Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, space, rect, playfield=None):
        super(PlungerAssembly, self).__init__()
        self.chute_counter = 0
        self.rect = Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)

        spring_strength = 100 * plunger_mass
        chute_opening = playfield.position + rect.center - (rect.width / 2. -
                                                            ball_radius * 4, 0)
        plunger_rect = Rect(0, 0, rect.width * .2, ball_radius / 2.)
        anchor0 = chute_opening - playfield.position - (ball_radius * 3., 0)
        anchor1 = anchor0 + (rect.width * .8, 0)
        anchor2 = -plunger_rect.width / 2., 0

        plunger_body = Body(plunger_mass, pymunk.inf)
        plunger_shape = Poly.create_box(plunger_body, plunger_rect.size)
        plunger_shape.layers = 1
        plunger_shape.friction = 0.1
        plunger_shape.elasticity = 1.0
        plunger_shape.collision_type = plunger_type
        plunger_body.position = chute_opening + (plunger_rect.width / 2., 0)

        j0 = GrooveJoint(playfield, plunger_body, anchor0, anchor1, anchor2)
        j1 = DampedSpring(playfield, plunger_body, anchor0, anchor2, 0,
                          spring_strength, 5)

        s0 = Circle(Body(), ball_radius / 2.)
        s0.layers = 1
        s0.sensor = True
        s0.collision_type = sensor0_type
        s0.body.position = chute_opening + (ball_radius * 4., 0.0)

        s1 = Circle(Body(), ball_radius * 3.)
        s1.layers = 1
        s1.sensor = True
        s1.collision_type = sensor1_type
        s1.body.position = chute_opening

        def inc_counter(space, arbiter):
            self.chute_counter += 1
            return True

        def dec_counter(space, arbiter):
            self.chute_counter -= 1

        f = space.add_collision_handler
        f(sensor1_type, plunger_type, begin=inc_counter, separate=dec_counter)

        self.playfield = playfield
        self.plunger_offset = playfield.position - plunger_body.position + (
            ball_radius * 3, 0)
        self.spring = j1
        self.spring_length = rect.width / 2.
        self.spring_strength = spring_strength
        self.plunger_body = plunger_body
        self.ball_chute = Rect(0, 0, ball_radius * 2., ball_radius * 2.)
        self.ball_chute.center = chute_opening
        self._original_image = pygame.Surface(plunger_rect.size)
        self._original_image.fill((192, 255, 255))
        self.shapes = [plunger_shape, s0, s1, j0, j1]
        self.visible = 0
Exemple #2
    def __init__(
            space: Space,
            shape_type: str,
            pos: Tuple[float, float],
            scale: float = 1.,
            mass: float = 1,
            static: bool = False,
            friction: float = 1.,
            color: Tuple[float, float, float] = (1., 1., 1.),
        self.space = space
        self.shape_type = shape_type
        self.static = static
        self._scale = scale
        self.color = color

        padding = 0.03

        if not static:
            if self.shape_type == "box":
                moment = pymunk.moment_for_box(mass, (self.scale, self.scale))
            elif self.shape_type == "circle":
                moment = pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, self.scale / 2.)
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid shape_type '{self.shape_type}'")

            self.mass = mass
            self.body = Body(mass, moment)
            self.body.position = pos
            self._static_position = None
            if self.shape_type == "box":
                self.shape = Poly.create_box(self.body, (1, 1))
            elif self.shape_type == "circle":
                self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.scale / 2. - padding)

        # static
            self.mass = 0
            self.body = self.space.static_body
            self._static_position = Vec2d(*pos)

            if self.shape_type == "box":
                self.shape = Poly(
                    [(pos[0] + p[0] * scale, pos[1] + p[1] * scale)
                     for p in SHAPE_TYPES[self.shape_type]["polygon"]])
            elif self.shape_type == "circle":
                self.shape = Circle(self.space.static_body,
                                    self.scale / 2. - padding,

        self.shape.friction = friction
    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(do_render, sparse, MAX_MOTOR_FORCE)

        self.sparse_distance = sparse_distance
        self.target_position = target_position
        self.space.gravity = (0.0, 0.0)

        self.end_effector_body = None
        end_anchor, end_pos = self.add_arm(arm_segment_lengths,

        self.end_effector_body = pymunk.Body(1, 1)
        self.end_effector_body.position = end_pos[0], end_pos[1]
        end_effector_shape = Circle(self.end_effector_body, 8)
        end_effector_shape.collision_type = NO_COLLISION_TYPE
        self.space.add(self.end_effector_body, end_effector_shape)

        pin = pymunk.PinJoint(end_anchor, self.end_effector_body,
                              (-arm_segment_lengths[-1] / 2, 0), (0, 0))

Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, center, road, side):

        # setup shape
        mass = 90
        radius = 2.5
        inertia = moment_for_circle(mass, 0, radius * 2, (0, 0))
        body = Body(mass, inertia)
        body.position = center
        self.shape = Circle(body, radius * 2, (0, 0))
        self.shape.color = (0, 255, 255)
        self.shape.collision_type = CollisionType.Pedestrian
        self.shape.elasticity = 0.05

        # Walk parameter
        self.lenRange = road.length
        self.widthRange = (road.nLanes + 1) * road.width * 2
        self.side = side

        # Bool flags
        self.dead = False

        # Move parameters
        self.moving = 0
        self.direction = road.direction
        self.normal = road.normal
        self.speed = random.randint(3, 6)

        # Flags for crossing
        self.crossing = False
        self.beginCrossing = False
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, mask, radius):
        self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)
        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, radius)

        self.mask = mask
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=mask)
        if mask == ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 255, 0
        elif mask == POLE_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 0, 255
        elif mask == BLAST_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 0, 0
            sys.exit("Unknown landmark mask: " + str(mask))

        # The following is just to set the appropriate params to visualize below
        config = ConfigSingleton.get_instance()
        self.vis_range_max =  \
            config.getfloat("RangeScan:landmarks", "range_max") \
            + radius
        self.vis_inside_radius = \
            config.getfloat("LandmarkCircleController", "inside_radius") \
            + radius
        self.vis_outside_radius = \
            config.getfloat("LandmarkCircleController", "outside_radius") \
            + radius
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, mask):
        self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)
        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        #self.radius = 9 * CM_TO_PIXELS
        self.radius = 6 * CM_TO_PIXELS

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        self.mask = mask
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(mask=ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^
                                        (ANY_PUCK_MASK | ROBOT_MASK),
        if mask == ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 0, 255
        elif mask == ENTER_ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 255, 0
        elif mask == EXIT_ARC_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 0, 0
        elif mask == POLE_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 0, 0, 255
        elif mask == BLAST_LANDMARK_MASK:
            self.shape.color = 255, 255, 255
            sys.exit("Unknown landmark mask: " + str(mask))
Exemple #7
 def add_circle(self, x, y, r, dynamic=True):
     body = Body(body_type=(Body.STATIC, Body.DYNAMIC)[int(dynamic)])
     body.position = x, y
     circle = Circle(body, r)
     circle.density = Environment.DEFAULT_DENSITY
     self.space.add(body, circle)
     return body
Exemple #8
def __createCircleShape(info: 'Dict[str, Any]') -> 'Circle':

    shape = Circle(None, info['radius'], (info.get('x', 0), info.get('y', 0)))

    shape.mass = info['mass']
    shape.elasticity = info.get('elasticity', 0.5)
    shape.friction = info.get('friction', 0.5)

    return shape
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, x, y, side, dir):
     body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)
     body.position = x, y
     self.side = side
     self.dir = dir
     self.shape = Circle(body, self.radius * 2, (0, 0))
     self.shape.color = (0, 0, 255, 0)
     self.shape.elasticity = 0.95
     self.shape.collision_type = CollisionType.Goalpost
def init_space():
    sp = Space()
    sp.gravity = (0, 50)

    chain = make_pivot_chain(sp, (0, 0), (240, 30), 30)
    sp.add(constraint.PivotJoint(chain[0], sp.static_body, chain[0].position))

    # Cria quadrado
    L = 25
    player = Body(mass=1, moment=100)
    shape = Poly(player, [(-L, -L), (L, -L), (L, L), (-L, L)])
    player.position = (90, 60)
    player.velocity = (-25, 25)
    shape.elasticity = 1.0
    shape.color = pyxel.COLOR_RED
    shape.collision_type = 42

    ball = Body(mass=1, moment=200)
    ball_shape = Circle(ball, 20)
    ball.position = (player.position.x, 130)
    ball_shape.elasticity = 1.0
    shape.color = pyxel.COLOR_NAVY
    ball_shape.collision_type = 42

    joint1 = constraint.DampedSpring(player, ball, (0, 0), (20, 0), 20, 3, 0.5)
    joint2 = constraint.PivotJoint(sp.static_body, player, (65, 35))
    joint1.collide_bodies = False
    sp.add(joint1, joint2)

    body2 = Body(1, 100)
    sp.add(Poly(body2, [(-3, 3), (3, 3), (3, -3), (-3, -3)]))
    body2.position = 220, 50
    sp.add(constraint.DampedRotarySpring(body2, ball, 0, 2, 1))
    sp.body2 = body2

    # Cria margens
    line = Body(body_type=Body.STATIC)
    e = 0
    lines = [
        Segment(line, (-e, -e), (240 + e, -e), 2),
        Segment(line, (-e, 180 + e), (240 + e, 180 + e), 2),
        Segment(line, (-e, -e), (-e, 180 + e), 2),
        Segment(line, (240 + e, -e), (240 + e, 180 + e), 2),
    for line in lines:
        line.elasticity = 1.0
    lines = []

    # Adiciona elementos ao espaço
    sp.add(player, shape, ball, ball_shape, *lines)
    sp.player = player

    #handler = sp.add_collision_handler(42, 42)
    #handler.begin = lambda *args: False
    return sp
Exemple #11
    def circ(self, x, y, r, **kwargs):
        Creates a circle at radius r centered at (x, y).

        body = self._make_body(**kwargs)
        shape = self._make_shape(Circle(body, r), **kwargs)
        body.position = (x, y)
        self.space.add(body, shape)
        return body
Exemple #12
    def _create_poly(self) -> Circle:
        Create the polygon used for ray-casting. (Ultrasonic sensor)
        :return: a Pymunk Circle object.

        body = Body(body_type=Body.STATIC)
        body.position = Vec2d(self.center_x, self.center_y)

        return Circle(body, self.radius)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, x, y, car, mass=1, radius=8):
        self.position = car.position + (x, y)
        self.offset = Vec2d(x, y)

        self.car = car

        self.shape = Circle(self, radius)
        self.shape.mass = mass
        self.shape.visible = True
        self.shape.friction = 0.9
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self, world, x=0, y=0, r=8):
     x, y = int(x), int(y)
     shape = Circle(world.phys_space.static_body, r, (x + r, y + r))
     super().__init__(world, shape, x=x, y=y)
     self.spriteobject = SpriteObject(world.get_texture("orb"),
     sw = self.spriteobject.sprite.width
     ratio = (r * 2) / sw
     self.spriteobject.sprite.scale = ratio
    def __createCircleShape(self, info: 'Dict[str, Any]',
                            default_elasticity: float = None,
                            default_friction: float = None) -> 'pymunk.Shape':

        shape = Circle(None, info['radius'],
                       (info.get('x', 0), info.get('y', 0)))

        self.__setGeneralProperties(shape, info,

        return shape
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self, rect):
     super(Ball, self).__init__()
     radius = rect.width / 2
     body = Body()
     body.position = rect.center
     self.shape = Circle(body, radius)
     self.shape.mass = ball_mass
     self.shape.elasticity = .25
     self.shape.friction = 1
     self.rect = Rect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.width)
     self.original_image = resources.gfx("yarnball.png", convert_alpha=True)
     self.pymunk_shapes = (body, self.shape)
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, space, rect):
     super(Ball, self).__init__()
     radius = rect.width / 2
     body = Body(ball_mass, moment_for_circle(ball_mass, 0, radius))
     body.position = rect.center
     self.shape = Circle(body, radius)
     self.shape.elasticity = .5
     self.shape.friction = 0
     self.shape.layers = 1
     self.shape.collision_type = ball_type
     self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.width)
     image = smoothscale(prepare.GFX.get('ball-bearing'), self.rect.size)
     self._original_image = image.convert_alpha()
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self):
        self.mass = 1  # 1 kg

        # e-puck: 0.037 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        #self.radius = 3.7 * CM_TO_PIXELS

        # Bupimo: 9 cm radius, converted to pixels for display
        self.radius = 9 * CM_TO_PIXELS

        self.circular = False;

        if self.circular:
            rob_I = moment_for_circle(self.mass, 0, self.radius)
            self.body = Body(self.mass, rob_I)
            self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)
            r = self.radius
            d = self.radius * 1.5 # Amount the wedge part pokes out.
            vertices = [(0, -r),
                        (d, 0),
                        (0, r)]
            #vertices = [(0, -r),
            #            (d/4, 0),
            #            (d/2, r)]
            # Now add the semicircular back part
            n = 5
            angles = [pi/2 + i*(pi/n) for i in range(1, n)]
            for a in angles:
                vertices.append((r*cos(a), r*sin(a)))

            rob_I = moment_for_poly(self.mass, vertices)
            self.body = Body(self.mass, rob_I)
            self.shape = Poly(self.body, vertices)

            # EXPERIMENTAL: Add bristles to robot
#            rest_length = 100
#            stiffness = 500
#            damping = 10
#            self.bristle_body = pymunk.DampedSpring(self.body, body, \
#                                  (0,0), (0,0), rest_length, stiffness, damping)
#                self.sim.env.add(self.spring_body)

        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0
        self.shape.color = 0, 255, 0
        self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories = ROBOT_MASK)

        self.command = Twist()
Exemple #19
def create_circle(r=1, x=0, y=0, m=1, bt=Body.DYNAMIC):
    given radius (r), x-position (x), y-position (y), mass (m), body_type (bt)
    return the (body, shape) tuple for a circle
    given_bt = bt
    bt = Body.DYNAMIC if given_bt == 'dynamic' else Body.DYNAMIC
    bt = Body.STATIC if given_bt == 'static' else Body.DYNAMIC
    bt = Body.KINEMATIC if given_bt == 'kinematic' else Body.DYNAMIC
    moment = moment_for_circle(mass=m, inner_radius=0, outer_radius=r)
    body = Body(mass=m, moment=moment, body_type=bt)
    shape = Circle(body=body, radius=r)
    body.position = (x, y)
    return body, shape
Exemple #20
 def __init__(self, space, rect):
     super(Handle, self).__init__()
     color = (192, 192, 220)
     radius = rect.width / 2
     body = Body()
     body.position = rect.center
     shape = Circle(body, radius)
     rect2 = pygame.Rect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.width)
     image = pygame.Surface(rect2.size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
     pygame.draw.circle(image, color, rect2.center, int(radius // 4))
     pygame.draw.line(image, (0, 0, 255), rect2.center, rect2.midtop, 8)
     self.shapes = [shape]
     self.rect = rect
     self._original_image = image
Exemple #21
 def __init__(self, world, x=0, y=0):
     self.movable = Movable()
     self.spriteobject = SpriteObject(world.get_texture("player"),
     self.directionalsprite = DirectionalSprite(world, "player")
     phys_body = Body(5, inf)
     phys_body.position = x, y
     shape = Circle(phys_body, 8, (8, 8))
     self.physicsbody = PhysicsBody(shape)
     world.phys_space.add(self.physicsbody.body, self.physicsbody.shape)
     self.groundingobject = GroundingObject()
     self.jumpobject = JumpObject()
     self.inputobject = InputObject("kb")
Exemple #22
def init_space():
    sp = Space()

    player = Body(mass=1, moment=1)
    shape = Circle(player, 10)
    player.position = (20, 90)
    player.velocity = (5, 0)
    shape.color = pyxel.COLOR_YELLOW

    line = Body(body_type=Body.STATIC)
    line_shape = Segment(line, (0, 1), (240, 1), 2)
    line_shape.color = pyxel.COLOR_RED

    sp.add(player, shape, line, line_shape)
    sp.player = player
    return sp
Exemple #23
 def __init__(self, space, rect, playfield=None):
     super(Spinner, self).__init__()
     r, cy = rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2
     assert (r == cy)
     body = Body(.1, moment_for_circle(.1, 0, r))
     body.position = rect.center
     top = Circle(body, r)
     top.layers = 2
     rect2 = pygame.Rect((-r, -cy), rect.size)
     cross0 = Segment(body, rect2.midleft, rect2.midright, 1)
     cross1 = Segment(body, rect2.midtop, rect2.midbottom, 1)
     j0 = PivotJoint(playfield, body, body.position)
     j1 = SimpleMotor(playfield, body, 0)
     j1.max_force = 200
     self.shapes = [top, cross0, cross1, j0, j1]
     self.rect = pygame.Rect(rect)
     self._original_image = prepare.GFX['pachinko-spinner']
    def __init__(self):
        rob_mass = 1  # 1 kg
        # 0.1 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        rob_radius = 0.1 * M_TO_PIXELS
        # moment of inertia for disk
        rob_I = moment_for_circle(rob_mass, 0, rob_radius)

        self.body = Body(rob_mass, rob_I)
        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, rob_radius)
        self.shape.color = 255, 0, 0  # red

        self._command = Twist()
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, kind, immobile=False):
        self.immobile = immobile
        self.mass = 0.1  # 0.1 kg

        # 0.1 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        #self.radius = 0.1 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # Hockey puck radius = 23mm = 0.023
        self.radius = 0.023 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # Plate puck radius = 12.8cm = 0.128
        #self.radius = 0.128 * M_TO_PIXELS

        # moment of inertia for disk
        moment_inertia = moment_for_circle(self.mass, 0, self.radius)

        if not immobile:
            self.body = Body(self.mass, moment_inertia)
            self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)

        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        self.kind = kind
        if kind == 0:
            self.shape.color = 200, 100, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=RED_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 1:
            self.shape.color = 100, 200, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=GREEN_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 2:
            self.shape.color = 100, 100, 200
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=BLUE_PUCK_MASK)
            sys.exit("Unknown puck kind: " + kind)

        if immobile:
            self.shape.color = self.shape.color[0] / 3, self.shape.color[
                1] / 3, self.shape.color[2] / 3
Exemple #26
def init_space():
    sp = Space()
    sp.gravity = (0, 50)
    sp.damping = 1.0

    floor = Body(body_type=Body.STATIC)
    stick = Body(mass=100, moment=100 * 50**2)
    L = 20
    shapes = [
        Poly(stick, [(-L, -L), (L, -L), (L, L), (0, L + L / 2), (-L, L)],
        Segment(floor, (1, 179), (239, 179), 1),
        Segment(floor, (1, 1), (239, 1), 1),
        Segment(floor, (1, 1), (1, 179), 1),
        Segment(floor, (239, 1), (239, 179), 1),
    stick.position = (120, L)

    bodies = []
    for _ in range(L):
        r = random.uniform(2, 6)
        mass = pi * r**2
        body = Body(mass=mass, moment=mass * r**2 / 2)
        circle = Circle(body, r)

        x = random.uniform(r, 240 - r)
        y = random.uniform(r, 180 - r)
        body.position = (x, y)

        vx = random.uniform(-L, L)
        vy = random.uniform(-L, L)
        body.velocity = (vx, vy)

        circle.color = random.randint(1, 15)

    for shape in shapes:
        shape.elasticity = 1.0

    sp.add(floor, stick, *bodies, *shapes)
    return sp
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self,x,y,radius):

        # setup shape
        mass = 10
        inertia = moment_for_circle(mass, 0, radius*2, (0, 0))
        body = Body(mass, inertia)
        body.position = x, y
        body.velocity_func = friction_ball
        self.shape = Circle(body, radius*2, (0, 0))
        self.shape.color = (255, 0, 0, 0)
        self.shape.elasticity = 0.98
        self.shape.friction = 3.0
        self.shape.collision_type = CollisionType.Ball

        # Initial and previous positions
        self.initPos = x,y
        self.prevPos = Vec2d(x,y)

        # List of robots who last touched the ball
        self.lastKicked = []
Exemple #28
    def __init__(self,
        import pyglet
        from pymunk import Space, Segment, Body, Circle, moment_for_circle, pyglet_util
        super(VehicleSimulator, self).__init__()
        self.__left_sensor_val = 0
        self.__right_sensor_val = 0
        self.__feed_sensor_val = False
        self.__feed_touch_counter = {}
        self.__feed_bodies = []
        self.__feed_radius = feed_radius

        self.__window = pyglet.window.Window(
            self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN * 2,
            self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN * 2,
        self.__draw_options = pyglet_util.DrawOptions()
        self.__closed = False

        def on_draw():
            pyglet.gl.glClearColor(255, 255, 255, 255)

        def on_close():
            self.__closed = True

        self.__simulation_space = Space()
        self.__simulation_space.gravity = 0, 0

        # arena
        walls = [
                (self.DISPLAY_MARGIN, self.DISPLAY_MARGIN),
                (self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN, self.DISPLAY_MARGIN),
                (self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN, self.DISPLAY_MARGIN),
                (self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN,
                 self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN), 0),
                (self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN,
                 self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN),
                (self.DISPLAY_MARGIN, self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN),
                (self.DISPLAY_MARGIN, self.ARENA_SIZE + self.DISPLAY_MARGIN),
                (self.DISPLAY_MARGIN, self.DISPLAY_MARGIN), 0)
        for w in walls:
            w.collision_type = self.COLLISION_TYPE.OBJECT
            w.friction = 0.2

        # vehicle
        mass = 1
        self.__vehicle_body = Body(
            mass, moment_for_circle(mass, 0, self.VEHICLE_RADIUS))
        self.__vehicle_shape = Circle(self.__vehicle_body, self.VEHICLE_RADIUS)
        self.__vehicle_shape.friction = 0.2
        self.__vehicle_shape.collision_type = self.COLLISION_TYPE.VEHICLE
        self.__simulation_space.add(self.__vehicle_body, self.__vehicle_shape)

        # left sensor
        sensor_l_s = Segment(self.__vehicle_body, (0, 0),
                             (self.SENSOR_RANGE * np.cos(self.SENSOR_ANGLE),
                              self.SENSOR_RANGE * np.sin(self.SENSOR_ANGLE)),
        sensor_l_s.sensor = True
        sensor_l_s.collision_type = self.COLLISION_TYPE.LEFT_SENSOR
        handler_l = self.__simulation_space.add_collision_handler(
        handler_l.pre_solve = self.__left_sensr_handler
        handler_l.separate = self.__left_sensr_separate_handler

        # right sensor
        sensor_r_s = Segment(self.__vehicle_body, (0, 0),
                             (self.SENSOR_RANGE * np.cos(-self.SENSOR_ANGLE),
                              self.SENSOR_RANGE * np.sin(-self.SENSOR_ANGLE)),
        sensor_r_s.sensor = True
        sensor_r_s.collision_type = self.COLLISION_TYPE.RIGHT_SENSOR
        handler_r = self.__simulation_space.add_collision_handler(
        handler_r.pre_solve = self.__right_sensr_handler
        handler_r.separate = self.__right_sensr_separate_handler

        # obstacles
        for a in (np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, obstacle_num, endpoint=False) +
                  np.pi / 2):
            body = Body(body_type=Body.STATIC)
            body.position = (self.DISPLAY_MARGIN + self.ARENA_SIZE / 2 +
                             self.ARENA_SIZE * 0.3 * np.cos(a),
                             self.DISPLAY_MARGIN + self.ARENA_SIZE / 2 +
                             self.ARENA_SIZE * 0.3 * np.sin(a))
            shape = Circle(body, obstacle_radius)
            shape.friction = 0.2
            shape.collision_type = self.COLLISION_TYPE.OBJECT

        for i in range(feed_num):
            body = Body(1, 1)
            shape = Circle(body, self.__feed_radius)
            shape.sensor = True
            shape.color = self.FEED_COLOR
            shape.collision_type = self.COLLISION_TYPE.FEED
            handler = self.__simulation_space.add_collision_handler(
            handler.pre_solve = self.__feed_touch_handler
            handler.separate = self.__feed_separate_handler
            self.__simulation_space.add(body, shape)
            self.__feed_touch_counter[shape] = 0

Exemple #29
 def handle_object_type_pin(data, body):
     pin = Circle(body, 2, get_rect(data).center)
     pin.elasticity = 1.0
     yield pin
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, kind, puck_shape, immobile=False):
        self.immobile = immobile
        # self.mass = 0.1  # 0.1 kg

        # Create a massless body with 0 moment of inertia.  Pymunk will figure
        # out the mass and moment of inertia based on the density (set below)
        # when the body and shape are both added to the space.
        if not immobile:
            self.body = Body(0, 0)
            self.body = Body(0, 0, Body.STATIC)

        if puck_shape == "CIRCLE":
            # Hockey puck radius = 23mm = 0.023
            #self.radius = 2.3 * CM_TO_PIXELS

            # Double hockey puck radius
            self.radius = 4.6 * CM_TO_PIXELS

            # Arbitrary radius
            #self.radius = 0.07 * M_TO_PIXELS

            # Plate puck radius = 12.8cm = 0.128
            #self.radius = 0.128 * M_TO_PIXELS

            # Objects from Gauci et al paper: 0.05 meter radius, converted to
            # pixels for display
            # self.radius = 12 * CM_TO_PIXELS

            self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        elif puck_shape == "RANDOM_CIRCLES":
            self.radius = randint(1, 5) * CM_TO_PIXELS
            self.shape = Circle(self.body, self.radius)

        elif puck_shape == "RECTANGLE":
            length = 100
            thickness = 5
            a = Vec2d(0, 0)
            b = Vec2d(length, 0)
            self.shape = Segment(self.body, a, b, thickness)
            self.radius = length / 2

        elif puck_shape == "RANDOM_RECTANGLES":
            length = randint(10, 150)
            thickness = randint(4, 10)
            a = Vec2d(0, 0)
            b = Vec2d(length, 0)
            self.shape = Segment(self.body, a, b, thickness)
            self.radius = length / 2

        radiusForDensity = 2.3 * CM_TO_PIXELS  # hockey puck radius
        self.shape.density = 0.1 / (pi * radiusForDensity**2)

        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = uniform(-pi, pi)
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.kind = kind
        if kind == 0:
            self.shape.color = 200, 100, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=RED_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 1:
            self.shape.color = 100, 200, 100
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=GREEN_PUCK_MASK)
        elif kind == 2:
            self.shape.color = 100, 100, 200
            self.shape.filter = ShapeFilter(categories=BLUE_PUCK_MASK)
            sys.exit("Unknown puck kind: " + kind)

        if immobile:
            self.shape.color = self.shape.color[0] / 3, self.shape.color[
                1] / 3, self.shape.color[2] / 3