def talker(): rospy.init_node("display", anonymous=True) print("Try connect real mycobot...") port = rospy.get_param("~port", "/dev/ttyAMA0") baud = rospy.get_param("~baud", 115200) print("port: {}, baud: {}\n".format(port, baud)) try: mycobot = MyCobot(port, baud) except Exception as e: print(e) print( """\ \rTry connect mycobot failed! \rPlease check wether connected with mycobot. \rPlease chckt wether the port or baud is right. """ ) exit(1) mycobot.release_all_servos() time.sleep(0.1) print("Rlease all servos over.\n") pub = rospy.Publisher("joint_states", JointState, queue_size=10) pub_marker = rospy.Publisher("visualization_marker", Marker, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(30) # 30hz # pub joint state joint_state_send = JointState() joint_state_send.header = Header() = [ "joint2_to_joint1", "joint3_to_joint2", "joint4_to_joint3", "joint5_to_joint4", "joint6_to_joint5", "joint6output_to_joint6", ] joint_state_send.velocity = [0] joint_state_send.effort = [] marker_ = Marker() marker_.header.frame_id = "/joint1" marker_.ns = "my_namespace" print("publishing ...") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): joint_state_send.header.stamp = angles = mycobot.get_radians() data_list = [] for index, value in enumerate(angles): data_list.append(value) # rospy.loginfo('{}'.format(data_list)) joint_state_send.position = data_list pub.publish(joint_state_send) coords = mycobot.get_coords() # marker marker_.header.stamp = marker_.type = marker_.SPHERE marker_.action = marker_.ADD marker_.scale.x = 0.04 marker_.scale.y = 0.04 marker_.scale.z = 0.04 # marker position initial # print(coords) if not coords: coords = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rospy.loginfo("error [101]: can not get coord values") marker_.pose.position.x = coords[1] / 1000 * -1 marker_.pose.position.y = coords[0] / 1000 marker_.pose.position.z = coords[2] / 1000 marker_.color.a = 1.0 marker_.color.g = 1.0 pub_marker.publish(marker_) rate.sleep()
class MycobotTopics(object): def __init__(self): super(MycobotTopics, self).__init__() rospy.init_node("mycobot_topics") rospy.loginfo("start ...") port = rospy.get_param("~port", "/dev/ttyUSB0") baud = rospy.get_param("~baud", 115200) rospy.loginfo("%s,%s" % (port, baud)) = MyCobot(port, baud) self.lock = threading.Lock() def start(self): pa = threading.Thread(target=self.pub_real_angles) pb = threading.Thread(target=self.pub_real_coords) sa = threading.Thread(target=self.sub_set_angles) sb = threading.Thread(target=self.sub_set_coords) sg = threading.Thread(target=self.sub_gripper_status) sp = threading.Thread(target=self.sub_pump_status) pa.setDaemon(True) pa.start() pb.setDaemon(True) pb.start() sa.setDaemon(True) sa.start() sb.setDaemon(True) sb.start() sg.setDaemon(True) sg.start() sp.setDaemon(True) sp.start() pa.join() pb.join() sa.join() sb.join() sg.join() sp.join() def pub_real_angles(self): pub = rospy.Publisher("mycobot/angles_real", MycobotAngles, queue_size=5) ma = MycobotAngles() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() angles = self.lock.release() if angles: ma.joint_1 = angles[0] ma.joint_2 = angles[1] ma.joint_3 = angles[2] ma.joint_4 = angles[3] ma.joint_5 = angles[4] ma.joint_6 = angles[5] pub.publish(ma) time.sleep(0.25) def pub_real_coords(self): pub = rospy.Publisher("mycobot/coords_real", MycobotCoords, queue_size=5) ma = MycobotCoords() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() coords = self.lock.release() if coords: ma.x = coords[0] ma.y = coords[1] ma.z = coords[2] ma.rx = coords[3] ma.ry = coords[4] ma.rz = coords[5] pub.publish(ma) time.sleep(0.25) def sub_set_angles(self): def callback(data): angles = [ data.joint_1, data.joint_2, data.joint_3, data.joint_4, data.joint_5, data.joint_6, ] sp = int(data.speed), sp) sub = rospy.Subscriber( "mycobot/angles_goal", MycobotSetAngles, callback=callback ) rospy.spin() def sub_set_coords(self): def callback(data): angles = [data.x, data.y, data.z, data.rx, data.ry, data.rz] sp = int(data.speed) model = int(data.model), sp, model) sub = rospy.Subscriber( "mycobot/coords_goal", MycobotSetCoords, callback=callback ) rospy.spin() def sub_gripper_status(self): def callback(data): if data.Status:, 80) else:, 80) sub = rospy.Subscriber( "mycobot/gripper_status", MycobotGripperStatus, callback=callback ) rospy.spin() def sub_pump_status(self): def callback(data): if data.Status:, 0), 0) else:, 1), 1) sub = rospy.Subscriber( "mycobot/pump_status", MycobotPumpStatus, callback=callback ) rospy.spin()
from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot import port import move import threading mc = MyCobot(port.port) threadMov = threading.Thread(target=move.mov1, args=(mc, )) threadMov.start() while True: print(mc.get_coords())
print('==> set angles [0,0,0,0,0,0], speed 80\n') print('Is moving: {}'.format(mycobot.is_moving())) time.sleep(3) print('::send_radians') mycobot.send_radians([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 70) print('==> set raidans [1,1,1,1,1,1], speed 70\n') time.sleep(1.5) print('::send_angle()') mycobot.send_angle(Angle.J2.value, 10, 50) print('==> angle: joint2, degree: 10, speed: 50\n') time.sleep(1) print('::get_coords()') print('==> coords {}\n'.format(mycobot.get_coords())) time.sleep(0.5) print('::send_coords()') coord_list = [160, 160, 160, 0, 0, 0] mycobot.send_coords(coord_list, 70, 0) print('==> send coords [160,160,160,0,0,0], speed 70, mode 0\n') time.sleep(3.0) print(mycobot.is_in_position(coord_list, 1)) time.sleep(1) print('::send_coord()') mycobot.send_coord(Coord.X.value, -40, 70) print('==> send coord id: X, coord value: -40, speed: 70\n') time.sleep(2)
print("==> set angles [0,0,0,0,0,0], speed 80\n") print("Is moving: {}".format(mycobot.is_moving())) time.sleep(3) print("::send_radians") mycobot.send_radians([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 70) print("==> set raidans [1,1,1,1,1,1], speed 70\n") time.sleep(1.5) print("::send_angle()") mycobot.send_angle(Angle.J2.value, 10, 50) print("==> angle: joint2, degree: 10, speed: 50\n") time.sleep(1) print("::get_coords()") print("==> coords {}\n".format(mycobot.get_coords())) time.sleep(0.5) print("::send_coords()") coord_list = [160, 160, 160, 0, 0, 0] mycobot.send_coords(coord_list, 70, 0) print("==> send coords [160,160,160,0,0,0], speed 70, mode 0\n") time.sleep(3.0) print(mycobot.is_in_position(coord_list, 1)) time.sleep(1) print("::send_coord()") mycobot.send_coord(Coord.X.value, -40, 70) print("==> send coord id: X, coord value: -40, speed: 70\n") time.sleep(2)