Exemple #1
 def tv_in(m, tv):
     m.enq_en = Bits1(tv[0])
     m.enq_msg = Bits32(tv[1])
     m.deq_en = Bits1(tv[3])
 def __init__( s, foo=42 ):
   s.foo = Bits32( foo )
Exemple #3
 def __init__(s, a=0, b=0):
     s.a = Bits8(a)
     s.b = Bits32(b)
Exemple #4
 def up_wr_y():
     s.y = Bits32(0x12345678)
 def construct(s):
     s.out = dsl.OutPort(Bits32)
     dsl.connect(s.out, Bits32(0))
Exemple #6
 def up_wr_A():
     s.A = Bits32(123)
Exemple #7
 def up_wr_x():
     s.x = Bits32(0x87654321)
 def construct(s):
     s.in_ = B(Bits32(42))
     s.out = OutPort(Bits32)
     connect(s.out, s.in_.foo)
 def visit_Number(s, node):
     # By default, number literals have bitwidth of 32
     node.Type = rt.get_rtlir(node.value)
     node._value = Bits32(node.value)
Exemple #10
 def up():
   s.a <<= Bits32(12)
def test_packed_array(do_test):
    class B:
        foo: [Bits32] * 2

    class A(Component):
        def construct(s):
            s.in_ = InPort(B)
            s.out = [OutPort(Bits32) for _ in range(2)]
            connect(s.out[0], s.in_.foo[0])
            connect(s.out[1], s.in_.foo[1])

    a = A()
    _foo = rdt.PackedArray([2], rdt.Vector(32))
    a._ref_structs = [
      ( rdt.Struct( 'B', {'foo':_foo} ), \
typedef struct packed {
  logic [1:0][31:0] foo;
} B;
""" ) ]
    a._ref_ports = { a : \
  input logic [0:0] clk,
  input B in_,
  output logic [31:0] out [0:1],
  input logic [0:0] reset\
""" }
    a._ref_wires = {a: ""}
    a._ref_conns = { a : \
  assign out[0] = in_.foo[0];
  assign out[1] = in_.foo[1];\
""" }

    # Yosys backend test reference output
    a._ref_ports_port_yosys = { a : \
  input logic [0:0] clk,
  input logic [31:0] in___foo__0,
  input logic [31:0] in___foo__1,
  output logic [31:0] out__0,
  output logic [31:0] out__1,
  input logic [0:0] reset\
""" }
    a._ref_ports_wire_yosys = { a : \
  logic [31:0] in___foo [0:1];
  logic [63:0] in_;
  logic [31:0] out [0:1];\
""" }
    a._ref_ports_conn_yosys = { a : \
  assign in___foo[0] = in___foo__0;
  assign in___foo[1] = in___foo__1;
  assign in_[63:32] = in___foo__1;
  assign in_[31:0] = in___foo__0;
  assign out__0 = out[0];
  assign out__1 = out[1];\
""" }
    a._ref_wires_yosys = a._ref_wires
    a._ref_conns_yosys = { a : \
  assign out[0] = in___foo[0];
  assign out[1] = in___foo[1];\
""" }

    # TestVectorSimulator properties
    def tv_in(m, tv):
        m.in_ = tv[0]

    def tv_out(m, tv):
        assert m.out[0] == Bits32(tv[1])
        assert m.out[1] == Bits32(tv[2])

    a._test_vectors = [
        [B(), 0, 0],
        [B([Bits32(1), Bits32(2)]), 1, 2],
        [B([Bits32(-1), Bits32(-2)]), -1, -2],
        [B([Bits32(-2), Bits32(-3)]), -2, -3],
        [B([Bits32(24), Bits32(25)]), 24, 25],
    a._tv_in, a._tv_out = tv_in, tv_out
Exemple #12
 def up():
   s.a @= Bits32(12)
Exemple #13
 def up_write():
   if s.counter_assign & 1:
     assign( Bits32(1), Bits32(2) )
     assign( Bits32(10), Bits32(20) )
   s.counter_assign @= s.counter_assign + 1
 def upblk():
     s.out_b = Bits32(0)
Exemple #15
 def construct(s):
     s.wire = Wire(Bits32)
     connect(s.wire, Bits32(0))
 def tv_in(m, tv):
     m.in_[0].foo = Bits32(tv[0])
     m.in_[1].foo = Bits32(tv[1])
Exemple #17
 def _lambda__s_out():
     s.out2 = Bits32(2)
 def tv_in(m, tv):
     m.in_.val = Bits1(tv[0])
     m.in_.msg = Bits32(tv[1])
     m.out.rdy = Bits1(1)
Exemple #19
 def up_wr_x():
     s.x = Bits32(123)
 def tv_out(m, tv):
     assert m.in_.rdy == Bits1(1)
     assert m.out.val == Bits1(tv[2])
     assert m.out.msg == Bits32(tv[3])
Exemple #21
 def up_wr_A():
     s.A = Bits32(0x12345678)
 def tv_out(m, tv):
     assert m.out_foo == Bits32(tv[1])
     assert m.out_bar == Bits32(tv[2])
Exemple #23
 def up_wr_s_w():
     s.w = Bits32(0x12345678)
 def __init__(s, bar=1):
     s.bar = Bits32(bar)
 def construct(s):
     s.const = [Bits32(42) for _ in range(5)]
 def tv_out(m, tv):
     assert m.out[0] == Bits32(tv[1])
     assert m.out[1] == Bits32(tv[2])
 def __init__( s, foo=42 ):
   s.foo = [ Bits32( foo ) for _ in range(5) ]
 def tv_out(m, tv):
     assert m.out == Bits32(tv[0])
Exemple #29
 def construct(s):
     s.wire = Wire(SomeMsg1)
     connect(s.wire, Bits32(1))
Exemple #30
 def tv_out(m, test_vector):
     assert m.out == Bits32(test_vector[1])