Exemple #1
 def _warn_for_active_disjunct(self, innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct, infodict,
                               var_substitute_map, zero_substitute_map):
     assert innerdisjunct.active
     problemdisj = innerdisjunct
     if innerdisjunct.is_indexed():
         for i in sorted(iterkeys(innerdisjunct)):
             if innerdisjunct[i].active:
                 # This is shouldn't be true, we will complain about it.
                 problemdisj = innerdisjunct[i]
         # None of the _DisjunctDatas were actually active, so we
         # are fine and we can deactivate the container.
             # HACK: See above about _deactivate_without_fixing_indicator
     raise GDP_Error(
         "Found active disjunct {0} in disjunct {1}! Either {0} "
         "is not in a disjunction or the disjunction it is in "
         "has not been transformed. {0} needs to be deactivated "
         "or its disjunction transformed before {1} can be "
         "transformed.".format(problemdisj.name, outerdisjunct.name))
Exemple #2
 def _warn_for_active_disjunct(
         self, innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct, infodict, var_substitute_map,
     assert innerdisjunct.active
     problemdisj = innerdisjunct
     if innerdisjunct.is_indexed():
         for i in sorted(iterkeys(innerdisjunct)):
             if innerdisjunct[i].active:
                 # This is shouldn't be true, we will complain about it.
                 problemdisj = innerdisjunct[i]
         # None of the _DisjunctDatas were actually active, so we
         # are fine and we can deactivate the container.
             # HACK: See above about _deactivate_without_fixing_indicator
     raise GDP_Error("Found active disjunct {0} in disjunct {1}! Either {0} "
                     "is not in a disjunction or the disjunction it is in "
                     "has not been transformed. {0} needs to be deactivated "
                     "or its disjunction transformed before {1} can be "
Exemple #3
 def deactivate(self):
     """Set the active attribute to False"""
     for component_data in itervalues(self):
         component_data._active = False
Exemple #4
    def _apply_to_impl(self, instance, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # We will let args override suffixes and estimate as a last
        # resort. More specific args/suffixes override ones anywhere in
        # the tree. Suffixes lower down in the tree override ones higher
        # up.
        if 'default_bigM' in kwds:
            logger.warn("DEPRECATED: the 'default_bigM=' argument has been "
                        "replaced by 'bigM='")
            config.bigM = kwds.pop('default_bigM')

        bigM = config.bigM

        # make a transformation block to put transformed disjuncts on
        transBlockName = unique_component_name(
        transBlock = Block()
        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
        transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts = Block(Any)
        transBlock.lbub = Set(initialize=['lb', 'ub'])
        # this is a dictionary for keeping track of IndexedDisjuncts
        # and IndexedDisjunctions so that, at the end of the
        # transformation, we can check that the ones with no active
        # DisjstuffDatas are deactivated.
        transBlock.disjContainers = ComponentSet()

        targets = config.targets
        if targets is None:
            targets = (instance, )
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = True
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = False
        for _t in targets:
            t = _t.find_component(instance)
            if t is None:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s is not a component on the instance!" % _t)

            if t.type() is Disjunction:
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformDisjunction(t, transBlock, bigM)
                        t, transBlock, bigM, t.index())
            elif t.type() in (Block, Disjunct):
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformBlock(t, transBlock, bigM)
                    self._transformBlockData(t, transBlock, bigM)
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. "
                    "It was of type %s and can't be transformed."
                    % (t.name, type(t)))
        # Go through our dictionary of indexed things and deactivate
        # the containers that don't have any active guys inside of
        # them. So the invalid component logic will tell us if we
        # missed something getting transformed.
        for obj in transBlock.disjContainers:
            if not obj.active:
            for i in obj:
                if obj[i].active:
                # HACK due to active flag implementation.
                # Ideally we would not have to do any of this (an
                # ActiveIndexedComponent would get its active status by
                # querring the active status of all the contained Data
                # objects).  As a fallback, we would like to call:
                #    obj._deactivate_without_fixing_indicator()
                # However, the sreaightforward implementation of that
                # method would have unintended side effects (fixing the
                # contained _DisjunctData's indicator_vars!) due to our
                # class hierarchy.  Instead, we will directly call the
                # relevant base class (safe-ish since we are verifying
                # that all the contained _DisjunctionData are
                # deactivated directly above).

        # HACK for backwards compatibility with the older GDP transformations
        # Until the writers are updated to find variables on things
        # other than active blocks, we need to reclassify the Disjuncts
        # as Blocks after transformation so that the writer will pick up
        # all the variables that it needs (in this case, indicator_vars).
        if _HACK_transform_whole_instance:
Exemple #5
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        self._config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # make a transformation block
        transBlockName = unique_component_name(instance,
        transBlock = Block()
        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
        transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts = Block(Any)
        transBlock.lbub = Set(initialize=['lb', 'ub', 'eq'])
        transBlock.disjContainers = ComponentSet()

        targets = self._config.targets
        if targets is None:
            targets = (instance, )
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = True
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = False
        for _t in targets:
            t = _t.find_component(instance)
            if t is None:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s is not a component on the instance!" % _t)

            if t.type() is Disjunction:
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformDisjunction(t, transBlock)
                    self._transformDisjunctionData(t, transBlock, t.index())
            elif t.type() in (Block, Disjunct):
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformBlock(t, transBlock)
                    self._transformBlockData(t, transBlock)
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. "
                    "It was of type %s and can't be transformed" %
                    (t.name, type(t)))

        # Go through our dictionary of indexed things and deactivate
        # the containers that don't have any active guys inside of
        # them. So the invalid component logic will tell us if we
        # missed something getting transformed.
        for obj in transBlock.disjContainers:
            if not obj.active:
            for i in obj:
                if obj[i].active:
                # HACK due to active flag implementation.
                # Ideally we would not have to do any of this (an
                # ActiveIndexedComponent would get its active status by
                # querring the active status of all the contained Data
                # objects).  As a fallback, we would like to call:
                #    obj._deactivate_without_fixing_indicator()
                # However, the sreaightforward implementation of that
                # method would have unintended side effects (fixing the
                # contained _DisjunctData's indicator_vars!) due to our
                # class hierarchy.  Instead, we will directly call the
                # relevant base class (safe-ish since we are verifying
                # that all the contained _DisjunctionData are
                # deactivated directly above).

        # HACK for backwards compatibility with the older GDP transformations
        # Until the writers are updated to find variables on things
        # other than active blocks, we need to reclassify the Disjuncts
        # as Blocks after transformation so that the writer will pick up
        # all the variables that it needs (in this case, indicator_vars).
        if _HACK_transform_whole_instance:
Exemple #6
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # We will let args override suffixes and estimate as a last
        # resort. More specific args/suffixes override ones anywhere in
        # the tree. Suffixes lower down in the tree override ones higher
        # up.
        if 'default_bigM' in kwds:
            logger.warn("DEPRECATED: the 'default_bigM=' argument has been "
                        "replaced by 'bigM='")
            config.bigM = kwds.pop('default_bigM')

        bigM = config.bigM

        # make a transformation block to put transformed disjuncts on
        transBlockName = unique_component_name(
        transBlock = Block()
        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
        transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts = Block(Any)
        transBlock.lbub = Set(initialize=['lb', 'ub'])
        # this is a dictionary for keeping track of IndexedDisjuncts
        # and IndexedDisjunctions so that, at the end of the
        # transformation, we can check that the ones with no active
        # DisjstuffDatas are deactivated.
        transBlock.disjContainers = ComponentSet()

        targets = config.targets
        if targets is None:
            targets = (instance, )
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = True
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = False
        for _t in targets:
            t = _t.find_component(instance)
            if t is None:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s is not a component on the instance!" % _t)

            if t.type() is Disjunction:
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformDisjunction(t, transBlock, bigM)
                        t, transBlock, bigM, t.index())
            elif t.type() in (Block, Disjunct):
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformBlock(t, transBlock, bigM)
                    self._transformBlockData(t, transBlock, bigM)
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. "
                    "It was of type %s and can't be transformed."
                    % (t.name, type(t)))
        # Go through our dictionary of indexed things and deactivate
        # the containers that don't have any active guys inside of
        # them. So the invalid component logic will tell us if we
        # missed something getting transformed.
        for obj in transBlock.disjContainers:
            if not obj.active:
            for i in obj:
                if obj[i].active:
                # HACK due to active flag implementation.
                # Ideally we would not have to do any of this (an
                # ActiveIndexedComponent would get its active status by
                # querring the active status of all the contained Data
                # objects).  As a fallback, we would like to call:
                #    obj._deactivate_without_fixing_indicator()
                # However, the sreaightforward implementation of that
                # method would have unintended side effects (fixing the
                # contained _DisjunctData's indicator_vars!) due to our
                # class hierarchy.  Instead, we will directly call the
                # relevant base class (safe-ish since we are verifying
                # that all the contained _DisjunctionData are
                # deactivated directly above).

        # HACK for backwards compatibility with the older GDP transformations
        # Until the writers are updated to find variables on things
        # other than active blocks, we need to reclassify the Disjuncts
        # as Blocks after transformation so that the writer will pick up
        # all the variables that it needs (in this case, indicator_vars).
        if _HACK_transform_whole_instance:
 def deactivate(self):
     """Set the active attribute to False"""
     for component_data in itervalues(self):
         component_data._active = False