def rx(): """ rhiju's favorite coloring of proteins, more details -- no cartoon; heavy backbone """ cmd.bg_color("white") AllObj = cmd.get_names("all") for x in AllObj: #print(AllObj[0],x) print x cmd.hide("line", x) cmd.color("white", x + " and elem C") cmd.color("blue", x + " and elem N") cmd.color("red", x + " and elem O") cmd.color("yellow", x + " and elem S") cmd.spectrum("count", "rainbow", x + " and name CA+C") "sticks", x +" and not elem H and not name C+N+O" )'backbone', 'name o+c+ca+n')'sticks', 'not elem H') if not x.count('BACKBONE'): cmd.create(x + "_BACKBONE", x + " and not element H and backbone") cmd.set('stick_radius', '0.5', "*BACKBONE")
def testAlterState(self): cmd.fragment('ala') cmd.create('ala', 'ala', 1, 2) v_count = cmd.count_atoms('all') v_mock = [ list(map(float, list(range(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3)))) for i in range(v_count) ] v_xyz_1_pre = cmd.get_model('all', state=1).get_coord_list() v_xyz_2_pre = cmd.get_model('all', state=2).get_coord_list() cmd.alter_state(2, 'all', '(x,y,z) = next(xyz_iter)', space={ 'xyz_iter': iter(v_mock), 'next': next }) v_xyz_1_post = cmd.get_model('all', state=1).get_coord_list() v_xyz_2_post = cmd.get_model('all', state=2).get_coord_list() self.assertEqual(v_xyz_1_post, v_xyz_1_pre) self.assertEqual(v_xyz_2_post, v_mock)
def check_disulphide_criteria(pdb, resnum_i, resnum_j, f): selection_i = "resi " + str(resnum_i) selection_j = "resi " + str(resnum_j) for frame_i in [1, 2]: rotamer_i_pymol_prefix = "/" + "rotamer_" + str(resnum_i) + "_" + str(frame_i) + "///" + resnum_i + "/" chi1_i = cmd.get_dihedral(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "N", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG") theta_i = cmd.get_angle(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG") for frame_j in [1, 2]: rotamer_j_pymol_prefix = "/" + "rotamer_" + str(resnum_j) + "_" + str(frame_j) + "///" + resnum_j + "/" chi1_j = cmd.get_dihedral(rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "N", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") theta_j = cmd.get_angle(rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") chi3 = cmd.get_dihedral(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CB") #Energy = compute_energy(chi1_i, chi1_j, theta_i, theta_j, chi3) s_gamma_distance = cmd.get_distance(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") if (s_gamma_distance < 3 and ((chi3 > -110 and chi3 < -60) or (chi3 > 70 and chi3 < 130))): print rotamer_i_pymol_prefix, rotamer_j_pymol_prefix, s_gamma_distance, chi3 f.write("%s\t%s\t%f\t%f\n" % (rotamer_i_pymol_prefix, rotamer_j_pymol_prefix, s_gamma_distance, chi3)) rotamer_i = "rotamer_" + str(resnum_i) + "_" + str(frame_i) rotamer_j = "rotamer_" + str(resnum_j) + "_" + str(frame_j) cmd.enable(rotamer_i) cmd.enable(rotamer_j) cmd.distance(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") cmd.create(rotamer_i + rotamer_j, rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "or" + rotamer_j_pymol_prefix)
def split_chains(selection='(all)', prefix=None): ''' DESCRIPTION Create a single object for each chain in selection SEE ALSO split_states, ''' count = 0 models = cmd.get_object_list('(' + selection + ')') for model in models: for chain in cmd.get_chains('(%s) and model %s' % (selection, model)): if chain == '': chain = "''" count += 1 if not prefix: name = '%s_%s' % (model, chain) else: name = '%s%04d' % (prefix, count) cmd.create( name, '(%s) and model %s and chain %s' % (selection, model, chain)) cmd.disable(model)
def Update(self): try: # Copy the initial protein (Frame 1) into the working state cmd.create(self.TargetObj, self.TargetName, 1, self.State) cmd.refresh() # Display the last frame cmd.frame(self.State) #print "Switched to frame " + str(self.State) except: self.CriticalError("Object " + str(self.TargetName) + " no longer exists") if not self.UpdateLigandAnchorPoint() and not self.UpdateLigandFlexibility(): self.selSideChains = self.UpdateSideChainConformations() if self.WriteOutLigand() or self.EditView() or \, self.TOP,, self.dictCoord): self.Delete_Object() self.Delete_Object() return
def Update(self): try: # Copy the initial protein (Frame 1) into the working state cmd.create(self.TargetObj, self.TargetName, 1, self.State) cmd.refresh() # Display the last frame cmd.frame(self.State) #print "Switched to frame " + str(self.State) except: self.CriticalError("Object " + str(self.TargetName) + " no longer exists") if not self.UpdateLigandAnchorPoint( ) and not self.UpdateLigandFlexibility(): self.selSideChains = self.UpdateSideChainConformations() if self.WriteOutLigand() or self.EditView() or \, self.TOP,, self.dictCoord): self.Delete_Object() self.Delete_Object() return
def normalmodes_prody(selection, cutoff=15, first=7, last=10, guide=1, prefix='prody', states=7, factor=-1, quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Anisotropic Network Model (ANM) analysis with ProDy. Based on: ''' try: import prody except ImportError: print('Failed to import prody, please add to PYTHONPATH') raise CmdException first, last, guide = int(first), int(last), int(guide) states, factor, quiet = int(states), float(factor), int(quiet) assert first > 6 if guide: selection = '(%s) and guide and alt A+' % (selection) tmpsele = cmd.get_unused_name('_'), selection) f = StringIO(cmd.get_pdbstr(tmpsele)) conf = prody.parsePDBStream(f) modes = prody.ANM() modes.buildHessian(conf, float(cutoff)) modes.calcModes(last - first + 1) if factor < 0: from math import log natoms = modes.numAtoms() factor = log(natoms) * 10 if not quiet: print(' set factor to %.2f' % (factor)) for mode in range(first, last + 1): name = prefix + '%d' % mode cmd.delete(name) if not quiet: print(' normalmodes: object "%s" for mode %d' % (name, mode)) for state in range(1, states+1): xyz_it = iter(modes[mode-7].getArrayNx3() * (factor * ((state-1.0)/(states-1.0) - 0.5))) cmd.create(name, tmpsele, 1, state, zoom=0) cmd.alter_state(state, name, '(x,y,z) = + (x,y,z)', space=locals()) cmd.delete(tmpsele) if guide: cmd.set('ribbon_trace_atoms', 1, prefix + '*') cmd.show_as('ribbon', prefix + '*') else: cmd.show_as('lines', prefix + '*')
def testMultifilesave(self): import glob for name in ['ala', 'gly', 'his', 'arg']: cmd.fragment(name) # multistate for i in range(2, 11): cmd.create('ala', 'ala', 1, i) for fmt in ['{}-{:02}.cif', '{}-{state}.cif']: with testing.mkdtemp() as dirname: cmd.multifilesave(os.path.join(dirname, fmt), 'ala', 0) filenames = [os.path.basename(p) for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '*.cif'))] self.assertEqual(len(filenames), 10) self.assertTrue('ala-03.cif' in filenames) with testing.mkdtemp() as dirname: cmd.multifilesave(os.path.join(dirname, '{}.pdb'), 'a* g*') filenames_full = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '*.pdb'))) filenames = [os.path.basename(p) for p in filenames_full] self.assertEqual(filenames, ['ala.pdb', 'arg.pdb', 'gly.pdb']) cmd.delete('*') cmd.load(filenames_full[0]) self.assertEqual(cmd.count_atoms(), 10) cmd.delete('*') cmd.load(filenames_full[1]) self.assertEqual(cmd.count_atoms(), 24)
def show_ref(frame): cmd.create("Ref_full", "resid %i and resname DMPC" % (REF_BEAD + 1)) cmd.hide("lines", "Ref_full")"spheres", "Ref_full") cmd.create("Ref_Headgroup", "resid %i and name P" % (REF_BEAD + 1)) cmd.hide("lines", "Ref_Headgroup")"spheres", "Ref_Headgroup") cmd.set("sphere_scale", 2.0, "Ref_Headgroup") cmd.color("orange", "Ref_Headgroup") cmd.set("sphere_transparency", 0.5, "Ref_Headgroup") position = frame.bead_coords[REF_BEAD] * 10 x, y, z = position cgo_ref = [COLOR, 1.0, 0.6, 0.1, SPHERE, x, y, z, 3.0] cgo_ref = draw_vector(position, -frame.directions[REF_BEAD], cgo_obj=cgo_ref, color=(1.0, 1.0, 0.22), alpha=1.0) cmd.load_cgo(cgo_ref, "Ref_simplified") position = frame.bead_coords[REF_BEAD] * 10 x, y, z = position cgo_ref = [COLOR, 1.0, 0.6, 0.1, SPHERE, x, y, z, 3.0] cgo_ref = draw_vector(position, -frame.directions[REF_BEAD], cgo_obj=cgo_ref, color=(1.0, 1.0, 0.22), alpha=1.0) cmd.load_cgo(cgo_ref, "Ref_simplified")
def save_flip_selections(): '''Save the user-selected flips to a new PDB object.''' o = main.get_object(mpobj.get()) flipkin = self.flipkin_radio.getvalue() reduce_obj = o.pdb['reduce'] flipkin_obj = o.pdb[flipkin] userflips_obj = o.pdb['userflips'] # Create a new userflips object even if it already exists in case # previous selections have been changed. v = cmd.get_view() cmd.create(userflips_obj, reduce_obj) cmd.set_view(v) for i, v in enumerate(o.views[flipkin]): # If reduce value and user value are different, copy the # coordinates from the current flipkin molecule if v['reduce_chk_val'].get() != v['user_chk_val'].get(): # Do it the hard way, by combining objects. This is plenty # fast (we typically won't have too many flips to switch) # and doesn't result in atom name mismatch errors for # differently protonated HIS residues the way the # load_coords method does. flipped_sel = '({} and chain {} and resi {})'.format( flipkin_obj, v['chain'], v['resi']) userflips_sel = '({} and not (chain {} and resi {}))'.format( userflips_obj, v['chain'], v['resi']) combined_sel = '{} or {}'.format( userflips_sel, flipped_sel) v = cmd.get_view() cmd.create(userflips_obj, combined_sel) cmd.set_view(v) msg = 'added flip for {} to {}'.format(flipped_sel, userflips_obj) logger.debug(msg) o.solo_pdb('userflips')
def findSurfaceResidues(objSel="(all)", cutoff=2.5, doShow=False, verbose=False): tmpObj = "__tmp" cmd.create(tmpObj, objSel + " and polymer") if verbose != False: print("WARNING: I'm setting dot_solvent. You may not care for this.") cmd.set("dot_solvent") cmd.get_area(selection=tmpObj, load_b=1) cmd.remove(tmpObj + " and b < " + str(cutoff)) stored.tmp_dict = {} cmd.iterate(tmpObj, "stored.tmp_dict[(chain,resv)]=1") exposed = stored.tmp_dict.keys() exposed.sort() randstr = str(random.randint(0, 10000)) selName = "exposed_atm_" + randstr if verbose != False: print("Exposed residues are selected in: " + selName), objSel + " in " + tmpObj) selNameRes = "exposed_res_" + randstr, "byres " + selName) if doShow != False: cmd.show_as("spheres", objSel + " and poly") cmd.color("white", objSel) cmd.color("red", selName) cmd.delete(tmpObj) return exposed
def fatslim_apl_prot(): global REF_BEAD setup() FILENAME = BILAYER_PROT REF_BEAD = BILAYER_PROT_REF # Load file cmd.load("%s.pdb" % FILENAME) main_obj = "%s" % FILENAME cmd.disable(main_obj) traj = load_trajectory("%s.gro" % FILENAME, "%s.ndx" % FILENAME) traj.initialize() frame = traj[0] draw_pbc_box(main_obj) cmd.create("protein", "resi 1-160") cmd.hide("lines", "protein") cmd.color("yellow", "protein")"cartoon", "protein")"surface", "protein") cmd.set("transparency", 0.5, "protein") cmd.set("surface_color", "yelloworange", "protein") # Show leaflets show_leaflets(frame) # Show stuff related to APL show_apl(frame) print("Bilayer with protein loaded!")
def myalign(method): newmobile = cmd.get_unused_name(mobile_obj + '_' + method) cmd.create(newmobile, mobile_obj) start = time.time()'%s mobile=%s in %s, target=%s' % (method, newmobile, mobile, target)) if not quiet: print 'Finished: %s (%.2f sec)' % (method, time.time() - start)
def revert(self): v = cmd.get_view() cmd.remove(self.rdes.obj+" and not chain A") m = cmd.get_model(self.rdes.obj) n = self.oldcrd if not n: cmd.create("tmp12345",self.rnat.sel()) cmd.align("tmp12345",self.rdes.sel()) n = cmd.get_model("tmp12345").atom cmd.delete("tmp12345") di,ni = 0,0 while m.atom[di].resi != str(self.rdes.resi): di += 1 dj = di while m.atom[dj].resi == str(self.rdes.resi): dj += 1 if self.oldcrd: self.oldcrd = None else: self.oldcrd = m.atom[di:dj] m.atom = m.atom[:di] + n + m.atom[dj:] for i in range(di,di+len(n)): m.atom[i].resi = str(self.rdes.resi) m.atom[i].chain = str(self.rdes.chain) cmd.load_model(m,self.rdes.obj,1)"tmp.pdb",self.rdes.obj) cmd.delete(self.rdes.obj) cmd.load("tmp.pdb",self.rdes.obj,1)'car',self.rdes.obj)'lines') redopent(self.rdes.obj) cmd.set_view(v) print "revert removing "+"".join(self.aas)+" from aas!" self.aas = [getaa('A',self.rdes.resi,self.manager.d.obj)]
def color_destab(posfile, binding=False): #re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') cols = [('destab%i' % i, [float(i) / 20, 0, 0]) for i in range(20)] print cols for name, col in cols: cmd.set_color(name, col) cmd.color('gray', 'all') for match in re_pos.finditer(open(posfile).read()): #chain,pos,ndestab,nbind = match.groups() chain, pos, ndestab = match.groups() which_n = ndestab if binding: which_n = nbind print chain, pos, which_n print cols[int(which_n)] cmd.color(cols[int(which_n)][0], 'c. %s and i. %s' % (chain, pos)) # the following only works if DNASelections has alreay been run/called cmd.hide('everything')'ribbon', 'notDNA') cmd.set('ribbon_sampling', 5)'lines', 'notDNA') cmd.set('ray_trace_mode', 0) cmd.create('dnao', 'DNA') cmd.hide('labels') cmd.hide('everything', 'dnao') cmd.hide('everything', 'DNA')'surface', 'dnao')'spheres', 'r. hoh w. 4 of DNA') cmd.color('marine', 'r. hoh')
def plot(self, outfile): ctrl_id, case_id, snp_df_sub = self.score_on_var() df = pd.merge(snp_df_sub, self.snps2aa, on='id') #pymol.finish_launching() cmd.reinitialize() cmd.fetch(self.pdb) cmd.alter(self.pdb, 'b = 0.5') cmd.show_as('cartoon', self.pdb) cmd.color('white', self.pdb) for i, row in df.iterrows(): resi = row['structure_position'] chain = row['chain'] pheno = row['es'] selec = 'snp%s' % i selec_atom = 'snp_atom%s' % i, 'name ca and resi %s and chain %s' % (resi, chain)) cmd.create(selec_atom, selec) cmd.set("sphere_scale", 0.8)'sphere', selec_atom) cmd.alter(selec_atom, 'b=%s' % pheno) cmd.spectrum("b", "blue_white_red", selec_atom, maximum=1.0, minimum=0.0) cmd.bg_color("white") cmd.zoom() cmd.orient()'%s.pse' % outfile) cmd.png('%s.png' % outfile, width=2400, height=2400, dpi=300, ray=1)
def test_h_add_state(self): nheavy = 4 nhydro = 5 nfull = nheavy + nhydro cmd.fragment('gly', 'm1') cmd.remove('hydro') self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms()) cmd.h_add() self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms()) # multi-state cmd.remove('hydro') cmd.create('m1', 'm1', 1, 2) cmd.create('m1', 'm1', 1, 3) cmd.h_add(state=2) self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms()) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('state 1')) self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms('state 2')) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('state 3')) # discrete multi-state cmd.remove('hydro') cmd.create('m2', 'm1', 1, 1, discrete=1) cmd.create('m2', 'm2', 1, 2, discrete=1) cmd.create('m2', 'm2', 1, 3, discrete=1) self.assertEqual(nheavy * 3, cmd.count_atoms('m2')) cmd.h_add('m2 & state 2') # TODO , state=2) self.assertEqual(nfull + nheavy * 2, cmd.count_atoms('m2')) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('m2 & state 1')) self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms('m2 & state 2')) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('m2 & state 3')) cmd.h_add('m2') self.assertEqual(nfull * 3, cmd.count_atoms('m2'))
def testSimple(self): cmd.fab('A', 'm1') cmd.fab('A', 'm2') v1 = 'foo' v2 = 'bar' v3 = 'com' # single state cmd.set_property('filename', v1, 'm1') self.assertTrue('foo' == v1) self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm1') == v1) self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm2') == None) # multiple objects cmd.set_property('filename', v1) self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm2') == v1) # two states cmd.create('m1', 'm1', 1, 2) self.assertTrue(cmd.count_states() == 2) # set for all states cmd.set_property('filename', v1, 'm1') self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm1', 2) == v1) # set for particular state cmd.set_property('filename', v2, 'm1', 2) self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm1', 1) == v1) self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm1', 2) == v2) # set for current state cmd.frame(2) cmd.set_property('filename', v3, 'm1', -1) self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm1', 1) == v1) self.assertTrue(cmd.get_property('filename', 'm1', 2) == v3)
def rx(): """ rhiju's favorite coloring of proteins, more details -- no cartoon; heavy backbone """ cmd.bg_color( "white" ) AllObj=cmd.get_names("all") for x in AllObj: #print(AllObj[0],x) print x cmd.hide( "line", x ) cmd.color( "white", x+" and elem C" ) cmd.color( "blue", x+" and elem N" ) cmd.color( "red", x+" and elem O" ) cmd.color( "yellow", x+" and elem S" ) cmd.spectrum( "resi", "rainbow", x+" and name CA+C" ) "sticks", x +" and not elem H and not name C+N+O" )'backbone','name o+c+ca+n')'sticks','not elem H') if not x.count( 'BACKBONE' ): cmd.create( x+"_BACKBONE", x+" and not element H and backbone" ) cmd.set('stick_radius', '0.5', "*BACKBONE" )
def readHostFromSeleAround(self): try: stateNo = cmd.get_state() radius = self.seleRadius.get() cmd.create("host", "byres ( sele around " + radius + ")", stateNo) except: print("lo kurla")
def builderMicelle(detergent, r, numberOfDetergents): i = 0 numberOfDetergents = (int)(numberOfDetergents) #FIXME: if number of detergents > 360, molecules may clash in space if numberOfDetergents > 360: x1 = range(-180, 180) x2 = range(0, 360) theta = ([random.choice(x1) for _ in range(numberOfDetergents)]) phi = ([random.choice(x2) for _ in range(numberOfDetergents)]) else: theta = random.sample(range(-180, 180), numberOfDetergents) phi = random.sample(range(0, 360), numberOfDetergents) for t, p in zip(theta, phi): i += 1 cmd.copy(f"seg{i}", detergent) # randomly sample on a sphere cmd.translate(f"[0,{r},0]", f"seg{i}") cmd.rotate("x", f"{t}", f"seg{i}") cmd.rotate("z", f"{p}", f"seg{i}") s = f"micelle_{detergent}_{(int)(r)}_{(int)(numberOfDetergents)}" cmd.create(f"{s}", "seg*") cmd.delete("seg*") #center(f"{s}") #cmd.show_as("sticks","org") # could be streched if necessary # affineStretch(s, 10) return s
def process_molecule_mae(file_header, mol, suspend_undo): global already_processed global undo_each_molecule tot = [] tot.extend(file_header) tot.extend(mol) molstr = string.join(tot,'') nameorig, mdl = read_mae_model(molstr) name = nameorig.strip() if name in already_processed: return True already_processed = set(already_processed | set([name])) tmpname = "_temp_%s" % name cmd.delete(tmpname) try: cmd.load_model(mdl, tmpname) natoms = cmd.count_atoms(tmpname) except: return False if undo_each_molecule: cmd.push_undo( "( %s )" % name, just_coordinates=0) cmd.set("suspend_undo", 1, updates=0) cmd.remove(name) cmd.create(name, tmpname, copy_properties=True) cmd.set_title(name, -1, "") cmd.delete(tmpname) if undo_each_molecule: cmd.set("suspend_undo", suspend_undo, updates=0) cmd.push_undo("", just_coordinates=0, finish_undo=1) return True
def process_molecule_sdf(mol, suspend_undo): global already_processed global undo_each_molecule nameorig = mol[0] name = nameorig.strip() if name in already_processed: return True already_processed = set(already_processed | set([name])) tmpname = "_temp_%s" % name molstr = string.join(mol,'') cmd.delete(tmpname) try: importing.read_sdfstr(molstr, tmpname,object_props='*') natoms = cmd.count_atoms(tmpname) except: return False if undo_each_molecule: cmd.push_undo( "( %s )" % name, just_coordinates=0) cmd.set("suspend_undo", 1, updates=0) cmd.remove(name) print "before cmd.create(): using copy_properties=True" cmd.create(name, tmpname, copy_properties=True) cmd.set_title(name, -1, "") cmd.delete(tmpname) if undo_each_molecule: cmd.set("suspend_undo", suspend_undo, updates=0) cmd.push_undo("", just_coordinates=0, finish_undo=1) return True
def create_ds_uns(lines, name): uns = {'uns_sc': [], 'uns_bb': []} for line in lines: type = line[3:8] if type == 'SCACC' or type == 'SCDON': uns['uns_sc'].append(UnsAtom(line)) elif type == 'BBACC' or type == 'BBDON': uns['uns_bb'].append(UnsAtom(line)) for type, list in list(uns.items()): if list == []: continue selstr = string.join([ '/%s//%s/%s/%s' % (name, atom.chain, atom.resi, atom.atom) for atom in list ], ' or ') typename = '%s_%s' % (type, name), selstr) # copy unsatisfieds into a separate object (allows unique transparency, among other things) for type in uns: typename = '%s_%s' % (type, name) cmd.disable(typename) obj = '%s_obj' % typename cmd.create(obj, typename)'spheres', obj) cmd.set('sphere_scale', '0.75', obj) cmd.set('sphere_transparency', '0.5', obj)
def mkpntx(s1, s2): x = com(s1) - com(s2) if abs(x.x) > 0.1 or abs(x.y) > 0.1: print "DIE!", x return z = x.z c = Vec(0, z / 2 / math.tan(36.0 * math.pi / 180), z / 2) cmd.delete("p1") cmd.delete("p2") cmd.delete("p3") cmd.delete("p4") cmd.delete("p5") cmd.create("p1", s1) cmd.create("p2", s1) cmd.create("p3", s1) cmd.create("p4", s1) cmd.create("p5", s1) rot("p1", Vec(1, 0, 0), 0 * 72, c) rot("p2", Vec(1, 0, 0), 1 * 72, c) rot("p3", Vec(1, 0, 0), 2 * 72, c) rot("p4", Vec(1, 0, 0), 3 * 72, c) rot("p5", Vec(1, 0, 0), 4 * 72, c) cmd.color("green", "p1 and elem C") cmd.color("cyan", "p2 and elem C") cmd.color("yellow", "p3 and elem C") cmd.color("magenta", "p4 and elem C") cmd.color("orange", "p5 and elem C")
def color_destab(posfile,binding=False): #re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') cols = [ ('destab%i' %i, [float(i)/20,0,0]) for i in range(20) ] print cols for name,col in cols: cmd.set_color(name,col) cmd.color('gray','all') for match in re_pos.finditer( open(posfile).read() ): #chain,pos,ndestab,nbind = match.groups() chain,pos,ndestab = match.groups() which_n = ndestab if binding: which_n = nbind print chain, pos, which_n print cols[int(which_n)] cmd.color( cols[int(which_n)][0], 'c. %s and i. %s' %(chain,pos) ) # the following only works if DNASelections has alreay been run/called cmd.hide('everything')'ribbon','notDNA') cmd.set('ribbon_sampling',5)'lines','notDNA') cmd.set('ray_trace_mode',0) cmd.create('dnao','DNA') cmd.hide('labels') cmd.hide('everything','dnao') cmd.hide('everything','DNA')'surface','dnao')'spheres','r. hoh w. 4 of DNA') cmd.color('marine','r. hoh')
def builderNanodisc(protein, membrane, scaffold, prefixName, runNumber, x=0, y=0, refine=False): """ builds a MP-nanodisc systems scaffold in this case is a double belt of MSP """ # Checking time of builder function execution if protein != None: print('protein is: ' + protein) print('scaffold is: ' + scaffold) print('membrane is: ' + membrane) empty = False if protein is None: empty = True if not empty: tmp_prot = "tmp_prot" + str(runNumber) cmd.copy(tmp_prot, protein) # store initial cmd.translate("[{},{},0]".format(x, y), tmp_prot) print("State of empty/not-empty: {}".format(empty)) # copies to delete later tmp_scaffold = "tmp_scaffold" + str(runNumber) tmp_memb = "tmp_memb" + str(runNumber) tmp_origin = "origin" + str(runNumber) cmd.copy(tmp_scaffold, scaffold) # store initial cmd.copy(tmp_memb, membrane) # store initial center(tmp_memb) center(tmp_scaffold) cmd.pseudoatom(tmp_origin, pos=[0, 0, 0]) cmd.origin(tmp_origin) #outRadius = findAverDist(tmp_scaffold) #doubles time for each run outRadius = TMdistCheck(tmp_scaffold, 0.2) print("Max distance from origin to scaffold in xy plane: {}".format(outRadius)) # remove lipids beyond border encased by MSP cmd.remove("br. org and {} beyond {} of {}".format(tmp_memb, outRadius, tmp_origin)) # remove lipids clashing with tmp_protein core if not empty: avXY = TMdistCheck(tmp_prot, 0.2) if avXY == -1: return "bad model" minXY = avXY / 2.0 # remove lipids inside pore cmd.remove("br. org and {} within {} of {}".format(tmp_memb, minXY, tmp_origin)) print("Mean distance if TM cross-section in xy plane: {}".format(avXY)) if empty: cmd.remove("br. org and {} within 0.4 of {} and not hydro".format(tmp_memb, tmp_scaffold)) s = "empty_{}_{}".format(membrane, scaffold) else: cmd.remove("br. org and {} within 0.3 of pol. and not hydro".format(tmp_memb)) s = "{}_{}_{}".format(protein, membrane, scaffold) if refine: s += "{}_{}".format(int(x), int(y)) if prefixName: s = "{}{}".format(prefixName, s) cmd.create(s, "({},{}, {})".format(protein, tmp_scaffold, tmp_memb)) + ".pdb", s) cmd.delete(tmp_memb) cmd.delete(tmp_scaffold) cmd.delete(tmp_prot) cmd.delete(tmp_origin) return s
def normalmodes_prody(selection, cutoff=15, first=7, last=10, guide=1, prefix='prody', states=7, factor=-1, quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Anisotropic Network Model (ANM) analysis with ProDy. Based on: ''' try: import prody except ImportError: print('Failed to import prody, please add to PYTHONPATH') raise CmdException first, last, guide = int(first), int(last), int(guide) states, factor, quiet = int(states), float(factor), int(quiet) assert first > 6 if guide: selection = '(%s) and guide and alt A+' % (selection) tmpsele = cmd.get_unused_name('_'), selection) f = StringIO(cmd.get_pdbstr(tmpsele)) conf = prody.parsePDBStream(f) modes = prody.ANM() modes.buildHessian(conf, float(cutoff)) modes.calcModes(last - first + 1) if factor < 0: from math import log natoms = modes.numAtoms() factor = log(natoms) * 10 if not quiet: print(' set factor to %.2f' % (factor)) for mode in range(first, last + 1): name = prefix + '%d' % mode cmd.delete(name) if not quiet: print(' normalmodes: object "%s" for mode %d' % (name, mode)) for state in range(1, states+1): xyz_it = iter(modes[mode-7].getArrayNx3() * (factor * ((state-1.0)/(states-1.0) - 0.5))) cmd.create(name, tmpsele, 1, state, zoom=0) cmd.alter_state(state, name, '(x,y,z) = next(xyz_it) + (x,y,z)', space={'xyz_it': xyz_it, 'next': next}) cmd.delete(tmpsele) if guide: cmd.set('ribbon_trace_atoms', 1, prefix + '*') cmd.show_as('ribbon', prefix + '*') else: cmd.show_as('lines', prefix + '*')
def getxform(sel1, sel2): cmd.create("TEMPORARY", sel1) sel1 = "TEMPORARY" c1a = com(sel1 + " and resi 1 and name C") c1b = com(sel2 + " and resi 1 and name C") v = c1b - c1a trans(sel1, v) c2a = (com(sel1 + " and resi 2 and name C") - c1b).normalized() c2b = (com(sel2 + " and resi 2 and name C") - c1b).normalized() axis1 = c2a.cross(c2b) ang1 = math.acos( rot(sel1, axis1, 180.0 / math.pi * ang1, c1b) axis2 = (com(sel2 + " and resi 2 and name C") - c1b).normalized() P = projection_matrix(axis2) c3a = (com(sel1 + " and resi 3 and name C") - c1b) c3b = (com(sel2 + " and resi 3 and name C") - c1b) # print c1b # print com(sel1+" and resi 3 and name C") # print com(sel2+" and resi 3 and name C") # print c3a,"|||",c3b,"|||",, c3a -= P * c3a c3b -= P * c3b axis2 = c3a.cross(c3b).normalized() # print c3a,"|||",c3b,"|||",, ang2 = math.acos(c3a.normalized().dot(c3b.normalized())) # print ang2*180.0/math.pi rot(sel1, axis2, 180.0 / math.pi * ang2, c1b) M = rotation_matrix_radians(axis2, ang2) * rotation_matrix_radians( axis1, ang1) axis, ang = M.axisofrot() # trans(sel1,-v) # rot(sel1,axis,-ang,sel1+" and resi 1 and name C") # cmd.delete("TEMPORARY") return v, axis, ang * 180.0 / math.pi
def myalign(method): newmobile = cmd.get_unused_name(mobile_obj + '_' + method) cmd.create(newmobile, mobile_obj) start = time.time()'%s mobile=%s in %s, target=%s' % (method, newmobile, mobile, target)) if not quiet: print('Finished: %s (%.2f sec)' % (method, time.time() - start))
def findSurfaceAtoms(selection="all", cutoff=2.5, quiet=1): """ DESCRIPTION Finds those atoms on the surface of a protein that have at least 'cutoff' exposed A**2 surface area. USAGE findSurfaceAtoms [ selection, [ cutoff ]] SEE ALSO findSurfaceResidues """ cutoff, quiet = float(cutoff), int(quiet) tmpObj = cmd.get_unused_name("_tmp") cmd.create(tmpObj, "(" + selection + ") and polymer", zoom=0) cmd.set("dot_solvent", 1, tmpObj) cmd.get_area(selection=tmpObj, load_b=1) # threshold on what one considers an "exposed" atom (in A**2): cmd.remove(tmpObj + " and b < " + str(cutoff)) selName = cmd.get_unused_name("exposed_atm_"), "(" + selection + ") in " + tmpObj) cmd.delete(tmpObj) if not quiet: print("Exposed atoms are selected in: " + selName) return selName
def objectify_chain_arr(chainid_arr=list): for chain in chainid_arr:"chain_{}_selection".format(chain), "chain {}".format(chain)) cmd.create("object_{}".format(chain), "chain_{}_selection".format(chain)) cmd.delete("chain_{}_selection".format(chain))
def flipAtomName(targetResidueSelection): """ switch the atom names of specific residues """ # Create flipped residue cmd.create("flippedRes", targetResidueSelection + " and not alt B") targetResidueCa = cmd.get_model("flippedRes and name CA") for g in targetResidueCa.atom: # print g.resn if g.resn == 'ARG': switchName("flippedRes", "NH1", "NH2") elif g.resn == 'HIS': switchName("flippedRes", "ND1", "CD2") switchName("flippedRes", "CE1", "NE2") elif g.resn == 'ASP': switchName("flippedRes", "OD1", "OD2") elif g.resn == 'PHE': switchName("flippedRes", "CD1", "CD2") switchName("flippedRes", "CE1", "CE2") elif g.resn == 'GLN': switchName("flippedRes", "OE1", "NE2") elif g.resn == 'GLU': switchName("flippedRes", "OE1", "OE2") elif g.resn == 'LEU': switchName("flippedRes", "CD1", "CD2") elif g.resn == 'ASN': switchName("flippedRes", "OD1", "ND2") elif g.resn == 'TYR': switchName("flippedRes", "CD1", "CD2") switchName("flippedRes", "CE1", "CE2") elif g.resn == 'VAL': switchName("flippedRes", "CG1", "CG2") cmd.sort() # cmd.label("flippedRes","name") return "flippedRes"
def create_chain_object(chain, rnasingclust, nomenclatureMap): nomMap = nomenclatureMap if rnasingclust != 'rna': ambiguous = True if len(nomMap[chain]) != 1 else False if rnasingclust == 'rna':"rnasel_{}".format(chain), "chain {}".format(chain)) cmd.create("rna_{}".format(chain), "rnasel_{}".format(chain)) # cmd.delete("rnasel_{}".format(chain)) elif rnasingclust == 'singular': if ambiguous:"chain_{}".format(chain), "chain {}".format(chain)) cmd.create("{}".format(chain), "chain_{}".format(chain)) # cmd.delete("chain_{}".format(chain)) else:"chain_{}_{}".format(chain, nomMap[chain][0]), "chain {}".format(chain)) cmd.create("{}_{}".format(chain, nomMap[chain][0]), "chain_{}_{}".format(chain, nomMap[chain][0])) # cmd.delete("chain_{}_{}".format(chain, nomMap[chain][0])) else: if ambiguous:"chain_{}".format(chain), "chain {}".format(chain)) cmd.create("{}_{}".format(rnasingclust, chain), "chain_{}".format(chain)) cmd.color(rnasingclust, "chain {}".format(chain)) # cmd.delete("chain_{}".format(chain)) else:"chain_{}".format(chain), "chain {}".format(chain)) cmd.create( "{}_{}_{}".format(chain, nomMap[chain][0], rnasingclust), "chain_{}".format(chain)) cmd.color(rnasingclust, "chain {}".format(chain))
def draw_dist_pairs(drs_inp, molecule, draw_type="line"): f_drsinp = open(drs_inp, "r") obj = "network" cmd.create(obj, molecule) cmd.hide("everything", obj) for i, line in enumerate(f_drsinp): print "Pair No.: ", i if line.split()[1] != "LIST" and line.split()[1] != "STOP": chainid1, resid1, resname1, atomname1 = line.split( )[0], line.split()[1], line.split()[2], line.split()[3] chainid2, resid2, resname2, atomname2 = line.split( )[4], line.split()[5], line.split()[6], line.split()[7] print chainid1, resid1, resname1, atomname1, chainid2, resid2, resname2, atomname2 if draw_type == "line":"%s and chain %s and resi %s and name %s"%(obj,chainid1,resid1,atomname1),\ "%s and chain %s and resi %s and name %s"%(obj,chainid2,resid2,atomname2) ) "lines", "%s and chain %s and resi %s and name %s" % (obj, chainid1, resid1, atomname1)) "lines", "%s and chain %s and resi %s and name %s" % (obj, chainid2, resid2, atomname2)) elif draw_type == "dist": cmd.distance("dist%s"%i, "chain %s and resi %s and name %s"%(chainid1,str(resid1),atomname1),\ "chain %s and resi %s and name %s"%(chainid2,str(resid2),atomname2) ) print "chain %s and resi %s and name %s" % (chainid1, resid1, atomname1) elif line.split()[1] == "STOP": print "Reached last line" break
def tview(pdbid: str): species = str(int(log.get_struct(pdbid)['taxid'].values[0])) l22chain = log.get_struct(pdbid).uL22.values[0] l4chain = log.get_struct(pdbid).uL4.values[0] l22_res = int(log.get_struct(pdbid).constrictionResidueL22_id.values[0]) l4_res = int(log.get_struct(pdbid).constrictionResidueL4_id.values[0]) # cmd.delete('all') pdbid = pdbid.upper() TUNNELS = os.getenv("TUNNELS") SCOOP_RADIUS = os.getenv("SCOOP_RADIUS") TUNNEL_SCRIPT = os.path.join(TUNNELS, species, pdbid, 'pymol', '') inputstructpath = os.path.join( TUNNELS, species, pdbid, '{}_{}Ascoop.pdb'.format(pdbid, SCOOP_RADIUS)) csvpaths = os.path.join( TUNNELS, species, pdbid, 'csv', ) cmd.load(inputstructpath) cmd.color('gray', 'all') if not os.path.exists(TUNNEL_SCRIPT): print("TUNNEL SCRIPT NOT FOUND.") return cmd.hide('everything', 'Tunnels')'mesh', 'Tunnels') # tunnels = os.listdir(csvpaths) # tunnumbers = map(lambda x: re.findall(r'\d+',x)[0], tunnels) # [cmd.delete(f'Tunnel{tunN}') if tunN not in choices else None for tunN in tunnumbers] # paint_tunnel(pdbid) sele_ptc(9606) #'PTC', 'resi 2055 or resi 2056 or resi 2451 or resi 2452 or resi 2507 or resi 2506') # cmd.create('PTC',"PTC") # cmd.color('blue', 'PTC') 'ConstrictionSite', 'c. {} and resi {} or c. {} and resi {}'.format( l22chain, l22_res, l4chain, l4_res)) cmd.create('ConstrictionSite', "ConstrictionSite")'everything', 'ConstrictionSite') cmd.color('magenta', 'ConstrictionSite') cmd.reset()
def paint_rna(strand: str): def update_rna_lining(strand, resid):'sele_rna_lining', 'rna_lining or c. {} and resi {}'.format(strand, resid)) cmd.create('rna_lining', 'sele_rna_lining') colormap = { 'A': 'tv_green', 'C': 'tv_green', 'G': 'tv_green', 'U': 'tv_green' } for nucleotide in report['adjacent_strands'][strand]: if nucleotide['resname'] in colormap.keys(): # target = 'sele_{}_{}'.format(strand,nucleotide['resid'] ) #, "c. {} and resi {}".format(strand, nucleotide['resid'])) # cmd.color(colormap[nucleotide['resname']],target) # cmd.set('cartoon_transparency', '0.4',target) # cmd.delete(target) update_rna_lining(strand, nucleotide['resid']) else: target = 'sele_{}_{}'.format(strand, nucleotide['resid']) target, "c. {} and resi {}".format(strand, nucleotide['resid'])) cmd.create("{}".format(nucleotide['resname']), target) cmd.color("white", target) cmd.delete(target)
def test_atom_state_settings_3f(self, f, data): m1 = "pseudo01" lp1, lp2 = lp = map(f, data) cmd.pseudoatom(m1) cmd.pseudoatom(m1) cmd.create(m1, m1, 1, 2) stored.pos = {} stored.lp1 = lp1 stored.lp2 = lp2 stored.origp = None # get origp (should be 0.,0.,0. cmd.alter("(index 1)", "stored.origp = s['label_placement_offset']") # change atom-state setting to lp1 for atom in both states cmd.alter_state(0, "(index 1)", "s['label_placement_offset']=stored.lp1") # change atom-level setting for all atoms to something else cmd.alter("all", "s['label_placement_offset']=stored.lp2") # get atom-state settings cmd.iterate_state(0, "all", "stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (model, state, index)]=s['label_placement_offset']") # atom-state setting should be lp1 for atom 1 self.assertEqual(tuple(lp1), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 1, 1)]) self.assertEqual(tuple(lp1), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 2, 1)]) # atom setting should override to lp2 for atom 2 in both states self.assertEqual(tuple(lp2), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 1, 2)]) self.assertEqual(tuple(lp2), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 2, 2)]) # unset all atom-level settings, atom-state settings should still exist cmd.alter("all", "s['label_placement_offset']=None") stored.pos = {} cmd.iterate_state(0, "all", "stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (model, state, index)]=s['label_placement_offset']") self.assertEqual(tuple(lp1), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 1, 1)]) self.assertEqual(tuple(lp1), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 2, 1)]) self.assertEqual(tuple(stored.origp), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 1, 2)]) self.assertEqual(tuple(stored.origp), stored.pos['%s-%s-%s' % (m1, 2, 2)])
def testIterateState(self): cmd.fragment('ala') cmd.create('ala', 'ala', 1, 2) self.assertEqual(2, cmd.count_states()) v_count = cmd.count_atoms('all') expr = 'v_xyz.append(((model,index), (x,y,z)))' # current state v_xyz = [] cmd.iterate_state(-1, 'all', expr, space=locals()) self.assertEqual(len(v_xyz), v_count) # all states v_xyz = [] cmd.iterate_state(0, 'all', expr, space=locals()) self.assertEqual(len(v_xyz), v_count * 2) # atomic=0 stored.v_xyz = [] cmd.iterate_state(1, 'all', 'stored.v_xyz.append((x,y,z))', atomic=0) self.assertEqual(len(stored.v_xyz), v_count) space = {'self': self, 'NameError': NameError, 'v_list': []} cmd.iterate_state( 1, 'all', 'v_list.append(self.assertRaises(NameError, lambda: (model, index)))', space=space) self.assertEqual(len(space['v_list']), v_count)
def readGuest(self): try: stateNo = cmd.get_state() cmd.create("guest", "sele", stateNo)"guestFrozen", "none") except: print("lo kurla")
def addSele2Guest(self): try: stateNo = cmd.get_state() cmd.create("guest", "%guest or sele", stateNo) except: stateNo = cmd.get_state() cmd.create("guest", "sele", stateNo)
def addSele2Host(self): try: stateNo = cmd.get_state() cmd.create("host", "%host or sele", stateNo) except: stateNo = cmd.get_state() cmd.create("host", "sele", stateNo)
def testIterateState(self): cmd.fragment('ala') cmd.create('ala', 'ala', 1, 2) self.assertEqual(2, cmd.count_states()) v_count = cmd.count_atoms('all') expr = 'v_xyz.append(((model,index), (x,y,z)))' # current state v_xyz = [] cmd.iterate_state(-1, 'all', expr, space=locals()) self.assertEqual(len(v_xyz), v_count) # all states v_xyz = [] cmd.iterate_state(0, 'all', expr, space=locals()) self.assertEqual(len(v_xyz), v_count * 2) # atomic=0 stored.v_xyz = [] cmd.iterate_state(1, 'all', 'stored.v_xyz.append((x,y,z))', atomic=0) self.assertEqual(len(stored.v_xyz), v_count) space = {'self': self, 'NameError': NameError, 'v_list': []} cmd.iterate_state(1, 'all', 'v_list.append(self.assertRaises(NameError, lambda: (model, index)))', space=space) self.assertEqual(len(space['v_list']), v_count)
def findSurfaceResidues(objSel="(all)", cutoff=2.5, doShow=False, verbose=True): """ findSurfaceResidues finds those residues on the surface of a protein that have at least 'cutoff' exposed A**2 surface area. PARAMS objSel (string) the object or selection in which to find exposed residues DEFAULT: (all) cutoff (float) your cutoff of what is exposed or not. DEFAULT: 2.5 Ang**2 asSel (boolean) make a selection out of the residues found RETURNS (list: (chain, resv ) ) A Python list of residue numbers corresponding to those residues w/more exposure than the cutoff. """ tmpObj="__tmp" cmd.create( tmpObj, objSel + " and polymer"); if verbose!=False: print "WARNING: I'm setting dot_solvent. You may not care for this." cmd.set("dot_solvent"); cmd.get_area(selection=tmpObj, load_b=1) # threshold on what one considers an "exposed" atom (in A**2): cmd.remove( tmpObj + " and b < " + str(cutoff) ) stored.tmp_dict = {} cmd.iterate(tmpObj, "stored.tmp_dict[(chain,resv)]=1") exposed = stored.tmp_dict.keys() exposed.sort() randstr = str(random.randint(0,10000)) selName = "exposed_atm_" + randstr if verbose!=False: print "Exposed residues are selected in: " + selName, objSel + " in " + tmpObj ) selNameRes = "exposed_res_" + randstr, "byres " + selName ) if doShow!=False: cmd.show_as("spheres", objSel + " and poly") cmd.color("white", objSel) cmd.color("red", selName) cmd.delete(tmpObj) print exposed return exposed
def mkc2(sel, a=Vec(0, 0, 1), c=Vec(0, 0, 0)): cmd.delete("c1") cmd.delete("c2") cmd.create("c1", sel) cmd.create("c2", sel) rot("c2", a, 180, c) cmd.alter("c1", 'chain = "A"') cmd.alter("c2", 'chain = "B"')
def mkhelix(sel, t, r, n): v = cmd.get_view() for i in range(1, n): cmd.delete("h%i" % i) cmd.create("h%i" % i, sel) rot("h%i" % i, Vec(0, 0, 1), i * r, Vec(0, 0, 0)) trans("h%i" % i, Vec(0, 0, i * t)) cmd.set_view(v)
def stick_toon(): glb.update() cmd.hide('all')'lines') cmd.create('cartoon', 'all')'cartoon', 'cartoon') cmd.color('salmon', 'cartoon') cmd.color('cyan', 'resn a+t+u+g+c')
def fatslim_bilayer(): global REF_BEAD REF_BEAD = BILAYER_REF setup() # Load file cmd.load("%s.pdb" % BILAYER) main_obj = "bilayer" cmd.disable(main_obj) traj = load_trajectory("%s.gro" % BILAYER, "%s.ndx" % BILAYER) traj.initialize() frame = traj[0] draw_pbc_box(main_obj) print("Bilayer Loaded!") # Show lipids cmd.create("lipids", "resname DMPC") cmd.hide("lines", "lipids")"spheres", "lipids") # Show water cmd.create("water", "resname SOL") cmd.hide("lines", "water") cmd.set("solvent_radius", 2)"surface", "water") cmd.color("skyblue", "water") cmd.set("transparency", 0.5, "water") # cmd.rebuild() # cmd.refresh() # Show positions show_positions(frame) # Show directions show_directions(frame) # Show ref bead and its neighbors show_ref(frame) show_ref_ns(frame) # Show normals show_normals(frame) # Identify leaflets show_leaflets(frame) # Calculate and show normals show_leaflet_normals(frame) # Show stuff related to thickness show_thickness(frame) # Show stuff related to APL show_apl(frame) # Zoom on leaflets cmd.zoom("all", 5)
def propka(molecule="NIL",chain="*",resi="0",resn="NIL",method="upload",logtime=time.strftime("%m%d",time.localtime()),server_wait=3.0,version="v3.1",verbose="no",showresult="no",pkafile="NIL",makebonds="yes"): Script_Version="20110823" ### First we have to be sure, we give reasonable arguments if pkafile!="NIL": method='file' assert method in ['upload', 'file'], "'method' has to be either: method=upload or method=file" ### If molecule="all", then try to get the last molecule ##assert molecule not in ['NIL'], "You always have to provide molecule name. Example: molecule=4ins" if molecule=="NIL": assert len(cmd.get_names())!=0, "Did you forget to load a molecule? There are no objects in pymol." molecule=cmd.get_names()[-1] ### To print out to screen for selected residues. Can be separated with "." or make ranges with "-". Example: resi="4-8.10" if resi != "0": resi_range = ResiRange(resi) else: resi_range=[] ### Also works for residue names. They are all converted to bigger letters. Example: resn="cys.Tyr" if resn != "NIL": resn_range = ResnRange(resn) else: resn_range = resn ### Make chain range, and upper case. chain = ChainRange(chain) ### Make result directory. We also the absolut path to the new directory. Newdir = createdirs() if method=="upload": ### We try to load mechanize. If this fail, one can always get the .pka file manual and the run: method=file try: from modules import mechanize; importedmechanize='yes' except ImportError: print("Import error. Is a module missing?"); print(sys.exc_info()); print("Look if missing module is in your python path\n%s")%sys.path;importedmechanize='no'; import modules.mechanize as mechanize ### The name for the new molecule newmolecule = "%s%s"%(molecule,logtime) ### Create the new molecule from original loaded and for the specified chains. Save it, and disable the old molecule. cmd.create("%s"%newmolecule, "%s and chain %s"%(molecule,chain))"%s%s.pdb"%(Newdir,newmolecule), "%s"%newmolecule) cmd.disable("%s"%molecule) if molecule=="all": cmd.enable("%s"%molecule);"cartoon", "%s"%molecule) ### Let the new molecule be shown in cartoon. cmd.hide("everything", "%s"%newmolecule)"cartoon", "%s"%newmolecule) ### Make the absolut path to the newly created .pdb file. PDB="%s%s.pdb"%(Newdir,newmolecule);source="upload"; PDBID="" ### Request server, and get the absolut path to the result file. pkafile = getpropka(PDB,chain,resi,resn,source,PDBID,logtime,server_wait,version,verbose,showresult) ### Open the result file and put in into a handy list. list_results,ligands_results = importpropkaresult(pkafile) if method=="file": assert pkafile not in ['NIL'], "You have to provide path to file. Example: pkafile=./Results_propka/4ins_2011.pka" assert ".pka" in pkafile, 'The propka result file should end with ".pka" \nExample: pkafile=./Results_propka/4ins_2011.pka \npkafile=%s'%(pkafile) ### The name for the molecule we pass to the writing script of pymol commands newmolecule = "%s"%molecule cmd.hide("everything", "%s"%newmolecule)"cartoon", "%s"%newmolecule) ### We open the result file we have got in the manual way and put in into a handy list. list_results,ligands_results = importpropkaresult(pkafile) ### Then we print the interesting residues to the screen. printpropkaresult(list_results, resi, resi_range, resn, resn_range, showresult, ligands_results) ### Now create the pymol command file. This should label the protein. We get back the absolut path to the file, so we can execute it. result_pka_pymol_name = writepymolcmd(newmolecule,pkafile,verbose,makebonds) ### Now run our command file. But only if we are running pymol. if runningpymol=='yes':"run %s"%result_pka_pymol_name) ##if runningpymol=='yes':"@%s"%result_pka_pymol_name) return(list_results)
def symexpcell(prefix='mate', object=None, a=0, b=0, c=0): ''' DESCRIPTION Creates all symmetry-related objects for the specified object that occur with their bounding box center within the unit cell. USAGE symexpcell prefix, object, [a, b, c] ARGUMENTS prefix = string: prefix of new objects object = string: object for which to create symmetry mates a, b, c = integer: create neighboring cell {default: 0,0,0} SEE ALSO symexp, ''' if object is None: object = cmd.get_object_list()[0] sym = cmd.get_symmetry(object) cell_edges = sym[0:3] cell_angles = sym[3:6] spacegroup = sym[6] basis = cellbasis(cell_angles, cell_edges) basis = numpy.matrix(basis) extent = cmd.get_extent(object) center = sum(numpy.array(extent)) * 0.5 center = numpy.matrix(center.tolist() + [1.0]).T center_cell = basis.I * center extra_shift = [[float(i)] for i in (a,b,c)] i = 0 matrices = xray.sg_sym_to_mat_list(spacegroup) for mat in matrices: i += 1 mat = numpy.matrix(mat) shift = numpy.floor(mat * center_cell) mat[0:3,3] -= shift[0:3,0] mat[0:3,3] += extra_shift mat = basis * mat * basis.I mat_list = list(mat.flat) name = '%s%d' % (prefix, i) cmd.create(name, object) cmd.transform_object(name, mat_list) cmd.color(i+1, name)
def testFit(self): cmd.fragment("gly", "m1") cmd.create("m2", "m1") rms ="m1", "m2") self.assertEqual(rms, 0.0) rms = cmd.rms("m1", "m2") self.assertEqual(rms, 0.0) rms = cmd.rms_cur("m1", "m2") self.assertEqual(rms, 0.0)
def testIntraFit(self): cmd.fragment("gly", "m1") cmd.create("m1", "m1", 1, 2) rms_list = cmd.intra_fit("m1") self.assertArrayEqual(rms_list, [-1.0, 0.0]) rms_list = cmd.intra_rms("m1") self.assertArrayEqual(rms_list, [-1.0, 0.0]) rms_list = cmd.intra_rms_cur("m1") self.assertArrayEqual(rms_list, [-1.0, 0.0])
def makecx(sel="all", n=5): cmd.delete("C%i_*" % n) chains = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" for i in range(n): cmd.create("C%i_%i" % (n, i), sel + " and (not C%i_*)" % n) for i in range(n): rot("C%i_%i" % (n, i), Z, 360.0 * float(i) / float(n)) for i in range(n): cmd.alter("C%i_%i" % (n, i), "chain = '%s'" % chains[i])
def testEnable(self): cmd.create('m1', 'none') cmd.create('m2', 'none') cmd.disable() self.assertEqual(cmd.get_names('public_objects', 1), []) cmd.enable('m1') self.assertEqual(cmd.get_names('public_objects', 1), ['m1']) cmd.enable() self.assertEqual(cmd.get_names('public_objects', 1), ['m1', 'm2'])
def surfaceatoms(molecule="NIL",show=True, verbose=True, cutoff=2.5): """ surfaceatoms finds those residues on the surface of a protein that have at least 'cutoff' exposed A**2 surface area. PARAMS molecule (string) the object or selection in which to find exposed residues DEFAULT: (last molecule in pymol) cutoff (float) your cutoff of what is exposed or not. DEFAULT: 2.5 Ang**2 RETURNS (list: (chain, resv ) ) A Python list of residue numbers corresponding to those residues w/more exposure than the cutoff. """ if molecule=="NIL": assert len(cmd.get_names())!=0, "Did you forget to load a molecule? There are no objects in pymol." molecule=cmd.get_names()[-1] tmpObj="__tmp" cmd.create(tmpObj, "(%s and polymer) and not resn HOH"%molecule) if verbose!=False: print "WARNING: I'm setting dot_solvent. You may not care for this." cmd.set("dot_solvent") cmd.get_area(selection=tmpObj, load_b=1) # threshold on what one considers an "exposed" atom (in A**2): cmd.remove( tmpObj + " and b < " + str(cutoff) ) stored.tmp_dict = {} cmd.iterate(tmpObj, "stored.tmp_dict[(chain,resv)]=1") exposed = stored.tmp_dict.keys() exposed.sort() selName = "%s_atoms"%molecule, molecule + " in " + tmpObj ) if verbose!=False: print "Exposed residues are selected in: " + selName selNameRes = "%s_resi"%molecule, "byres " + selName ) if show!=False: cmd.hide("everything", molecule)"cartoon", "%s and not %s and not resn HOH"%(molecule,selNameRes))"sticks", "%s"%selNameRes) cmd.util.cbaw(selNameRes) cmd.disable(selNameRes) #cmd.alter('%s'%(selName),'vdw=0.5') # affects repeated runs cmd.set('sphere_scale','0.3','%s'%(selName)) # does not affect repeated runs"spheres", "%s"%selName) cmd.util.cbao(selName) cmd.disable(selName) cmd.delete(tmpObj) print(exposed) return(exposed)
def fSumWMCLast(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC): #print "Last", MCNeighbour SumWMCLast = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/"+SGNameAngle+"//"+"/"+"/SG" NBnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] #print NBnameselect, residueName if residueName == "PRO": ### Proline CA CAnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/CA" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProCA', SGnameselect,CAnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCA, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProCA ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCA, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Proline CD CDnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/CD" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProCD', SGnameselect,CDnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCD, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProCD ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCD, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Proline N Nnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProN', SGnameselect,Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProN ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC else: AmideProt = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/H01" Hnameselect = "/"+AmideName+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms(Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName+" + "+AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) ### Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastH', SGnameselect,Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastN', SGnameselect,Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProCA') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProCD') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProN') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastH') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCLast