Exemple #1
 def test_releases(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x V y)", str(x_.releases(y_)))
Exemple #2
 def test_magicmethod_or(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x | y)", str(x_ | y_))
Exemple #3
 def test_triggered(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x T y)", str(x_.triggered(y_)))
Exemple #4
 def test_iff(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x <-> y)", str(x_.iff(y_)))
Exemple #5
 def test_depth(self):
     # raw symbol has no depth
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     # propositional connectives do not increase the depth
     self.assertEqual(0, (x_ & y_).depth)
     self.assertEqual(0, (x_ | y_).depth)
     self.assertEqual(0, (- x_).depth)
     self.assertEqual(0, (x_.implies(y_)).to_negation_normal_form().depth)
     self.assertEqual(0, (x_.iff(y_)).to_negation_normal_form().depth)
     # temporal operators do increase the depth
     self.assertEqual(42, x_.next_times(42).depth) # 42 times X ( .. X(x))
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.opnext().depth)       # X x
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.opprec().depth)       # Y x
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.opnotprecnot().depth) # Z x
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.globally().depth)     # G x
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.historically().depth) # H x
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.eventually().depth)   # F x
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.once().depth)         # O x
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.until(y_).depth)      # x U y
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.since(y_).depth)      # x S y
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.releases(y_).depth)   # x V y
     self.assertEqual( 1, x_.triggered(y_).depth)  # x T y
Exemple #6
 def test_and_(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x & y)", str(x_.and_(y_)))
 def test_until_with_loop(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("(a U b)")
         # bound 1
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 1
         loop    = 0
         # remember: the NuSMV std apis incorporate the loop condition !
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_single_loop(fsm, formula, bound, loop)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_with_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, loop, offset) \
                 & bmcutils.loop_condition(self.enc, bound, loop)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # ---- other offset ----             
         #  bound 2
         offset  = 1
         bound   = 2
         loop    = 0
         car     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         cdr     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         # because of the way the loop condition is encoded !
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, offset) | (self.enc.shift_to_time(car, offset) \
                     & self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, offset+1))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_with_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, loop, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # because loop < i, the condition must be the same as before
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_with_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 1, bound, loop, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
 def test_constraint_context_sigma(self):
     fsm   = master_be_fsm()
     _true = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("TRUE"))
     _true = bmcutils.make_nnf_boolean_wff(_true)
     _truen= _true.to_node()
     cond  = Wff(parse_ltl_spec("G !(mouse = hover)"))\
     off_1 = 0
     off_2 = 2
     length= 1
     # sigma1
     problem = diagnosability.generate_sat_problem([], (_truen, _truen), length, _true, cond.to_node(), _truen)
     tm_cond = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, cond.to_node(), length, off_1)
     canonical_p = tests.canonical_cnf(problem)
     canonical_f = tests.canonical_cnf(tm_cond)
     self.assertTrue(all(clause in canonical_p for clause in canonical_f))
     # sigma2
     problem = diagnosability.generate_sat_problem([], (_truen, _truen), length, _true, _truen, cond.to_node())
     tm_cond = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, cond.to_node(), length, off_2)
     canonical_p = tests.canonical_cnf(problem)
     canonical_f = tests.canonical_cnf(tm_cond)
     self.assertTrue(all(clause in canonical_p for clause in canonical_f))
Exemple #9
 def test_since(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x S y)", str(x_.since(y_)))
Exemple #10
 def test_until(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x U y)", str(x_.until(y_)))
 def test_constraint_context_theta(self):
     enc   = master_be_fsm().encoding
     cond  = Wff(parse_simple_expression("mouse = down")).to_boolean_wff()
     theta = diagnosability.constraint_context_theta_initial(cond, 0, 1)
     manual= enc.shift_to_time(cond.to_be(enc), 0) \
           & enc.shift_to_time(cond.to_be(enc), 1) \
     self.assertEqual(theta, manual)
    def test_constraint_context_theta(self):
        enc = master_be_fsm().encoding
        cond = Wff(parse_simple_expression("mouse = down")).to_boolean_wff()

        theta = diagnosability.constraint_context_theta_initial(cond, 0, 1)
        manual= enc.shift_to_time(cond.to_be(enc), 0) \
              & enc.shift_to_time(cond.to_be(enc), 1) \

        self.assertEqual(theta, manual)
Exemple #13
 def test_to_negation_normal_form(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     y   = self.enc.by_name["y"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     y_  = Wff.decorate(y.name)
     self.assertEqual("(x -> y)", str(x_.implies(y_)))
     self.assertEqual("(!x | y)", str(x_.implies(y_).to_negation_normal_form()))
     self.assertEqual("(x <-> y)", str(x_.iff(y_)))
     self.assertEqual("((!x | y) & (x | !y))", str(x_.iff(y_).to_negation_normal_form()))
Exemple #14
 def test_decorate(self):
     for prop in glob.prop_database():
         # can decorate a property
         dec = Wff.decorate(prop.exprcore)
         self.assertEqual(str(dec), str(prop.exprcore))
         # can decorate a plain node
         x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
         _x  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
         self.assertEqual("x", str(_x))
         # combination possible between plain nodes and specs
         self.assertEqual(str(dec | _x), '('+str(prop.exprcore)+" | x)")
 def test_next_no_loop(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("X (a <-> !b)")
         #  bound 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 0)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 0, 0)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 1)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 1, 0)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # ---- other offset ----
         #  bound 0
         offset  = 1
         ref_expr= Be.false(fsm.encoding.manager)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 0, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         #  bound 1
         offset  = 1
         ref_expr= Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= fsm.encoding.shift_to_time(ref_expr, offset+1)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 1, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
Exemple #16
    def test_bounded_semantics_with_loop_optimized_depth1(self):
        spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("G ( y <= 7 )"))  # depth == 1

        # it must raise exception when the bound is not feasible
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                self.fsm, spec, -1)

        # should yield the same result (w/ opt) as regular all loops when depth is one
        optimized = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops_optimisation_depth1(
            self.fsm, spec, 5)
        regular = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm,
        self.assertEqual(regular, optimized)

        # but not when the optim is turned off on 'all loops'
        regular = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm,
        self.assertNotEqual(regular, optimized)

        # and it should only be applied when the depth is equal to one
        spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("F G ( y <= 7 )"))  # depth == 2
        self.assertEqual(2, Wff.decorate(spec).depth)
        optimized = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops_optimisation_depth1(
            self.fsm, spec, 5)
        regular = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm,
        self.assertNotEqual(regular, optimized)
Exemple #17
def make_nnf_boolean_wff(prop_node):
    Decorates the property identified by `prop_node` to become a boolean WFF,
    and converts the resulting formula to negation normal form. (negation sign 
    on literals only).    
    return Wff.decorate(prop_node).\
 def nnf(self, text):
     Utility function to convert text into an equivalent Node form in NNF
     :return: an NNF node version of the text
     return Wff(parse_ltl_spec(text)).to_boolean_wff()\
 def test_until(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("(a U !b)")
         # bound 0
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 1
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # ---- other offset ----             
         #  bound 0
         offset  = 2
         bound   = 0
         cdr     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, 0+offset)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         #  bound 1
         offset  = 2
         bound   = 1
         car     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         cdr     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, 0+offset) \
                 | (self.enc.shift_to_time(car, 0+offset) & self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, 1+offset))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
 def test_releases_no_loop(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("(a V b)")
         #  bound 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 0)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 0, 0)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 1)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 1, 0)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 2 -- verification must be done by hand because the different 
         #           cnf literals mess the comparison
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 2)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 2, 0)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # ---- other offset ----
         #  bound 0
         offset  = 1
         bound   = 0
         left    = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         right   = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(right, offset) & self.enc.shift_to_time(left, offset)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         #  bound 1
         offset  = 1
         bound   = 1
         left    = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         right   = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(right, offset) & ( self.enc.shift_to_time(left, offset) \
                   | (self.enc.shift_to_time(right, 1+offset) & self.enc.shift_to_time(left, 1+offset)))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
 def test_until_no_loop(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("(a U b)")
         #  bound 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 0)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 0, 0)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 1)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 1, 0)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 2 -- verification must be done by hand because the different 
         #           cnf literals mess the comparison
         # ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(fsm, formula, 2)
         # expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 2, 0)
         # self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # ---- other offset ----
         #  bound 0
         offset  = 1
         ref_expr= Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= fsm.encoding.shift_to_time(ref_expr, offset)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 0, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         #  bound 1
         offset  = 1
         cdr = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         car = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= fsm.encoding.shift_to_time(cdr, offset)   \
                 | ( fsm.encoding.shift_to_time(car, offset) \
                   & fsm.encoding.shift_to_time(cdr, offset+1))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, 1, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
Exemple #22
 def test_bounded_semantics_with_loop_optimized_depth1(self):
     spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("G ( y <= 7 )")) # depth == 1
     # it must raise exception when the bound is not feasible
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops_optimisation_depth1(self.fsm, spec, -1)
     # should yield the same result (w/ opt) as regular all loops when depth is one   
     optimized = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops_optimisation_depth1(self.fsm, spec, 5)
     regular   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm, spec, bound=5, loop=0)
     self.assertEqual(regular, optimized)
     # but not when the optim is turned off on 'all loops'
     regular   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm, spec, bound=5, loop=0, optimized=False)
     self.assertNotEqual(regular, optimized)
     # and it should only be applied when the depth is equal to one
     spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("F G ( y <= 7 )")) # depth == 2
     self.assertEqual(2, Wff.decorate(spec).depth)
     optimized = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops_optimisation_depth1(self.fsm, spec, 5)
     regular   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm, spec, bound=5, loop=0)
     self.assertNotEqual(regular, optimized)
Exemple #23
    def _booleanize(self):
        Returns a boolean expression (Be) corresponding to this simple
        boolean expression (text).

        .. note::
            Albeit feasible, working directly with variables as offered by the
            encoding is a little bit limiting as it de facto rejects any symbol
            which is not a variable. As a consequence, the DEFINES, or
            arithmetic expressions are not usable.

            The use of this function palliates that limitation and makes the
            use of any simple boolean expression possible.

        :return: a be expression (Be) corresponding to `self`
        if not self._booleanized:
            befsm = master_be_fsm()
            node = parse_simple_expression(self.id)
            self._booleanized = Wff(node).to_boolean_wff().to_be(
        return self._booleanized
 def test_next(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("X (a <-> !b)")
         # bound 0
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 1
         # done this way to avoid the depth 1 optimisation
         car     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(car, offset+1) \
                 | (self.enc.shift_to_time(car, offset) & bmcutils.loop_condition(self.enc, bound, 0))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
Exemple #25
    def test_bounded_semantics_without_loop(self):
        # parse the ltl property
        spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("G ( y <= 7 )"))

        # it must raise exception when the bound is not feasible
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(self.fsm, spec, bound=-1)

        # verify that the generated expression corresponds to what is announced
        no_loop = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(self.fsm, spec, 10)

        # globally w/o loop is false (this is just a test)
        self.assertEqual(no_loop, Be.false(self.fsm.encoding.manager))

        # an other more complex generation
        spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("F (y <= 7)"))
        no_loop = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(self.fsm, spec, 10)

        # The generated expression is [[f]]^{0}_{k} so (! L_{k}) is not taken
        # care of. And actually, NuSMV does not generate that part of the
        # formula: it only enforce the loop condition when the semantics with
        # loop is used
        handcrafted = Be.false(self.fsm.encoding.manager)
        y_le_seven = Wff(parse_ltl_spec("y <= 7")).to_boolean_wff().to_be(
        for time_x in reversed(
                range(11)):  # 11 because range 'eats' up the last step
            handcrafted |= self.fsm.encoding.shift_to_time(y_le_seven, time_x)

        #### debuging info #####
        #print("noloop  = {}".format(no_loop.to_cnf()))
        #print("hancraft= {}".format(handcrafted.to_cnf()))
        self.assertEqual(no_loop, handcrafted)
    def test_constraint_context_sigma(self):
        fsm = master_be_fsm()

        _true = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("TRUE"))
        _true = bmcutils.make_nnf_boolean_wff(_true)
        _truen = _true.to_node()

        cond  = Wff(parse_ltl_spec("G !(mouse = hover)"))\
        off_1 = 0
        off_2 = 2
        length = 1

        # sigma1
        problem = diagnosability.generate_sat_problem([], (_truen, _truen),
                                                      length, _true,
                                                      cond.to_node(), _truen)
        tm_cond = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, cond.to_node(),
                                                      length, off_1)

        canonical_p = tests.canonical_cnf(problem)
        canonical_f = tests.canonical_cnf(tm_cond)

        self.assertTrue(all(clause in canonical_p for clause in canonical_f))

        # sigma2
        problem = diagnosability.generate_sat_problem([], (_truen, _truen),
                                                      length, _true, _truen,
        tm_cond = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, cond.to_node(),
                                                      length, off_2)

        canonical_p = tests.canonical_cnf(problem)
        canonical_f = tests.canonical_cnf(tm_cond)

        self.assertTrue(all(clause in canonical_p for clause in canonical_f))
Exemple #27
 def test_once(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual(" O x", str(x_.once()))
Exemple #28
 def test_eventually(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual(" F x", str(x_.eventually()))
Exemple #29
 def test_to_node(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual(x.name, x_.to_node())
Exemple #30
 def test_to_boolean_wff(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name).to_boolean_wff(glob.bdd_encoding())
     # TODO: find something better to validate this
Exemple #31
 def test_globally(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual(" G x", str(x_.globally()))
Exemple #32
 def test_historically(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual(" H x", str(x_.historically()))
Exemple #33
 def test_next_times(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual("x", str(x_.next_times(0)))
     self.assertEqual(" X x", str(x_.next_times(1)))
     self.assertEqual(" X ( X ( X x))", str(x_.next_times(3)))
Exemple #34
 def test_false(self):
     self.assertEqual("FALSE", str(Wff.false()))
     self.assertEqual(0, Wff.false().depth)
Exemple #35
 def test_true(self):
     self.assertEqual("TRUE", str(Wff.true()))
     self.assertEqual(0, Wff.true().depth)
Exemple #36
 def test_magicmethod_invert(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual("!x", str(~x_))
Exemple #37
 def test_opnotprecnot(self):
     x   = self.enc.by_name["x"]
     x_  = Wff.decorate(x.name)
     self.assertEqual(" Z x", str(x_.opnotprecnot()))