Exemple #1
def add_gaussv_noise_ic(ic: IonChromatogram, scale: int, cutoff: int,
                        prop: float):
    Adds noise to an ic. The noise value is drawn from a normal
    distribution, the scale of this distribution depends on the
    value of the ic at the point where the noise is being added

    :param ic: The IonChromatogram
    :type ic: pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram
    :param cutoff: The level below which the intensity of the ic at that point
        has no effect on the scale of the noise distribution
    :type cutoff: int
    :param scale: The scale of the normal distribution for ic values below the cutoff
        is modified for values above the cutoff
    :type scale: int
    :param prop: For ic values above the cutoff, the scale is multiplied by the ic
        value multiplied by prop
    :type prop: float

    :author: Sean O'Callaghan

    noise = numpy.zeros(len(ic))

    i_array = ic.get_intensity_array()
    # time_list = ic.get_time_list()

    for i in range(len(ic)):
        if i_array[i] < cutoff:
            noise[i] = numpy.random.normal(0.0, scale, 1)
            noise[i] = numpy.random.normal(0.0, scale * i_array[i] * prop, 1)

    i_array_with_noise = noise + i_array
Exemple #2
def get_maxima_list(ic: IonChromatogram, points: List = 3) -> int:
    List of retention time and intensity of local maxima for ion

    :param ic: An :class:`~pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram` object
    :type ic: ~pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram
    :param points: Number of scans over which to consider a maxima to be a peak. Default ``3``
    :type points: int

    :return: A list of retention time and intensity of local maxima for ion
    :rtype: list

    :author: Andrew Isaac, Dominic Davis-Foster (type assertions)

    if not isinstance(ic, IonChromatogram):
        raise TypeError("'ic' must be an IonChromatogram object")

    if not isinstance(points, int):
        raise TypeError("'points' must be an integer")

    peak_point = get_maxima_indices(ic.intensity_array, points)
    mlist = []

    for index in range(len(peak_point)):
        rt = ic.get_time_at_index(peak_point[index])
        intensity = ic.get_intensity_at_index(peak_point[index])
        mlist.append([rt, intensity])

    return mlist
def test_IonChromatogram(im, tic):
    # get the first ion chromatogram of the IntensityMatrix
    ic = im.get_ic_at_index(0)
    assert isinstance(ic, IonChromatogram)
    assert not ic.is_tic()

    # get the ion chromatogram for m/z = 73
    ic = im.get_ic_at_mass(73)
    assert isinstance(ic, IonChromatogram)
    assert not ic.is_tic()

    assert isinstance(tic, IonChromatogram)
    assert tic.is_tic()

    # Errors
    for obj in [test_string, *test_numbers, *test_sequences, test_dict]:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            IonChromatogram(obj, tic.time_list)
    for obj in [test_string, *test_numbers, test_list_strs, test_dict]:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            IonChromatogram(tic.intensity_array, obj)
    for obj in [test_string, *test_sequences, test_dict]:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            IonChromatogram(tic.intensity_array, tic.time_list, mass=obj)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        IonChromatogram(tic.intensity_array, test_list_ints)
Exemple #4
	def plot_tic(self, tic: IonChromatogram, minutes: bool = False, **kwargs):
		Plots a Total Ion Chromatogram.

		:param tic: Total Ion Chromatogram.
		:param minutes: Whether to show the time in minutes.

		:Other Parameters: :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties.
			Used to specify properties like a line label (for auto legends),
			linewidth, antialiasing, marker face color.


			>>> plot_tic(data.tic, label='TIC', linewidth=2)

			See https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html
			for the list of possible kwargs

		if not isinstance(tic, IonChromatogram) or not tic.is_tic():
			raise TypeError("'tic' must be an Ion Chromatogram object representing a total ion chromatogram")

		plot = plot_ic(self.ax, tic, minutes, **kwargs)
		return plot
Exemple #5
def add_gaussc_noise_ic(ic: IonChromatogram, scale: float):
    Adds noise drawn from a normal distribution with constant scale to an ion chromatogram

    :param ic: The ion Chromatogram
    :type ic: pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram
    :param scale: The scale of the normal distribution
    :type scale: float

    :author: Sean O'Callaghan

    noise = numpy.random.normal(0.0, scale, (len(ic)))

    i_array_with_noise = ic.get_intensity_array() + noise
Exemple #6
    def get_ic_at_index(self, ix):
		Returns the ion chromatogram at the specified index

		:param ix: Index of an ion chromatogram in the intensity data
		:type ix: int

		:return: Ion chromatogram at given index
		:rtype: pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram

		:authors: Qiao Wang, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic

        if not isinstance(ix, int):
            raise TypeError("'ix' must be an integer")

        ia = []
        for i in range(len(self._intensity_array)):

        ic_ia = numpy.array(ia)
        mass = self.get_mass_at_index(ix)
        rt = copy.deepcopy(self._time_list)

        return IonChromatogram(ic_ia, rt, mass)
Exemple #7
def get_maxima_list_reduced(ic: IonChromatogram,
                            mp_rt: float,
                            points: int = 13,
                            window: int = 3) -> List:
    List of retention time and intensity of local maxima for ion.
    Only peaks around a specific retention time are recorded
    Created for use with gap filling algorithm.

    :param ic: An :class:`~pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram` object
    :type ic: ~pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram
    :param mp_rt: The retention time of the missing peak
    :type mp_rt: float
    :param points: Number of scans over which to consider a maxima to be a peak. Default ``13``
    :type points: int, optional
    :param window: The window around the ``mp_rt`` where peaks should be recorded. Default ``3``
    :type window: int, optional

    :return: A list of retention time and intensity of local maxima for ion
    :rtype: list

    :author: Andrew Isaac, Dominic Davis-Foster (type assertions)

    if not isinstance(ic, IonChromatogram):
        raise TypeError("'ic' must be an IonChromatogram object")

    if not isinstance(mp_rt, Number):
        raise TypeError("'mp_rt' must be an integer")

    # if not isinstance(scans, int):
    #    raise TypeError("'scans' must be an integer")

    peak_point = get_maxima_indices(ic.intensity_array, points)
    maxima_list = []

    for index in range(len(peak_point)):
        rt = ic.get_time_at_index(peak_point[index])

        if (rt > float(mp_rt) - window) and (rt < float(mp_rt) + window):
            intensity = ic.get_intensity_at_index(peak_point[index])
            maxima_list.append([rt, intensity])

    return maxima_list
def test_equality(tic, im):
    assert tic == IonChromatogram(tic.intensity_array, tic.time_list)
    assert tic != im.get_ic_at_index(0)
    assert tic != test_string
    assert tic != test_int
    assert tic != test_float
    assert tic != test_list_ints
    assert tic != test_list_strs
    assert tic != test_dict
    assert tic != test_tuple
Exemple #9
def window_sele_points(ic: IonChromatogram,
                       window_sele: Union[int, str],
                       half_window: bool = False) -> int:
    Converts window selection parameter into points based
        on the time step in an ion chromatogram

    :param ic: ion chromatogram object relevant for the conversion
    :type ic: pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram

    :param window_sele: The window selection parameter. This can be
        an integer or time string. If integer, taken as the number
        of points. If a string, must of the form "<NUMBER>s" or
        "<NUMBER>m", specifying a time in seconds or minutes,
    :type window_sele: int or str

    :param half_window: Specifies whether to return half-window
    :type half_window: bool

    :return: The number of points in the window
    :rtype: int

    :author: Vladimir Likic

    if not isinstance(window_sele, int) and not isinstance(window_sele, str):
        raise TypeError("'window' must be an integer or a string")

    if isinstance(window_sele, int):
        if half_window:
            if window_sele % 2 == 0:
                raise TypeError("window must be an odd number of points")
                points = int(math.floor(window_sele * 0.5))
            points = window_sele
        time = time_str_secs(window_sele)
        time_step = ic.get_time_step()

        if half_window:
            time = time * 0.5

        points = int(math.floor(time / time_step))

    if half_window:
        if points < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"window too small (half window={points:d})")
        if points < 2:
            raise ValueError(f"window too small (window={points:d})")

    return points
Exemple #10
	def tic(self) -> IonChromatogram:
		Returns the TIC of the intensity matrix.

		.. versionadded:: 2.3.0

		intensity_list = []
		for i in range(len(self._intensity_array)):

		return IonChromatogram(numpy.array(intensity_list), self._time_list[:], None)
def get_maxima_list_reduced(
    ic: IonChromatogram,
    mp_rt: float,
    points: int = 13,
    window: int = 3,
) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
	List of retention time and intensity of local maxima for ion.

	| Only peaks around a specific retention time are recorded.
	| Created for use with gap filling algorithm.

	:param ic:
	:param mp_rt: The retention time of the missing peak
	:param points: Number of scans over which to consider a maxima to be a peak.
	:param window: The window around ``mp_rt`` where peaks should be recorded.

	:return: A list of 2-element tuple containing the retention time and
		intensity of local maxima for each ion.

	:author: Andrew Isaac, Dominic Davis-Foster (type assertions)

    if not isinstance(ic, IonChromatogram):
        raise TypeError("'ic' must be an IonChromatogram object")

    if not is_number(mp_rt):
        raise TypeError("'mp_rt' must be a number")

    peak_point = get_maxima_indices(ic.intensity_array, points)
    maxima_list = []

    for index in range(len(peak_point)):
        rt = ic.get_time_at_index(peak_point[index])

        if (rt > float(mp_rt) - window) and (rt < float(mp_rt) + window):
            intensity = ic.get_intensity_at_index(peak_point[index])
            maxima_list.append((rt, intensity))

    return maxima_list
Exemple #12
def test_intensity_array(tic, im):
	tic = copy.deepcopy(tic)

	assert isinstance(tic.intensity_array, numpy.ndarray)
	assert all(numpy.equal(IonChromatogram(tic.intensity_array, tic.time_list).intensity_array, tic.intensity_array))

	ic = im.get_ic_at_index(0)
	tic.intensity_array = ic.intensity_array
	assert all(numpy.equal(tic.intensity_array, ic.intensity_array))

	assert isinstance(tic.intensity_array, numpy.ndarray)
	assert isinstance(tic.intensity_array[0], float)
	assert tic.intensity_array[0] == 0.0
	assert tic.intensity_array[2] == 622.0
Exemple #13
    def _calc_tic(self) -> None:
		Calculate the total ion chromatogram.

		:authors: Qiao Wang, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic

        intensities = []
        for scan in self._scan_list:
        ia = numpy.array(intensities)
        rt = copy.deepcopy(self._time_list)
        tic = IonChromatogram(ia, rt)

        self._tic = tic
Exemple #14
    def test_success(self, im, tic):
        # get the first ion chromatogram of the IntensityMatrix
        ic = im.get_ic_at_index(0)
        assert isinstance(ic, IonChromatogram)
        assert not ic.is_tic()

        # get the ion chromatogram for m/z = 73
        ic = im.get_ic_at_mass(73)
        assert isinstance(ic, IonChromatogram)
        assert not ic.is_tic()

        assert isinstance(tic, IonChromatogram)
        assert tic.is_tic()

        with pytest.raises(
                match="'intensity_list' and 'time_list' differ in length"):
            IonChromatogram(tic.intensity_array, test_list_ints)
Exemple #15
def sum_maxima(im: IntensityMatrix,
               points: int = 3,
               scans: int = 1) -> IonChromatogram:
    Reconstruct the TIC as sum of maxima

    :param im: An :class:`~pyms.IntensityMatrix.IntensityMatrix` object
    :type im: ~pyms.IntensityMatrix.IntensityMatrix
    :param points: Peak if maxima over 'points' number of scans. Default ``3``
    :type points: int, optional
    :param scans: Number of scans to combine peaks from to compensate for spectra skewing. Default ``1``
    :type scans: int, optional

    :return: The reconstructed TIC
    :rtype: ~pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram

    :author: Andrew Isaac, Dominic Davis-Foster (type assertions)

    if not isinstance(im, IntensityMatrix):
        raise TypeError("'im' must be an IntensityMatrix object")

    if not isinstance(points, int):
        raise TypeError("'points' must be an integer")

    if not isinstance(scans, int):
        raise TypeError("'scans' must be an integer")

    maxima_im = get_maxima_matrix(im, points)
    sums = []
    numrows = len(maxima_im)
    half = int(scans / 2)

    for row in range(numrows):
        val = 0
        for ii in range(scans):
            if 0 <= row - half + ii < numrows:
                val += maxima_im[row - half + ii].sum()
    tic = IonChromatogram(numpy.array(sums), im.time_list)

    return tic
Exemple #16
    def __calc_tic(self):
		Calculate the total ion chromatogram

		:return: Total ion chromatogram
		:rtype: pyms.IonChromatogram.IonChromatogram

		:author: Qiao Wang
		:author: Andrew Isaac
		:author: Vladimir Likic

        intensities = []
        for scan in self._scan_list:
        ia = numpy.array(intensities)
        rt = copy.deepcopy(self._time_list)
        tic = IonChromatogram(ia, rt)

        self._tic = tic
Exemple #17
	def get_ic_at_index(self, ix: int) -> IonChromatogram:
		Returns the ion chromatogram at the specified index.

		:param ix: Index of an ion chromatogram in the intensity data matrix.

		:return: Ion chromatogram at given index.

		:authors: Qiao Wang, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic

		if not isinstance(ix, int):
			raise TypeError("'ix' must be an integer")

		ia = [intensities[ix] for intensities in self._intensity_array]

		ic_ia = numpy.array(ia)
		mass = self.get_mass_at_index(ix)
		rt = self._time_list[:]

		return IonChromatogram(ic_ia, rt, mass)
Exemple #18
 def test_errors_intensity_list(self, value, tic):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         IonChromatogram(value, tic.time_list)
Exemple #19
 def test_errors_mass(self, value, tic):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         IonChromatogram(tic.intensity_array, tic.time_list, mass=value)