def test_int(self): """Test the Status __int__ method.""" status = Status('Success', 'A test status', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 2)) # Test default code self.assertEqual(int(status), 0x0000) status.code = 0x0001 # Test assigned code self.assertEqual(int(status), 0x0001)
def test_assign_code(self): """Test assigning a specific code to a Status.""" status = Status('Success', 'A test status', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 2)) status.code = 0x0001 self.assertEqual(status.code, 0x0001) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): status.code = 0x0002 with self.assertRaises(TypeError): status.code = 'a'
class cancel: suboperation = Status('Cancel', 'Sub-operations terminated due to Cancel indication', range(0xFE00, 0xFE00 + 1)) matching_terminated = Status('Cancel', 'Matching terminated due to ' 'Cancel request', range(0xFE00, 0xFE00 + 1))
class success: empty = Status('Success', '', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 1)) suboperation = Status('Success', 'Sub-operations Complete - No Failure or Warnings', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 1)) matching = Status('Success', 'Matching is complete - No final Identifier is supplied', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 1))
class pending: matches = Status('Pending', 'Matches are continuing - Current Match is supplied ' 'and any Optional Keys were supported in the same manner ' 'as "Required Keys"', range(0xFF00, 0xFF00 + 1)) matches_warning = Status('Pending', 'Matches are continuing - Warning that one or more ' 'Optional Keys were not supported for existence ' 'and/or matching for this identifier', range(0xFF01, 0xFF01 + 1)) suboperation = Status('Pending', 'Sub-operations are continuing', range(0xFF00, 0xFF00 + 1))
class warning: coercion_of_elements = Status('Warning', 'Coercion of Data Elements', range(0xB000, 0xB000 + 1)) ds_doesnt_match_sop = Status('Warning', 'Data Set does not match SOP Class', range(0xB007, 0xB007 + 1)) element_discard = Status('Warning', 'Element Discarded', range(0xB006, 0xB006 + 1)) suboperation = Status('Warning', 'Sub-operations Complete - One or more Failures or ' 'Warnings', range(0xB000, 0xB000 + 1))
class DummyFindSCP(DummyBaseSCP): """A threaded dummy storage SCP used for testing""" out_of_resources = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources', range(0xA700, 0xA700 + 1)) identifier_doesnt_match_sop = Status('Failure', "Identifier does not match SOP " "Class", range(0xA900, 0xA900 + 1)) unable_to_process = Status('Failure', 'Unable to process', range(0xC000, 0xCFFF + 1)) matching_terminated_cancel = Status('Cancel', "Matching terminated due to " "Cancel request", range(0xFE00, 0xFE00 + 1)) success = Status('Success', 'Matching is complete - No final Identifier is supplied', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 1)) pending = Status('Pending', "Matches are continuing - Current Match is supplied " "and any Optional Keys were supported in the same manner " "as 'Required Keys'", range(0xFF00, 0xFF00 + 1)) pending_warning = Status("Pending", "Matches are continuing - Warning that one or more " "Optional Keys were not supported for existence " "and/or matching for this identifier", range(0xFF01, 0xFF01 + 1)) def __init__(self, port=11112): = AE(scp_sop_class=[PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFind, StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFind, ModalityWorklistInformationFind, PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelFind], port=port) DummyBaseSCP.__init__(self) self.status = self.pending self.cancel = False def on_c_find(self, ds): """Callback for ae.on_c_find""" time.sleep(self.delay) ds = Dataset() ds.PatientName = '*' ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = "PATIENT" if not isinstance(self.status, Status): yield self.status, None return if self.status.status_type != 'Pending': yield self.status, None if self.cancel: yield self.matching_terminated_cancel, None yield self.status, ds def on_c_cancel_find(self): """Callback for ae.on_c_cancel_find""" self.cancel = True
class DummyStorageSCP(DummyBaseSCP): """A threaded dummy storage SCP used for testing""" out_of_resources = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources', range(0xA700, 0xA7FF + 1)) ds_doesnt_match_sop_fail = Status('Failure', 'Error: Data Set does not match SOP Class', range(0xA900, 0xA9FF + 1)) cant_understand = Status('Failure', 'Error: Cannot understand', range(0xC000, 0xCFFF + 1)) coercion_of_elements = Status('Warning', 'Coercion of Data Elements', range(0xB000, 0xB000 + 1)) ds_doesnt_match_sop_warn = Status('Warning', 'Data Set does not match SOP Class', range(0xB007, 0xB007 + 1)) elem_discard = Status('Warning', 'Element Discarded', range(0xB006, 0xB006 + 1)) success = Status('Success', '', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 1)) def __init__(self, port=11112): = AE(scp_sop_class=[PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove, StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove, PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove, CTImageStorage, RTImageStorage, MRImageStorage], port=port) DummyBaseSCP.__init__(self) self.status = self.success def on_c_store(self, ds): """Callback for ae.on_c_store""" time.sleep(self.delay) return self.status
def test_code_to_status(self): """Test conversion of status code to Status class.""" sop = VerificationServiceClass() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): sop.code_to_status(0x0001) status = Status('Test', 'A test status', range(0x0101, 0x0101 + 1)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): sop.code_to_status(status) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): sop.code_to_status('test') self.assertEqual(sop.Success, sop.code_to_status(sop.Success)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): sop.code_to_status('test')
class failure: ds_doesnt_match_sop = Status('Failure', 'Error: Data Set does not match SOP Class', range(0xA900, 0xA9FF + 1)) cant_understand = Status('Failure', 'Error: Cannot understand', range(0xC000, 0xCFFF + 1)) out_of_resources = Status('Failure','Refused: Out of resources', range(0xA700, 0xA7FF + 1)) out_of_resources_match = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources - Unable ' 'to calculate number of matches', range(0xA701, 0xA701 + 1)) out_of_resources_unable = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources - Unable ' 'to perform sub-operations', range(0xA702, 0xA702 + 1)) move_destination_unknown = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Move destination unknown', range(0xA801, 0xA801 + 1)) identifier_doesnt_match_sop = Status('Failure', 'Identifier does not match SOP ' 'Class', range(0xA900, 0xA900 + 1)) unable_to_process = Status('Failure', 'Unable to process', range(0xC000, 0xCFFF + 1))
class DummyGetSCP(DummyBaseSCP): """A threaded dummy storage SCP used for testing""" out_of_resources_match = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources - Unable ' 'to calculate number of matches', range(0xA701, 0xA701 + 1)) out_of_resources_unable = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources - Unable ' 'to perform sub-operations', range(0xA702, 0xA702 + 1)) identifier_doesnt_match_sop = Status('Failure', 'Identifier does not match SOP ' 'Class', range(0xA900, 0xA900 + 1)) unable = Status('Failure', 'Unable to process', range(0xC000, 0xCFFF + 1)) cancel_status = Status('Cancel', 'Sub-operations terminated due to Cancel indication', range(0xFE00, 0xFE00 + 1)) warning = Status('Warning', 'Sub-operations Complete - One or more Failures or ' 'Warnings', range(0xB000, 0xB000 + 1)) success = Status('Success', 'Sub-operations Complete - No Failure or Warnings', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 1)) pending = Status('Pending', 'Sub-operations are continuing', range(0xFF00, 0xFF00 + 1)) def __init__(self, port=11112): = AE(scp_sop_class=[PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGet, StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGet, PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelGet, CTImageStorage], scu_sop_class=[CTImageStorage], port=port) DummyBaseSCP.__init__(self) self.status = self.success self.cancel = False def on_c_get(self, ds): """Callback for ae.on_c_get""" time.sleep(self.delay) ds = Dataset() ds.PatientName = '*' ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = "PATIENT" if self.status.status_type not in ['Pending', 'Warning']: yield 1 yield self.status, None if self.cancel: yield 1 yield self.cancel, None yield 2 for ii in range(2): yield self.status, DATASET def on_c_cancel_get(self): """Callback for ae.on_c_cancel_get""" self.cancel = True
def test_str(self): """Test the Status __str__ method.""" status = Status('Success', 'A test status', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 2)) self.assertEqual(str(status), '0x0000: Success - A test status')
class testing: test = Status('Test', 'A test status', range(0x0101, 0x0101 + 1))
class DummyMoveSCP(DummyBaseSCP): """A threaded dummy storage SCP used for testing""" out_of_resources_match = \ Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources - Unable to calculate number ' \ 'of matches', range(0xA701, 0xA701 + 1)) out_of_resources_unable = \ Status('Failure', 'Refused: Out of resources - Unable to perform ' \ 'sub-operations', range(0xA702, 0xA702 + 1)) move_destination_unknown = Status('Failure', 'Refused: Move destination unknown', range(0xA801, 0xA801 + 1)) identifier_doesnt_match_sop = \ Status('Failure', 'Identifier does not match SOP Class', range(0xA900, 0xA900 + 1)) unable_to_process = Status('Failure', 'Unable to process', range(0xC000, 0xCFFF + 1)) cancel_status = Status('Cancel', 'Sub-operations terminated due to Cancel indication', range(0xFE00, 0xFE00 + 1)) warning = Status('Warning', 'Sub-operations Complete - One or more Failures or ' \ 'Warnings', range(0xB000, 0xB000 + 1)) success = Status('Success', 'Sub-operations Complete - No Failure or Warnings', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 1)) pending = Status('Pending', 'Sub-operations are continuing', range(0xFF00, 0xFF00 + 1)) def __init__(self, port=11112): = AE(scp_sop_class=[PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove, StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove, PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove, RTImageStorage, CTImageStorage], scu_sop_class=[RTImageStorage, CTImageStorage], port=port) DummyBaseSCP.__init__(self) self.status = self.pending self.cancel = False def on_c_move(self, ds, move_aet): """Callback for ae.on_c_find""" time.sleep(self.delay) ds = Dataset() ds.PatientName = '*' ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = "PATIENT" # Check move_aet first if move_aet != b'TESTMOVE ': yield 1 yield None, None if self.status.status_type not in ['Pending', 'Warning']: yield 1 yield 'localhost', 11113 yield self.status, None if self.cancel: yield 1 yield 'localhost', 11113 yield self.cancel, None yield 2 yield 'localhost', 11113 for ii in range(2): yield self.status, DATASET def on_c_cancel_find(self): """Callback for ae.on_c_cancel_move""" self.cancel = True
class DummyBaseSCP(threading.Thread): """Base class for the Dummy SCP classes""" bad_status = Status('Test', 'A test status', range(0x0101, 0x0101 + 1)) def __init__(self): """Initialise the class""" = self.on_c_echo = self.on_c_store = self.on_c_find = self.on_c_get = self.on_c_move threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.delay = 0 self.send_abort = False def run(self): """The thread run method""" def stop(self): """Stop the SCP thread""" def abort(self): """Abort any associations""" for assoc in assoc.abort() def release(self): """Release any associations""" for assoc in assoc.release() def on_c_echo(self): """Callback for ae.on_c_echo""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.") def on_c_store(self, ds): """Callback for ae.on_c_store""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.") def on_c_find(self, ds): """Callback for ae.on_c_find""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.") def on_c_cancel_find(self): """Callback for ae.on_c_cancel_find""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.") def on_c_get(self, ds): """Callback for ae.on_c_get""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.") def on_c_cancel_get(self): """Callback for ae.on_c_cancel_get""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.") def on_c_move(self, ds, move_aet): """Callback for ae.on_c_move""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.") def on_c_cancel_move(self): """Callback for ae.on_c_cancel_move""" raise RuntimeError("You should not have been able to get here.")
def test_init(self): """Test Status initialisation.""" status = Status('Success', 'A test status', range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 2)) self.assertEqual(status.status_type, 'Success') self.assertEqual(status.description, 'A test status') self.assertEqual(status.code_range, range(0x0000, 0x0000 + 2))
def test_is_valid_status(self): """Test that is_valid_status returns correct values""" sop = StorageServiceClass() status = Status('Test', 'A test status', range(0x0101, 0x0101 + 1)) self.assertFalse(sop.is_valid_status(status)) self.assertTrue(sop.is_valid_status(sop.Success))