def create_attr(self): # Create enum attribute on selected control object sel = if not sel: pm.displayWarning("Select Control object") return None attr = self.attr_nm.getText() attr_lst = self.enum_val.getText().split("\n") enum_attr_val = "" for index in range(len(attr_lst)): if attr_lst[index]: enum_attr_val += attr_lst[index] if not index == len(attr_lst) - 1: enum_attr_val += ":" for obj in sel: pm.addAttr(obj, longName=attr, attributeType="enum", enumName=enum_attr_val, keyable=True, readable=True, storable=True, writable=True) self.populate_list() return None
def edit_blinn(self, *args): if not self.normal_shader: if not self.blinn_tex_warning: pm.displayWarning('you havent made a blinn yet you potato!') self.blinn_tex_warning = True else: newColour = pm.colorSliderGrp(self.blinnCol, q=True, rgbValue=True) pm.setAttr('%s.color' % self.normal_shader, newColour, type='double3')
def populate_list(self): # display the list of enum attributes self.text_lst.removeAll() self.ctr = if not self.ctr: pm.displayWarning("Control not selected") return None attr_list = self.get_attr_name() if attr_list: self.text_lst.append(attr_list) return None
def find_node_type(self, **kwargs): check_node = kwargs.get("check_node", None) nd_typ = None if not check_node: pm.displayWarning("No nodes received") return None if isinstance(check_node, pm.GeometryFilter): if check_node.type() == "nonLinear": nd_typ = self.get_non_linear_type(non_linear_node=check_node) else: nd_typ = check_node.type() return nd_typ
def show_type(self): sel_nd = if not sel_nd: pm.displayWarning("No node selected") return None if len(sel_nd) > 1: pm.displayWarning("More than one node selected") return None typ = self.node_fun.find_node_type(check_node=sel_nd[0]) if not typ: typ = sel_nd[0].type() self.nd_typ_txt.setText(typ.lower()) return None
def get_def_history_nodes(self, **kwargs): sel = kwargs.get("sel_nd", None) if not sel: sel = if not sel: pm.displayWarning("No objects selected") return None def_list = [] self.hist_nodes = self.node_fun.get_history_list(sel_obj=sel) for nd in self.hist_nodes: if isinstance(nd, pm.GeometryFilter): def_list.append(nd) return def_list
def extract_loops(self, **kwargs): max_count = kwargs.get("max", 0) if not max_count: max_count = 2 prev_con_edg = kwargs.get("prev_con_edg", []) selected_edges = kwargs.get("next_edg", []) self.safe_count += 1 if self.safe_count > max_count: pm.displayWarning("Loop not ending") return self.FAIL if not selected_edges: selected_edges =, flatten=True) if self.init_flag: if len(selected_edges) < 2: pm.displayError("Minimum 2 edge selection needed") return self.FAIL if len(selected_edges) > 3: pm.displayError("More than 3 edges selected") return self.FAIL if len(selected_edges) == 3: self.stop_edge = selected_edges.pop(2) self.transform_node, self.shape_node = self.get_transform_from_component( comp=selected_edges[0]) max_count = len( + ".e[*]", flatten=True)) next_edge = None for sel_edg in selected_edges: loop = self.get_loop_from_edge(edg=sel_edg, obj=self.transform_node) self.loop.append(loop) con_edg =, flatten=True) if self.init_flag: self.init_flag = False prev_con_edg = con_edg self.init_loop = loop continue next_edge = self.get_next_edge(edg_con=con_edg, edg_loop=loop, prev_edg_con=prev_con_edg) if self.stop_edge in loop: return None if next_edge and len(next_edge) == 1: if next_edge[0] in self.init_loop: return None self.extract_loops(prev_con_edg=con_edg, next_edg=next_edge, max=max_count) return self.SUCCESS
def skin(self, **kwargs): obj = kwargs.get("cur_obj", None) ctr = kwargs.get("ctr", None) shp = obj.getShape() if not shp: shp =, dag=True, type=["mesh", "nurbsCurve"]) else: shp = [shp] if shp: for item in shp: try: pm.skinCluster(ctr, item) except Exception, e: pm.displayWarning(str(e) + " Skipping skin bind operation")
def lock_scale_vis_rad(self, **kwargs): ctrl = kwargs.get("ctr") ctrl.scale.setLocked(True) ctrl.visibility.setLocked(True) ctrl.scaleX.setKeyable(False) ctrl.scaleX.showInChannelBox(False) ctrl.scaleY.setKeyable(False) ctrl.scaleY.showInChannelBox(False) ctrl.scaleZ.setKeyable(False) ctrl.scaleZ.showInChannelBox(False) ctrl.visibility.setKeyable(False) ctrl.visibility.showInChannelBox(False) try: ctrl.radius.setLocked(True) ctrl.radius.setKeyable(False) ctrl.radius.showInChannelBox(False) except e: pm.displayWarning(e+"\nradius attribute not found") return None
def get_area_ratio(self, **kwargs): flag = kwargs.get("flag", None) sel_face = kwargs.get("sel_face", None) sel_face =, flatten=True) if not sel_face: pm.displayWarning("NO FACES SELECTED") return None mesh_world_area = 0.0 uv_area = 0.0 print(sel_face) for fc in sel_face: mesh_world_area += fc.getArea(space="world") uv_area += fc.getUVArea() ratio = mesh_world_area / uv_area if flag == "CUR": return mesh_world_area, uv_area, ratio else: return ratio return None
def reorder_deformer_nodes(self, **kwargs): sel = if not sel: pm.displayWarning("No object selected") ordered_def_list = kwargs.get("ordered_def_list", None) for obj in sel: # get list of history nodes that are deformers def_hist_nodes = self.get_def_history_nodes(sel_nd=obj) # arrange the obtained history node list ordered_def_list = self.node_fun.reorder_list( ref_list=self.file_ord_list, in_list=def_hist_nodes) if not ordered_def_list: pm.displayWarning("No ordered list returned") return None # set initial flag to true to start the node shuffle init_flag = True for index in range(len(ordered_def_list)): if not init_flag: # move each deformers in the arranged list pm.reorderDeformers(ordered_def_list[index - 1], ordered_def_list[index], obj) pass else: # First shuffle # move the first node from arranged list to position # next to first deformer on the object history # swap the first and second deformers bringing the # first deformer in list to first in deformers l # ist on the object if not def_hist_nodes[0] == ordered_def_list[0]: pm.reorderDeformers(def_hist_nodes[0], ordered_def_list[0], obj) pm.reorderDeformers(ordered_def_list[0], def_hist_nodes[0], obj) # set the initial contition to False to indicate the # first run is passed init_flag = False pass return None
def delete_shader(self, sh, Utile, Vtile): if not pm.objExists(sh): pm.displayWarning("Shader does not exist") return None # get the shading engine connected sh_con = pm.listConnections(sh + ".outColor") obj = None for con in sh_con: print(con) # find the mesh connected with the shading engine obj = pm.listConnections(con, type="mesh") pm.delete(sh) pm.delete(sh + "_fileTexture") pm.delete(sh_con) pm.delete(sh + "_2dTex") if obj: pm.hyperShade(assign="lambert1") self.clear_uv_tile_val(sh, Utile, Vtile) return None
def set_ref_shell(self): self.ref_shell =, flatten=True) if not self.ref_shell: pm.button(self.ref_shell_btn, edit=True, backgroundColor=(.863, 0.078, 0.235)) self.ref_shell = None self.assign_btn.setEnable(False) self.sel_shell_btn.setEnable(False) self.ch_bx.setEnable(False) return None if not isinstance(self.ref_shell[0], pm.MeshFace): pm.displayWarning("Please select shells") return None r = round(random.uniform(0.000, 0.500), 3) b = round(random.uniform(0.000, 0.500), 3) pm.button(self.ref_shell_btn, edit=True, backgroundColor=(r, .545, b)) self.ratioREF = self.get_area_ratio(flag="REF", sel_face=self.ref_shell) self.assign_btn.setEnable(True) self.sel_shell_btn.setEnable(True) self.ch_bx.setEnable(True) return None
def rescale_uv(self, **kwargs): # if no reference shell is selected stop execution if not self.ref_shell: pm.displayWarning("Reference shell not set") return None sel_shell_lst = [] skipped_selection = [] mesh_check = self.ch_bx.getValue() # if the selection is object get the faces of the object if mesh_check: print("SELECT MESH") sel_obj = for obj in sel_obj: if isinstance(obj.getShape(), pm.Mesh): obj_faces = + ".f[*]", flatten=True) sel_shell_lst += obj_faces else: skipped_selection.append(obj) else: sel_shell_lst = if not sel_shell_lst: pm.displayWarning("No face selected") return None # convert all faces to UV selection mel.eval('ConvertSelectionToUVs') all_uv =, flatten=True) if not isinstance(sel_shell_lst[0], pm.MeshFace): pm.displayWarning("Please select shells") return None ref_count = len(all_uv) # call shell split function to get a list of separate shells run_shellp_split = self.split_shells(all_uv, ref_count, count=0) # if the self.split_shells runs more than # the number ofvertices, terminate if run_shellp_split == "Infinite loop": pm.displayError("MAX COUNT REACHED, Shell separation FAIL!!!!!!") return None # for each shell, find the required area ratio to # match with the reference area ratio # scale the shell to tha amount needed for ref_uv in self.uv_shells_list: sel_faces =[ref_uv]) mesh_areaCUR, uv_areaCUR, ratioCUR = self.get_area_ratio( flag="CUR", sel_face=sel_faces) if not self.ratioREF == ratioCUR: needed_area = mesh_areaCUR / self.ratioREF scaleval = math.sqrt(needed_area / uv_areaCUR) ref = pm.polyEditUVShell(ref_uv, query=True, pivotU=True, pivotV=True) pm.polyEditUVShell(pivotU=ref[0], pivotV=ref[1], scaleU=scaleval, scaleV=scaleval) self.uv_shells_list = {} if skipped_selection: print "########Objects skipped########" for obj in skipped_selection: print obj pm.displayWarning("objects have been skipped, check script editor") return None
def setup_motion_path(self): setup_name = self.get_setup_name() path_name = self.get_path_name() sample_obj = self.get_sample_objects() duplicate_flag = self.get_duplicate_flag() placement_type = self.get_placement_type() division_count = self.get_division_count() if setup_name == self.INVALID_INPUT_FAIL: pm.displayError("Invalid Input Entered for setup name") return None if path_name == self.INVALID_INPUT_FAIL: pm.displayError("Invalid Input Entered for path name") return None if path_name == self.NO_OBJECT_FAIL: pm.displayError("path Curve does not exist") return None if path_name == self.DATA_TYPE_FAIL: pm.displayError("Path can be only Nurb Curves") return None if division_count == self.INVALID_INPUT_FAIL: pm.displayError("Invalid Input Entered for divisions") return None if division_count == self.DATA_TYPE_FAIL: pm.displayError("Divisions can take only integer values") return None if sample_obj == self.NO_OBJECT_FAIL: pm.displayError("Sample Object not found") return None obj_list = [] path_anim_list = [] sel_objs = if duplicate_flag: path_name = self.get_duplicate_path(path_crv=path_name) path_name = pm.rename(path_name, setup_name + "_path_CRV") if placement_type == "uniform": obj_list, path_anim_list = self.uniform_distribution( name=setup_name, path=path_name, sample=sample_obj, divisions=division_count) else: if not sel_objs: pm.displayError("No Objects selected") for obj in sel_objs: if not pm.objExists(obj): pm.displayWarning(str(obj), "does not exist") return None obj_list, path_anim_list = self.at_selection( name=setup_name, path=path_name, sample=sample_obj, selection_list=sel_objs) loc_pos = CustomScripts.midPos(selected_items=path_name) loc = pm.spaceLocator(name=setup_name + "_up_loc") pm.xform(loc, translation=loc_pos) control_crv = + "CTRL", normalX=1, normalY=0, normalZ=0) pm.xform(control_crv[0], translation=loc_pos, worldSpace=True) # add run and speed attributes on parent nurb curve pm.addAttr(control_crv[0], longName="run", attributeType="float", keyable=True) pm.addAttr(control_crv[0], longName="speed", attributeType="float", keyable=True, minValue=0.0, defaultValue=0.5) # edit the existing motion path to assign up locator for mtPth in path_anim_list: pm.pathAnimation(mtPth, edit=True, worldUpType="object", worldUpObject=loc) # parent the setup under the parent nurb curve pm.parent(path_name, control_crv[0]) pm.parent(loc, control_crv[0]) gp = + "GP") pm.xform(gp, translation=loc_pos) obj_gp =, name=setup_name + "object_GP") pm.parent(control_crv[0], gp) pm.parent(obj_gp, gp) # call to create expression function self.createTreadExpression(mtnPth=path_anim_list, runAttr=str(control_crv[0]) + ".run", speedAttr=str(control_crv[0]) + ".speed", exp_nm=setup_name) return None