Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_angle', 90)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_distance', 400)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_spacing', 50)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_start', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_stop', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_percent', .3)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_start', .4)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_stop', 0)
        kwargs.setdefault('thumbnail_size', (400, 400))
        kwargs.setdefault('title_attributes', {})
        kwargs.setdefault('title_draw', True)
        kwargs.setdefault('title_position', -50)
        kwargs.setdefault('trigger_cover_distance', 30)

        super(MTCoverFlow, self).__init__(**kwargs)


        self.cover_angle = kwargs.get('cover_angle')
        self.cover_distance = kwargs.get('cover_distance')
        self.cover_spacing = kwargs.get('cover_spacing')
        self.cover_blend = kwargs.get('cover_blend')
        self.cover_blend_start = kwargs.get('cover_blend_start')
        self.cover_blend_stop = kwargs.get('cover_blend_stop')
        self.reflection_blend = kwargs.get('reflection_blend')
        self.reflection_percent = kwargs.get('reflection_percent')
        self.reflection_start = kwargs.get('reflection_start')
        self.reflection_stop = kwargs.get('reflection_stop')
        self.thumbnail_size = kwargs.get('thumbnail_size')
        self.title_attributes = kwargs.get('title_attributes')
        self.title_draw = kwargs.get('title_draw')
        self.title_position = kwargs.get('title_position')
        self.trigger_cover_distance = kwargs.get('trigger_cover_distance')
        self.trigger_distance = kwargs.get(
            pymt_config.getint('widgets', 'list_trigger_distance'))

        self._animation = None
        self._fbo = Fbo(size=self.thumbnail_size)
        self._reflection_coords = None
        self._cover_blend_coords = None
        self._selection = 0
        self._touch = None
        self._transition = 0
        self._internal_position = 0
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_angle', 90)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_distance', 400)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_spacing', 50)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_start', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_stop', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_percent', .3)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_start', .4)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_stop', 0)
        kwargs.setdefault('thumbnail_size', (400, 400))
        kwargs.setdefault('title_attributes', {})
        kwargs.setdefault('title_draw', True)
        kwargs.setdefault('title_position', -50)
        kwargs.setdefault('trigger_cover_distance', 30)

        super(MTCoverFlow, self).__init__(**kwargs)


        self.cover_angle            = kwargs.get('cover_angle')
        self.cover_distance         = kwargs.get('cover_distance')
        self.cover_spacing          = kwargs.get('cover_spacing')
        self.cover_blend            = kwargs.get('cover_blend')
        self.cover_blend_start      = kwargs.get('cover_blend_start')
        self.cover_blend_stop       = kwargs.get('cover_blend_stop')
        self.reflection_blend       = kwargs.get('reflection_blend')
        self.reflection_percent     = kwargs.get('reflection_percent')
        self.reflection_start       = kwargs.get('reflection_start')
        self.reflection_stop        = kwargs.get('reflection_stop')
        self.thumbnail_size         = kwargs.get('thumbnail_size')
        self.title_attributes       = kwargs.get('title_attributes')
        self.title_draw             = kwargs.get('title_draw')
        self.title_position         = kwargs.get('title_position')
        self.trigger_cover_distance = kwargs.get('trigger_cover_distance')
        self.trigger_distance = kwargs.get('trigger_distance',
            pymt_config.getint('widgets', 'list_trigger_distance'))

        self._animation             = None
        self._fbo                   = Fbo(size=self.thumbnail_size)
        self._reflection_coords     = None
        self._cover_blend_coords    = None
        self._selection             = 0
        self._touch                 = None
        self._transition            = 0
        self._internal_position     = 0
Exemple #3
class MTCoverFlow(MTWidget):
    '''A coverflow widget, that support mostly any widget in :)

        `cover_angle` : int, default to 90
            Angle to turn cover when they are displayed on the left/right side
        `cover_distance` : int, default to 400
            Distance in pixels for starting drawing left/right side from the
            current displayed cover
        `cover_spacing` : int, default to 50
            Distance in pixels between covers
        `cover_blend` : bool, default to False
            Activate background blending for the cover. If you set a background
            color, without blending, the blending will look wrong. Activate
            blending if you want to use your background color for fading or if
            you want to use a img with an alpha channel (i.e. png with transparent background)
        `cover_blend_start` : float, default 1.0
            Alpha value to use for the cover blending (0 means transparent)
        `cover_blend_stop` : float, default to 1.0
            Alpha value to use for the cover blending
        `reflection_blend` : bool, default to False
            Activate background blending for reflection. If you set a background
            color, without blending, the reflection will look wrong. Activate
            blending if you want to use your background color for fading.
        `reflection_percent` : float, default to 0.3
            Percentage of the thumbnail height to be showed. For example, if the
            thumbnail is 400 height, and reflection_percent is 0.4, only
            (0.3 * 400) pixels will be showed for reflection
        `reflection_start` : float, default 0.4
            Alpha value to use for top reflection (0 mean transparent)
        `reflection_stop` : float, default to 0
            Alpha value to use for the bottom reflection
        `thumbnail_size` : list, default to (400, 400)
            Size of a thumbnail
        `trigger_cover_distance` : int, default to 30
            Distance in pixels to trigger the switch of cover
        `trigger_distance`: int, default to 5 (list_trigger_distance in config)
            If the distance between the position of the first touch contact to
            the second position is less than the trigger_distance, a event
            'down' and 'up' are dispatched on the childrens.
            Otherwise, no event are dispatched.
            (If you move the list to much, no event will be dispatched.)
        `title_attributes` : dict, default to {}
            Attributes to pass to drawLabel
        `title_draw` : bool, default to True
            If a title attribute is found on the child, it will be drawed on
        `title_position` : int, default to -50
            Y position of title (starting from the bottom of the cover)

        `on_change` : widget
            Fired when the selected cover change
        `on_select` : widget
            Fired when the user "click" on the current cover
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_angle', 90)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_distance', 400)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_spacing', 50)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_start', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_stop', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_percent', .3)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_start', .4)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_stop', 0)
        kwargs.setdefault('thumbnail_size', (400, 400))
        kwargs.setdefault('title_attributes', {})
        kwargs.setdefault('title_draw', True)
        kwargs.setdefault('title_position', -50)
        kwargs.setdefault('trigger_cover_distance', 30)

        super(MTCoverFlow, self).__init__(**kwargs)


        self.cover_angle            = kwargs.get('cover_angle')
        self.cover_distance         = kwargs.get('cover_distance')
        self.cover_spacing          = kwargs.get('cover_spacing')
        self.cover_blend            = kwargs.get('cover_blend')
        self.cover_blend_start      = kwargs.get('cover_blend_start')
        self.cover_blend_stop       = kwargs.get('cover_blend_stop')
        self.reflection_blend       = kwargs.get('reflection_blend')
        self.reflection_percent     = kwargs.get('reflection_percent')
        self.reflection_start       = kwargs.get('reflection_start')
        self.reflection_stop        = kwargs.get('reflection_stop')
        self.thumbnail_size         = kwargs.get('thumbnail_size')
        self.title_attributes       = kwargs.get('title_attributes')
        self.title_draw             = kwargs.get('title_draw')
        self.title_position         = kwargs.get('title_position')
        self.trigger_cover_distance = kwargs.get('trigger_cover_distance')
        self.trigger_distance = kwargs.get('trigger_distance',
            pymt_config.getint('widgets', 'list_trigger_distance'))

        self._animation             = None
        self._fbo                   = Fbo(size=self.thumbnail_size)
        self._reflection_coords     = None
        self._cover_blend_coords    = None
        self._selection             = 0
        self._touch                 = None
        self._transition            = 0
        self._internal_position     = 0

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if not len(self.children) or \
           self._touch or \
           not self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
        # we got one touch for coverflow !
        self._touch = touch
        touch.userdata['coverflow.firstpos']    = touch.pos
        touch.userdata['coverflow.pos']         = touch.pos
        touch.userdata['coverflow.noclick']     = False
        return True

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        # accept only the touch we've got first.
        if touch.grab_current != self:

        self._animation = False

        # calculate the distance between the touch and the old position
        d = touch.userdata['coverflow.pos'][0] - touch.xpos

        # cancel on-select if needed
        if abs(d) > self.trigger_distance:
            touch.userdata['coverflow.noclick'] = True

        # calculate new cover selected
        cover_distance = self.cover_distance
        len_children = len(self.children) - 1
        ipos = self._internal_position - (touch.xpos - touch.dxpos)
        ipos = boundary(ipos, 0, len_children * cover_distance)
        self._internal_position = ipos

        # calculate selection
        selection = int(round(ipos / cover_distance))
        selection = boundary(selection, 0, len_children)

        # update transition and selection
        # (will fire an event if selection have changed.)
        self._transition = ipos / cover_distance - selection
        self.selection = selection

        return True

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        # accept only the touch we've got first.
        if touch.grab_current != self:
        self._touch = None

        # animate the transition to back to 0
        # cover will back to position in nicer way
        self._animation = True

        # launch on_select ?
        if not touch.userdata['coverflow.noclick']:
            distance = Vector(touch.userdata['coverflow.firstpos']).distance(Vector(touch.pos))
            if distance <= self.trigger_distance:
                self.dispatch_event('on_select', self.children[self._selection])
        return True

    def on_select(self, widget):

    def on_change(self, widget):

    def _get_selection(self):
        return self._selection
    def _set_selection(self, x):
        if x == self._selection:
        self._selection = x
        self.dispatch_event('on_change', self.children[self._selection])
        return True
    selection = property(_get_selection, _set_selection,
            doc='''Get/set the selected children index''')

    def _get_cover_position(self, index, alpha=0):
        x2 = self.center[0]
        if index < self._selection:
            angle = self.cover_angle
            x = x2 - self.cover_distance - (self._selection - index) * self.cover_spacing
        elif index > self._selection:
            angle = 90 + (90 - self.cover_angle)
            x = x2 + self.cover_distance + (index - self._selection) * self.cover_spacing
            angle = 0
            x = x2 - self.thumbnail_size[0] / 2.
        return angle, x

    def _calculate_coords(self):
        # calculate reflection coordinate
        c1, c2 = self.reflection_start, self.reflection_stop
        cb1, cb2 = self.cover_blend_start, self.cover_blend_stop
        self._reflection_coords = (
            (c2, c2, c2, c2), (c2, c2, c2, c2),
            (c1, c1, c1, c1), (c1, c1, c1, c1))
        self._cover_blend_coords = (
            (cb2, cb2, cb2, cb2), (cb2, cb2, cb2, cb2),
            (cb1, cb1, cb1, cb1), (c1, cb1, cb1, cb1))

    def _draw_title(self, widget):
        if hasattr(widget, 'title'):
            y2 = self.center[1] - self.thumbnail_size[1] / 2.
            drawLabel(str(getattr(widget, 'title')),
                      pos=(self.center[0], y2 + self.title_position))

    def _render_cover(self, index):
        # render the children on a fbo
        child = self.children[index]
        with self._fbo:

        # pre-calculate
        y2 = self.center[1] - self.thumbnail_size[1] / 2.
        angle, x = self._get_cover_position(index, 0)

        # if a transition is in way,
        # use it to calculate angle/position from
        # current position and future position
        if self._transition != 0:
            i2 = index
            if self._transition > 0:
                i2 -= 1
            elif self._transition < 0:
                i2 += 1

            i2          = min(max(-1, i2), len(self.children))
            angle2, x2  = self._get_cover_position(i2, self._transition)

            # do linear alpha
            if self._transition > 0:
                angle   += self._transition * (angle2 - angle)
                x       += self._transition * (x2 - x)
                angle   -= self._transition * (angle2 - angle)
                x       -= self._transition * (x2 - x)

        # calculate alpha coordinate
        # this is to make cover more darker on the farest side
        # and make brighter the current displayed cover

        a = 1. - .7 * (angle / 90.)
        alpha_coords = (
            (1, 1, 1, 0), (a, a, a, 0),
            (a, a, a, 0), (1, 1, 1, 0))

        # draw !
        glTranslatef(x, y2, 0)
        glRotatef(angle, 0, 1, 0)

        # draw the cover
        if self.cover_blend:
            set_color(1, blend=True)

        # now, for reflection, don't do matrix transformation
        # just invert texcoord + play with color
        old_texcoords = self._fbo.texture.tex_coords
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords = list(self._fbo.texture.tex_coords)
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords[1] = self.reflection_percent
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords[3] = self.reflection_percent

        # draw reflection
        pos = (0, -self.thumbnail_size[1] * self.reflection_percent)
        size = (self.thumbnail_size[0], self.thumbnail_size[1] * self.reflection_percent)

        # activate blending with background ?
        if self.reflection_blend:
            drawRectangle(pos=pos, size=size)
            set_color(1, 1, 1, blend=True)

            pos=pos, size=size,

        # restore fbo tex_coords
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords = old_texcoords

        # reset our position changes
        glRotatef(angle, 0, -1, 0)
        glTranslatef(-x, -y2, 0)

    def on_update(self):
        if self._animation:
            # animate transition to the nearest cover.
            # XXX fix that same as kinetic. But kinetic algo suck right now.
            self._transition = interpolate(self._transition,
                    round(self._transition), 5)

            # update also internal position, otherwise, we have a bug when
            # selecting again a cover
            self._internal_position = (self.selection + self._transition) * self.cover_distance
        super(MTCoverFlow, self).on_update()

    def on_draw(self):
        # background
        drawRectangle(pos=self.pos, size=self.size)

        if not len(self.children):

        # draw left side
        for i in xrange(0, self._selection):

        # draw right side in reverse order
        for i in xrange(len(self.children) - 1, self._selection, - 1):

        # draw cover

        # draw title ?
        if self.title_draw:
            child = self.children[self._selection]
    def remove_widget(self, widget):
        _len = len(self.children)
        if self._selection >=  _len:
            self._selection = _len -1
        if self._selection < 0:
            #No more children
            #Do something appropriate (maybe hide, maybe nothing)            
Exemple #4
class MTCoverFlow(MTWidget):
    '''A coverflow widget, that support mostly any widget in :)

        `cover_angle` : int, default to 90
            Angle to turn cover when they are displayed on the left/right side
        `cover_distance` : int, default to 400
            Distance in pixels for starting drawing left/right side from the
            current displayed cover
        `cover_spacing` : int, default to 50
            Distance in pixels between covers
        `cover_blend` : bool, default to False
            Activate background blending for the cover. If you set a background
            color, without blending, the blending will look wrong. Activate
            blending if you want to use your background color for fading or if
            you want to use a img with an alpha channel (i.e. png with transparent background)
        `cover_blend_start` : float, default 1.0
            Alpha value to use for the cover blending (0 means transparent)
        `cover_blend_stop` : float, default to 1.0
            Alpha value to use for the cover blending
        `reflection_blend` : bool, default to False
            Activate background blending for reflection. If you set a background
            color, without blending, the reflection will look wrong. Activate
            blending if you want to use your background color for fading.
        `reflection_percent` : float, default to 0.3
            Percentage of the thumbnail height to be showed. For example, if the
            thumbnail is 400 height, and reflection_percent is 0.4, only
            (0.3 * 400) pixels will be showed for reflection
        `reflection_start` : float, default 0.4
            Alpha value to use for top reflection (0 mean transparent)
        `reflection_stop` : float, default to 0
            Alpha value to use for the bottom reflection
        `thumbnail_size` : list, default to (400, 400)
            Size of a thumbnail
        `trigger_cover_distance` : int, default to 30
            Distance in pixels to trigger the switch of cover
        `trigger_distance`: int, default to 5 (list_trigger_distance in config)
            If the distance between the position of the first touch contact to
            the second position is less than the trigger_distance, a event
            'down' and 'up' are dispatched on the childrens.
            Otherwise, no event are dispatched.
            (If you move the list to much, no event will be dispatched.)
        `title_attributes` : dict, default to {}
            Attributes to pass to drawLabel
        `title_draw` : bool, default to True
            If a title attribute is found on the child, it will be drawed on
        `title_position` : int, default to -50
            Y position of title (starting from the bottom of the cover)

        `on_change` : widget
            Fired when the selected cover change
        `on_select` : widget
            Fired when the user "click" on the current cover
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_angle', 90)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_distance', 400)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_spacing', 50)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_start', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('cover_blend_stop', 1.0)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_blend', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_percent', .3)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_start', .4)
        kwargs.setdefault('reflection_stop', 0)
        kwargs.setdefault('thumbnail_size', (400, 400))
        kwargs.setdefault('title_attributes', {})
        kwargs.setdefault('title_draw', True)
        kwargs.setdefault('title_position', -50)
        kwargs.setdefault('trigger_cover_distance', 30)

        super(MTCoverFlow, self).__init__(**kwargs)


        self.cover_angle = kwargs.get('cover_angle')
        self.cover_distance = kwargs.get('cover_distance')
        self.cover_spacing = kwargs.get('cover_spacing')
        self.cover_blend = kwargs.get('cover_blend')
        self.cover_blend_start = kwargs.get('cover_blend_start')
        self.cover_blend_stop = kwargs.get('cover_blend_stop')
        self.reflection_blend = kwargs.get('reflection_blend')
        self.reflection_percent = kwargs.get('reflection_percent')
        self.reflection_start = kwargs.get('reflection_start')
        self.reflection_stop = kwargs.get('reflection_stop')
        self.thumbnail_size = kwargs.get('thumbnail_size')
        self.title_attributes = kwargs.get('title_attributes')
        self.title_draw = kwargs.get('title_draw')
        self.title_position = kwargs.get('title_position')
        self.trigger_cover_distance = kwargs.get('trigger_cover_distance')
        self.trigger_distance = kwargs.get(
            pymt_config.getint('widgets', 'list_trigger_distance'))

        self._animation = None
        self._fbo = Fbo(size=self.thumbnail_size)
        self._reflection_coords = None
        self._cover_blend_coords = None
        self._selection = 0
        self._touch = None
        self._transition = 0
        self._internal_position = 0

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if not len(self.children) or \
           self._touch or \
           not self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
        # we got one touch for coverflow !
        self._touch = touch
        touch.userdata['coverflow.firstpos'] = touch.pos
        touch.userdata['coverflow.pos'] = touch.pos
        touch.userdata['coverflow.noclick'] = False
        return True

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        # accept only the touch we've got first.
        if touch.grab_current != self:

        self._animation = False

        # calculate the distance between the touch and the old position
        d = touch.userdata['coverflow.pos'][0] - touch.xpos

        # cancel on-select if needed
        if abs(d) > self.trigger_distance:
            touch.userdata['coverflow.noclick'] = True

        # calculate new cover selected
        cover_distance = self.cover_distance
        len_children = len(self.children) - 1
        ipos = self._internal_position - (touch.xpos - touch.dxpos)
        ipos = boundary(ipos, 0, len_children * cover_distance)
        self._internal_position = ipos

        # calculate selection
        selection = int(round(ipos / cover_distance))
        selection = boundary(selection, 0, len_children)

        # update transition and selection
        # (will fire an event if selection have changed.)
        self._transition = ipos / cover_distance - selection
        self.selection = selection

        return True

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        # accept only the touch we've got first.
        if touch.grab_current != self:
        self._touch = None

        # animate the transition to back to 0
        # cover will back to position in nicer way
        self._animation = True

        # launch on_select ?
        if not touch.userdata['coverflow.noclick']:
            distance = Vector(touch.userdata['coverflow.firstpos']).distance(
            if distance <= self.trigger_distance:
        return True

    def on_select(self, widget):

    def on_change(self, widget):

    def _get_selection(self):
        return self._selection

    def _set_selection(self, x):
        if x == self._selection:
        self._selection = x
        self.dispatch_event('on_change', self.children[self._selection])
        return True

    selection = property(_get_selection,
                         doc='''Get/set the selected children index''')

    def _get_cover_position(self, index, alpha=0):
        x2 = self.center[0]
        if index < self._selection:
            angle = self.cover_angle
            x = x2 - self.cover_distance - (self._selection -
                                            index) * self.cover_spacing
        elif index > self._selection:
            angle = 90 + (90 - self.cover_angle)
            x = x2 + self.cover_distance + (
                index - self._selection) * self.cover_spacing
            angle = 0
            x = x2 - self.thumbnail_size[0] / 2.
        return angle, x

    def _calculate_coords(self):
        # calculate reflection coordinate
        c1, c2 = self.reflection_start, self.reflection_stop
        cb1, cb2 = self.cover_blend_start, self.cover_blend_stop
        self._reflection_coords = ((c2, c2, c2, c2), (c2, c2, c2, c2),
                                   (c1, c1, c1, c1), (c1, c1, c1, c1))
        self._cover_blend_coords = ((cb2, cb2, cb2, cb2), (cb2, cb2, cb2, cb2),
                                    (cb1, cb1, cb1, cb1), (c1, cb1, cb1, cb1))

    def _draw_title(self, widget):
        if hasattr(widget, 'title'):
            y2 = self.center[1] - self.thumbnail_size[1] / 2.
            drawLabel(str(getattr(widget, 'title')),
                      pos=(self.center[0], y2 + self.title_position))

    def _render_cover(self, index):
        # render the children on a fbo
        child = self.children[index]
        with self._fbo:

        # pre-calculate
        y2 = self.center[1] - self.thumbnail_size[1] / 2.
        angle, x = self._get_cover_position(index, 0)

        # if a transition is in way,
        # use it to calculate angle/position from
        # current position and future position
        if self._transition != 0:
            i2 = index
            if self._transition > 0:
                i2 -= 1
            elif self._transition < 0:
                i2 += 1

            i2 = min(max(-1, i2), len(self.children))
            angle2, x2 = self._get_cover_position(i2, self._transition)

            # do linear alpha
            if self._transition > 0:
                angle += self._transition * (angle2 - angle)
                x += self._transition * (x2 - x)
                angle -= self._transition * (angle2 - angle)
                x -= self._transition * (x2 - x)

        # calculate alpha coordinate
        # this is to make cover more darker on the farest side
        # and make brighter the current displayed cover

        a = 1. - .7 * (angle / 90.)
        alpha_coords = ((1, 1, 1, 0), (a, a, a, 0), (a, a, a, 0), (1, 1, 1, 0))

        # draw !
        glTranslatef(x, y2, 0)
        glRotatef(angle, 0, 1, 0)

        # draw the cover
        if self.cover_blend:
            set_color(1, blend=True)

        # now, for reflection, don't do matrix transformation
        # just invert texcoord + play with color
        old_texcoords = self._fbo.texture.tex_coords
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords = list(self._fbo.texture.tex_coords)
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords[1] = self.reflection_percent
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords[3] = self.reflection_percent

        # draw reflection
        pos = (0, -self.thumbnail_size[1] * self.reflection_percent)
        size = (self.thumbnail_size[0],
                self.thumbnail_size[1] * self.reflection_percent)

        # activate blending with background ?
        if self.reflection_blend:
            drawRectangle(pos=pos, size=size)
            set_color(1, 1, 1, blend=True)


        # restore fbo tex_coords
        self._fbo.texture.tex_coords = old_texcoords

        # reset our position changes
        glRotatef(angle, 0, -1, 0)
        glTranslatef(-x, -y2, 0)

    def on_update(self):
        if self._animation:
            # animate transition to the nearest cover.
            # XXX fix that same as kinetic. But kinetic algo suck right now.
            self._transition = interpolate(self._transition,
                                           round(self._transition), 5)

            # update also internal position, otherwise, we have a bug when
            # selecting again a cover
            self._internal_position = (self.selection +
                                       self._transition) * self.cover_distance
        super(MTCoverFlow, self).on_update()

    def on_draw(self):
        # background
        drawRectangle(pos=self.pos, size=self.size)

        if not len(self.children):

        # draw left side
        for i in xrange(0, self._selection):

        # draw right side in reverse order
        for i in xrange(len(self.children) - 1, self._selection, -1):

        # draw cover

        # draw title ?
        if self.title_draw:
            child = self.children[self._selection]

    def remove_widget(self, widget):
        super(MTCoverFlow, self).remove_widget(widget)
        _len = len(self.children)
        if self._selection >= _len:
            self._selection = _len - 1
        if self._selection < 0:
            #No more children
            #Do something appropriate (maybe hide, maybe nothing)