def get_6dof_cst(D3, D2, D1, U1, U2, U3): cur_cst = { "distanceAB": [0.0, 0.2, 80.0, 0, 0], "angle_A": [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "angle_B": [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "torsion_A": [0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "torsion_AB": [0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "torsion_B": [0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 360, 0] } if U1.split("/")[-1] == "NZ" and U2.split("/")[-1] == "CE" and U3.split( "/")[-1] == "2HZ": #means processing constraint for LYS cur_cst = { "distanceAB": [ 0.0, 0.1, 80.0, 1, 0 ], #the only difference is periodicity will be set at 1 indicating covalent interaction in the cst file "angle_A": [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "angle_B": [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "torsion_A": [0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "torsion_AB": [0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 360, 0], "torsion_B": [0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 360, 0] } cur_cst["distanceAB"][0] = round(cmd.get_distance(D1, U1), 1) cur_cst["angle_A"][0] = round(cmd.get_angle(D2, D1, U1), 1) cur_cst["angle_B"][0] = round(cmd.get_angle(D1, U1, U2), 1) cur_cst["torsion_A"][0] = round(cmd.get_dihedral(D3, D2, D1, U1), 1) cur_cst["torsion_AB"][0] = round(cmd.get_dihedral(D2, D1, U1, U2), 1) cur_cst["torsion_B"][0] = round(cmd.get_dihedral(D1, U1, U2, U3), 1) return cur_cst
def check_disulphide_criteria(pdb, resnum_i, resnum_j, f): selection_i = "resi " + str(resnum_i) selection_j = "resi " + str(resnum_j) for frame_i in [1, 2]: rotamer_i_pymol_prefix = "/" + "rotamer_" + str(resnum_i) + "_" + str(frame_i) + "///" + resnum_i + "/" chi1_i = cmd.get_dihedral(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "N", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG") theta_i = cmd.get_angle(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG") for frame_j in [1, 2]: rotamer_j_pymol_prefix = "/" + "rotamer_" + str(resnum_j) + "_" + str(frame_j) + "///" + resnum_j + "/" chi1_j = cmd.get_dihedral(rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "N", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") theta_j = cmd.get_angle(rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CA", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") chi3 = cmd.get_dihedral(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "CB", rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "CB") #Energy = compute_energy(chi1_i, chi1_j, theta_i, theta_j, chi3) s_gamma_distance = cmd.get_distance(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") if (s_gamma_distance < 3 and ((chi3 > -110 and chi3 < -60) or (chi3 > 70 and chi3 < 130))): print rotamer_i_pymol_prefix, rotamer_j_pymol_prefix, s_gamma_distance, chi3 f.write("%s\t%s\t%f\t%f\n" % (rotamer_i_pymol_prefix, rotamer_j_pymol_prefix, s_gamma_distance, chi3)) rotamer_i = "rotamer_" + str(resnum_i) + "_" + str(frame_i) rotamer_j = "rotamer_" + str(resnum_j) + "_" + str(frame_j) cmd.enable(rotamer_i) cmd.enable(rotamer_j) cmd.distance(rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "SG", rotamer_j_pymol_prefix + "SG") cmd.create(rotamer_i + rotamer_j, rotamer_i_pymol_prefix + "or" + rotamer_j_pymol_prefix)
def test_torsion(self): cmd.fragment('ala') delta = 10 atoms = ('ID 7', 'ID 2', 'ID 1', 'ID 9') d1 = cmd.get_dihedral(*atoms) cmd.edit(*atoms[1:3]) cmd.torsion(delta) d2 = cmd.get_dihedral(*atoms) self.assertAlmostEqual(d1 + delta, d2, 4)
def start(self,sel): # Get selection model model = cmd.get_model(sel) residues = ['dummy'] resnames = ['dummy'] phi = [] psi = [] dummy = [] i = 0 # Loop through each atom for at in model.atom: # Only plot once per residue if at.chain+":"+at.resn+":"+at.resi not in residues: residues.append(at.chain+":"+at.resn+":"+at.resi) resnames.append(at.resn+at.resi) dummy.append(i) i += 1 # Check for a null chain id (some PDBs contain this) unit_select = "" if at.chain != "": unit_select = "chain "+str(at.chain)+" and " # Define selections for residue i-1, i and i+1 residue_def = unit_select+'resi '+str(at.resi) residue_def_prev = unit_select+'resi '+str(int(at.resi)-1) residue_def_next = unit_select+'resi '+str(int(at.resi)+1) try: # Store phi,psi residue definitions to pass on to plot routine phi_psi = [ # Phi angles residue_def_prev+' and name C', residue_def+' and name N', residue_def+' and name CA', residue_def+' and name C', # Psi angles residue_def+' and name N', residue_def+' and name CA', residue_def+' and name C', residue_def_next+' and name N'] # Compute phi/psi angle phi = cmd.get_dihedral(phi_psi[0],phi_psi[1],phi_psi[2],phi_psi[3]) psi = cmd.get_dihedral(phi_psi[4],phi_psi[5],phi_psi[6],phi_psi[7]) print "Plotting Phi,Psi: "+str(phi)+","+str(psi) ramaplot(phi,psi,meta=phi_psi) except: continue
def set_phipsi(sel, phi, psi): # Get atoms from selection atoms = cmd.get_model("byres (" + sel + ")") # Loop through atoms in selection for at in atoms.atom: # pylint: disable=E1103 if == "N": # Check for a null chain id (some PDBs contain this) unit_select = "" if not at.chain == "": unit_select = "chain " + str(at.chain) + " and " # end if try: # Define residue selections rdef_prev = unit_select + 'resi ' + str(int(at.resi) - 1) rdef = unit_select + 'resi ' + str(at.resi) # print "rdef_prev: [%s]" % rdef_prev # print "rdef : [%s]" % rdef if at.resn == "PRO": print "Skipping setting phi for PRO" else: old_phi = cmd.get_dihedral(rdef_prev + ' and name C', rdef + ' and name N', rdef + ' and name CA', rdef + ' and name C') cmd.set_dihedral(rdef_prev + ' and name C', rdef + ' and name N', rdef + ' and name CA', rdef + ' and name C', phi) print "Changed residue %4s %4s phi: from %6.1f to %6.1f" % ( at.resn, at.resi, old_phi, float(phi)) except: print "Note skipping set of phi because of error; this is normal for a N-terminal residue" try: rdef = unit_select + 'resi ' + str(at.resi) residue_def_next = unit_select + 'resi ' + str( int(at.resi) + 1) # print "rdef : [%s]" % rdef # print "residue_def_next: [%s]" % residue_def_next old_psi = cmd.get_dihedral(rdef + ' and name N', rdef + ' and name CA', rdef + ' and name C', residue_def_next + ' and name N') cmd.set_dihedral(rdef + ' and name N', rdef + ' and name CA', rdef + ' and name C', residue_def_next + ' and name N', psi) # pylint: disable=C0301 print "Changed residue %4s %4s psi: from %6.1f to %6.1f" % ( at.resn, at.resi, old_psi, float(psi)) except: print "Note skipping set of psi; this is normal for a C terminal residue"
def main(): args = parse_args() pep_pdbs = read_rmsd(args) for i in range(0, 7): outputfilehandler = open('phi_psi_' + str(i + 2) + '.csv', 'w') outputfilehandler.write("pdb,chain,pep_seq,index,phi,psi\n") outputfilehandler.close() for key in pep_pdbs: phi = [] psi = [] model_name = key + '_reordered' pdbfile = key + '_reordered.pdb' targetfile = args.dir + '/' + pdbfile cmd.load(targetfile) chains = cmd.get_chains(model_name) try: #psi.append(cmd.get_dihedral(chains[1]+"/1/N,",chains[1]+"/1/ca,",chains[1]+"/1/c,",chains[1]+"/2/n")) #phi_psi = cmd.phi_psi(model_name+ " and chain "+chains[1]) for i in range(2, 9): phi.append( cmd.get_dihedral(chains[1] + "/" + str(i - 1) + "/c,", chains[1] + "/" + str(i) + "/n,", chains[1] + "/" + str(i) + "/ca,", chains[1] + "/" + str(i) + "/c")) psi.append( cmd.get_dihedral(chains[1] + "/" + str(i) + "/N,", chains[1] + "/" + str(i) + "/ca,", chains[1] + "/" + str(i) + "/c,", chains[1] + "/" + str(i + 1) + "/n")) #phi.append(cmd.get_dihedral(chains[1]+"/8/c,",chains[1]+"/9/n,",chains[1]+"/9/ca,",chains[1]+"/9/c")) except: print("Found exception, ignoring") if len(phi) == 7 and len(psi) == 7: for i in range(0, len(phi)): outputfilehandler = open('phi_psi_' + str(i + 2) + '.csv', 'a') print(pep_pdbs[key] + ',' + chains[1] + ',' + str(i + 2) + ',' + str(phi[i]) + ',' + str(psi[i])) outputfilehandler.write(key + ',' + chains[1] + ',' + pep_pdbs[key] + ',' + str(i + 2) + ',' + str(phi[i]) + ',' + str(psi[i]) + '\n') outputfilehandler.close()"delete all")
def doFinish(self): r_aA = cmd.get_distance(atom1="pw2", atom2="pw3", state=0) cmd.distance(self.params_str[0], "pw2", "pw3") th_a = cmd.get_angle(atom1="pw1", atom2="pw2", atom3="pw3", state=0) cmd.angle(self.params_str[1], "pw1", "pw2", "pw3") th_A = cmd.get_angle(atom1="pw2", atom2="pw3", atom3="pw4", state=0) cmd.angle(self.params_str[2], "pw2", "pw3", "pw4") if not (r_aA and th_a and th_A): showerror(self.parent, "Error!", "Maybe you made a mistake when choosing atoms!") self.reset() phi_ba = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1="pw0", atom2="pw1", atom3="pw2", atom4="pw3", state=0) cmd.dihedral(self.params_str[3], "pw0", "pw1", "pw2", "pw3") phi_aA = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1="pw1", atom2="pw2", atom3="pw3", atom4="pw4", state=0) cmd.dihedral(self.params_str[4], "pw1", "pw2", "pw3", "pw4") phi_AB = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1="pw2", atom2="pw3", atom3="pw4", atom4="pw5", state=0) cmd.dihedral(self.params_str[5], "pw2", "pw3", "pw4", "pw5") index_c = cmd.id_atom("pw0") index_c_name = getAtomString('pw0') index_b = cmd.id_atom("pw1") index_b_name = getAtomString('pw1') index_a = cmd.id_atom("pw2") index_a_name = getAtomString('pw2') index_A = cmd.id_atom("pw3") index_A_name = getAtomString('pw3') index_B = cmd.id_atom("pw4") index_B_name = getAtomString('pw4') index_C = cmd.id_atom("pw5") index_C_name = getAtomString('pw5') self.setBondForceParam(r_aA, th_a, th_A, phi_ba, phi_aA, phi_AB, index_c, index_b, index_a, index_A, index_B, index_C) self.setAtomsDef(index_c_name, index_b_name, index_a_name, index_A_name, index_B_name, index_C_name) top = Toplevel( self.parent) # <- freeze when open gro file in pymol 1.X Output(top, self.bondForceParams, self.atoms_def) cmd.set_wizard()
def test_set_dihedral(self): cmd.fragment('ala') angle = 45.0 atoms = ('ID 7', 'ID 2', 'ID 1', 'ID 9') cmd.set_dihedral(*atoms, angle=angle) v = cmd.get_dihedral(*atoms) self.assertAlmostEqual(v, angle, 4)
def measure_all_torsions(sele,prot_dict): id_list = cmd.identify("((%s) and name ca)"%sele) for a in id_list: res_sele = "(alt '' and (byres id %d) and (%s))"%(a,sele) lst = find_torsions(res_sele) if len(lst): cmd.iterate("(%s and n;ca)"%res_sele,"stored.resn=resn") resn = pymol.stored.resn print(resn) name_list = [] for a in lst: pymol.stored.names = [] for b in a: cmd.iterate("(%s and id %d)"%(res_sele,b),"stored.names.append(name)") name_list.append(tuple(pymol.stored.names)) res_dict = {} for a in name_list: dihe = cmd.get_dihedral("(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[0]), "(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[1]), "(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[2]), "(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[3])) res_dict[a]=dihe if resn not in prot_dict: prot_dict[resn]=[] prot_dict[resn].append(res_dict)
def measure_all_torsions(sele,prot_dict): id_list = cmd.identify("((%s) and name ca)"%sele) for a in id_list: res_sele = "(alt '' and (byres id %d) and (%s))"%(a,sele) lst = find_torsions(res_sele) if len(lst): cmd.iterate("(%s and n;ca)"%res_sele,"stored.resn=resn") resn = pymol.stored.resn print resn name_list = [] for a in lst: pymol.stored.names = [] for b in a: cmd.iterate("(%s and id %d)"%(res_sele,b),"stored.names.append(name)") name_list.append(tuple(pymol.stored.names)) res_dict = {} for a in name_list: dihe = cmd.get_dihedral("(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[0]), "(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[1]), "(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[2]), "(%s and name %s)"%(res_sele,a[3])) res_dict[a]=dihe if not prot_dict.has_key(resn): prot_dict[resn]=[] prot_dict[resn].append(res_dict)
def get_psi_angle(pymol_object, chainID, aa_number): """Get Psi dihedral angle of a given residue. Parameters ---------- pymol_object : String Name of Pymol object in the session. chainID : String ChainID of residue. aa_number : Integer Residue number. Returns ------- angle : Float Value of Psi angle. """ # Atom selection for each atom that participates in the angle # Ni atom1 = pymol_object + '//' + chainID + '/' + str(aa_number) + '/N' # CAi atom2 = pymol_object + '//' + chainID + '/' + str(aa_number) + '/CA' # Ci atom3 = pymol_object + '//' + chainID + '/' + str(aa_number) + '/C' # Ni+1 atom4 = pymol_object + '//' + chainID + '/' + str(aa_number+1) + '/N' angle = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4) return angle
def updateSels(self,event): if (event.widget.widgetName == "toplevel"): selections = self.getSels() #set objects in box for adding Hs objects = cmd.get_names_of_type("object:molecule"); if list(self.h_sel.get()) != list(objects): self.h_sel.setlist(objects) selections = objects+selections for cBox in self.cBoxes: listEles = cBox.component('scrolledlist').get() #listEles = cBox.get() if list(selections) != list(listEles): cBox.setlist(selections) #Rotamer Dihedral Code if('pkresi' in cmd.get_names("public_selections")):'_kropkresi','pkresi') myspace = {'resName': [], 'resNum': []} cmd.iterate('_kropkresi and name CA', 'resName.append(resn);resNum.append(resi)', space=myspace) if(list(myspace['resName']) != list(self.rotResList) or list(myspace['resNum']) != list(self.rotResIList)): self.rotResList = myspace['resName'] self.rotResIList = myspace['resNum'] if(len(self.rotResList) == 1): resn = self.rotResList[0].upper() if(resn in self.AAtypes): aa = self.AAtypes[resn] self.curAAtype = aa numDih = len(aa.dihAtomNames) #set orig dihVals self.origRotVals = [] for atoms in self.AAtypes[resn].dihAtomNames: self.origRotVals.append(cmd.get_dihedral('_kropkresi and name ' + atoms[0], '_kropkresi and name ' + atoms[1], '_kropkresi and name ' + atoms[2], '_kropkresi and name ' + atoms[3])) for i,val in enumerate(self.origRotVals): self.dihScale[i].grid() self.dihScale[i].set(val) for i in range(numDih,4): self.dihScale[i].grid_remove() self.rotsToAdd = [] self.rotsToAdd.append("orig") for vals in self.AAtypes[resn].dihVals: self.rotsToAdd.append(vals) self.rotBox.setlist(self.rotsToAdd) resStr = self.rotResList[0] + " " + str(self.rotResIList[0]) self.resLabel.config(text=resStr) self.dotCheckCB() else: self.clearRot() else: self.clearRot()
def test_CorrectChiDihedral(self): cmd.load(self.datafile("1rna.cif")) src_dihedral = cmd.get_dihedral("/1rna/A/A/14 & name O4'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C1'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name N9", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C4'") cmd.wizard("nucmutagenesis")"/1rna/A/A/14") cmd.get_wizard().mode = "Guanine" cmd.get_wizard().do_select("sele") cmd.get_wizard().apply() des_dihedral = cmd.get_dihedral("/1rna/A/A/14 & name O4'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C1'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name N9", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C4'") self.assertAlmostEqual(src_dihedral, des_dihedral, delta = 2.0)
def is_pro_cis_or_trans(obj, resi, chain=None): gen_sel = '%s and chain %s and resi %s ' % (obj, chain, resi) 'temp_O', '%s and chain %s and resi %i and name O' % (obj, chain, int(resi) - 1)) 'temp_C', '%s and chain %s and resi %i and name C' % (obj, chain, int(resi) - 1))'temp_N', '%s and name N' % gen_sel)'temp_CD', '%s and name CD' % gen_sel) dihedral = cmd.get_dihedral('temp_O', 'temp_C', 'temp_N', 'temp_CD', state=0) if -170 <= dihedral <= 190: cis_or_trans = 'trans' elif -10 <= dihedral <= +10: cis_or_trans = 'cis' else: cis_or_trans = 'unknown' print('the dihedral is %.2f, I think it is %s' % (dihedral, cis_or_trans)) for atom in ['O', 'C', 'N', 'CD']: cmd.delete('temp_%s' % atom)
def test_CorrectChiDihedral(self): cmd.load(self.datafile("1rna.cif")) src_dihedral = cmd.get_dihedral("/1rna/A/A/14 & name O4'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C1'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name N9", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C4'") cmd.wizard("nucmutagenesis")"/1rna/A/A/14") cmd.get_wizard().mode = "Guanine" cmd.get_wizard().do_select("sele") cmd.get_wizard().apply() des_dihedral = cmd.get_dihedral("/1rna/A/A/14 & name O4'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C1'", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name N9", "/1rna/A/A/14 & name C4'") self.assertAlmostEqual(src_dihedral, des_dihedral, delta=2.0)
def DihedralFromPKSelection (selections = []): """ Function doc """ dihedral = {} if 'pk4' in selections: dihedral['pk1pk2pk3pk4'] = str(cmd.get_dihedral ('pk1','pk2','pk3','pk4')) else: dihedral['pk1pk2pk3pk4'] = None return dihedral
def getdihedral(selection, resids, atomnames): # first check if all atoms are present and unique: for an, resi in zip(atomnames, resids): presentandunique(selection, resi, an) return cmd.get_dihedral(*[ '({0}) and (resi {1}) and (name {2})'.format(selection, resi, an) for resi, an in zip(resids, atomnames) ], quiet=True)
def get_dihedral(modelname, nameandresi1, nameandresi2, nameandresi3, nameandresi4): """A safer version of cmd.get_dihedral(): doesn't choke on non-singleton selections""" selections = [ '({}) and name {} and resi {}'.format(modelname, *nr) for nr in [nameandresi1, nameandresi2, nameandresi3, nameandresi4] ] if not all([cmd.count_atoms(s) == 1 for s in selections]): return None return cmd.get_dihedral(*selections)
def get_chi(obj, resi, state): """ Get the dihedral angle chi (C1-O'x-C'x-C'x-1) """ atom1 = '%s and resi %s and name N' % (obj, resi) atom2 = '%s and resi %s and name CA'% (obj, resi) atom3 = '%s and resi %s and name CB' % (obj, resi) atom4 = '%s and resi %s and name CG' % (obj, resi) value = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, state=state) return value
def get_phi(res_num, state): """Computes the phi torsional angle""" if res_num != 0:'A', 'resi %s and name C' % (res_num-1))'B', 'resi %s and name N' % res_num)'C', 'resi %s and name CA' % res_num)'D', 'resi %s and name C' % res_num) return cmd.get_dihedral('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', state) else: return float('nan')
def get_omega(obj, bond, state=1): """ Get the dihedral angle omega (O6-C6-C5-C4) """ resi_i, resi_j, atom_i, atom_j = bond[0], bond[2], bond[4], bond[5] atom1 = '%s and resi %s and name O6' % (obj, resi_j) atom2 = '%s and resi %s and name C6' % (obj, resi_j) atom3 = '%s and resi %s and name C5' % (obj, resi_j) atom4 = '%s and resi %s and name C4' % (obj, resi_j) value = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, state=state) return value
def get_chi2(res_num, res_name, state): """Computes the chi2 torsional angle""" if res_name not in ['ALA', 'GLY', 'PRO', 'SER', 'THR', 'VAL', 'CYS']:'A', 'resi %s and name CA' % res_num)'B', 'resi %s and name CB' % res_num)'C', 'resi %s and (name CG or name CG1 or name OG1 or name OG)' % res_num)'D', 'resi %s and (name CD or name CD1 or name OD1 or name ND1 or name SD)' % res_num) chi2 = cmd.get_dihedral('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', state) return chi2 else: return float('nan')
def get_chi1(res_num, res_name, state): """Computes the chi1 torsional angle""" if res_name not in ['ALA', 'GLY', 'PRO']:'A', 'resi %s and name N' % res_num)'B', 'resi %s and name CA' % res_num)'C', 'resi %s and name CB' % res_num)'D', 'resi %s and (name CG or name CG1 or name OG1 or name OG or name SG)' % res_num) chi1 = cmd.get_dihedral('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', state) return chi1 else: return float('nan')
def get_omega(res_num, state, total_residues): """Computes the omega torsional angle""" if res_num != total_residues-1:'A', 'resi %s and name CA' % res_num)'B', 'resi %s and name C' % res_num)'C', 'resi %s and name N' % (res_num+1))'D', 'resi %s and name CA' % (res_num+1)) omega = cmd.get_dihedral('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', state) return omega else: return float('nan')
def hw3(model): cmd.remove(model + ' and resn hoh') cmd.remove(model + ' and not alt a+""') cmd.remove(model + ' and not chain A') resis = [] cmd.iterate('/{}//A//CA'.format(model), 'resis.append(resi)', space={'resis': resis}) resis_int = map(int, resis) resis = map(sm, resis) #Pro resP = [] cmd.iterate('/{}//A//CA'.format(model), 'resP.append(resn == "PRO")', space={'resP': resP}) angs_phi = [] angs_psi = [] for i in range(1, len(resis) - 1): if (resis_int[i - 1] + 1 == resis_int[i]) and (resis_int[i] + 1 == resis_int[i + 1]) and resP[i]: angs_phi.append(cmd.get_dihedral('/{}//A/{}/C'.format(model, resis[i-1]), \ '/{}//A/{}/N'.format(model, resis[i]), \ '/{}//A/{}/CA'.format(model, resis[i]), \ '/{}//A/{}/C'.format(model, resis[i]))), angs_psi.append(cmd.get_dihedral('/{}//A/{}/N'.format(model, resis[i]), \ '/{}//A/{}/CA'.format(model, resis[i]), \ '/{}//A/{}/C'.format(model, resis[i]), \ '/{}//A/{}/N'.format(model, resis[i+1]))) fname = 'C:\\Users\\Nick\\Desktop\\Bank\\PhystechStuding\\Buslaev\\project3\\hw3_{}_Pro.dat'.format( model) open(fname, 'w').close() np.savetxt(fname, np.transpose([angs_phi, angs_psi]))
def set_phipsi(sel,phi,psi): # Get atoms from selection atoms = cmd.get_model("byres ("+sel+")") # Loop through atoms in selection for at in atoms.atom: # pylint: disable=E1103 if == "N": # Check for a null chain id (some PDBs contain this) unit_select = "" if not at.chain == "": unit_select = "chain "+str(at.chain)+" and " # end if try: # Define residue selections rdef_prev = unit_select+'resi '+str(int(at.resi)-1) rdef = unit_select+'resi '+str(at.resi) # print "rdef_prev: [%s]" % rdef_prev # print "rdef : [%s]" % rdef if at.resn == "PRO": print "Skipping setting phi for PRO" else: old_phi = cmd.get_dihedral(rdef_prev+' and name C',rdef+' and name N', rdef+' and name CA',rdef+' and name C') cmd.set_dihedral( rdef_prev+' and name C',rdef+' and name N', rdef+' and name CA',rdef+' and name C',phi) print "Changed residue %4s %4s phi: from %6.1f to %6.1f" % (at.resn, at.resi, old_phi, float(phi)) except: print "Note skipping set of phi because of error; this is normal for a N-terminal residue" try: rdef = unit_select+'resi '+str(at.resi) residue_def_next = unit_select+'resi '+str(int(at.resi)+1) # print "rdef : [%s]" % rdef # print "residue_def_next: [%s]" % residue_def_next old_psi = cmd.get_dihedral(rdef +' and name N',rdef+' and name CA',rdef+' and name C', residue_def_next+' and name N') cmd.set_dihedral( rdef +' and name N',rdef+' and name CA',rdef+' and name C', residue_def_next+' and name N',psi) # pylint: disable=C0301 print "Changed residue %4s %4s psi: from %6.1f to %6.1f" % (at.resn, at.resi, old_psi, float(psi)) except: print "Note skipping set of psi; this is normal for a C terminal residue"
def get_psi(obj, bond, state=1): """ Get the dihedral angle psi (C1-O'x-C'x-C'x-1) """ resi_i, resi_j, atom_i, atom_j = bond[0], bond[2], bond[4], bond[5] if atom_i > atom_j: atom_j = atom_i resi_i, resi_j = resi_j, resi_i atom1 = '%s and resi %s and name C1' % (obj, resi_i) atom2 = '%s and resi %s and name O%s' % (obj, resi_j, atom_j) atom3 = '%s and resi %s and name C%s' % (obj, resi_j, atom_j) atom4 = '%s and resi %s and name C%s' % (obj, resi_j, (atom_j - 1)) value = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, state=state) return value
def get_psi(obj, bond, state=1): """ Get the dihedral angle psi (C1-O'x-C'x-C'x-1) """ resi_i, resi_j, atom_i, atom_j = bond[0], bond[2], bond[4], bond[5] if atom_i > atom_j: atom_j = atom_i resi_i, resi_j = resi_j, resi_i atom1 = '%s and resi %s and name C1' % (obj, resi_i) atom2 = '%s and resi %s and name O%s' % (obj, resi_j, atom_j) atom3 = '%s and resi %s and name C%s' % (obj, resi_j, atom_j) atom4 = '%s and resi %s and name C%s' % (obj, resi_j, (atom_j-1)) value = cmd.get_dihedral(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, state=state) return value
def calculateAlphaHelicalPhaseYieldPerResidue(caPositions, helixAxisPoints,correct): alphaHelicalPhaseYieldPerResidue=[] alphaHelicalPhaseYieldPerResidue.append(0) #alphaHelicalPhaseYieldPerResidue.append(0) for i in range (1,len(helixAxisPoints)-1): #generate pseudoatoms for dihedral calculation id=random.random()*1000 cmd.pseudoatom(pos=str([caPositions[i-1].item(0),caPositions[i-1].item(1),caPositions[i-1].item(2)]), object="ca_i-1"+str(id)) cmd.pseudoatom(pos=str([caPositions[i].item(0),caPositions[i].item(1),caPositions[i].item(2)]), object="ca_i"+str(id)) cmd.pseudoatom(pos=str([caPositions[i+1].item(0),caPositions[i+1].item(1),caPositions[i+1].item(2)]), object="ca_i+1"+str(id)) cmd.pseudoatom(pos=str([helixAxisPoints[i-1].item(0),helixAxisPoints[i-1].item(1),helixAxisPoints[i-1].item(2)]), object="axis_i-1"+str(id)) cmd.pseudoatom(pos=str([helixAxisPoints[i].item(0),helixAxisPoints[i].item(1),helixAxisPoints[i].item(2)]), object="axis_i"+str(id)) cmd.pseudoatom(pos=str([helixAxisPoints[i+1].item(0),helixAxisPoints[i+1].item(1),helixAxisPoints[i+1].item(2)]), object="axis_i+1"+str(id)) a=cmd.get_dihedral("ca_i-1"+str(id),"axis_i-1"+str(id),"axis_i"+str(id),"ca_i"+str(id),state=0) b=cmd.get_dihedral("ca_i"+str(id),"axis_i"+str(id),"axis_i+1"+str(id),"ca_i+1"+str(id),state=0) #print i,a,b, (a+b)/2 cmd.delete("ca_i-1"+str(id)) cmd.delete("ca_i"+str(id)) cmd.delete("ca_i+1"+str(id)) cmd.delete("axis_i-1"+str(id)) cmd.delete("axis_i"+str(id)) cmd.delete("axis_i+1"+str(id)) alphaHelicalPhaseYieldPerResidue.append(correct+(a+b)/2) return alphaHelicalPhaseYieldPerResidue
def flip_by_atoms(self, atmA, atmB, atmC, atmD): from pymol import CmdException, cmd sele = self.selector() a, b, c, d = map(lambda a: '{}/{}'.format(sele, a), [atmA, atmB, atmC, atmD]) try: dh = cmd.get_dihedral(a, b, c, d) except CmdException: print "Error on '{}'.".format(self.selector()) pass else: cmd.set_dihedral(a, b, c, d, dh + 180) cmd.unpick()
def fix_gln_hydrogens(selection): """Fix the naming of cis and trans hydrogens in glutamine""" # HZ21 is the cis, HZ22 is the trans for hindex in iterate_indices( '({}) and (name HZ21+HZ22)'.format(selection)): if abs( cmd.get_dihedral( '(idx {}) and ({})'.format(hindex, selection), '(name NZ2) and ({})'.format(selection), '(name CE) and ({})'.format(selection), '(name OZ1) and ({})'.format(selection))) < 90: cmd.alter('(idx {}) and ({})'.format(hindex, selection), 'name="HZ21"') else: cmd.alter('(idx {}) and ({})'.format(hindex, selection), 'name="HZ22"')
def get_zmat_ext_freeze_torsion(self,flag=3): # requires PYMOL to read dihedrals from structure # requires list of dihedrals from tinker.amber # from pymol import cmd from .tinker.amber import Topology cmd.load_model(self.model,'_gamess1') model = self.model # get mapping of model ordering to zmat ordering m2z = {} z2m = {} c = 1 # GAMESS is one-based for a in self.get_zmat_ordering(): m2z[a] = c z2m[c] = a c = c + 1 # get all torsions in the molecule topo = Topology(self.model) # find those where flag is set in all atoms mask = 2 ** flag frozen_list = [] for a in list(topo.torsion.keys()): if (model.atom[a[0]].flags& model.atom[a[1]].flags& model.atom[a[2]].flags& model.atom[a[3]].flags)&mask: frozen_list.append(a) print(" freeze-torsion: %d torsions will be frozen."%len(frozen_list)) irzmat = [] ifzmat = [] fvalue = [] if len(frozen_list): for frozen in frozen_list: # find additional torsions which need to be removed remove = [] for a in list(topo.torsion.keys()): if (((a[1]==frozen[1])and(a[2]==frozen[2])) or ((a[2]==frozen[1])and(a[1]==frozen[2]))): if a!=frozen: remove.append(a) # convert to internal coordinate ordering frozen_z = (m2z[frozen[0]],m2z[frozen[1]], m2z[frozen[2]],m2z[frozen[3]]) remove_z = [] for a in remove: remove_z.append(m2z[a[0]],m2z[a[1]],m2z[a[2]],m2z[a[3]]) # now reorder atoms in torsions to reflect z_matrix ordering # (not sure this is necessary) if frozen_z[0]>frozen_z[3]: frozen_z = (frozen_z[3],frozen_z[2],frozen_z[1],frozen_z[0]) tmp_z = [] for a in remove_z: if a[0]>a[3]: tmp_z.append((a[3],a[2],a[1],a[0])) else: tmp_z.append(a) remove_z = tmp_z # get value of the fixed torsion fixed = (z2m[frozen_z[0]],z2m[frozen_z[1]], z2m[frozen_z[2]],z2m[frozen_z[3]]) dihe = cmd.get_dihedral("(_gamess1 and id %d)"%fixed[0], "(_gamess1 and id %d)"%fixed[1], "(_gamess1 and id %d)"%fixed[2], "(_gamess1 and id %d)"%fixed[3]) # write out report for user edification print(" freeze-torsion: fixing freeze-torsion:") print(" freeze-torsion: %d-%d-%d-%d (pymol), %d-%d-%d-%d (gamess)"%( fixed[0],fixed[1],fixed[2],fixed[3], frozen_z[0],frozen_z[1],frozen_z[2],frozen_z[3])) print(" freeze-torsion: at %5.3f"%dihe) print(" freeze-torsion: removing redundant torsions:") for a in remove_z[1:]: print(" freeze-torsion: %d-%d-%d-%d (pymol), %d-%d-%d-%d (gamess)"%( z2m[a[0]],z2m[a[1]],z2m[a[2]],z2m[a[3]], a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3])) # add parameters for this torsion into the list ifzmat.append((3,frozen_z[0],frozen_z[1],frozen_z[2],frozen_z[3])) fvalue.append(dihe) if len(remove_z): for a in remove_z[1:]: irzmat.append((3,a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3])) # generate restrained dihedral information zmat_ext = [] if len(ifzmat): zmat_ext.append(" IFZMAT(1)=\n") comma = "" for a in ifzmat: zmat_ext.append(comma+"%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n"%a) comma = "," if len(fvalue): zmat_ext.append(" FVALUE(1)=\n") comma = "" for a in fvalue: zmat_ext.append(comma+"%1.7f\n"%a) comma = "," if len(irzmat): zmat_ext.append(" IRZMAT(1)=\n") comma = "" for a in irzmat: zmat_ext.append(comma+"%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n"%a) comma = "," cmd.delete("_gamess1") # important if len(zmat_ext): return zmat_ext else: return None
def do_library(self): cmd = self.cmd pymol = cmd._pymol if not ( (cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name n" % src_sele) == 1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name c" % src_sele) == 1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name o" % src_sele) == 1) ): self.clear() return 1"push")"disable", "selector", "everythin")"disable", "editor", "actions") self.prompt = ["Loading rotamers..."] = "residue" cmd.iterate("first (%s)" % src_sele, '"/"+segi+"/"+chain+"/"+resn+"`"+resi') self.res_text ="_seeker_hilight", src_sele) auto_zoom = cmd.get_setting_text("auto_zoom") cmd.set("auto_zoom", "0", quiet=1) cmd.frame(0) cmd.delete(frag_name) if self.auto_center:, animate=-1) self.lib_mode = self.mode if self.lib_mode == "current": pymol.stored.resn = "" cmd.iterate("(%s and n;ca)" % src_sele, "stored.resn=resn") rot_type = _rot_type_xref.get(pymol.stored.resn, pymol.stored.resn) if (self.c_cap != "none") or (self.n_cap != "none") or (self.hyd != "auto"): self.lib_mode = rot_type # force fragment-based load else: cmd.create(frag_name, src_sele, 1, 1) if self.c_cap == "open": cmd.remove("%s and name OXT" % frag_name) if self.lib_mode != "current": rot_type = self.lib_mode frag_type = self.lib_mode if (self.n_cap == "posi") and (frag_type[0:3] != "NT_"): if not (cmd.count_atoms("elem c & !(%s) & (bto. (n;n & (%s))) &! r. ace" % (src_sele, src_sele))): # use N-terminal fragment frag_type = "NT_" + frag_type if (self.c_cap == "nega") and (frag_type[0:3] != "CT_"): if not (cmd.count_atoms("elem n & !(%s) & (bto. (n;c & (%s))) & !r. nme+nhh" % (src_sele, src_sele))): # use C-terminal fragment frag_type = "CT_" + frag_type if rot_type[0:3] in ["NT_", "CT_"]: rot_type = rot_type[3:] rot_type = _rot_type_xref.get(rot_type, rot_type) cmd.fragment(string.lower(frag_type), frag_name) # trim off hydrogens if self.hyd == "none": cmd.remove("(" + frag_name + " and hydro)") elif self.hyd == "auto": if cmd.count_atoms("(" + src_sele + ") and hydro") == 0: cmd.remove("(" + frag_name + " and hydro)") # copy identifying information cmd.iterate("(%s and n;ca)" % src_sele, "stored.chain=chain") cmd.alter("(%s)" % frag_name, "chain=stored.chain") cmd.iterate("(%s and n;ca)" % src_sele, "stored.resi=resi") cmd.alter("(%s)" % frag_name, "resi=stored.resi") cmd.iterate("(%s and n;ca)" % src_sele, "stored.segi=segi") cmd.alter("(%s)" % frag_name, "segi=stored.segi") cmd.iterate("(%s and n;ca)" % src_sele, "") cmd.alter("(%s)" % frag_name, "") # move the fragment if (cmd.count_atoms("(%s and n;cb)" % frag_name) == 1) and ( cmd.count_atoms("(%s and n;cb)" % src_sele) == 1 ): cmd.pair_fit( "(%s and n;ca)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;ca)" % src_sele, "(%s and n;cb)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;cb)" % src_sele, "(%s and n;c)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;c)" % src_sele, "(%s and n;n)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;n)" % src_sele, ) else: cmd.pair_fit( "(%s and n;ca)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;ca)" % src_sele, "(%s and n;c)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;c)" % src_sele, "(%s and n;n)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;n)" % src_sele, ) # fix the carbonyl position... cmd.iterate_state(1, "(%s and n;o)" % src_sele, "stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1, "(%s and n;o)" % frag_name, "(x,y,z)=stored.list") if cmd.count_atoms("(%s and n;oxt)" % src_sele): cmd.iterate_state(1, "(%s and n;oxt)" % src_sele, "stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1, "(%s and n;oxt)" % frag_name, "(x,y,z)=stored.list") elif cmd.count_atoms("(%s and n;oxt)" % frag_name): # place OXT if no template exists angle = cmd.get_dihedral( "(%s and n;n)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;ca)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;c)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;o)" % frag_name, ) cmd.protect("(%s and n;o)" % frag_name) cmd.set_dihedral( "(%s and n;n)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;ca)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;c)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;oxt)" % frag_name, 180.0 + angle, ) cmd.deprotect(frag_name) # fix the hydrogen position (if any) if cmd.count_atoms("(elem h and bound_to (n;n and (%s)))" % frag_name) == 1: if cmd.count_atoms("(elem h and bound_to (n;n and (%s)))" % src_sele) == 1: cmd.iterate_state(1, "(elem h and bound_to (n;n and (%s)))" % src_sele, "stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1, "(elem h and bound_to (n;n and (%s)))" % frag_name, "(x,y,z)=stored.list") elif, "(n;c and bound_to (%s and e;n))" % src_sele) == 1: # position hydro based on location of the carbonyl angle = cmd.get_dihedral( "(%s and n;c)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;ca)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;n)" % frag_name, tmp_sele1 ) cmd.set_dihedral( "(%s and n;c)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;ca)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;n)" % frag_name, "(%s and n;h)" % frag_name, 180.0 + angle, ) cmd.delete(tmp_sele1) # add c-cap (if appropriate) if self.c_cap in ["amin", "nmet"]: if not cmd.count_atoms("elem n & !(%s) & (bto. (n;c & (%s))) & !r. nme+nhh" % (src_sele, src_sele)): if cmd.count_atoms("n;c & (%s)" % (frag_name)) == 1: if self.c_cap == "amin": editor.attach_amino_acid("n;c & (%s)" % (frag_name), "nhh") elif self.c_cap == "nmet": editor.attach_amino_acid("n;c & (%s)" % (frag_name), "nme") if cmd.count_atoms("hydro & bound_to (n;n & bound_to (n;c & (%s)))" % frag_name): cmd.h_fix("n;n & bound_to (n;c & (%s))" % frag_name) # trim hydrogens if self.hyd == "none": cmd.remove("(" + frag_name + " and hydro)") elif self.hyd == "auto": if cmd.count_atoms("(" + src_sele + ") and hydro") == 0: cmd.remove("(" + frag_name + " and hydro)") # add n-cap (if appropriate) if self.n_cap in ["acet"]: if not cmd.count_atoms("elem c & !(%s) & (bto. (n;n & (%s))) & !r. ace " % (src_sele, src_sele)): if cmd.count_atoms("n;n & (%s)" % (frag_name)) == 1: if self.n_cap == "acet": editor.attach_amino_acid("n;n & (%s)" % (frag_name), "ace") if cmd.count_atoms("hydro & bound_to (n;n & bound_to (n;c & (%s)))" % frag_name): cmd.h_fix("n;n & (%s)" % frag_name) # trim hydrogens if self.hyd == "none": cmd.remove("(" + frag_name + " and hydro)") elif self.hyd == "auto": if cmd.count_atoms("(" + src_sele + ") and hydro") == 0: cmd.remove("(" + frag_name + " and hydro)") cartoon = cmd.count_atoms("(%s and n;ca and rep cartoon)" % src_sele) > 0 sticks = cmd.count_atoms("(%s and n;ca and rep sticks)" % src_sele) > 0 cmd.delete(obj_name) key = rot_type lib = None if self.dep == "dep": try: result = cmd.phi_psi("%s" % src_sele) if len(result) == 1: (phi, psi) = result[result.keys()[0]] (phi, psi) = (int(10 * round(phi / 10)), int(10 * (round(psi / 10)))) key = (rot_type, phi, psi) if not self.dep_library.has_key(key): (phi, psi) = (int(20 * round(phi / 20)), int(20 * (round(psi / 20)))) key = (rot_type, phi, psi) if not self.dep_library.has_key(key): (phi, psi) = (int(60 * round(phi / 60)), int(60 * (round(psi / 60)))) key = (rot_type, phi, psi) lib = self.dep_library.get(key, None) except: pass if lib == None: key = rot_type lib = self.ind_library.get(key, None) if (lib != None) and self.dep == "dep": print " Mutagenesis: no phi/psi, using backbone-independent rotamers." if lib != None: state = 1 for a in lib: cmd.create(obj_name, frag_name, 1, state) if state == 1:, "(byres (%s like %s))" % (obj_name, src_sele)) if rot_type == "PRO": cmd.unbond("(%s & name N)" % mut_sele, "(%s & name CD)" % mut_sele) for b in a.keys(): if b != "FREQ": cmd.set_dihedral( "(%s & n;%s)" % (mut_sele, b[0]), "(%s & n;%s)" % (mut_sele, b[1]), "(%s & n;%s)" % (mut_sele, b[2]), "(%s & n;%s)" % (mut_sele, b[3]), a[b], state=state, ) else: cmd.set_title(obj_name, state, "%1.1f%%" % (a[b] * 100)) if rot_type == "PRO":"(%s & name N)" % mut_sele, "(%s & name CD)" % mut_sele) state = state + 1 cmd.delete(frag_name) print " Mutagenesis: %d rotamers loaded." % len(lib) if self.bump_check: cmd.delete(bump_name) cmd.create( bump_name, "(((byobj %s) within 6 of (%s and not name n+c+ca+o+h+ha)) and (not (%s)))|(%s)" % (src_sele, mut_sele, src_sele, mut_sele), singletons=1, ) cmd.color("gray50", bump_name + " and elem c") cmd.set("seq_view", 0, bump_name, quiet=1) cmd.hide("everything", bump_name) if (, "(n;N and (%s in (neighbor %s)))" % (bump_name, src_sele)) == 1) and (, "(n;C and (%s in %s))" % (bump_name, mut_sele)) == 1 ):, tmp_sele2) if (, "(n;C and (%s in (neighbor %s)))" % (bump_name, src_sele)) == 1) and (, "(n;N and (%s in %s))" % (bump_name, mut_sele)) == 1 ):, tmp_sele2) cmd.delete(tmp_sele1) cmd.delete(tmp_sele2) cmd.protect("%s and not (%s in (%s and not name n+c+ca+o+h+ha))" % (bump_name, bump_name, mut_sele)) cmd.sculpt_activate(bump_name)"cgo", bump_name) # draw the bumps cmd.set("sculpt_vdw_vis_mode", 1, bump_name) state = 1 for a in lib: cmd.sculpt_iterate(bump_name, state=state) state = state + 1 cmd.delete(mut_sele) else: cmd.create(obj_name, frag_name, 1, 1) print " Mutagenesis: no rotamers found in library." cmd.set("seq_view", 0, obj_name, quiet=1) pymol.util.cbaw(obj_name) cmd.hide("(" + obj_name + ")"), obj_name)"lines", obj_name) # neighbor always show lines if cartoon:"cartoon", obj_name) if sticks:"sticks", obj_name) cmd.set("auto_zoom", auto_zoom, quiet=1) cmd.delete(frag_name) cmd.frame(0) cmd.unpick()"pop")
def print_dihedrals(selection='sele', state=1, quiet=1, ss='', fc=10.0, chi=0, label='ID'): ''' DESCRIPTION "print_dihedrals" return the phi, psi, and chi1 angles for a protein atom selection. ARGUMENTS state = integer: object state {default: 1} selection = string: atom selection {default: all} amber = integer: generate AMBER rst file {default: 1;ON} label = string: label type ('ID' or 'index') {default: ID} fc = float: force constant for the dihedral angles {default: 10.0} chi = 0: Do not print chi angles (default) chi = 1: print chi1 dihedral angle (if exists) chi = 2: print chi1 and chi2 dihedral angles (if exists) (not implemented yet) SEE ALSO phipsi ''' # selectionからCalpha原子のIDリストを取得 chi = int(chi) caindex = [] cmd.iterate('bycalpha (%s)' % selection, 'caindex.append(ID)', space=locals()) # Calpha原子が属する残基ごとに処理を行う for ca in caindex: # resinameに残基名のみ取得 n_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name N)" % ca c_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name C)" % ca ca_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name CA)" % ca cb_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name CB)" % ca resiname_sele = [] cmd.iterate(ca_sele, "resiname_sele.append(resn)", space=locals()) resiname = str(resiname_sele[0]) if resiname == 'ILE' or resiname == 'VAL': cg_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name CG1)" % ca elif resiname == 'THR': cg_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name OG1)" % ca elif resiname == 'CYS' or resiname == 'CYX': cg_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name SG)" % ca else: cg_sele = "((byres ID %s) & name CG)" % ca cm_sele = "((neighbor (%s)) and not (byres (%s)))" % (n_sele, n_sele ) #前の残基のC np_sele = "((neighbor (%s)) and not (byres (%s)))" % (c_sele, c_sele ) #次の残基のN"push")"disable", "selector", "everything") cm_cnt ="_pp_cm", cm_sele) n_cnt ="_pp_n", n_sele) c_cnt ="_pp_c", c_sele) ca_cnt ="_pp_ca", ca_sele) cb_cnt ="_pp_cb", cb_sele) cg_cnt ="_pp_cg", cg_sele) np_cnt ="_pp_np", np_sele) # 残基名+残基番号取得(ASP704みたいな) rname = [] cmd.iterate(ca_sele, "rname.append(resn+resi)", space=locals()) if (cm_cnt and n_cnt and ca_cnt and c_cnt): phi = cmd.get_dihedral("_pp_c", "_pp_ca", "_pp_n", "_pp_cm") else: phi = None if (n_cnt and ca_cnt and c_cnt and np_cnt): psi = cmd.get_dihedral("_pp_np", "_pp_c", "_pp_ca", "_pp_n") else: psi = None if (n_cnt and ca_cnt and cb_cnt and cg_cnt): chi1 = cmd.get_dihedral("_pp_cg", "_pp_cb", "_pp_ca", "_pp_n") else: chi1 = None atomdict = {} strings = [ "_pp_cm", "_pp_n", "_pp_c", "_pp_ca", "_pp_cb", "_pp_np", "_pp_cg" ] for i in strings: temp = cmd.identify(i) # tempが空リストでなければatomdictに追加 if temp: atomdict[i] = temp[0] # phi, psi用に制限を設ける # 引数でssが指定されている場合、その範囲になるよう設定 def phir2limit(x, sigma, ss): if ss == '': val = x - sigma if val <= -180.0: val = -180.0 return val elif ss == 'alpha': val = -80.0 return val elif ss == 'beta': val = -155.0 return val def phir3limit(x, sigma, ss): if ss == '': val = x + sigma if val >= 180.0: val = 180.0 return val elif ss == 'alpha': val = -50.0 return val elif ss == 'beta': val = -125.0 return val def psir2limit(x, sigma, ss): if ss == '': val = x - sigma if val <= -180.0: val = -180.0 return val elif ss == 'alpha': val = -55.0 return val elif ss == 'beta': val = 115.0 return val def psir3limit(x, sigma, ss): if ss == '': val = x + sigma if val >= 180.0: val = 180.0 return val elif ss == 'alpha': val = -25.0 return val elif ss == 'beta': val = 145.0 return val def r2limit(x, sigma): val = x - sigma if val <= -180.0: val = -180.0 return val def r3limit(x, sigma): val = x + sigma if val >= 180.0: val = 180.0 return val if phi is not None: print('''# {6} phi &rst iat= {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, r1=-180.0, r2={4:.2f}, r3={5:.2f}, r4= 180.0, rk2= {7}, rk3= {7},\n/'''.format(int(atomdict['_pp_c']), int(atomdict['_pp_ca']), int(atomdict['_pp_n']), int(atomdict['_pp_cm']), phir2limit(phi, 10.0, ss), phir3limit(phi, 10.0, ss), str(rname[0]), float(fc))) if psi is not None: print('''# {6} psi &rst iat= {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, r1=-180.0, r2={4:.2f}, r3={5:.2f}, r4= 180.0, rk2= {7}, rk3= {7},\n/'''.format(int(atomdict['_pp_np']), int(atomdict['_pp_c']), int(atomdict['_pp_ca']), int(atomdict['_pp_n']), psir2limit(psi, 10.0, ss), psir3limit(psi, 10.0, ss), str(rname[0]), float(fc))) if (chi > 0) and (chi1 is not None): print('''# {6} chi1 &rst iat= {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, r1=-180.0, r2={4:.2f}, r3={5:.2f}, r4= 180.0, rk2= {7}, rk3= {7},\n/'''.format(int(atomdict['_pp_cg']), int(atomdict['_pp_cb']), int(atomdict['_pp_ca']), int(atomdict['_pp_n']), r2limit(chi1, 10.0), r3limit(chi1, 10.0), str(rname[0]), float(fc)))
def ens_measure(pk1 = None, pk2 = None, pk3 = None, pk4 = None, name = None, log = None, verbose = True): ''' DESCRIPTION Statistics from ensemble structure measurements. If: 2 selections give = distance 3 selections give = angle 4 selections give = dihedral angle USAGE ens_measure pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4, name, log, verbose ARGUMENTS log = name of log file verbose = prints individual measurements EXAMPLE ens_measure atom1, atom2, name = 'measure', log 'ens.log' ''' print >> log, '\nEnsemble measurement' if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) > 2: print '\nERROR: Please supply at least 2 seletions' return number_models = cmd.count_states(pk1) measurements = [] # distance if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) == 2: print >> log, 'Distance' if name == None: name = 'ens_distance' # display as object cmd.distance(name = name, selection1 = pk1, selection2 = pk2) # get individual values for n in xrange(number_models): measurements.append( cmd.get_distance(pk1, pk2, n+1) ) assert len(measurements) == number_models # angle if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) == 1: print >> log, 'Angle' # display as object if name == None: name = 'ens_angle' cmd.angle(name = name, selection1 = pk1, selection2 = pk2, selection3 = pk3) # get individual values for n in xrange(number_models): measurements.append( cmd.get_angle(atom1 = pk1, atom2 = pk2, atom3 = pk3, state = n+1) ) assert len(measurements) == number_models # Dihedral angle if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) == 0: print >> log, 'Dihedral angle' # display as object if name == None: name = 'ens_dihedral' cmd.dihedral(name = name, selection1 = pk1, selection2 = pk2, selection3 = pk3, selection4 = pk4) # get individual values for n in xrange(number_models): measurements.append( cmd.get_dihedral(atom1 = pk1, atom2 = pk2, atom3 = pk3, atom4 = pk4, state = n+1) ) assert len(measurements) == number_models # print stats if verbose: print >> log, ' State Value' for n, measurement in enumerate(measurements): print >> log, ' %4d %3.3f '%(n+1, measurement) print >> log, '\nMeasurement statistics' print_array_stats(array = measurements, log = log)
def get_zmat_ext_freeze_torsion(self, flag=3): # requires PYMOL to read dihedrals from structure # requires list of dihedrals from tinker.amber # from pymol import cmd from tinker.amber import Topology cmd.load_model(self.model, '_gamess1') model = self.model # get mapping of model ordering to zmat ordering m2z = {} z2m = {} c = 1 # GAMESS is one-based for a in self.get_zmat_ordering(): m2z[a] = c z2m[c] = a c = c + 1 # get all torsions in the molecule topo = Topology(self.model) # find those where flag is set in all atoms mask = 2**flag frozen_list = [] for a in topo.torsion.keys(): if (model.atom[a[0]].flags & model.atom[a[1]].flags & model.atom[a[2]].flags & model.atom[a[3]].flags) & mask: frozen_list.append(a) print " freeze-torsion: %d torsions will be frozen." % len(frozen_list) irzmat = [] ifzmat = [] fvalue = [] if len(frozen_list): for frozen in frozen_list: # find additional torsions which need to be removed remove = [] for a in topo.torsion.keys(): if (((a[1] == frozen[1]) and (a[2] == frozen[2])) or ((a[2] == frozen[1]) and (a[1] == frozen[2]))): if a != frozen: remove.append(a) # convert to internal coordinate ordering frozen_z = (m2z[frozen[0]], m2z[frozen[1]], m2z[frozen[2]], m2z[frozen[3]]) remove_z = [] for a in remove: remove_z.append(m2z[a[0]], m2z[a[1]], m2z[a[2]], m2z[a[3]]) # now reorder atoms in torsions to reflect z_matrix ordering # (not sure this is necessary) if frozen_z[0] > frozen_z[3]: frozen_z = (frozen_z[3], frozen_z[2], frozen_z[1], frozen_z[0]) tmp_z = [] for a in remove_z: if a[0] > a[3]: tmp_z.append((a[3], a[2], a[1], a[0])) else: tmp_z.append(a) remove_z = tmp_z # get value of the fixed torsion fixed = (z2m[frozen_z[0]], z2m[frozen_z[1]], z2m[frozen_z[2]], z2m[frozen_z[3]]) dihe = cmd.get_dihedral("(_gamess1 and id %d)" % fixed[0], "(_gamess1 and id %d)" % fixed[1], "(_gamess1 and id %d)" % fixed[2], "(_gamess1 and id %d)" % fixed[3]) # write out report for user edification print " freeze-torsion: fixing freeze-torsion:" print " freeze-torsion: %d-%d-%d-%d (pymol), %d-%d-%d-%d (gamess)" % ( fixed[0], fixed[1], fixed[2], fixed[3], frozen_z[0], frozen_z[1], frozen_z[2], frozen_z[3]) print " freeze-torsion: at %5.3f" % dihe print " freeze-torsion: removing redundant torsions:" for a in remove_z[1:]: print " freeze-torsion: %d-%d-%d-%d (pymol), %d-%d-%d-%d (gamess)" % ( z2m[a[0]], z2m[a[1]], z2m[a[2]], z2m[a[3]], a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]) # add parameters for this torsion into the list ifzmat.append( (3, frozen_z[0], frozen_z[1], frozen_z[2], frozen_z[3])) fvalue.append(dihe) if len(remove_z): for a in remove_z[1:]: irzmat.append((3, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3])) # generate restrained dihedral information zmat_ext = [] if len(ifzmat): zmat_ext.append(" IFZMAT(1)=\n") comma = "" for a in ifzmat: zmat_ext.append(comma + "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n" % a) comma = "," if len(fvalue): zmat_ext.append(" FVALUE(1)=\n") comma = "" for a in fvalue: zmat_ext.append(comma + "%1.7f\n" % a) comma = "," if len(irzmat): zmat_ext.append(" IRZMAT(1)=\n") comma = "" for a in irzmat: zmat_ext.append(comma + "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n" % a) comma = "," cmd.delete("_gamess1") # important if len(zmat_ext): return zmat_ext else: return None
def do_library(self): cmd=self.cmd pymol=cmd._pymol if not ((cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name N"%src_sele)==1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name C"%src_sele)==1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name O"%src_sele)==1)): self.clear() return 1"push")"disable","selector","everythin")"disable","editor","actions") self.prompt = [ 'Loading rotamers...'] self.bump_scores = [] state_best = 0 = 'residue' cmd.iterate("first (%s)"%src_sele,'"/"+segi+"/"+chain+"/"+resn+"`"+resi') self.res_text ="_seeker_hilight",src_sele) auto_zoom = cmd.get_setting_text('auto_zoom') cmd.set('auto_zoom',"0",quiet=1) cmd.frame(0) cmd.delete(frag_name) if self.auto_center:,animate=-1) self.lib_mode = self.mode if self.lib_mode=="current": pymol.stored.resn="" cmd.iterate("(%s & name CA)"%src_sele,"stored.resn=resn") rot_type = _rot_type_xref.get(pymol.stored.resn,pymol.stored.resn) if (self.c_cap!='none') or (self.n_cap!='none') or (self.hyd != 'auto'): self.lib_mode = rot_type # force fragment-based load else: cmd.create(frag_name,src_sele,1,1) if self.c_cap=='open': cmd.remove("%s and name OXT"%frag_name) if self.lib_mode!='current': rot_type = self.lib_mode frag_type = self.lib_mode if (self.n_cap == 'posi') and (frag_type[0:3]!='NT_'): if not ( cmd.count_atoms( "elem C & !(%s) & (bto. (name N & (%s))) &! resn ACE"% (src_sele,src_sele))): # use N-terminal fragment frag_type ="NT_"+frag_type if (self.c_cap == 'nega') and (frag_type[0:3]!='CT_'): if not ( cmd.count_atoms("elem N & !(%s) & (bto. (name C & (%s))) & !resn NME+NHH"% (src_sele,src_sele))): # use C-terminal fragment frag_type ="CT_"+frag_type if rot_type[0:3] in [ 'NT_', 'CT_' ]: rot_type = rot_type[3:] rot_type = _rot_type_xref.get(rot_type, rot_type) cmd.fragment(frag_type.lower(), frag_name, origin=0) # trim off hydrogens if (self.hyd == 'none'): cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") elif (self.hyd == 'auto'): if cmd.count_atoms("("+src_sele+") and hydro")==0: cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") # copy identifying information cmd.alter("?%s & name CA" % src_sele, "stored.identifiers = (segi, chain, resi, ss, color)", cmd.alter("?%s" % frag_name, "(segi, chain, resi, ss) = stored.identifiers[:4]", # move the fragment if ((cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CB)"%frag_name)==1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CB)"%src_sele)==1)): cmd.pair_fit("(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%src_sele, "(%s & name CB)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CB)"%src_sele, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%src_sele, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%src_sele) else: cmd.pair_fit("(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%src_sele, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%src_sele, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%src_sele) # fix the carbonyl position... cmd.iterate_state(1,"(%s & name O)"%src_sele,"stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1,"(%s & name O)"%frag_name,"(x,y,z)=stored.list") if cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name OXT)"%src_sele): cmd.iterate_state(1,"(%s & name OXT)"%src_sele,"stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1,"(%s & name OXT)"%frag_name,"(x,y,z)=stored.list") elif cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name OXT)"%frag_name): # place OXT if no template exists angle = cmd.get_dihedral("(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name O)"%frag_name) cmd.protect("(%s & name O)"%frag_name) cmd.set_dihedral("(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name OXT)"%frag_name,180.0+angle) cmd.deprotect(frag_name) # fix the hydrogen position (if any) if cmd.count_atoms("(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%frag_name)==1: if cmd.count_atoms("(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%src_sele)==1: cmd.iterate_state(1,"(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%src_sele, "stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1,"(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%frag_name, "(x,y,z)=stored.list") elif,"(name C & bound_to (%s and elem N))"%src_sele)==1: # position hydro based on location of the carbonyl angle = cmd.get_dihedral("(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, tmp_sele1) cmd.set_dihedral("(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name H)"%frag_name,180.0+angle) cmd.delete(tmp_sele1) # add c-cap (if appropriate) if self.c_cap in [ 'amin', 'nmet' ]: if not cmd.count_atoms("elem N & !(%s) & (bto. (name C & (%s))) & !resn NME+NHH"% (src_sele,src_sele)): if cmd.count_atoms("name C & (%s)"%(frag_name))==1: if self.c_cap == 'amin': editor.attach_amino_acid("name C & (%s)"%(frag_name), 'nhh') elif self.c_cap == 'nmet': editor.attach_amino_acid("name C & (%s)"%(frag_name), 'nme') if cmd.count_atoms("hydro & bound_to (name N & bound_to (name C & (%s)))"%frag_name): cmd.h_fix("name N & bound_to (name C & (%s))"%frag_name) # trim hydrogens if (self.hyd == 'none'): cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") elif (self.hyd == 'auto'): if cmd.count_atoms("("+src_sele+") and hydro")==0: cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") # add n-cap (if appropriate) if self.n_cap in [ 'acet' ]: if not cmd.count_atoms("elem C & !(%s) & (bto. (name N & (%s))) & !resn ACE "% (src_sele,src_sele)): if cmd.count_atoms("name N & (%s)"%(frag_name))==1: if self.n_cap == 'acet': editor.attach_amino_acid("name N & (%s)"%(frag_name), 'ace') if cmd.count_atoms("hydro & bound_to (name N & bound_to (name C & (%s)))"%frag_name): cmd.h_fix("name N & (%s)"%frag_name) # trim hydrogens if (self.hyd == 'none'): cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") elif (self.hyd == 'auto'): if cmd.count_atoms("("+src_sele+") and hydro")==0: cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") cartoon = (cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CA & rep cartoon)"%src_sele)>0) sticks = (cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CA & rep sticks)"%src_sele)>0) cmd.delete(obj_name) key = rot_type lib = None if self.dep == 'dep': try: result = cmd.phi_psi("%s"%src_sele) if len(result)==1: (phi,psi) = list(result.values())[0] (phi,psi) = (int(10*round(phi/10)),int(10*(round(psi/10)))) key = (rot_type,phi,psi) if key not in self.dep_library: (phi,psi) = (int(20*round(phi/20)),int(20*(round(psi/20)))) key = (rot_type,phi,psi) if key not in self.dep_library: (phi,psi) = (int(60*round(phi/60)),int(60*(round(psi/60)))) key = (rot_type,phi,psi) lib = self.dep_library.get(key,None) except: pass if lib is None: key = rot_type lib = self.ind_library.get(key,None) if (lib is not None) and self.dep == 'dep': print(' Mutagenesis: no phi/psi, using backbone-independent rotamers.') if lib is not None: state = 1 for a in lib: cmd.create(obj_name,frag_name,1,state) if state == 1:,"(byres (%s like %s))"%(obj_name,src_sele)) if rot_type=='PRO': cmd.unbond("(%s & name N)"%mut_sele,"(%s & name CD)"%mut_sele) for b in a.keys(): if b!='FREQ': cmd.set_dihedral("(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[0]), "(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[1]), "(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[2]), "(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[3]), a[b],state=state) else: cmd.set_title(obj_name,state,"%1.1f%%"%(a[b]*100)) if rot_type=='PRO':"(%s & name N)"%mut_sele,"(%s & name CD)"%mut_sele) state = state + 1 cmd.delete(frag_name) print(" Mutagenesis: %d rotamers loaded."%len(lib)) if self.bump_check: cmd.delete(bump_name) cmd.create(bump_name, "(((byobj %s) within 6 of (%s and not name N+C+CA+O+H+HA)) and (not (%s)))|(%s)"% (src_sele,mut_sele,src_sele,mut_sele),singletons=1) cmd.color("gray50",bump_name+" and elem C") cmd.set("seq_view",0,bump_name,quiet=1) cmd.hide("everything",bump_name) if ((, "(name N & (%s in (neighbor %s)))"% (bump_name,src_sele)) == 1) and (, "(name C & (%s in %s))"% (bump_name,mut_sele)) == 1)):,tmp_sele2) if ((,"(name C & (%s in (neighbor %s)))"% (bump_name,src_sele)) == 1) and (,"(name N & (%s in %s))"% (bump_name,mut_sele)) == 1)):,tmp_sele2) cmd.delete(tmp_sele1) cmd.delete(tmp_sele2) cmd.protect("%s and not (%s in (%s and not name N+C+CA+O+H+HA))"% (bump_name,bump_name,mut_sele)) cmd.sculpt_activate(bump_name)"cgo",bump_name) # draw the bumps cmd.set("sculpt_vdw_vis_mode",1,bump_name) state = 1 score_best = 1e6 for a in lib: score = cmd.sculpt_iterate(bump_name, state, 1) self.bump_scores.append(score) if score < score_best: state_best = state score_best = score state = state + 1 cmd.delete(mut_sele) else: cmd.create(obj_name,frag_name,1,1) print(" Mutagenesis: no rotamers found in library.") cmd.set("seq_view",0,obj_name,quiet=1) pymol.util.cbaw(obj_name) cmd.hide("("+obj_name+")"),obj_name)'lines',obj_name) #neighbor always show lines if cartoon:"cartoon",obj_name) if sticks:"sticks",obj_name) cmd.set('auto_zoom',auto_zoom,quiet=1) cmd.delete(frag_name) cmd.frame(state_best) cmd.unpick()"pop")
# pymol -qc pdb selection new_residue # example: pymol -qc 0.pdb C/1/ ALA 0_mutated.pdb from pymol import cmd import sys pdb, selection, mutant, output_name = sys.argv[-4:] print("file:", pdb) print("selection:", selection) print("mutating to:", mutant) print("output name:", output_name) cmd.load(pdb, "file") resi_num = selection.split("/")[1] #prefix = "chain B & resi " + resi_num + " & name " prefix = "chain A & resi " + resi_num + " & name " orig_dihedral = cmd.get_dihedral(prefix + "C", prefix + "CA", prefix + "CB", prefix + "CG") cmd.wizard("mutagenesis") cmd.refresh_wizard() cmd.get_wizard().do_select(selection) cmd.get_wizard().set_mode(mutant) cmd.get_wizard().apply() cmd.set_wizard() cmd.set_dihedral(prefix + "C", prefix + "CA", prefix + "CB", prefix + "1HB", orig_dihedral), "file")
(float(vdw) + float(Elec))) ### only args.distance atom is considered if args.distance: if number == str(args.distance): model_dict.setdefault( model, distance(center, tuple(map(float, (x, y, z))))) else: model_dict.setdefault(model, 0) ### only args.angle atom is considered if args.angle: if number in args.angle: angle.setdefault( model, abs(cmd.get_dihedral('1', '2', '3', '4'))) else: angle.setdefault(model, 0) ### only args.catalytic atoms are considered if args.catalytic: if number in args.catalytic: cat.setdefault(model, []).append( (float(vdw) + float(Elec))) else: cat.setdefault(model, [0]) ### only args.prova atoms are considered if args.catalytic: if number in args.catalytic: oh.setdefault(model,
def ens_measure(pk1=None, pk2=None, pk3=None, pk4=None, name=None, log=None, verbose=True): ''' DESCRIPTION Statistics from ensemble structure measurements. If: 2 selections give = distance 3 selections give = angle 4 selections give = dihedral angle USAGE ens_measure pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4, name, log, verbose ARGUMENTS log = name of log file verbose = prints individual measurements EXAMPLE ens_measure atom1, atom2, name = 'measure', log 'ens.log' ''' print('\nEnsemble measurement', file=log) if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) > 2: print('\nERROR: Please supply at least 2 seletions') return number_models = cmd.count_states(pk1) measurements = [] # distance if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) == 2: print('Distance', file=log) if name == None: name = 'ens_distance' # display as object cmd.distance(name=name, selection1=pk1, selection2=pk2) # get individual values for n in range(number_models): measurements.append(cmd.get_distance(pk1, pk2, n + 1)) assert len(measurements) == number_models # angle if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) == 1: print('Angle', file=log) # display as object if name == None: name = 'ens_angle' cmd.angle(name=name, selection1=pk1, selection2=pk2, selection3=pk3) # get individual values for n in range(number_models): measurements.append( cmd.get_angle(atom1=pk1, atom2=pk2, atom3=pk3, state=n + 1)) assert len(measurements) == number_models # Dihedral angle if [pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4].count(None) == 0: print('Dihedral angle', file=log) # display as object if name == None: name = 'ens_dihedral' cmd.dihedral(name=name, selection1=pk1, selection2=pk2, selection3=pk3, selection4=pk4) # get individual values for n in range(number_models): measurements.append( cmd.get_dihedral(atom1=pk1, atom2=pk2, atom3=pk3, atom4=pk4, state=n + 1)) assert len(measurements) == number_models # print stats if verbose: print(' State Value', file=log) for n, measurement in enumerate(measurements): print(' %4d %3.3f ' % (n + 1, measurement), file=log) print('\nMeasurement statistics', file=log) print_array_stats(array=measurements, log=log)
def dihe(selection, a1, a2, a3, a4, state=-1): atm1=selection + " and name %s" %a1; atm2=selection + " and name %s" %a2; atm3=selection + " and name %s" %a3; atm4=selection + " and name %s" %a4; return cmd.get_dihedral(atm1,atm2,atm3,atm4, state=state);
def find_peptide_bonds(selection): logger.debug('Finding peptide bonds in selection {}:'.format(selection)) for idx in iterate_indices('({}) and (e. N)'.format(selection)): logger.debug('Candidate N: {}'.format(idx)) # this nitrogen should have: # - at least one hydrogen neighbour # - one carbon neighbour such as it has exactly one oxygen # neighbour which has no other neighbours hydrogens = list( iterate_indices('(neighbor (idx {})) and (e. H) and ({})'.format( idx, selection))) if not hydrogens: # check if idx is part of a proline ring if not ( (cmd.count_atoms('(e. C) and (byring idx {}) and ({})'.format( idx, selection)) == 4) and (cmd.count_atoms('(byring idx {}) and ({})'.format( idx, selection)) == 5)): # idx is not part of a 5-ring with 4 other carbon atoms continue logger.debug('Idx {} is a proline nitrogen'.format(idx)) hydrogens = list( iterate_indices( '(neighbor (idx {0})) and (byring idx {0}) and ({1})'. format(idx, selection))) # now hydrogens contains two CARBON atoms!!! carbon = None oxygen = None for c in iterate_indices( '(neighbor (idx {})) and (e. C) and ({})'.format( idx, selection)): logger.debug('Candidate C: {}'.format(c)) for o in iterate_indices( '(neighbor (idx {})) and (e. O) and ({})'.format( c, selection)): logger.debug('Candidate O: {}'.format(o)) oneighbours = list(iterate_neighbours(o, selection)) if len(oneighbours) == 1: logger.debug('Carbon is {}, oxygen is {}'.format(c, o)) carbon = c oxygen = o break else: logger.debug('No good oxygens for this C') continue break else: logger.debug('No good carbons for this N.') continue if carbon is None or oxygen is None: logger.debug('No carbon or no oxygen -> no N') continue for h in hydrogens: dih = cmd.get_dihedral( '(idx {}) and ({})'.format(h, selection), '(idx {}) and ({})'.format(idx, selection), '(idx {}) and ({})'.format(carbon, selection), '(idx {}) and ({})'.format(oxygen, selection)) if abs(dih) > 140 or abs(dih) < 40: hydrogen = h break else: logger.debug( 'No appropriate (planar) hydrogens for this nitrogen, oxygen and carbon.' ) continue if (len(hydrogens) > 1) and not cmd.count_atoms( '(e. C) and (idx {}) and ({})'.format(hydrogen, selection)): # if the nitrogen has more than one hydrogens and the trans hydrogen is not a carbon # (i.e. this peptide bond does not belong to a proline) continue logger.debug('Found peptide bond: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format( hydrogen, idx, carbon, oxygen)) yield (hydrogen, idx, carbon, oxygen)
def do_library(self): cmd=self.cmd pymol=cmd._pymol if not ((cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name N"%src_sele)==1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name C"%src_sele)==1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s) and name O"%src_sele)==1)): self.clear() return 1"push")"disable","selector","everythin")"disable","editor","actions") self.prompt = [ 'Loading rotamers...'] self.bump_scores = [] state_best = 0 = 'residue' cmd.iterate("first (%s)"%src_sele,'"/"+segi+"/"+chain+"/"+resn+"`"+resi') self.res_text ="_seeker_hilight",src_sele) auto_zoom = cmd.get_setting_text('auto_zoom') cmd.set('auto_zoom',"0",quiet=1) cmd.frame(0) cmd.delete(frag_name) if self.auto_center:,animate=-1) self.lib_mode = self.mode if self.lib_mode=="current": pymol.stored.resn="" cmd.iterate("(%s & name CA)"%src_sele,"stored.resn=resn") rot_type = _rot_type_xref.get(pymol.stored.resn,pymol.stored.resn) if (self.c_cap!='none') or (self.n_cap!='none') or (self.hyd != 'auto'): self.lib_mode = rot_type # force fragment-based load else: cmd.create(frag_name,src_sele,1,1) if self.c_cap=='open': cmd.remove("%s and name OXT"%frag_name) if self.lib_mode!='current': rot_type = self.lib_mode frag_type = self.lib_mode if (self.n_cap == 'posi') and (frag_type[0:3]!='NT_'): if not ( cmd.count_atoms( "elem C & !(%s) & (bto. (name N & (%s))) &! resn ACE"% (src_sele,src_sele))): # use N-terminal fragment frag_type ="NT_"+frag_type if (self.c_cap == 'nega') and (frag_type[0:3]!='CT_'): if not ( cmd.count_atoms("elem N & !(%s) & (bto. (name C & (%s))) & !resn NME+NHH"% (src_sele,src_sele))): # use C-terminal fragment frag_type ="CT_"+frag_type if rot_type[0:3] in [ 'NT_', 'CT_' ]: rot_type = rot_type[3:] rot_type = _rot_type_xref.get(rot_type, rot_type) cmd.fragment(frag_type.lower(), frag_name, origin=0) # trim off hydrogens if (self.hyd == 'none'): cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") elif (self.hyd == 'auto'): if cmd.count_atoms("("+src_sele+") and hydro")==0: cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") # copy identifying information cmd.alter("?%s & name CA" % src_sele, "stored.identifiers = (segi, chain, resi, ss, color)", cmd.alter("?%s" % frag_name, "(segi, chain, resi, ss) = stored.identifiers[:4]", # move the fragment if ((cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CB)"%frag_name)==1) and (cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CB)"%src_sele)==1)): cmd.pair_fit("(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%src_sele, "(%s & name CB)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CB)"%src_sele, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%src_sele, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%src_sele) else: cmd.pair_fit("(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%src_sele, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%src_sele, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%src_sele) # fix the carbonyl position... cmd.iterate_state(1,"(%s & name O)"%src_sele,"stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1,"(%s & name O)"%frag_name,"(x,y,z)=stored.list") if cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name OXT)"%src_sele): cmd.iterate_state(1,"(%s & name OXT)"%src_sele,"stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1,"(%s & name OXT)"%frag_name,"(x,y,z)=stored.list") elif cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name OXT)"%frag_name): # place OXT if no template exists angle = cmd.get_dihedral("(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name O)"%frag_name) cmd.protect("(%s & name O)"%frag_name) cmd.set_dihedral("(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name OXT)"%frag_name,180.0+angle) cmd.deprotect(frag_name) # fix the hydrogen position (if any) if cmd.count_atoms("(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%frag_name)==1: if cmd.count_atoms("(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%src_sele)==1: cmd.iterate_state(1,"(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%src_sele, "stored.list=[x,y,z]") cmd.alter_state(1,"(hydro and bound_to (name N & (%s)))"%frag_name, "(x,y,z)=stored.list") elif,"(name C & bound_to (%s and elem N))"%src_sele)==1: # position hydro based on location of the carbonyl angle = cmd.get_dihedral("(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, tmp_sele1) cmd.set_dihedral("(%s & name C)"%frag_name, "(%s & name CA)"%frag_name, "(%s & name N)"%frag_name, "(%s & name H)"%frag_name,180.0+angle) cmd.delete(tmp_sele1) # add c-cap (if appropriate) if self.c_cap in [ 'amin', 'nmet' ]: if not cmd.count_atoms("elem N & !(%s) & (bto. (name C & (%s))) & !resn NME+NHH"% (src_sele,src_sele)): if cmd.count_atoms("name C & (%s)"%(frag_name))==1: if self.c_cap == 'amin': editor.attach_amino_acid("name C & (%s)"%(frag_name), 'nhh') elif self.c_cap == 'nmet': editor.attach_amino_acid("name C & (%s)"%(frag_name), 'nme') if cmd.count_atoms("hydro & bound_to (name N & bound_to (name C & (%s)))"%frag_name): cmd.h_fix("name N & bound_to (name C & (%s))"%frag_name) # trim hydrogens if (self.hyd == 'none'): cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") elif (self.hyd == 'auto'): if cmd.count_atoms("("+src_sele+") and hydro")==0: cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") # add n-cap (if appropriate) if self.n_cap in [ 'acet' ]: if not cmd.count_atoms("elem C & !(%s) & (bto. (name N & (%s))) & !resn ACE "% (src_sele,src_sele)): if cmd.count_atoms("name N & (%s)"%(frag_name))==1: if self.n_cap == 'acet': editor.attach_amino_acid("name N & (%s)"%(frag_name), 'ace') if cmd.count_atoms("hydro & bound_to (name N & bound_to (name C & (%s)))"%frag_name): cmd.h_fix("name N & (%s)"%frag_name) # trim hydrogens if (self.hyd == 'none'): cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") elif (self.hyd == 'auto'): if cmd.count_atoms("("+src_sele+") and hydro")==0: cmd.remove("("+frag_name+" and hydro)") cartoon = (cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CA & rep cartoon)"%src_sele)>0) sticks = (cmd.count_atoms("(%s & name CA & rep sticks)"%src_sele)>0) cmd.delete(obj_name) key = rot_type lib = None if self.dep == 'dep': try: result = cmd.phi_psi("%s"%src_sele) if len(result)==1: (phi,psi) = list(result.values())[0] (phi,psi) = (int(10*round(phi/10)),int(10*(round(psi/10)))) key = (rot_type,phi,psi) if key not in self.dep_library: (phi,psi) = (int(20*round(phi/20)),int(20*(round(psi/20)))) key = (rot_type,phi,psi) if key not in self.dep_library: (phi,psi) = (int(60*round(phi/60)),int(60*(round(psi/60)))) key = (rot_type,phi,psi) lib = self.dep_library.get(key,None) except: pass if lib == None: key = rot_type lib = self.ind_library.get(key,None) if (lib!= None) and self.dep == 'dep': print(' Mutagenesis: no phi/psi, using backbone-independent rotamers.') if lib != None: state = 1 for a in lib: cmd.create(obj_name,frag_name,1,state) if state == 1:,"(byres (%s like %s))"%(obj_name,src_sele)) if rot_type=='PRO': cmd.unbond("(%s & name N)"%mut_sele,"(%s & name CD)"%mut_sele) for b in a.keys(): if b!='FREQ': cmd.set_dihedral("(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[0]), "(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[1]), "(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[2]), "(%s & n;%s)"%(mut_sele,b[3]), a[b],state=state) else: cmd.set_title(obj_name,state,"%1.1f%%"%(a[b]*100)) if rot_type=='PRO':"(%s & name N)"%mut_sele,"(%s & name CD)"%mut_sele) state = state + 1 cmd.delete(frag_name) print(" Mutagenesis: %d rotamers loaded."%len(lib)) if self.bump_check: cmd.delete(bump_name) cmd.create(bump_name, "(((byobj %s) within 6 of (%s and not name N+C+CA+O+H+HA)) and (not (%s)))|(%s)"% (src_sele,mut_sele,src_sele,mut_sele),singletons=1) cmd.color("gray50",bump_name+" and elem C") cmd.set("seq_view",0,bump_name,quiet=1) cmd.hide("everything",bump_name) if ((, "(name N & (%s in (neighbor %s)))"% (bump_name,src_sele)) == 1) and (, "(name C & (%s in %s))"% (bump_name,mut_sele)) == 1)):,tmp_sele2) if ((,"(name C & (%s in (neighbor %s)))"% (bump_name,src_sele)) == 1) and (,"(name N & (%s in %s))"% (bump_name,mut_sele)) == 1)):,tmp_sele2) cmd.delete(tmp_sele1) cmd.delete(tmp_sele2) cmd.protect("%s and not (%s in (%s and not name N+C+CA+O+H+HA))"% (bump_name,bump_name,mut_sele)) cmd.sculpt_activate(bump_name)"cgo",bump_name) # draw the bumps cmd.set("sculpt_vdw_vis_mode",1,bump_name) state = 1 score_best = 1e6 for a in lib: score = cmd.sculpt_iterate(bump_name, state, 1) self.bump_scores.append(score) if score < score_best: state_best = state score_best = score state = state + 1 cmd.delete(mut_sele) else: cmd.create(obj_name,frag_name,1,1) print(" Mutagenesis: no rotamers found in library.") cmd.set("seq_view",0,obj_name,quiet=1) pymol.util.cbaw(obj_name) cmd.hide("("+obj_name+")"),obj_name)'lines',obj_name) #neighbor always show lines if cartoon:"cartoon",obj_name) if sticks:"sticks",obj_name) cmd.set('auto_zoom',auto_zoom,quiet=1) cmd.delete(frag_name) cmd.frame(state_best) cmd.unpick()"pop")
def mutate(selection, new_resn, inplace=0, sculpt=0, hydrogens='auto', mode=0, quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Mutate a single residue. Does call the mutagenesis wizard non-interactively and tries to select the best rotamer. Can do some sculpting in the end to the best rotamer. USAGE mutate selection, new_resn [, inplace [, sculpt [, hydrogens]]] ARGUMENTS selection = string: atom selection of single residue new_resn = string: new residue name (3-letter or 1-letter) inplace = 0 or 1: work on copy of input object if 0 {default: 0} sculpt = 0: no sculpting {default} sculpt = 1: do sculpting on best rotamer sculpt = 2: do sculpting with neighbors hydrogens = string: keep, auto or none {default: auto} mode = 0: select rotamer with best clash score {default} mode = 1: take chi angles from original residue mode = 2: first rotamer EXAMPLE fetch 2x19, async=0 select x, A/CYS`122/ zoom x mutate x, LYS ''' from pymol.wizard import mutagenesis from . import three_letter inplace, sculpt = int(inplace), int(sculpt) mode = int(mode) quiet = int(quiet) org = cmd.get_object_list(selection)[0] tmp = cmd.get_unused_name() new_resn = new_resn.upper() new_resn = three_letter.get(new_resn, new_resn) if inplace: cpy = org else: cpy = cmd.get_unused_name(org + '_cpy') cmd.create(cpy, org, -1, 1, zoom=0) scr = [] cmd.iterate('first (%s)' % selection, 'scr[:] = (segi,chain,resi,resn)', space={'scr': scr}) res = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % tuple([cpy] + scr[:3]) if mode == 1: old_resn = scr[3] chi_atoms = { 'ALA': [], 'ARG': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD','NE','CZ'], 'ASN': ['C','CA','CB','CG','OD1'], 'ASP': ['C','CA','CB','CG','OD1'], 'CYS': ['C','CA','CB','SG'], 'GLN': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD','OE1'], 'GLU': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD','OE1'], 'GLY': [], 'HIS': ['C','CA','CB','CG','ND1'], 'ILE': ['C','CA','CB','CG1','CD1'], 'LEU': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD1'], 'LYS': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD','CE','NZ'], 'MET': ['C','CA','CB','CG','SD','CE'], 'MSE': ['C','CA','CB','CG','SE','CE'], 'PHE': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD1'], 'PRO': [], 'SER': ['C','CA','CB','OG'], 'THR': ['C','CA','CB','OG1'], 'TRP': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD2'], 'TYR': ['C','CA','CB','CG','CD1'], 'VAL': ['C','CA','CB','CG2'], } atoms = [res + '/' + name for name in chi_atoms.get(old_resn, [])] old_chi = [] for args in zip(atoms, atoms[1:], atoms[2:], atoms[3:]): try: old_chi.append(cmd.get_dihedral(*args)) except: break cmd.remove('%s and not name CA+C+N+O+OXT' % (res)) # start the wizard to count the number of rotamers for this residue cmd.wizard("mutagenesis") cmd.get_wizard().set_mode(new_resn) cmd.get_wizard().set_hyd(hydrogens) cmd.get_wizard().do_select("("+res+")") def get_best_state_bump(): best_state = (1, 1e9) cmd.create(tmp, '%s and not name CA+C+N+O or (%s within 8.0 of (%s and name CB))' % \ (mutagenesis.obj_name, cpy, mutagenesis.obj_name), zoom=0, singletons=1)'name CB and %s in %s' % (tmp, mutagenesis.obj_name), 'name CA and %s in %s' % (tmp, res)) cmd.sculpt_activate(tmp) for i in range(1, cmd.count_states(tmp)+1): score = cmd.sculpt_iterate(tmp, state=i) if not quiet: print('Frame %d Score %.2f' % (i, score)) if score < best_state[1]: best_state = (i, score) cmd.delete(tmp) if not quiet: print(' Best: Frame %d Score %.2f' % best_state) return best_state if cmd.count_states(mutagenesis.obj_name) < 2 or mode > 0: best_state = (1, -1.0) else: best_state = get_best_state_bump() cmd.frame(best_state[0]) cmd.get_wizard().apply() cmd.wizard() if mode == 1: atoms = [res + '/' + name for name in chi_atoms.get(new_resn, [])] for args in zip(atoms, atoms[1:], atoms[2:], atoms[3:], old_chi): cmd.set_dihedral(*args) cmd.unpick() if sculpt > 0: sculpt_relax(res, 0, sculpt == 2, cpy) return cpy
for filename in filenames: with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = list(filter(filter_func , lines)) dih_pairs.extend(list(map(map_func, lines))) restraints.extend(list(map(map_func2, lines))) out_lines = [] for dih_pair,restraint in zip(dih_pairs, restraints): group1 = "(id %d)" % dih_pair[0] group2 = "(id %d)" % dih_pair[1] group3 = "(id %d)" % dih_pair[2] group4 = "(id %d)" % dih_pair[3] cmd.dihedral("%d-%d-%d-%d" % dih_pair, group1, group2, group3, group4) resns = [] resis = [] atoms = [] cmd.iterate("id %d+%d+%d+%d" % dih_pair, "resns.append(resn)") cmd.iterate("id %d+%d+%d+%d" % dih_pair, "resis.append(resi)") cmd.iterate("id %d+%d+%d+%d" % dih_pair, "atoms.append(name)") dihedral = cmd.get_dihedral(group1, group2, group3, group4) out_lines.append("[ %s%s(%s)-%s%s(%s)-%s%s(%s)-%s%s(%s) ~ %.2f degree (%s, %s, %s)]\n" % ((resns[0], resis[0], atoms[0], resns[1], resis[1], atoms[1], resns[2], resis[2], atoms[2],resns[3], resis[3], atoms[3], dihedral) + restraint)) out_lines.append("%d %d %d %d\n" % dih_pair) # write dis_pairs to distance_pairs.ndx for analysis with open("dihedral_out.ndx", 'w') as f: for line in out_lines: f.write(line) print(line)
def color_abego( opt_enabled_only=True ): pdb_list = PDB_list() # make a namespace for iterate() myspace = { 'pdb_list' : pdb_list } cmd.iterate( 'n. ca', 'pdb_list.add_res( model, chain, resv )', space=myspace ) # loop over each object for key, pdb in pdb_list.pdbs.iteritems(): if in cmd.get_names( 'objects', enabled_only=opt_enabled_only ): # list of residues for each ABEGO type bb_a = [] bb_b = [] bb_e = [] bb_g = [] bb_o = [] # loop over each residue and calculate ABEGO type for res in pdb.residues: if ( res[0], res[1] - 1 ) in pdb.residues and ( res[0], res[1] + 1 ) in pdb.residues: a1 = '{0} and chain {1} and resi {2} and name {3}'.format( pdb, res[0], res[1] - 1, 'C' ) a2 = '{0} and chain {1} and resi {2} and name {3}'.format( pdb, res[0], res[1] , 'N' ) a3 = '{0} and chain {1} and resi {2} and name {3}'.format( pdb, res[0], res[1] , 'CA' ) a4 = '{0} and chain {1} and resi {2} and name {3}'.format( pdb, res[0], res[1] , 'C' ) a5 = '{0} and chain {1} and resi {2} and name {3}'.format( pdb, res[0], res[1] + 1, 'N' ) a6 = '{0} and chain {1} and resi {2} and name {3}'.format( pdb, res[0], res[1] + 1, 'CA' ) phi = cmd.get_dihedral( a1, a2, a3, a4 ) psi = cmd.get_dihedral( a2, a3, a4, a5 ) omega = cmd.get_dihedral( a3, a4, a5, a6 ) if abs( omega ) < 90 or abs( omega ) > 270: bb_o.append( res ) continue if phi > 0: if psi < 100 and psi > -100: bb_g.append( res ) continue else: bb_e.append( res ) continue else: if psi < 50 and psi > -72: bb_a.append( res ) continue else: bb_b.append( res ) continue # color carbons based on residue ABEGO type cmd.color( 'gray', '{0} and e. c'.format( pdb ) ) if bb_a: 'bb_a', ' OR '.join( '{0} and chain {1[0]} and resi {1[1]} and e. c'.format( pdb, x ) for x in bb_a ) ) cmd.color( 'red', 'bb_a' ) if bb_b: 'bb_b', ' OR '.join( '{0} and chain {1[0]} and resi {1[1]} and e. c'.format( pdb, x ) for x in bb_b ) ) cmd.color( 'blue', 'bb_b' ) if bb_e: 'bb_e', ' OR '.join( '{0} and chain {1[0]} and resi {1[1]} and e. c'.format( pdb, x ) for x in bb_e ) ) cmd.color( 'yellow', 'bb_e' ) if bb_g: 'bb_g', ' OR '.join( '{0} and chain {1[0]} and resi {1[1]} and e. c'.format( pdb, x ) for x in bb_g ) ) cmd.color( 'green', 'bb_g' ) if bb_o: 'bb_o', ' OR '.join( '{0} and chain {1[0]} and resi {1[1]} and e. c'.format( pdb, x ) for x in bb_o ) ) cmd.color( 'orange', 'bb_o' ) # delete selections cmd.delete( 'bb_a' ) cmd.delete( 'bb_b' ) cmd.delete( 'bb_e' ) cmd.delete( 'bb_g' ) cmd.delete( 'bb_o' )