Exemple #1
 def test_wald(self):
     # Cannot do anything too exciting as scipy wald is a
     # location-scale model of the *standard* wald with mu=1 and lam=1
     pymc3_random(Wald, {
         'mu': Domain([1., 1., 1.]),
         'lam': Domain([1., 1., 1.]),
         'alpha': Rplus
                  ref_rand=lambda size, mu=None, lam=None, alpha=None: st.
                  wald.rvs(size=size, loc=alpha))
Exemple #2
def pymc3_random_discrete(dist, paramdomains,
                          valuedomain=Domain([0]), ref_rand=None,
                          size=100000, alpha=0.05, fails=20):
    model = build_model(dist, valuedomain, paramdomains)
    domains = paramdomains.copy()
    for pt in product(domains):
        pt = Point(pt, model=model)
        p = alpha
        # Allow Chisq test to fail (i.e., the samples be different)
        # a certain number of times.
        f = fails
        while p <= alpha and f > 0:
            o = model.named_vars['value'].random(size=size, point=pt)
            e = ref_rand(size=size, **pt)
            o = np.atleast_1d(o).flatten()
            e = np.atleast_1d(e).flatten()
            observed = dict(zip(*np.unique(o, return_counts=True)))
            expected = dict(zip(*np.unique(e, return_counts=True)))
            for e in expected.keys():
                expected[e] = (observed.get(e, 0), expected[e])
            k = np.array([v for v in expected.values()])
            if np.all(k[:, 0] == k[:, 1]):
                p = 1.
                _chi, p = st.chisquare(k[:, 0], k[:, 1])
            f -= 1
        assert p > alpha, str(pt)
 def test_mv_t(self):
     for n in [2, 3]:
         pymc3_random(MvStudentT, {'nu': Domain([5, 10, 25, 50]), 'Sigma': PdMatrix(n),
                                   'mu':Vector(R,n)}, size=100,
                  ref_rand=(lambda nu=None, Sigma=None, mu=None, size=None:
                     mu + np.sqrt(nu)
                     * (st.multivariate_normal.rvs(cov=Sigma, size=size).T
                     / st.chi2.rvs(df=nu, size=size)).T))
Exemple #4
def pymc3_random(dist, paramdomains,
                 ref_rand=None, valuedomain=Domain([0]),
                 size=10000, alpha=0.05, fails=10):
    model = build_model(dist, valuedomain, paramdomains)
    domains = paramdomains.copy()
    for pt in product(domains):
        pt = Point(pt, model=model)
        p = alpha
        # Allow KS test to fail (i.e., the samples be different)
        # a certain number of times. Crude, but necessary.
        f = fails
        while p <= alpha and f > 0:
            s0 = model.named_vars['value'].random(size=size, point=pt)
            s1 = ref_rand(size=size, **pt)
            _, p = st.ks_2samp(np.atleast_1d(s0).flatten(),
            f -= 1
        assert p > alpha, str(pt)
Exemple #5
from pymc3.tests.test_transforms import *
import ContinuousTimeMarkovModel.transforms as ctrans
from pymc3.tests.test_distributions import Domain

min_rate_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(5, 5))
max_rate_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(5, 5)) + np.inf
max_rate_matrix = np.fill_diagonal(max_rate_matrix, -np.inf)
rate_matrix_test = np.array([[-6, 2, 2, 1, 1], [1, -4, 0, 1, 2],
                             [1, 0, -4, 2, 1], [2, 1, 0, -3, 0],
                             [1, 1, 1, 1, -4]])

RateMatrixDomain = Domain([min_rate_matrix, rate_matrix_test, max_rate_matrix])

def check_matrix_transform_identity(transform, domain):
    return check_transform_identity(transform,

def test_rate_matrix():
    check_matrix_transform_identity(ctrans.rate_matrix(0, 100),

min_rate_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))
max_rate_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6)) + np.inf
max_rate_matrix = np.fill_diagonal(max_rate_matrix, -np.inf)
rate_matrix_test = np.array(
    [[-0.631921, 0.631921, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000],