distribution.
        name : str
            Name for the new model variable.
        rng : optional
            Random number generator to use with the RandomVariable.
        dims : tuple, optional
            A tuple of dimension names known to the model.
        initval : optional
            Test value to be attached to the output RV.
            Must match its shape exactly.
        observed : optional
            Observed data to be passed when registering the random variable in the model.
            See ``Model.register_rv``.
        total_size : float, optional
            See ``Model.register_rv``.
        transform : optional
            See ``Model.register_rv``.
            Keyword arguments that will be forwarded to ``.dist()``.
            Most prominently: ``shape`` and ``size``

        rv : RandomVariable
            The created RV, registered in the Model.

            from pymc3.model import Model

            model = Model.get_context()
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("No model on context stack, which is needed to "
                            "instantiate distributions. Add variable inside "
                            "a 'with model:' block, or use the '.dist' syntax "
                            "for a standalone distribution.")

        if "testval" in kwargs:
            initval = kwargs.pop("testval")
                "The `testval` argument is deprecated; use `initval`.",

        if not isinstance(name, string_types):
            raise TypeError(f"Name needs to be a string but got: {name}")

        if rng is None:
            rng = model.next_rng()

        if dims is not None and "shape" in kwargs:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Passing both `dims` ({dims}) and `shape` ({kwargs['shape']}) is not supported!"
        if dims is not None and "size" in kwargs:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Passing both `dims` ({dims}) and `size` ({kwargs['size']}) is not supported!"
        dims = convert_dims(dims)

        # Create the RV without specifying initval, because the initval may have a shape
        # that only matches after replicating with a size implied by dims (see below).
        rv_out = cls.dist(*args, rng=rng, initval=None, **kwargs)
        ndim_actual = rv_out.ndim
        resize_shape = None

        # `dims` are only available with this API, because `.dist()` can be used
        # without a modelcontext and dims are not tracked at the Aesara level.
        if dims is not None:
            ndim_resize, resize_shape, dims = resize_from_dims(
                dims, ndim_actual, model)
        elif observed is not None:
            ndim_resize, resize_shape, observed = resize_from_observed(
                observed, ndim_actual)

        if resize_shape:
            # A batch size was specified through `dims`, or implied by `observed`.
            rv_out = change_rv_size(rv_var=rv_out,

        if initval is not None:
            # Assigning the testval earlier causes trouble because the RV may not be created with the final shape already.
            rv_out.tag.test_value = initval

        return model.register_rv(rv_out,