Exemple #1
def dot_product(u, v):
    Matrix/matrix, matrix/vector and vector/vector dot product

    :param u:
    :param v:


    >>> from pyml.maths.linear_algebra import dot_product
    >>> u = [1, 2, 3]
    >>> v = [4, 5, 6]
    >>> x = dot_product(u, v)
    >>> print(x)
    >>> A = [[1, -1, 2], [0, -3, 1]]
    >>> x = [2, 1, 0]
    >>> result = dot_product(A, x)
    >>> print(result)
    [1.0, -3.0]
    >>> A = [[0, -4, 4], [-3, -2, 0]]
    >>> B = [[0, 1], [2, 1], [-1, 3]]
    >>> result = dot_product(A, B)
    >>> print(result)
    [[-12.0, 8.0], [-4.0, -5.0]]

    # TODO: write exceptions to help user with errors from the backend
    return Clinear_algebra.dot_product(u, v)
Exemple #2
def subtract(A, B):
    Calculates elementwise difference of each element in a list (vector) or list of lists (matrix)
    If matrix has the same number of columns or rows as the vector the vector is automatically broadcast to fit the matrix

    :type A: list
    :type B: scalar or list

    :param A: either a list or a list of lists representing a vector or matrix, respectively
    :param B: either a list or a list of lists representing a vector or matrix, respectively

    :rtype: list
    :return: same format as A (list or list of lists)


    >>> from pyml.maths import subtract
    >>> A = [[0, -4, 4], [-3, -2, 0]]
    >>> B = [0, 1, 2]
    >>> print(subtract(A, B))
    [[0.0, -5.0, 2.0], [-3.0, -3.0, -2.0]]
    >>> C = [0, 1]
    >>> print(subtract(A, C))
    [[0.0, -4.0, 4.0], [-4.0, -3.0, -1.0]]
    >>> D = [[1, 5, 11], [-5, -7, 10]]
    >>> print(subtract(A, D))
    [[-1.0, -9.0, -7.0], [2.0, 5.0, -10.0]]
    # TODO: write exceptions to help user with errors from the backend
    if isinstance(B, (float, int)):
        B = [B]

    return Clinear_algebra.subtract(A, B)
Exemple #3
def divide(A, B):
    Calculates elementwise division of a list (vector) or list of lists (matrix)

    :type A: list
    :type B: scalar or list

    :param A: either a list or a list of lists
    :param B: scalar to perform division

    :rtype: list
    :return: matrix divided by constant n with the same shape as A (list or list of lists)


    >>> from pyml.maths import divide
    >>> A = [[0, -4, 4], [-3, -2, 0]]
    >>> print(divide(A, 2))
    [[0.0, -2.0, 2.0], [-1.5, -1.0, 0.0]]
    if isinstance(B, (float, int)):
        B = [B]
        return Clinear_algebra.divide(A, B)
        raise ZeroDivisionError
Exemple #4
def multiply(A, B):
    Calculates elementwise multiplication of a list (vector) or list of lists (matrix) with another vector or matrix
    and automatic broadcasting if needed

    :type A: list
    :type B: scalar or list

    :param A: either a list (vector) or a list of lists (matrix)
    :param B: either a list (vector) or a list of lists (matrix) or a constant

    :rtype: list
    :return: matrix divided by constant n with the same shape as A (list or list of lists)


    >>> from pyml.maths import multiply
    >>> A = [[0, -4, 4], [-3, -2, 0]]
    >>> print(multiply(A, 2))
    [[0.0, -8.0, 8.0], [-6.0, -4.0, 0.0]]
    if isinstance(B, (float, int)):
        B = [B]

    return Clinear_algebra.multiply(A, B)
Exemple #5
def eigen(array,
    :type array: list
    :type tolerance: float
    :type max_iterations: int
    :type sort: bool
    :type normalise: bool

    :param array: list of lists representing a matrix
    :param tolerance: early stopping parameter of Jacobi matrix decomposition algorithm
    :param max_iterations: maximum number of iterations of Jacobi matrix decomposition algorithm
    :param sort: whether or not to sort eigenvalues (descending) and respective eigenvectors
    :param normalise: whether or not to normalise eigenvectors using eigenvectors of the first eigenvalue

    :rtype: tuple
    :return: (eigenvalues (list), eigenvectors(list of lists))


    >>> from pyml.maths import eigen
    >>> S = [[3., -1, 0], [-1, 2, -1], [0, -1, 3]]
    >>> w, v = eigen(S)
    >>> v = [[round(x, 1) for x in row] for row in v]
    >>> w = [round(x, 1) for x in w]
    >>> print(v)
    [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, -0.0, 2.0], [1.0, -1.0, 1.0]]
    >>> print(w)
    [4.0, 3.0, 1.0]


    # TODO: write exceptions to help user with errors from the backend

    E, v = Clinear_algebra.eigen_solve(array, tolerance, max_iterations)

    if sort:
        # sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors from biggest to smallest
        idx = argsort(E)[::-1]
        E = [E[i] for i in idx]
        v = [[x[i] for i in idx] for x in v]

    if normalise:
        v = [[x[i] / v[0][i] for i in range(len(x))] for x in v]

    return E, v
Exemple #6
def least_squares(X, y):
    Solves a system of linear equations using Gaussian elimination

    :type X: list
    :type y: list

    :param X: list of lists representing a matrix
    :param y: a vector with all targets

    :rtype: list
    :return: list with the same number of dimensions as the number of columns of X with the solution of the system of
    linear equations
    # TODO: write exceptions to help user with errors from the backend

    return Clinear_algebra.least_squares(X, y)
Exemple #7
def transpose(A):
    Matrix transposition

    :rtype m: list
    :param m: a list of lists representing a matrix A
    :rtype: list
    :return: a list of lists representing the transpose of matrix A


    >>> A = [[0, -4, 4], [-3, -2, 0]]
    >>> print(transpose(A))
    [[0.0, -3.0], [-4.0, -2.0], [4.0, 0.0]]

    # TODO: write exceptions to help user with errors from the backend
    return Clinear_algebra.transpose(A)
Exemple #8
def determinant(A):
    Calculates the determinant of matrix A

    :type A: list

    :param A: list of lists representing a square matrix

    :rtype: float
    :return: determinant of matrix A


    >>> from pyml.maths import determinant
    >>> A = [[3, 1], [5, 2]]
    >>> print(determinant(A))
    return Clinear_algebra.determinant(A)
Exemple #9
def power(A, n):
    Calculates elementwise power of a list (vector) or list of lists (matrix)

    :type A: list
    :type n: int

    :param A: either a list or a list of lists
    :param n: int to calculate the power

    :rtype: list
    :return: same shape as A (list or list of lists)


    >>> from pyml.maths import power
    >>> A = [[0, -4, 4], [-3, -2, 0]]
    >>> print(power(A, 2))
    [[0.0, 16.0, 16.0], [9.0, 4.0, 0.0]]
    # TODO: write exceptions to help user with errors from the backend
    return Clinear_algebra.power(A, n)