Exemple #1
def test_thermalblock_results(thermalblock_args):
    from pymordemos import thermalblock

    results = _test_demo(lambda: thermalblock.main(list(map(str, thermalblock_args[1]))))
    # due to the symmetry of the problem and the random test parameters, the estimated
    # error may change a lot
    # fenics varies more than others between MPI/serial
    first_tolerance = (1e-13, 3.5e-6) if "--fenics" in thermalblock_args[1] else (1e-13, 1e-7)
        (1e-13, 4.0),
Exemple #2
def test_thermalblock_results(thermalblock_args):
    from pymordemos import thermalblock
    results = _test_demo(lambda: thermalblock.main(list(map(str, thermalblock_args[1]))))
    # due to the symmetry of the problem and the random test parameters, the estimated
    # error may change a lot
    check_results('test_thermalblock_results', thermalblock_args[1], results,
                  (1e-13, 1e-7), 'basis_sizes', 'norms', 'max_norms',
                  (1e-13, 4.), 'errors', 'max_errors', 'rel_errors', 'max_rel_errors',
                  'estimates', 'max_estimates', 'effectivities', 'min_effectivities', 'max_effectivities', 'errors')
Exemple #3
def test_thermalblock_results(thermalblock_args):
    from pymordemos import thermalblock
    results = _test_demo(lambda: thermalblock.main(list(map(str, thermalblock_args[1]))))
    # due to the symmetry of the problem and the random test parameters, the estimated
    # error may change a lot
    # fenics varies more than others between MPI/serial
    first_tolerance = (1e-13, 3.5e-6) if '--fenics' in thermalblock_args[1] else (1e-13, 1e-7)
    check_results('test_thermalblock_results', thermalblock_args[1], results,
                  first_tolerance, 'basis_sizes', 'norms', 'max_norms',
                  (1e-13, 4.), 'errors', 'max_errors', 'rel_errors', 'max_rel_errors',
                  'estimates', 'max_estimates', 'effectivities', 'min_effectivities', 'max_effectivities', 'errors')
Exemple #4
def test_thermalblock_results(thermalblock_args):
    from pymordemos import thermalblock
    results = _test_demo(
        lambda: thermalblock.main(list(map(str, thermalblock_args[1]))))
    # due to the symmetry of the problem and the random test parameters, the estimated
    # error may change a lot
    check_results('test_thermalblock_results', thermalblock_args[1], results,
                  (1e-13, 1e-7), 'basis_sizes', 'norms', 'max_norms',
                  (1e-13, 4.), 'errors', 'max_errors', 'rel_errors',
                  'max_rel_errors', 'estimates', 'max_estimates',
                  'effectivities', 'min_effectivities', 'max_effectivities',