def test_anova():

    data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(get_resource_path(), "sample_data.csv"))
    data["DV_l2"] = np.random.randint(0, 4, data.shape[0])
    model = Lmer("DV ~ IV3*DV_l2 + (IV3|Group)", data=data)
    out = model.anova()
    assert out.shape == (3, 7)
    out = model.anova(force_orthogonal=True)
    assert out.shape == (3, 7)
Exemple #2
def test_anova():

    data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(get_resource_path(), 'sample_data.csv'))
    data['DV_l2'] = np.random.randint(0, 4, data.shape[0])
    model = Lmer('DV ~ IV3*DV_l2 + (IV3|Group)', data=data)
    out = model.anova()
    assert out.shape == (3, 7)
Exemple #3
import pandas as pd
from pymer4.utils import get_resource_path
from pymer4.models import Lmer

# IV3 is a categorical predictors with 3 levels in the sample data
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(get_resource_path(), "sample_data.csv"))

# # We're going to fit a multi-level regression using the
# categorical predictor (IV3) which has 3 levels
model = Lmer("DV ~ IV3 + (1|Group)", data=df)

# Using dummy-coding; suppress summary output{"IV3": ["1.0", "0.5", "1.5"]}, summarize=False)

# Get ANOVA table

# Type III SS inferences will only be valid if data are fully balanced across levels or if contrasts between levels are orthogonally coded and sum to 0. Below we tell :code:`pymer4` to respecify our contrasts to ensure this before estimating the ANOVA. :code:`pymer4` also saves the last set of contrasts used priory to forcing orthogonality.
# Because the sample data is balanced across factor levels and there are not interaction terms, in this case orthogonal contrast coding doesn't change the results.

# Get ANOVA table, but this time force orthogonality
# for valid SS III inferences
# In this case the data are balanced so nothing changes


# Checkout current contrast scheme (for first contrast)
# Notice how it's simply a linear contrast across levels