Exemple #1
    def _step(self):
        pop = self.pop
        X, F, V = pop.get("X", "F", "V")

        # get the personal best of each particle
        pbest = Population.create(*pop.get("pbest"))
        P_X, P_F = pbest.get("X", "F")

        # get the global best solution
        best = self.opt.repeat(len(pop))
        G_X = best.get("X")

        # perform the pso equation
        inerta = self.w * V

        # calculate random values for the updates
        r1 = np.random.random((len(pop), self.problem.n_var))
        r2 = np.random.random((len(pop), self.problem.n_var))

        cognitive = self.c1 * r1 * (P_X - X)
        social = self.c2 * r2 * (G_X - X)

        # calculate the velocity vector
        _V = inerta + cognitive + social
        _V = repair_out_of_bounds_manually(_V, -self.V_max, self.V_max)

        # update the values of each particle
        _X = X + _V
        _X = repair_out_of_bounds(self.problem, _X)

        # evaluate the offspring population
        off = Population(len(pop)).set("X", _X, "V", _V, "pbest", pbest)
        self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, off, algorithm=self)

        # check whether a solution has improved or not - also consider constraints here
        has_improved = ImprovementReplacement().do(self.problem,

        # replace the personal best of each particle if it has improved
        off[has_improved].set("pbest", off[has_improved])
        off.set("best", best)
        pop = off

        # try to improve the current best with a pertubation
        if self.pertube_best:
            opt = FitnessSurvival().do(self.problem,
                                       Population.create(*pop.get("pbest")), 1)
            eta = int(np.random.uniform(5, 30))
            mutant = PolynomialMutation(eta).do(self.problem, opt)
            self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, mutant, algorithm=self)
            if ImprovementReplacement().do(self.problem,
                k = [i for i, e in enumerate(pop.get("pbest")) if e == opt][0]
                pop[k].set("pbest", mutant)

        self.pop = pop
Exemple #2
    def _step(self):
        pop = self.pop
        X, F, V = pop.get("X", "F", "V")

        # get the personal best of each particle
        pbest = Population.create(*pop.get("pbest"))
        P_X, P_F = pbest.get("X", "F")

        # get the GLOBAL best solution - other variants such as local best can be implemented here too
        best = self.opt.repeat(len(pop))
        G_X = best.get("X")

        # get the inertia weight of the individual
        inerta = self.w * V

        # calculate random values for the updates
        r1 = np.random.random((len(pop), self.problem.n_var))
        r2 = np.random.random((len(pop), self.problem.n_var))

        cognitive = self.c1 * r1 * (P_X - X)
        social = self.c2 * r2 * (G_X - X)

        # calculate the velocity vector
        _V = inerta + cognitive + social
        _V = set_to_bounds_if_outside(_V, - self.V_max, self.V_max)

        # update the values of each particle
        _X = X + _V
        _X = InversePenaltyOutOfBoundsRepair().do(self.problem, _X, P=X)

        # evaluate the offspring population
        off = Population(len(pop)).set("X", _X, "V", _V, "pbest", pbest)
        self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, off, algorithm=self)

        # check whether a solution has improved or not - also consider constraints here
        has_improved = ImprovementReplacement().do(self.problem, pbest, off, return_indices=True)

        # replace the personal best of each particle if it has improved
        off[has_improved].set("pbest", off[has_improved])
        off.set("best", best)
        pop = off

        # try to improve the current best with a pertubation
        if self.pertube_best:
            pbest = Population.create(*pop.get("pbest"))
            k = FitnessSurvival().do(self.problem, pbest, 1, return_indices=True)[0]
            eta = int(np.random.uniform(5, 30))
            mutant = PolynomialMutation(eta).do(self.problem, pbest[[k]])[0]
            self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, mutant, algorithm=self)

            # if the mutant is in fact better - replace the personal best
            if is_better(mutant, pop[k]):
                pop[k].set("pbest", mutant)

        self.pop = pop
Exemple #3
    def solve(self, X_init, Y_init):
        Solve the real multi-objective problem from initial data.

        X_init: np.array
            Initial design variables.
        Y_init: np.array
            Initial performance values.

        X_next: np.array
            Proposed design samples to evaluate next.
        Y_prediction: tuple
            (None, None) because there is no prediction in MOO algorithms.
        # forward transformation
        X_init = self.transformation.do(X_init)

        # convert maximization to minimization
        X, Y = X_init, Y_init.copy()
        obj_type = self.real_problem.obj_type
        if isinstance(obj_type, str):
            obj_type = [obj_type] * Y.shape[1]
        assert isinstance(obj_type, Iterable)
        maxm_idx = np.array(obj_type) == 'max'
        Y[:, maxm_idx] = -Y[:, maxm_idx]

        # construct population
        pop = Population(0, individual=Individual())
        pop = pop.new('X', X)
        pop.set('F', Y)
        pop.set('CV', np.zeros([X.shape[0],
                                1]))  # assume input samples are all feasible

        off = self._solve(pop)

        X_next = off.get('X')[:self.batch_size]

        # backward transformation
        X_next = self.transformation.undo(X_next)

        return X_next, (None, None)
# create the optimization problem
import numpy as np

from pymoo.model.population import Population
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
from pymop.factory import get_problem

problem = get_problem("rastrigin")

pop_size = 100

pop = Population(pop_size)
pop.set("X", np.random.random((pop_size, problem.n_var)))

res = minimize(problem,
                   'pop_size': pop_size,
                   'sampling': pop
               termination=('n_gen', 200),
Exemple #5
import numpy as np

from pymoo.algorithms.so_genetic_algorithm import GA
from pymoo.factory import get_problem
from pymoo.model.evaluator import Evaluator
from pymoo.model.population import Population
from pymoo.optimize import minimize

problem = get_problem("sphere")

X = np.random.random((500, problem.n_var))

pop = Population(len(X))
pop.set("X", X)
Evaluator().eval(problem, pop)

algorithm = GA(sampling=pop)

res = minimize(problem, algorithm, seed=1, verbose=False)

print("Best solution found: \nX = %s\nF = %s" % (res.X, res.F))