Exemple #1
        _pluginUnloadedCB = True

        # BUG: autodesk still has not add python callback support, and calling this as MEL is not getting the plugin name passed to it
        # mel.unloadPlugin( addCallback='''python("import pymel; pymel._pluginUnloaded('#1')")''' )

        if _versions.current() >= _versions.v2009:
            _logger.debug("Adding pluginUnloaded callback")
            id = _api.MSceneMessage.addStringArrayCallback(
                _api.MSceneMessage.kAfterPluginUnload, _pluginUnloaded)
            if hasattr(id, 'disown'):

        _logger.debug("PluginUnloaded callback already exists")

    # add commands and nodes for plugins loaded prior to importing pymel
    preLoadedPlugins = cmds.pluginInfo(q=1, listPlugins=1)
    if preLoadedPlugins:
        _logger.info("Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: %s" %
                     ', '.join(preLoadedPlugins))
        for plugin in preLoadedPlugins:


# run userSetup.py / initialize MEL...
# ...userStartup.py / .mel may try to add plugins and then use their commands /
# nodes with pymel... so do the plugin stuff first
Exemple #2
        # BUG: autodesk still has not add python callback support, and calling this as MEL is not getting the plugin name passed to it
        #mel.unloadPlugin( addCallback='''python("import pymel; pymel._pluginUnloaded('#1')")''' )

        if _versions.current() >= _versions.v2009:
            _logger.debug("Adding pluginUnloaded callback")
            id = _api.MSceneMessage.addStringArrayCallback( _api.MSceneMessage.kAfterPluginUnload, _pluginUnloaded )
            if hasattr(id, 'disown'):

        _logger.debug("PluginUnloaded callback already exists")

    # add commands and nodes for plugins loaded prior to importing pymel
    preLoadedPlugins = cmds.pluginInfo( q=1, listPlugins=1 )
    if preLoadedPlugins:
        _logger.info("Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: %s" % ', '.join( preLoadedPlugins ))
        for plugin in preLoadedPlugins:
            _pluginLoaded( plugin )


# run userSetup.py / initialize MEL...
# ...userStartup.py / .mel may try to add plugins and then use their commands /
# nodes with pymel... so do the plugin stuff first