def test_assignment_and_exceptions(self):
        """ Check incorrect types/values for implementation_class_uid raise exceptions """
        primitive = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()

        ## Check assignment
        reference_uid = UID('1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3811.0.9.0')

        # bytes
        primitive.implementation_class_uid = b'1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3811.0.9.0'
        self.assertTrue(primitive.implementation_class_uid == reference_uid)

        # str
        primitive.implementation_class_uid = '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3811.0.9.0'
        self.assertTrue(primitive.implementation_class_uid == reference_uid)

        # UID
        primitive.implementation_class_uid = UID(
        self.assertTrue(primitive.implementation_class_uid == reference_uid)

        ## Check exceptions
        primitive = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()

        # No value set
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            item = primitive.from_primitive()

        # Non UID, bytes or str
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            primitive.implementation_class_uid = 45.2

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            primitive.implementation_class_uid = 100
 def test_string(self):
     """Check the string output."""
     primitive = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()
     primitive.implementation_class_uid = UID(
         '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3811.0.9.0' in primitive.__str__())
    def test_conversion(self):
        """ Check converting to PDU item works correctly """
        primitive = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()
        primitive.implementation_class_uid = UID('1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3811.0.9.0')
        item = primitive.from_primitive()

        self.assertTrue(item.encode() ==     b"\x52\x00\x00\x20\x31\x2e\x32\x2e\x38\x32\x36\x2e\x30\x2e\x31" \
                                         b"\x2e\x33\x36\x38\x30\x30\x34\x33\x2e\x39\x2e\x33\x38\x31\x31\x2e" \
Exemple #4
    def request_assoc(self,
        """Request an Association with a peer Application Entity SCP.

        Issues an A-ASSOCIATE request primitive to the DICOM UL service provider

        Requests an association with a remote AE and waits for association
        response (local AE is acting as an SCU)

        local_ae : dict
            Contains information about the local AE, keys 'ae_title', 'port',
            'address', 'pdv_size', 'propsed_contexts'.
        peer_ae : dict
            Contains information about the peer AE, keys 'ae_title', 'port',
        max_pdu_size : int
            Maximum PDU size in bytes
        pcdl : list of pynetdicom3.presentation.PresentationContext
            A list of the proposed Presentation Contexts for the association
            If local_ae is ApplicationEntity then this is doubled up
        userpdu : List of UserInformation objects
            List of items to be added to the requests user information for use
            in extended negotiation. See PS3.7 Annex D.3.3

            True if the Association was accepted, False if rejected or aborted
        self.local_ae = local_ae
        self.local_ae['pdv_size'] = max_pdu_size
        self.remote_ae = peer_ae

        self.local_max_pdu = max_pdu_size

        ## Build an A-ASSOCIATE request primitive
        # The following parameters must be set for a request primitive
        #   ApplicationContextName
        #   CallingAETitle
        #   CalledAETitle
        #   UserInformation
        #       Maximum PDV Length (required)
        #       Implementation Identification - Class UID (required)
        #   CallingPresentationAddress
        #   CalledPresentationAddress
        #   PresentationContextDefinitionList
        assoc_rq = A_ASSOCIATE()
        assoc_rq.application_context_name = self.application_context_name
        assoc_rq.calling_ae_title = self.local_ae['ae_title']
        assoc_rq.called_ae_title = self.remote_ae['ae_title']

        # Build User Information - PS3.7 Annex D.3.3
        # Maximum Length Negotiation (required)
        max_length = MaximumLengthNegotiation()
        max_length.maximum_length_received = self.local_ae['pdv_size']
        assoc_rq.user_information = [max_length]

        # Implementation Identification Notification (required)
        # Class UID (required)
        implementation_class_uid = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()
        implementation_class_uid.implementation_class_uid = UID(

        # Version Name (optional)
        implementation_version_name = ImplementationVersionNameNotification()
        implementation_version_name.implementation_version_name = (

        # Add the extended negotiation information (optional)
        if userspdu is not None:
            assoc_rq.user_information += userspdu

        assoc_rq.calling_presentation_address = (self.local_ae['address'],
        assoc_rq.called_presentation_address = (self.remote_ae['address'],
        assoc_rq.presentation_context_definition_list = pcdl
        ## A-ASSOCIATE request primitive is now complete

        # Send the A-ASSOCIATE request primitive to the peer via the
        #   DICOM UL service"Requesting Association")

        ## Receive the response from the peer
        #   This may be an A-ASSOCIATE confirmation primitive or an
        #   A-ABORT or A-P-ABORT request primitive
        assoc_rsp = self.dul.receive_pdu(wait=True, timeout=self.acse_timeout)

        # Association accepted or rejected
        if isinstance(assoc_rsp, A_ASSOCIATE):
            # Accepted
            if assoc_rsp.result == 0x00:
                # Get maximum pdu length from answer
                self.peer_max_pdu = assoc_rsp.maximum_length_received
                self.parent.peer_ae['pdv_size'] = (
                # FIXME
                self.parent.peer_max_pdu = assoc_rsp.maximum_length_received

                # Get accepted presentation contexts using the manager
                self.context_manager.requestor_contexts = pcdl
                self.context_manager.acceptor_contexts = (

                # Once the context manager gets both sets of contexts it
                #   automatically determines which are accepted and refused
                self.accepted_contexts = self.context_manager.accepted
                self.rejected_contexts = self.context_manager.rejected

                return True, assoc_rsp

            # Rejected
            elif assoc_rsp.result in [0x01, 0x02]:
                # 0x01 is rejected (permanent)
                # 0x02 is rejected (transient)
                return False, assoc_rsp
            # Invalid Result value
            elif assoc_rsp.result is None:
                return False, assoc_rsp
                    "ACSE received an invalid result value from "
                    "the peer AE: '%s'", assoc_rsp.result)
                raise ValueError("ACSE received an invalid result value from "
                                 "the peer AE: '{}'".format(assoc_rsp.result))

        # Association aborted
        elif isinstance(assoc_rsp, (A_ABORT, A_P_ABORT)):
            return False, assoc_rsp

        elif assoc_rsp is None:
            return False, assoc_rsp

            raise ValueError("Unexpected response by the peer AE to the "
                             "ACSE association request")
    def test_exceptions(self):
        """ Check incorrect types/values for properties raise exceptions """
        assoc = A_ASSOCIATE()

        # application_context_name
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.application_context_name = 10

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.application_context_name = 45.2

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.application_context_name = 'abc'

        # calling_ae_title
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = 45.2

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = 100

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = ''

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = '    '

        # called_ae_title
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = 45.2

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = 100

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = ''

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = '    '

        # user_information
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.user_information = 45.2

        # result
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result = -1

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result = 3

        # result_source
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result_source = 0

        # result_source
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result_source = 4

        # diagnostic
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 0

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 4

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 5

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 6

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 8

        # calling_presentation_addresss
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_presentation_address = ['', 105]

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_presentation_address = (105, '')

        # called_presentation_addresss
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_presentation_address = ['', 105]

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_presentation_address = (105, '')

        # presentation_context_definition_list
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.presentation_context_definition_list = 45.2

        # presentation_context_definition_results_list
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list = 45.2

        # implementation_class_uid
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            x = assoc.implementation_class_uid

        imp_uid = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            x = assoc.implementation_class_uid