Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, body, vertices, offset=(0,0), auto_order_vertices=True):
        """Create a polygon
            body : `Body`
                The body to attach the poly to
            vertices : [(x,y)] or [`Vec2d`]
                Define a convex hull of the polygon with a counterclockwise
            offset : (x,y) or `Vec2d`
                The offset from the body's center of gravity in body local 
            auto_order_vertices : bool 
                Set to True to automatically order the vertices. If you know 
                the vertices are in the correct (clockwise) orded you can gain 
                a little performance by setting this to False.
        self._body = body
        self.offset = offset
        #self.verts = (Vec2d * len(vertices))(*vertices)
        self.verts = (Vec2d * len(vertices))
        self.verts = self.verts(Vec2d(0, 0))
        i_vs = enumerate(vertices)
        if auto_order_vertices and not u.is_clockwise(vertices):
            i_vs = zip(xrange(len(vertices)-1, -1, -1), vertices)
        for (i, vertex) in i_vs:
            self.verts[i].x = vertex[0]
            self.verts[i].y = vertex[1]

        self._shape = cp.cpPolyShapeNew(body._body, len(vertices), self.verts, offset)
        self._shapecontents = self._shape.contents
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, body, vertices, offset=(0,0), auto_order_vertices=False):
     """Create a polygon
         body : `Body`
             The body to attach the poly to
         vertices : [(x,y)] or [`Vec2d`]
             Define a convex hull of the polygon with a counterclockwise
         offset : (x,y) or `Vec2d`
             The offset from the body's center of gravity in body local 
         auto_order_vertices : bool 
             Set to True to automatically order the vertices. Currently 
             not supported.
     if auto_order_vertices: 
         raise Exception(NotImplemented)
     self._body = body
     self.offset = offset
     #self.verts = (Vec2d * len(vertices))(*vertices)
     self.verts = (Vec2d * len(vertices))
     self.verts = self.verts(Vec2d(0, 0))
     for (i, vertex) in enumerate(vertices):
         self.verts[i].x = vertex[0]
         self.verts[i].y = vertex[1]
     self._shape = cp.cpPolyShapeNew(body._body, len(vertices), self.verts, offset)
     self._shapecontents = self._shape.contents
def create_cube(space, mass=5.0, xy=(0, 0)):
    p_num = 4
    P_ARR = vec2d * p_num
    p_arr = P_ARR(vec2d(0, 0))

    s = 5
    sprite = rabbyt.Sprite(shape=(-s, s, s, -s), xy=xy)
    for i, p in enumerate(sprite.shape):
        p_arr[i].x, p_arr[i].y = p

    moment = 500
    body = cp.cpBodyNew(mass, moment)
    body.contents.p = vec2d(*xy)
    cp.cpSpaceAddBody(space, body)

    shape = cp.cpPolyShapeNew(body, p_num, p_arr, vec2d(0, 0))
    shape.contents.u = 0.5
    shape.contents.collision_type = COLLTYPE_DEFAULT
    cp.cpSpaceAddShape(space, shape)

    anims = chipmunk_body_anims(body)
    sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.rot = anims

    return shape, sprite
def create_cube(space, mass = 5.0, xy = (0,0)):
    p_num = 4
    P_ARR = vec2d * p_num
    p_arr = P_ARR(vec2d(0,0))
    s = 5
    sprite = rabbyt.Sprite(shape=(-s,s,s,-s), xy=xy)
    for i, p in enumerate(sprite.shape):
        p_arr[i].x, p_arr[i].y = p

    moment = 500
    body = cp.cpBodyNew(mass, moment)
    body.contents.p = vec2d(*xy)
    cp.cpSpaceAddBody(space, body)
    shape = cp.cpPolyShapeNew(body, p_num, p_arr, vec2d(0,0))
    shape.contents.u = 0.5
    shape.contents.collision_type = COLLTYPE_DEFAULT
    cp.cpSpaceAddShape(space, shape)

    anims = chipmunk_body_anims(body)
    sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.rot = anims

    return shape, sprite
    def __init__(self, space, mass, width, height, pos, color=(255,0,0,255)):
        poly = [
            [ width/2, height/2 ],
            [ width/2, -height/2 ],
            [ -width/2, -height/2 ],
            [ -width/2, height/2 ],
        p_num = len(poly)
        P_ARR = vec2d * p_num
        p_arr = P_ARR(vec2d(0,0))
        for i, (x,y) in enumerate( poly ):
            p_arr[i].x = x
            p_arr[i].y = y

        moment = cp.cpMomentForPoly( mass, p_num, p_arr, vec2d(0,0))
        self.color = color
        self.body = cp.cpBodyNew( mass, moment )
        self.body.contents.p = vec2d( *pos )
        cp.cpSpaceAddBody( space, self.body )
        self.shape = shape = cp.cpPolyShapeNew(
            self.body, p_num, p_arr, vec2d(0,0)
        shape.contents.u = 0.5
        cp.cpSpaceAddShape(space, shape)