Exemple #1
 def test_specificity(self):
     html = """<div class="foo"></div>"""
     css1 = """div,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j { color: red; }"""
     css2 = """.foo { color: blue; }"""
     expected = u"""<div class="foo" style="color: blue"></div>"""
     output = pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(html).with_cssString(
     self.assertEqual(output, expected)
Exemple #2
    def render(self, context):
        contents = self.nodes.render(context)
        css = ''
        path = self.arg.resolve(context, True)
        if path is not None:
            css = get_template(path).render()

        p = pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(contents)
        return p.run()
Exemple #3
def render_html_email(name, context):
    import pynliner

    subject = loader.render_to_string('%s.subj.txt' % name, context).strip()
    text_body = loader.render_to_string('%s.body.txt' % name, context)
    html_body = loader.render_to_string('%s.body.html' % name, context)

    css_body = loader.render_to_string(['%s.css' % name, 'shop/notification/email/base.css'])

    # convert to inline-css
    html_body = pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(html_body).with_cssString(css_body).run()

    return subject, text_body, html_body
Exemple #4
 def test_identical_element(self):
     css = """
     .text-right {
         text-align: right;
     .box {
         border: 1px solid #000;
     html = """<div class="box"><p>Hello World</p><p class="text-right">Hello World on right</p><p class="text-right">Hello World on right</p></div>"""
     expected = """<div class="box" style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid #000"><p>Hello World</p><p class="text-right" style="text-align: right">Hello World on right</p><p class="text-right" style="text-align: right">Hello World on right</p></div>"""
     output = pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(html).with_cssString(
     self.assertEqual(expected, output)
Exemple #5
def test():

    with open('style.css') as f:

        css = f.read()


    syntax_hl = """

    <div class="input_area">

        <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3">


                <span class="kn">Hello world</span>





    html = syntax_hl


    inliner = pynliner.Pynliner()

    inliner = inliner.from_string(html).with_cssString(css)

    html = inliner.run()

    html = re.sub(r'<style.*?</style>', '', html, re.I|re.S|re.M)

    if '</style>' in html:

        pos = html.find('</style>')

        html = html[pos+8:]

Exemple #6
    def render(self, fileto, pretty=False, quoted_printable=True, **args):

        if self.template is None:
        output = self.template.render(**self.args)
        self.pyl = pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(output)

        # transform template (forced inline CSS)
        output, text = self._transpile_css(pretty=pretty)

        with open(fileto + '.html', 'w') as fh:

        # ordered set from dict keys
        uniquelines = dict.fromkeys(text.split('\n'))
        with open(fileto + '.txt', 'w') as fh:
Exemple #7
def _apply_styling(html):
    Inline all styles defined and used into the individual HTML tags.
    return pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(html).with_cssString(
Exemple #8
 def assert_pynlined(self, html, css, expected):
     actual = pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(html).with_cssString(
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Exemple #9
def nb2wp(nbfile, out_dir='', template='full', css_files=['style.css'], 

          save_img=True, img_dir='img', img_url_prefix='img', 

          latex='wp', remove_attrs=True, footer=True,

          save_css=False, save_html=False, quiet=False):


    Convert Jupyter notebook file to Wordpress.com HTML.



    nbfile:     The Jupyter notebook file

    out_dir:    Specify output directory. If empty,  a directory  with the same

                name as the notebook file will be created.

    template:   (Optional) nbconvert template file. The default is "full".  You

                may specify standard nbconvert template names such as "full" or

                "basic", or the path of custom nbconvert .TPL file.

    css_files:  Specify list of CSS files  to use.  The files will be  appended

                after one another. Default is  ['style.css'].  If not specified, 

                the CSS provided by nbconvert will be used.

    save_img:   Save  inline images  to  external  image files.  Default:  True.

                Setting this  to False  will cause failure in loading the image

                because Wordpress.com disallows "data:" URI.

    img_dir:    The local directory to save images. The path may be relative or

                absolute. If relative, the directory will be under out_dir. 

                Default: "img". 

    img_url_prefix: The  root/parent directory of the images as seen from HTTP.

    latex:      Specify how to convert  Latex directives.  Default is "wp".  If

                empty,  no Latex conversion  will be performed  (the directives

                will be left unchanged).

    remove_attrs: Remove various HTML attributes such as "class", "id" from the

                output HTML file to simplify the file. Default: True

    footer:     Add conversion footer. Default: True

    save_css:   Save  the CSS  that is used to 'style.css' file in out_dir, for

                debugging. Default: False

    save_html:  Save  the HTML  before it is  processed to 'input.html' file in

                out_dir, for debugging. Default: False

    quiet:      No output to stdout if true. Default: False


    t0 = time.time()

    file = os.path.basename(nbfile)

    filename = os.path.splitext(file)[0]

    if not out_dir:

        out_dir = filename


    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):



    if img_url_prefix[-1] == '/':

        img_url_prefix = img_url_prefix[:-1]


    def debug(msg):

        if not quiet: print(msg)


    with open(nbfile, 'r') as f:

        notebook = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    html_exporter = nbconvert.HTMLExporter()

    if template:

        html_exporter.template_file = template

    debug('Using template: {}'.format(html_exporter.template_file))

    (html, res) = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)


    # Preprocess CSS and HTML


    if css_files:

        debug('Using CSS files {}'.format(css_files))

        css = ''

        for css_file in css_files:

            with open(css_file, 'r') as f:

                css += f.read()


        if res['inlining'] and res['inlining']['css']:

            css = '\n'.join(res['inlining']['css']) + '\n'


            debug('Warning: no CSS is generated by nbconvert')

            css = ''

    # Replace/remove string patterns in CSS

    patterns = [# comments may contain HTML tags that confuses our regex.

                (r'/\*.*?\*/', '', re.I|re.S|re.M), 


                # cssutils not able to handle '(' in CSS selector

                # But alas.. this regex removal is broken

                #(r'[_0-9a-zA-Z-#.:*]+\(.*?}', '', re.I|re.S|re.M), 


                # cssutils not able to handle ~ in CSS selector

                # But alas.. this regex removal is broken

                #(r'[_0-9a-zA-Z-#.:*]+\s*~', '', re.I|re.S|re.M), 


    for str_pat, repl, flag in patterns:

        pat = re.compile(str_pat, flag)

        css = pat.sub(repl, css)


    if save_css:

        out_css_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'style.css')

        debug('Saving CSS to {}'.format(out_css_file))

        with open(out_css_file, 'w') as f:


    patterns = [# silly character after headings

                (r'&#182;', '', re.I|re.S|re.M), 


                # link to local file custom.css, which pynliner couldn't handle

                (r'<link rel="stylesheet" .*?>', '', re.I|re.S|re.M),


                # remove the whole <head> as it contains duplicate CSS with full template

                (r'<head.*</head>', '', re.I|re.S|re.M) 


    for str_pat, repl, flag in patterns:

        pat = re.compile(str_pat, flag)

        html = pat.sub(repl, html)


    if save_html:

        out_html_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'input.html')

        debug('Saving tmp HTML to {}'.format(out_html_file))

        with open(out_html_file, 'w') as f:



    # CSS inlining


    inliner = pynliner.Pynliner()

    if css:

        inliner = inliner.from_string(html).with_cssString(css)


        inliner = inliner.from_string(html)

    html = inliner.run()



    # Process images


    if save_img:

        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

        images = soup.find_all('img')

        img_parent_path = os.path.join(out_dir, img_dir)

        if images and not os.path.exists(img_parent_path):



        for img_i, img in enumerate(images):

            src = img['src']

            if 'data:' in src.lower():

                # data: URI

                img_type = re.search(r'data:image/([a-z0-9]+)', src, re.I).group(1)

                img_encoding = re.search(r'data:image/[a-z]+;([a-z0-9]+)', src, re.I).group(1)

                data = re.search(r'data:image/[a-z0-9]+;[a-z0-9]+,(.*)', src, re.I).group(1)


                img_file = 'img{}.{}'.format(img_i, img_type)

                img_path = os.path.join(img_parent_path, img_file)


                with open(img_path, 'wb') as f:

                    if img_encoding == 'base64':



                        raise RuntimeError('Unsupporte image encoding "{}"'.format(img_encoding))


                img['src'] = img_url_prefix + '/' + img_file

            elif 'http:' not in src.lower() and 'https:' not in src.lower():

                # Local file

                img_filename = os.path.basename(src)

                img_ext = os.path.splitext(img_filename)[1]

                img_file = 'img{}{}'.format(img_i, img_ext)

                img_path = os.path.join(img_parent_path, img_file)

                copyfile(src, img_path)

                img['src'] = img_url_prefix + '/' + img_file

        html = str(soup)


    # clean up the HTML


    patterns = [# Remove inline <style> still in the HTML (in the body)

                (r'<style.*?</style>', '', re.I|re.S|re.M),



    for str_pat, repl, flag in patterns:

        pat = re.compile(str_pat, flag)

        html = pat.sub(repl, html)



    # Remove classes and ids


    if remove_attrs:

        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

        elements = soup.find_all()

        for el in elements:

            del el['class']

            del el['id']

        html = str(soup)



    # Process latex last (otherwise '&' will be escaped)


    if latex == "wp":

        # Stage 1: replace "$ formula $" into "@beginlatex@ formula @endlatex1@",

        #             and  "$$ formula $$" into "@beginlatex@ formula @endlatex2@"

        pat = re.compile(r'(\${1,2})((?:\\.|[\s\S])*?)\1')

        while True:

            m = pat.search(html)

            if m is None:



            formula = m.group(2)

            html = html[:m.start()] + '@beginlatex@' + formula + \

                  ('@endlatex2@' if m.group(1)=='$$' else '@endlatex1@') + \



        # Stage 2: replace '@beginlatex@' and '@endlatex@@'

        html = html.replace('@beginlatex@', '$latex ') \

                   .replace('@endlatex1@', ' &bg=ffffff&s=2 $') \

                   .replace('@endlatex2@', ' &bg=ffffff&s=4 $')
Exemple #10
 def render(self):
     inliner = pynliner.Pynliner().from_string(self.html)
     inliner = inliner.with_cssString(self.css)
     return inliner.run()