Exemple #1
def _setup_concave(b, nsegs, indx):
    if not hasattr(b, 'sets'):
        if indx is None:
            b.sets = Set()
            b.sets = Set(dimen=len(indx))
    if not hasattr(b, 'underest'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.underest = Constraint(b.sets)
            b.underest = Constraint()
    if not hasattr(b, 'segs'):
        b.segs = RangeSet(nsegs)
        b.segs_m1 = RangeSet(nsegs - 1, within=b.segs)
        if nsegs != len(b.segs):
            raise ValueError(
                'We do not currently support different segment counts within the same set of McCormick relaxations.'
    if not hasattr(b, 'x_defn'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.x_defn = Constraint(b.sets, ['lb', 'ub'])
            b.x_defn = Constraint(['lb', 'ub'])
    if not hasattr(b, 'delta'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.delta = Var(b.sets,
            b.delta = Var(b.segs, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0)
    if not hasattr(b, 'delta_defn'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.delta_defn = Constraint(b.sets, b.segs, ['lb', 'ub'])
            b.delta_defn = Constraint(b.segs, ['lb', 'ub'])
    if not hasattr(b, 'omega'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.omega = Var(b.sets, b.segs_m1, domain=Binary)
            b.omega = Var(b.segs_m1, domain=Binary)
    if not hasattr(b, 'omega_exist'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.omega_exist = Constraint(b.sets)
            b.omega_exist = Constraint()
    if not hasattr(b, 'w'):
        # define bilinear w = y * x
        if indx is not None:
            b.w = Var(b.sets, domain=NonNegativeReals)
            b.w = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
    if not hasattr(b, 'overest'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.overest = Constraint(b.sets, ['lb', 'ub'])
            b.overest = Constraint(['lb', 'ub'])
    if not hasattr(b, 'w_defn'):
        if indx is not None:
            b.w_defn = Constraint(b.sets, ['lb1', 'ub1', 'lb2', 'ub2'])
            b.w_defn = Constraint(['lb1', 'ub1', 'lb2', 'ub2'])
Exemple #2
def Model_Creation(model):
    This function creates the instance for the resolution of the optimization in Pyomo.
    :param model: Pyomo model as defined in the Micro-Grids library.

    # Time parameters
    model.Periods = Param(
    )  # Number of periods of analysis of the energy variables
    model.Years = Param()  # Number of years of the project
    model.StartDate = Param()  # Start date of the analisis
    model.PlotTime = Param()  # Quantity of days that are going to be plot
    model.PlotDay = Param()  # Start day for the plot
    model.PlotScenario = Param()
    model.Scenarios = Param()

    # Classes Parameters
    model.Classes = Param(
    )  #Creation of a set from 1 to the number of classes of the thermal part

    model.periods = RangeSet(
        1, model.Periods
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of periods in each year
    model.years = RangeSet(
        1, model.Years
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of years of the project
    model.scenario = RangeSet(
        1, model.Scenarios
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the numbero scenarios to analized
    model.classes = RangeSet(
        1, model.Classes
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of classes of the thermal part


    # Parameters of the PV
    model.PV_Nominal_Capacity = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Nominal capacity of the PV in W/unit
    model.Inverter_Efficiency = Param()  # Efficiency of the inverter in %
    model.PV_invesment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of solar panel in USD/W
    model.PV_Energy_Production = Param(
    )  # Energy produccion of a solar panel in W

    # Parameters of the SC (Solare Collectors)
    model.SC_Nominal_Capacity = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  #Nominal capacity of the Solar Collectors
    model.SC_investment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of SC pannel in USD/W
    model.SC_Energy_Production = Param(model.scenario,

    # Parameters of the battery bank
    model.Charge_Battery_Efficiency = Param(
    )  # Efficiency of the charge of the battery in  %
    model.Discharge_Battery_Efficiency = Param(
    )  # Efficiency of the discharge of the battery in %
    model.Deep_of_Discharge = Param(
    )  # Deep of discharge of the battery (Deep_of_Discharge) in %
    model.Maximun_Battery_Charge_Time = Param(
    )  # Minimun time of charge of the battery in hours
    model.Maximun_Battery_Discharge_Time = Param(
    )  # Maximun time of discharge of the battery  in hours
    model.Battery_Reposition_Time = Param(
    )  # Period of repocition of the battery in years
    model.Battery_Invesment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of battery

    # Parameters of the TANK storage
    model.Tank_Efficiency = Param()  # Efficiency of the tank %
    model.Tank_Invesment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of unit Tank USD/W
    model.Deep_of_Tank_Discharge = Param()
    model.Maximun_Tank_Discharge_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    # Parametes of the diesel generator
    model.Generator_Efficiency = Param(
    )  # Generator efficiency to trasform heat into electricity %
    model.Low_Heating_Value = Param()  # Low heating value of the diesel in W/L
    model.Diesel_Unitary_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of diesel in USD/L
    model.Generator_Invesment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of the diesel generator

    # Parameters of the Boiler
    model.Boiler_Efficiency = Param()  # Boiler efficiency %
    model.Low_Heating_Value_NG = Param(
    )  # Low heating value of the natural gas in W/L
    model.NG_Unitary_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of natural gas in USD/L
    model.Boiler_Invesment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of the NG Boiler

    # Parameters of the Electric Resistance
    model.Electric_Resistance_Efficiency = Param(
    )  # Electric Resistance efficiency %
    model.Resistance_Invesment_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)

    # Parameters of the Energy balance
    model.Energy_Demand = Param(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        initialize=Initialize_Demand)  # Energy Energy_Demand in W
    model.Lost_Load_Probability = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Lost load probability in %
    model.Value_Of_Lost_Load = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Value of lost load in USD/W
    model.Thermal_Energy_Demand = Param(
        initialize=Initialize_Thermal_Demand)  # Thermal Energy Demand in W

    # Parameters of the proyect
    model.Delta_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)  # Time step in hours
    model.Porcentage_Funded = Param(
    )  # Porcentaje of the total investment that is Porcentage_Porcentage_Funded by a bank or another entity in %
    model.Project_Years = Param(
        model.years, initialize=Initialize_years)  # Years of the project
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_PV = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Battery = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Generator = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.Discount_Rate = Param()  # Discount rate of the project in %
    model.Interest_Rate_Loan = Param()  # Interest rate of the loan in %
    model.Scenario_Weight = Param(model.scenario,
                                  within=NonNegativeReals)  #########
    model.Users_Number_Class = Param(
        model.classes, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # This parameter defines the number of users for each class
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_SC = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar collectors in each period in %
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Boiler = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of boiler in each period in %
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Tank = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of tank in each period in %
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Resistance = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of resistance in each period in %


    # Variables associated to the solar panels
    model.PV_Units = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Number of units of solar panels
    model.Total_Energy_PV = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy generated for the Pv sistem in Wh
    model.SC_Units = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Number of units of solar collector
    model.Total_Energy_SC = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy generated by solar collectors

    # Variables associated to the battery bank
    model.Battery_Nominal_Capacity = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Capacity of the battery bank in Wh
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_Out = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Battery discharge energy in wh
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_In = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Battery charge energy in wh
    model.State_Of_Charge_Battery = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # State of Charge of the Battery in wh
    model.Maximun_Charge_Power = Var()  # Maximun charge power in w
    model.Maximun_Discharge_Power = Var()  #Maximun discharge power in w

    # Variables associated to the storage TANK
    model.Tank_Nominal_Capacity = Var(
        model.classes, within=NonNegativeReals)  # Capacity of the tank in Wh
    model.Energy_Tank_Flow_Out = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Tank unit discharge energy in Wh
    model.SOC_Tank = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # State of Charge of the Tank in wh
    model.Maximun_Tank_Discharge_Power = Var(model.classes)

    # Variables associated to the diesel generator
    model.Generator_Nominal_Capacity = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Capacity  of the diesel generator in Wh
    model.Diesel_Consume = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # Diesel consumed to produce electric energy in L
    model.Generator_Energy = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy generated for the Diesel generator
    model.Diesel_Cost_Total = Var(model.scenario, within=NonNegativeReals)

    ## Variables associated to the Boiler
    model.Boiler_Nominal_Capacity = Var(
        model.classes, within=NonNegativeReals)  # Capacity of the boiler in Wh
    model.NG_Consume = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # Natural Gas consumed to produce thermal energy in Kg (considering Liquified Natural Gas)
    model.Boiler_Energy = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy generated by the boiler
    model.NG_Cost_Total = Var(model.scenario, within=NonNegativeReals)

    # Variables associated to the RESISTANCE
    model.Nominal_Power_Resistance = Var(
        model.classes, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # Electric Nominal power of the thermal resistance
    model.Resistance_Thermal_Energy = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # Total Electric power considering all the users in each class
    model.Total_Electrical_Resistance_Demand = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # Total Resistance Energy required by the electrical supply considered in the electric energy balance

    # Varialbles associated to the energy balance
    model.Lost_Load = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy not suply by the system kWh
    model.Lost_Load_Th = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy not suply by the system kWh
    model.Energy_Curtailment = Var(
        model.scenario, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Curtailment of solar energy in kWh
    model.Scenario_Lost_Load_Cost = Var(model.scenario,
                                        within=NonNegativeReals)  ####
    model.Scenario_Lost_Load_Cost_Th = Var(model.scenario,
                                           within=NonNegativeReals)  ####
    model.Thermal_Energy_Curtailment = Var(model.scenario,
    model.Total_Thermal_Energy_Demand = Var(
        model.scenario, model.classes, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # This is the thermal demand considering all the users in that class

    # Variables associated to the financial costs
    model.SC_Financial_Cost = Var(
    )  # Financial cost of SC technology considering all the classes
    model.Tank_Financial_Cost = Var(
    )  # Financial cost of Tank technology considering all the classes (he investment tank costs include the resistance cost)
    model.Boiler_Financial_Cost = Var(
    )  # Financial cost of Boiler technology considering all the classes
    model.Resistance_Financial_Cost = Var(
    )  # Financial cost of Boiler technology considering all the classes

    # Variables associated to the project
    model.Cost_Financial = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Financial cost of each period in USD
    model.Scenario_Net_Present_Cost = Var(model.scenario,
                                          within=NonNegativeReals)  ####
    model.Initial_Inversion = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Operation_Maintenance_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Total_Finalcial_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Battery_Reposition_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
Exemple #3
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and 
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain 
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.environ import ConcreteModel, RangeSet, Param, Var, Reals, Binary, Objective, Constraint, ConstraintList
import math

N = 5
M = 6
P = 3

model = ConcreteModel()

model.Locations = RangeSet(1,N)

model.Customers = RangeSet(1,M)

def d_rule(model, n, m):
    return math.sin(n*2.33333+m*7.99999)
model.d = Param(model.Locations, model.Customers, initialize=d_rule, within=Reals)

model.x = Var(model.Locations, model.Customers, bounds=(0.0,1.0))

model.y = Var(model.Locations, within=Binary)

def rule(model):
    return sum( [model.d[n,m]*model.x[n,m] for n in model.Locations for m in model.Customers] )
model.obj = Objective(rule=rule)
Exemple #4
    def test_nonnegativity_transformation_2(self):
        self.model.S = RangeSet(0, 10)
        self.model.T = Set(initialize=["foo", "bar"])

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit bounds
        self.model.x1 = Var(bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.y1 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.z1 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=(-3, 3))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined bounds
        def boundsRule(*args):
            return (-4, 4)

        self.model.x2 = Var(bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.y2 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.z2 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=boundsRule)

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit domains
        self.model.x3 = Var(domain=NegativeReals)
        self.model.y3 = Var(self.model.S, domain=NegativeIntegers)
        self.model.z3 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, domain=Reals)

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined domains
        def domainRule(*args):
            if len(args) == 1 or args[0] == 0:
                return NonNegativeReals
            elif args[0] == 1:
                return NonNegativeIntegers
            elif args[0] == 2:
                return NonPositiveReals
            elif args[0] == 3:
                return NonPositiveIntegers
            elif args[0] == 4:
                return NegativeReals
            elif args[0] == 5:
                return NegativeIntegers
            elif args[0] == 6:
                return PositiveReals
            elif args[0] == 7:
                return PositiveIntegers
            elif args[0] == 8:
                return Reals
            elif args[0] == 9:
                return Integers
            elif args[0] == 10:
                return Binary
                return NonNegativeReals

        self.model.x4 = Var(domain=domainRule)
        self.model.y4 = Var(self.model.S, domain=domainRule)
        self.model.z4 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, domain=domainRule)

        instance = self.model.create_instance()
        xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.nonnegative_vars')
        transformed = xfrm.create_using(instance)

        # Make sure everything is nonnegative
        for c in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
            for n in ('1', '2', '3', '4'):
                var = transformed.__getattribute__(c + n)
                for ndx in var._index:
Exemple #5
    def test_standard_form_transform_2(self):
        """ Same as #1, but adds constraints """
        self.model.S = RangeSet(0, 10)
        self.model.T = Set(initialize=["foo", "bar"])

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit bounds
        self.model.x1 = Var(bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.y1 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.z1 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=(-3, 3))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined bounds
        def boundsRule(*args):
            return (-4, 4)

        self.model.x2 = Var(bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.y2 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.z2 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=boundsRule)

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit domains
        self.model.x3 = Var(domain=NegativeReals, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.y3 = Var(self.model.S,
                            bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.z3 = Var(self.model.S,
                            bounds=(-10, 10))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined domains
        def domainRule(*args):
            if len(args) == 1:
                arg = 0
                arg = args[1]

            if len(args) == 1 or arg == 0:
                return NonNegativeReals
            elif arg == 1:
                return NonNegativeIntegers
            elif arg == 2:
                return NonPositiveReals
            elif arg == 3:
                return NonPositiveIntegers
            elif arg == 4:
                return NegativeReals
            elif arg == 5:
                return NegativeIntegers
            elif arg == 6:
                return PositiveReals
            elif arg == 7:
                return PositiveIntegers
            elif arg == 8:
                return Reals
            elif arg == 9:
                return Integers
            elif arg == 10:
                return Binary
                return Reals

        self.model.x4 = Var(domain=domainRule, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.y4 = Var(self.model.S, domain=domainRule, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.z4 = Var(self.model.S,
                            bounds=(-10, 10))

        # Add some constraints
        def makeXConRule(var):
            def xConRule(model, var):
                return (-1, var, 1)

        def makeYConRule(var):
            def yConRule(model, var, s):
                return (-1, var[s], 1)

        def makeZConRule(var):
            def zConRule(model, var, s, t):
                return (-1, var[s, t], 1)

        for n in ('1', '2', '3', '4'):
                "x" + n + "_constraint",
                    rule=makeXConRule(self.model.__getattribute__("x" + n))))

                "y" + n + "_constraint",
                    rule=makeYConRule(self.model.__getattribute__("y" + n))))

                "z" + n + "_constraint",
                    rule=makeZConRule(self.model.__getattribute__("z" + n))))

        def objRule(model):
            return sum(5*sum_product(model.__getattribute__(c+n)) \
                       for c in ('x', 'y', 'z') for n in ('1', '2', '3', '4'))

        self.model.obj = Objective(rule=objRule)

        transform = StandardForm()
        instance = self.model.create_instance()
        transformed = transform(instance)

        opt = SolverFactory("glpk")

        instance_sol = opt.solve(instance)
        transformed_sol = opt.solve(transformed)

Exemple #6
def Model_Creation_Dispatch(model):
    This function creates the instance for the resolution of the optimization in Pyomo.
    The problem is solved by discretizing the efficiency curve of the generators and uses binary variables
    :param model: Pyomo model as defined in the Micro-Grids library.
    from pyomo.environ import  Param, RangeSet, NonNegativeReals, Var, NonNegativeIntegers
    from Initialize import Initialize_Demand, \
    Initialize_Demand_Dispatch, Initialize_Renewable_Energy_Dispatch, Marginal_Cost_Generator,\
    Start_Cost, Marginal_Cost_Generator_1, Battery_Reposition_Cost  # Import library with initialitation funtions for the parameters
    # Time parameters
    model.Periods = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Number of periods of analysis of the energy variables 
    model.StartDate = Param() # Start date of the analisis
    model.Generator_Type = Param()
    model.Renewable_Source = Param()
    model.periods = RangeSet(1, model.Periods) # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of periods in each year   
    model.generator_type = RangeSet(1, model.Generator_Type)    
    model.renewable_source = RangeSet(1, model.Renewable_Source)
    # Parameters of the Renewable energy
    model.Renewable_Inverter_Efficiency = Param(model.renewable_source) # Efficiency of the inverter in %
    model.Renewable_Energy_Production = Param(model.renewable_source,
                                              model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals, 
                                              initialize=Initialize_Renewable_Energy_Dispatch) # Energy produccion of a solar panel in W

    # Parameters of the battery bank
    model.Charge_Battery_Efficiency = Param() # Efficiency of the charge of the battery in  %
    model.Discharge_Battery_Efficiency = Param() # Efficiency of the discharge of the battery in %
    model.Deep_of_Discharge = Param() # Deep of discharge of the battery (Deep_of_Discharge) in %
    model.Maximun_Battery_Charge_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Minimun time of charge of the battery in hours
    model.Maximun_Battery_Discharge_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Maximun time of discharge of the battery  in hours                     
    model.Battery_Nominal_Capacity = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Capacity of the battery bank in Wh   
    model.Battery_Initial_SOC = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) 
    model.Battery_Electronic_Invesmente_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Battery_Invesment_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of battery 
    model.Battery_Cycles = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Unitary_Battery_Reposition_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals, 
    # Parametes of the diesel generator
    model.Generator_Efficiency = Param(model.generator_type, within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Generator_Min_Out_Put = Param(model.generator_type, within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Low_Heating_Value = Param(model.generator_type) # Low heating value of the diesel in W/L
    model.Fuel_Cost = Param(model.generator_type, within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of diesel in USD/L
    model.Marginal_Cost_Generator_1 = Param(model.generator_type, initialize=Marginal_Cost_Generator_1)
    model.Cost_Increase = Param(model.generator_type, within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Generator_Nominal_Capacity = Param(model.generator_type, within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Start_Cost_Generator = Param(model.generator_type, within=NonNegativeReals, initialize=Start_Cost)  
    model.Marginal_Cost_Generator = Param(model.generator_type, initialize=Marginal_Cost_Generator)
    # Parameters of the Energy balance                  
    model.Energy_Demand = Param(model.periods, initialize=Initialize_Demand_Dispatch) # Energy Energy_Demand in W 

    model.Value_Of_Lost_Load = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Value of lost load in USD/W
    # Parameters of the proyect
    model.Delta_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Time step in hours
    # Variables associated to the battery bank
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_Out = Var(model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Battery discharge energy in wh
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_In = Var(model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Battery charge energy in wh
    model.State_Of_Charge_Battery = Var(model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # State of Charge of the Battery in wh
    model.Maximun_Charge_Power= Var(within=NonNegativeReals) # Maximun charge power in w
    model.Maximun_Discharge_Power = Var(within=NonNegativeReals) #Maximun discharge power in w

     # Variables associated to the diesel generator

    model.Generator_Energy = Var(model.generator_type, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Generator_Energy_Integer = Var(model.generator_type, model.periods, within=NonNegativeIntegers)
    # Varialbles associated to the energy balance
    model.Lost_Load = Var(model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Energy not suply by the system kWh
    model.Energy_Curtailment = Var(model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Curtailment of solar energy in kWh
    def test_xfrm_special_atoms_nonroot(self):
        m = ConcreteModel()
        m.s = RangeSet(3)
        m.Y = BooleanVar(m.s)
        m.p = LogicalConstraint(
            expr=m.Y[1].implies(atleast(2, m.Y[1], m.Y[2], m.Y[3])))
        Y_aug = m.logic_to_linear.augmented_vars
        self.assertEqual(len(Y_aug), 1)
        self.assertEqual(Y_aug[1].domain, BooleanSet)
            self, [
                (None, sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 (1 + 2 * Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary()), 0),
                (1, (1 - m.Y[1].get_associated_binary()) + \
                 Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary(), None),
                (None, 2 - 2 * (1 - Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()), 0)
            ], m.logic_to_linear.transformed_constraints)

        m = ConcreteModel()
        m.s = RangeSet(3)
        m.Y = BooleanVar(m.s)
        m.p = LogicalConstraint(
            expr=m.Y[1].implies(atmost(2, m.Y[1], m.Y[2], m.Y[3])))
        Y_aug = m.logic_to_linear.augmented_vars
        self.assertEqual(len(Y_aug), 1)
        self.assertEqual(Y_aug[1].domain, BooleanSet)
            self, [
                (None, sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 (1 - Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary() + 2), 0),
                (1, (1 - m.Y[1].get_associated_binary()) + \
                 Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary(), None),
                (None, 3 - 3 * Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary() - \
                 sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()), 0)
            ], m.logic_to_linear.transformed_constraints)

        m = ConcreteModel()
        m.s = RangeSet(3)
        m.Y = BooleanVar(m.s)
        m.p = LogicalConstraint(
            expr=m.Y[1].implies(exactly(2, m.Y[1], m.Y[2], m.Y[3])))
        Y_aug = m.logic_to_linear.augmented_vars
        self.assertEqual(len(Y_aug), 3)
        self.assertEqual(Y_aug[1].domain, BooleanSet)
            self, [
                (1, (1 - m.Y[1].get_associated_binary()) + \
                 Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary(), None),
                (None, sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 (1 - Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary() + 2), 0),
                (None, 2 - 2 * (1 - Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()), 0),
                (1, sum(Y_aug[:].get_associated_binary()), None),
                (None, sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 (1 + 2 * (1 - Y_aug[2].get_associated_binary())), 0),
                (None, 3 - 3 * (1 - Y_aug[3].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()), 0),
            ], m.logic_to_linear.transformed_constraints)

        # Note: x is now a variable
        m = ConcreteModel()
        m.s = RangeSet(3)
        m.Y = BooleanVar(m.s)
        m.x = Var(bounds=(1, 3))
        m.p = LogicalConstraint(
            expr=m.Y[1].implies(exactly(m.x, m.Y[1], m.Y[2], m.Y[3])))
        Y_aug = m.logic_to_linear.augmented_vars
        self.assertEqual(len(Y_aug), 3)
        self.assertEqual(Y_aug[1].domain, BooleanSet)
            self, [
                (1, (1 - m.Y[1].get_associated_binary()) + \
                 Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary(), None),
                (None, sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 (m.x + 2 * (1 - Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary())), 0),
                (None, m.x - 3 * (1 - Y_aug[1].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()), 0),
                (1, sum(Y_aug[:].get_associated_binary()), None),
                (None, sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 (m.x - 1 + 3 * (1 - Y_aug[2].get_associated_binary())), 0),
                (None, m.x + 1 - 4 * (1 - Y_aug[3].get_associated_binary()) - \
                 sum(m.Y[:].get_associated_binary()), 0),
            ], m.logic_to_linear.transformed_constraints)
Exemple #8
    def test_solve1(self):
        model = ConcreteModel()
        model.A = RangeSet(1, 4)
        model.x = Var(model.A, bounds=(-1, 1))

        def obj_rule(model):
            return sum_product(model.x)

        model.obj = Objective(rule=obj_rule)

        def c_rule(model):
            expr = 0
            for i in model.A:
                expr += i * model.x[i]
            return expr == 0

        model.c = Constraint(rule=c_rule)
        opt = SolverFactory('glpk')
        results = opt.solve(model, symbolic_solver_labels=True)
        results.write(filename=join(currdir, "solve1.out"), format='json')
        self.assertMatchesJsonBaseline(join(currdir, "solve1.out"),
                                       join(currdir, "solve1.txt"),

        def d_rule(model):
            return model.x[1] >= 0

        model.d = Constraint(rule=d_rule)
        results = opt.solve(model)
        results.write(filename=join(currdir, "solve1x.out"), format='json')
        self.assertMatchesJsonBaseline(join(currdir, "solve1x.out"),
                                       join(currdir, "solve1.txt"),
        results = opt.solve(model)
        results.write(filename=join(currdir, "solve1a.out"), format='json')
        self.assertMatchesJsonBaseline(join(currdir, "solve1a.out"),
                                       join(currdir, "solve1a.txt"),

        def e_rule(model, i):
            return model.x[i] >= 0

        model.e = Constraint(model.A, rule=e_rule)
        for i in model.A:
        results = opt.solve(model)
        results.write(filename=join(currdir, "solve1y.out"), format='json')
        self.assertMatchesJsonBaseline(join(currdir, "solve1y.out"),
                                       join(currdir, "solve1.txt"),
        results = opt.solve(model)
        results.write(filename=join(currdir, "solve1b.out"), format='json')
        self.assertMatchesJsonBaseline(join(currdir, "solve1b.out"),
                                       join(currdir, "solve1b.txt"),
Exemple #9
    def test_solve_with_pickle_then_clone(self):
        # This tests github issue Pyomo-#65
        model = ConcreteModel()
        model.A = RangeSet(1, 4)
        model.b = Block()
        model.b.x = Var(model.A, bounds=(-1, 1))
        model.b.obj = Objective(expr=sum_product(model.b.x))
        model.c = Constraint(expr=model.b.x[1] >= 0)
        opt = SolverFactory('glpk')
        self.assertEqual(len(model.solutions), 0)
        results = opt.solve(model, symbolic_solver_labels=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(model.solutions), 1)
        self.assertEqual(model.solutions[0].gap, 0.0)
        #self.assertEqual(model.solutions[0].status, SolutionStatus.feasible)
        self.assertEqual(model.solutions[0].message, None)
        buf = pickle.dumps(model)
        tmodel = pickle.loads(buf)
        self.assertEqual(len(tmodel.solutions), 1)
        self.assertEqual(tmodel.solutions[0].gap, 0.0)
        #self.assertEqual(tmodel.solutions[0].status, SolutionStatus.feasible)
        self.assertEqual(tmodel.solutions[0].message, None)

        inst = tmodel.clone()

        # make sure the clone has all the attributes
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(inst, 'A'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(inst, 'b'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(inst.b, 'x'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(inst.b, 'obj'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(inst, 'c'))
        # and that they were all copied
        self.assertIsNot(inst.A, tmodel.A)
        self.assertIsNot(inst.b, tmodel.b)
        self.assertIsNot(inst.b.x, tmodel.b.x)
        self.assertIsNot(inst.b.obj, tmodel.b.obj)
        self.assertIsNot(inst.c, tmodel.c)

        # Make sure the solution is on the new model
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(inst, 'solutions'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.solutions), 1)
        self.assertEqual(inst.solutions[0].gap, 0.0)
        #self.assertEqual(inst.solutions[0].status, SolutionStatus.feasible)
        self.assertEqual(inst.solutions[0].message, None)

        # Spot-check some components and make sure all the weakrefs in
        # the ModelSOlution got updated
        self.assertIn(id(inst.b.obj), inst.solutions[0]._entry['objective'])
        _obj = inst.solutions[0]._entry['objective'][id(inst.b.obj)]
        self.assertIs(_obj[0](), inst.b.obj)

        for v in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            _v = inst.solutions[0]._entry['variable'][id(inst.b.x[v])]
            self.assertIs(_v[0](), inst.b.x[v])
Exemple #10
 def bb(bb, j):
     bb.I = RangeSet(i * j)
     bb.y = Var(bb.I, initialize=lambda m, i: i)
Exemple #11
 def b(b, i):
     b.K = RangeSet(10, 10 * i, 10)
Exemple #12
    def build(self):
        """Build the model.

        # Call UnitModel.build to setup dynamics
        super(TrayColumnData, self).build()

        # Create set for constructing indexed trays
        if self.config.number_of_trays is not None:
            self.tray_index = RangeSet(1, self.config.number_of_trays)
            raise ConfigurationError("The config argument number_of_trays "
                                     "needs to specified and cannot be None.")

        # Add trays

        # TODO:
        # 1. Add support for multiple feed tray locations
        # 2. Add support for specifying which trays have side draws
        self.tray = Tray(self.tray_index,
                             self.config.feed_tray_location: {

        # Add condenser
        self.condenser = Condenser(
                "condenser_type": self.config.condenser_type,
                "temperature_spec": self.config.condenser_temperature_spec,
                "property_package": self.config.property_package,
                "property_package_args": self.config.property_package_args

        # Add reboiler
        self.reboiler = Reboiler(
                "has_boilup_ratio": True,
                "has_pressure_change": self.config.has_pressure_change,
                "property_package": self.config.property_package,
                "property_package_args": self.config.property_package_args

        # Add extension to the feed port
        self.feed = Port(

        # Construct arcs between trays, condenser, and reboiler
Exemple #13
def build_eight_process_flowsheet():
    """Build flowsheet for the 8 process problem."""
    m = ConcreteModel(name='DuranEx3 Disjunctive')

    """Set declarations"""
    m.streams = RangeSet(2, 25, doc="process streams")
    m.units = RangeSet(1, 8, doc="process units")

    """Parameter and initial point declarations"""
    # Format: process #: cost
    fixed_cost = {1: 5, 2: 8, 3: 6, 4: 10, 5: 6, 6: 7, 7: 4, 8: 5}
    m.CF = Param(m.units, initialize=fixed_cost)

    def fixed_cost_bounds(m, unit):
        return (0, m.CF[unit])
    m.yCF = Var(m.units, initialize=0, bounds=fixed_cost_bounds)

    # Format: stream #: cost
    variable_cost = {3: -10, 5: -15, 9: -40, 19: 25, 21: 35, 25: -35,
                     17: 80, 14: 15, 10: 15, 2: 1, 4: 1, 18: -65, 20: -60,
                     22: -80}
    CV = m.CV = Param(m.streams, initialize=variable_cost, default=0)

    # initial point information for stream flows
    initX = {2: 2, 3: 1.5, 6: 0.75, 7: 0.5, 8: 0.5, 9: 0.75, 11: 1.5,
             12: 1.34, 13: 2, 14: 2.5, 17: 2, 18: 0.75, 19: 2, 20: 1.5,
             23: 1.7, 24: 1.5, 25: 0.5}

    """Variable declarations"""
    m.flow = Var(m.streams, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=initX,
                 bounds=(0, 10))
    CONSTANT = m.constant = Param(initialize=122.0)

    """Constraint definitions"""
    # INPUT-OUTPUT RELATIONS FOR process units 1 through 8
    m.use_unit_1or2 = Disjunction(
            # use unit 1 disjunct
            [m.yCF[1] == m.CF[1],
             exp(m.flow[3]) - 1 == m.flow[2],
             m.flow[4] == 0,
             m.flow[5] == 0],
            # use unit 2 disjunct
            [m.yCF[2] == m.CF[2],
             exp(m.flow[5] / 1.2) - 1 == m.flow[4],
             m.flow[2] == 0,
             m.flow[3] == 0]
    m.use_unit_3ornot = Disjunction(
            # Use unit 3 disjunct
            [m.yCF[3] == m.CF[3],
             1.5 * m.flow[9] + m.flow[10] == m.flow[8]],
            # No unit 3 disjunct
            [m.flow[9] == 0,
             m.flow[10] == m.flow[8]]
    m.use_unit_4or5ornot = Disjunction(
            # Use unit 4 disjunct
            [m.yCF[4] == m.CF[4],
             1.25 * (m.flow[12] + m.flow[14]) == m.flow[13],
             m.flow[15] == 0],
            # Use unit 5 disjunct
            [m.yCF[5] == m.CF[5],
             m.flow[15] == 2 * m.flow[16],
             m.flow[12] == 0,
             m.flow[14] == 0],
            # No unit 4 or 5 disjunct
            [m.flow[15] == 0,
             m.flow[12] == 0,
             m.flow[14] == 0]
    m.use_unit_6or7ornot = Disjunction(
            # use unit 6 disjunct
            [m.yCF[6] == m.CF[6],
             exp(m.flow[20] / 1.5) - 1 == m.flow[19],
             m.flow[21] == 0,
             m.flow[22] == 0],
            # use unit 7 disjunct
            [m.yCF[7] == m.CF[7],
             exp(m.flow[22]) - 1 == m.flow[21],
             m.flow[19] == 0,
             m.flow[20] == 0],
            # No unit 6 or 7 disjunct
            [m.flow[21] == 0,
                m.flow[22] == 0,
                m.flow[19] == 0,
                m.flow[20] == 0]
    m.use_unit_8ornot = Disjunction(
            # use unit 8 disjunct
            [m.yCF[8] == m.CF[8],
             exp(m.flow[18]) - 1 == m.flow[10] + m.flow[17]],
            # no unit 8 disjunct
            [m.flow[10] == 0,
                m.flow[17] == 0,
                m.flow[18] == 0]

    # Mass balance equations
    m.massbal1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[13] == m.flow[19] + m.flow[21])
    m.massbal2 = Constraint(
        expr=m.flow[17] == m.flow[9] + m.flow[16] + m.flow[25])
    m.massbal3 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[11] == m.flow[12] + m.flow[15])
    m.massbal4 = Constraint(
        expr=m.flow[3] + m.flow[5] == m.flow[6] + m.flow[11])
    m.massbal5 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[6] == m.flow[7] + m.flow[8])
    m.massbal6 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[23] == m.flow[20] + m.flow[22])
    m.massbal7 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[23] == m.flow[14] + m.flow[24])

    # process specifications
    m.specs1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[10] <= 0.8 * m.flow[17])
    m.specs2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[10] >= 0.4 * m.flow[17])
    m.specs3 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[12] <= 5 * m.flow[14])
    m.specs4 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[12] >= 2 * m.flow[14])

    # pure integer constraints
    m.use4implies6or7 = Constraint(
        expr=m.use_unit_6or7ornot.disjuncts[0].indicator_var +
        m.use_unit_6or7ornot.disjuncts[1].indicator_var -
        m.use_unit_4or5ornot.disjuncts[0].indicator_var == 0)
    m.use3implies8 = Constraint(
        - m.use_unit_8ornot.disjuncts[0].indicator_var <= 0)

    """Profit (objective) function definition"""
    m.profit = Objective(expr=sum(
        for unit in m.units) +
        sum(m.flow[stream] * CV[stream]
            for stream in m.streams) + CONSTANT,

    """Bound definitions"""
    # x (flow) upper bounds
    x_ubs = {3: 2, 5: 2, 9: 2, 10: 1, 14: 1, 17: 2, 19: 2, 21: 2, 25: 3}
    for i, x_ub in iteritems(x_ubs):

    # Optimal solution uses units 2, 4, 6, 8 with objective value 68.

    return m
Exemple #14
def Model_Creation(model, Renewable_Penetration, Battery_Independence):


    "Project parameters"
    model.Periods = Param(
    )  # Number of periods of analysis of the energy variables
    model.Years = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Number of years of the project
    model.Step_Duration = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Min_Last_Step_Duration = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Delta_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)  # Time step in hours
    model.StartDate = Param()  # Start date of the analisis
    model.Scenarios = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Discount_Rate = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Discount rate of the project in %
    model.Investment_Cost_Limit = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Steps_Number = Param(initialize=Initialize_Upgrades_Number)
    model.RES_Sources = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Generator_Types = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)

    model.periods = RangeSet(
        1, model.Periods
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of periods in each year
    model.years = RangeSet(
        1, model.Years
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of years of the project
    model.scenarios = RangeSet(
        1, model.Scenarios
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of scenarios to analized
    model.renewable_sources = RangeSet(
        1, model.RES_Sources
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of RES technologies to analized
    model.generator_types = RangeSet(
        1, model.Generator_Types
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of generators types to analized
    model.steps = RangeSet(
        1, model.Steps_Number
    )  # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of investment decision steps
    model.years_steps = Set(
        dimen=2, initialize=Initialize_YearUpgrade_Tuples
    )  # 2D set of tuples: it associates each year to the corresponding investment decision step

    model.Scenario_Weight = Param(model.scenarios, within=NonNegativeReals)

    "Parameters of RES"
    model.RES_Names = Param(model.renewable_sources)  # RES names
    model.RES_Nominal_Capacity = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Nominal capacity of the RES in W/unit
    model.RES_Inverter_Efficiency = Param(
        model.renewable_sources)  # Efficiency of the inverter in %
    model.RES_Specific_Investment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of RES in USD/W
    model.RES_Specific_OM_Cost = Param(
        model.renewable_sources, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.RES_Lifetime = Param(model.renewable_sources,
    model.RES_Unit_Energy_Production = Param(
        initialize=Initialize_RES_Energy)  # Energy production of a RES in Wh
    if Renewable_Penetration > 0:
        model.Renewable_Penetration = Renewable_Penetration

    "Parameters of the battery bank"
    model.Battery_Specific_Investment_Cost = Param(
    )  # Specific investment cost of the battery bank [USD/Wh]
    model.Battery_Specific_Electronic_Investment_Cost = Param(
    )  # Specific investment cost of non-replaceable parts (electronics) of the battery bank [USD/Wh]
    model.Battery_Specific_OM_Cost = Param(
    )  # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of batteries in each period in %
    model.Battery_Discharge_Battery_Efficiency = Param(
    )  # Efficiency of the discharge of the battery in %
    model.Battery_Charge_Battery_Efficiency = Param(
    )  # Efficiency of the charge of the battery in  %
    model.Battery_Depth_of_Discharge = Param(
    )  # Depth of discharge of the battery (Depth_of_Discharge) in %
    model.Maximum_Battery_Discharge_Time = Param(
    )  # Minimum time of charge of the battery in hours
    model.Maximum_Battery_Charge_Time = Param(
    )  # Maximum time of discharge of the battery in hours
    model.Battery_Cycles = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Unitary_Battery_Replacement_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals, initialize=Initialize_Battery_Unit_Repl_Cost)
    model.Battery_Initial_SOC = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    if Battery_Independence > 0:
        model.Battery_Independence = Battery_Independence
        model.Battery_Min_Capacity = Param(
            model.steps, initialize=Initialize_Battery_Minimum_Capacity)

    "Parameters of the genset"
    model.Generator_Names = Param(model.generator_types)  # Generators names
    model.Generator_Efficiency = Param(
        model.generator_types, within=NonNegativeReals
    )  # Generator efficiency to trasform heat into electricity %
    model.Generator_Specific_Investment_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of the diesel generator
    model.Generator_Specific_OM_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Cost of the diesel generator
    model.Generator_Lifetime = Param(model.generator_types,
    model.Fuel_Names = Param(model.generator_types)  # Fuel names
    model.Fuel_LHV = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Low heating value of the diesel in W/L
    model.Fuel_Specific_Cost = Param(model.generator_types,
    model.Generator_Marginal_Cost = Param(

    "Parameters of the electricity balance"
    model.Energy_Demand = Param(
        initialize=Initialize_Demand)  # Energy Energy_Demand in W
    model.Lost_Load_Fraction = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Lost load maxiumum admittable fraction in %
    model.Lost_Load_Specific_Cost = Param(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Value of lost load in USD/Wh

    "Parameters of the plot"
    model.RES_Colors = Param(
        model.renewable_sources)  # HEX color codes for RES
    model.Battery_Color = Param()  # HEX color codes for Battery bank
    model.Generator_Colors = Param(
        model.generator_types)  # HEX color codes for Generators
    model.Lost_Load_Color = Param()  # HEX color codes for Lost load
    model.Curtailment_Color = Param()  # HEX color codes for Curtailment


    "Variables associated to the RES"
    model.RES_Units = Var(model.steps,
                          within=NonNegativeReals)  # Number of units of RES
    model.RES_Energy_Production = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy generated by the RES sistem in Wh

    "Variables associated to the battery bank"
    model.Battery_Nominal_Capacity = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Capacity of the battery bank in Wh
    model.Battery_Outflow = Var(
        model.scenarios, model.years, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Battery discharge energy in Wh
    model.Battery_Inflow = Var(
        model.scenarios, model.years, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Battery charge energy in Wh
    model.Battery_SOC = Var(
        model.scenarios, model.years, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # State of Charge of the Battery in Wh
    model.Battery_Maximum_Charge_Power = Var(model.steps,
    model.Battery_Maximum_Discharge_Power = Var(model.steps,
    model.Battery_Replacement_Cost_Act = Var(model.scenarios,
    model.Battery_Replacement_Cost_NonAct = Var(model.scenarios,

    "Variables associated to the diesel generator"
    model.Generator_Nominal_Capacity = Var(
        model.steps, model.generator_types,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Capacity  of the diesel generator in Wh
    model.Generator_Energy_Production = Var(
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy generated by the Diesel generator
    model.Total_Fuel_Cost_Act = Var(model.scenarios,
    model.Total_Fuel_Cost_NonAct = Var(model.scenarios,

    "Variables associated to the energy balance"
    model.Lost_Load = Var(
        model.scenarios, model.years, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Energy not supplied by the system kWh
    model.Energy_Curtailment = Var(
        model.scenarios, model.years, model.periods,
        within=NonNegativeReals)  # Curtailment of RES in kWh
    model.Scenario_Lost_Load_Cost_Act = Var(model.scenarios,
    model.Scenario_Lost_Load_Cost_NonAct = Var(model.scenarios,

    "Variables associated to the project"
    model.Net_Present_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Scenario_Net_Present_Cost = Var(model.scenarios,
    model.Investment_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Salvage_Value = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Total_Variable_Cost_Act = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Operation_Maintenance_Cost_Act = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Operation_Maintenance_Cost_NonAct = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Total_Scenario_Variable_Cost_Act = Var(model.scenarios,
    model.Total_Scenario_Variable_Cost_NonAct = Var(model.scenarios,
def build_eight_process_flowsheet():
    """Build flowsheet for the 8 process problem."""
    m = ConcreteModel(name='DuranEx3 Disjunctive')

    """Set declarations"""
    m.streams = RangeSet(2, 25, doc="process streams")
    m.units = RangeSet(1, 8, doc="process units")

    """Parameter and initial point declarations"""
    # Format: process #: cost
    fixed_cost = {1: 5, 2: 8, 3: 6, 4: 10, 5: 6, 6: 7, 7: 4, 8: 5}
    CF = m.CF = Param(m.units, initialize=fixed_cost)

    # Format: stream #: cost
    variable_cost = {3: -10, 5: -15, 9: -40, 19: 25, 21: 35, 25: -35,
                     17: 80, 14: 15, 10: 15, 2: 1, 4: 1, 18: -65, 20: -60,
                     22: -80}
    CV = m.CV = Param(m.streams, initialize=variable_cost, default=0)

    # initial point information for stream flows
    initX = {2: 2, 3: 1.5, 6: 0.75, 7: 0.5, 8: 0.5, 9: 0.75, 11: 1.5,
             12: 1.34, 13: 2, 14: 2.5, 17: 2, 18: 0.75, 19: 2, 20: 1.5,
             23: 1.7, 24: 1.5, 25: 0.5}

    """Variable declarations"""
    m.flow = Var(m.streams, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=initX,
                 bounds=(0, 10))
    CONSTANT = m.constant = Param(initialize=122.0)

    """Constraint definitions"""
    # INPUT-OUTPUT RELATIONS FOR process units 1 through 8
    m.use_unit1 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit1.inout1 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.flow[3]) - 1 == m.flow[2])
    m.use_unit1.no_unit2_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[4] == 0)
    m.use_unit1.no_unit2_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[5] == 0)
    m.use_unit2 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit2.inout2 = Constraint(
        expr=exp(m.flow[5] / 1.2) - 1 == m.flow[4])
    m.use_unit2.no_unit1_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[2] == 0)
    m.use_unit2.no_unit1_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[3] == 0)

    m.use_unit3 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit3.inout3 = Constraint(
        expr=1.5 * m.flow[9] + m.flow[10] == m.flow[8])
    m.no_unit3 = Disjunct()
    m.no_unit3.no_unit3_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[9] == 0)
    m.no_unit3.flow_pass_through = Constraint(expr=m.flow[10] == m.flow[8])

    m.use_unit4 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit4.inout4 = Constraint(
        expr=1.25 * (m.flow[12] + m.flow[14]) == m.flow[13])
    m.use_unit4.no_unit5_flow = Constraint(expr=m.flow[15] == 0)
    m.use_unit5 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit5.inout5 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[15] == 2 * m.flow[16])
    m.use_unit5.no_unit4_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[12] == 0)
    m.use_unit5.no_unit4_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[14] == 0)
    m.no_unit4or5 = Disjunct()
    m.no_unit4or5.no_unit5_flow = Constraint(expr=m.flow[15] == 0)
    m.no_unit4or5.no_unit4_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[12] == 0)
    m.no_unit4or5.no_unit4_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[14] == 0)

    m.use_unit6 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit6.inout6 = Constraint(
        expr=exp(m.flow[20] / 1.5) - 1 == m.flow[19])
    m.use_unit6.no_unit7_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[21] == 0)
    m.use_unit6.no_unit7_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[22] == 0)
    m.use_unit7 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit7.inout7 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.flow[22]) - 1 == m.flow[21])
    m.use_unit7.no_unit6_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[19] == 0)
    m.use_unit7.no_unit6_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[20] == 0)
    m.no_unit6or7 = Disjunct()
    m.no_unit6or7.no_unit7_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[21] == 0)
    m.no_unit6or7.no_unit7_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[22] == 0)
    m.no_unit6or7.no_unit6_flow = Constraint(expr=m.flow[19] == 0)
    m.no_unit6or7.no_unit6_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[20] == 0)

    m.use_unit8 = Disjunct()
    m.use_unit8.inout8 = Constraint(
        expr=exp(m.flow[18]) - 1 == m.flow[10] + m.flow[17])
    m.no_unit8 = Disjunct()
    m.no_unit8.no_unit8_flow1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[10] == 0)
    m.no_unit8.no_unit8_flow2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[17] == 0)
    m.no_unit8.no_unit8_flow3 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[18] == 0)

    # Mass balance equations
    m.massbal1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[13] == m.flow[19] + m.flow[21])
    m.massbal2 = Constraint(
        expr=m.flow[17] == m.flow[9] + m.flow[16] + m.flow[25])
    m.massbal3 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[11] == m.flow[12] + m.flow[15])
    m.massbal4 = Constraint(
        expr=m.flow[3] + m.flow[5] == m.flow[6] + m.flow[11])
    m.massbal5 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[6] == m.flow[7] + m.flow[8])
    m.massbal6 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[23] == m.flow[20] + m.flow[22])
    m.massbal7 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[23] == m.flow[14] + m.flow[24])

    # process specifications
    m.specs1 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[10] <= 0.8 * m.flow[17])
    m.specs2 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[10] >= 0.4 * m.flow[17])
    m.specs3 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[12] <= 5 * m.flow[14])
    m.specs4 = Constraint(expr=m.flow[12] >= 2 * m.flow[14])

    # pure integer constraints
    m.use1or2 = Disjunction(expr=[m.use_unit1, m.use_unit2])
    m.use4or5maybe = Disjunction(
        expr=[m.use_unit4, m.use_unit5, m.no_unit4or5])
    m.use4or5 = Constraint(
        expr=m.use_unit4.indicator_var + m.use_unit5.indicator_var <= 1)
    m.use6or7maybe = Disjunction(
        expr=[m.use_unit6, m.use_unit7, m.no_unit6or7])
    m.use4implies6or7 = Constraint(
        expr=m.use_unit6.indicator_var + m.use_unit7.indicator_var -
        m.use_unit4.indicator_var == 0)
    m.use3maybe = Disjunction(expr=[m.use_unit3, m.no_unit3])
    m.either3ornot = Constraint(
        expr=m.use_unit3.indicator_var + m.no_unit3.indicator_var == 1)
    m.use8maybe = Disjunction(expr=[m.use_unit8, m.no_unit8])
    m.use3implies8 = Constraint(
        expr=m.use_unit3.indicator_var - m.use_unit8.indicator_var <= 0)

    """Profit (objective) function definition"""
    m.profit = Objective(expr=sum(
        getattr(m, 'use_unit%s' % (unit,)).indicator_var * CF[unit]
        for unit in m.units) +
        sum(m.flow[stream] * CV[stream]
            for stream in m.streams) + CONSTANT,

    """Bound definitions"""
    # x (flow) upper bounds
    x_ubs = {3: 2, 5: 2, 9: 2, 10: 1, 14: 1, 17: 2, 19: 2, 21: 2, 25: 3}
    for i, x_ub in x_ubs.items():

    # # optimal solution
    # m.use_unit1.indicator_var = 0
    # m.use_unit2.indicator_var = 1
    # m.use_unit3.indicator_var = 0
    # m.no_unit3.indicator_var = 1
    # m.use_unit4.indicator_var = 1
    # m.use_unit5.indicator_var = 0
    # m.no_unit4or5.indicator_var = 0
    # m.use_unit6.indicator_var = 1
    # m.use_unit7.indicator_var = 0
    # m.no_unit6or7.indicator_var = 0
    # m.use_unit8.indicator_var = 1
    # m.no_unit8.indicator_var = 0

    return m
Exemple #16
 def make_invalid(m):
     m.I = RangeSet(3)
     m.x = Var(m.I)
     m.c = Constraint(expr=sum(m.x[i] for i in m.I) >= 0)
Exemple #17
def Model_Creation_binary(model):
    This function creates the instance for the resolution of the optimization in Pyomo.
    The problem is solved by discretizing the efficiency curve of the generators and uses binary variables
    :param model: Pyomo model as defined in the Micro-Grids library.
    from pyomo.environ import  Param, RangeSet, NonNegativeReals, Var, Binary, NonNegativeIntegers
    from Initialize import Initialize_years, Initialize_Demand, Initialize_PV_Energy, Marginal_Cost_Generator, Start_Cost,Marginal_Cost_Generator_1 # Import library with initialitation funtions for the parameters
    # Time parameters
    model.Periods = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Number of periods of analysis of the energy variables
    model.Years = Param() # Number of years of the project
    model.StartDate = Param() # Start date of the analisis
    model.PlotTime = Param() # Quantity of days that are going to be plot
    model.PlotDay = Param() # Start day for the plot
    model.Scenarios = Param()  
    model.PlotScenario = Param()
    model.periods = RangeSet(1, model.Periods) # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of periods in each year
    model.years = RangeSet(1, model.Years) # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of years of the project
    model.Slops = RangeSet(1,2)
    model.scenario = RangeSet(1, model.Scenarios) # Creation of a set from 1 to the numbero scenarios to analized
    # Parameters of the PV 
    model.PV_Nominal_Capacity = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Nominal capacity of the PV in W/unit
    model.Inverter_Efficiency = Param() # Efficiency of the inverter in %
    model.PV_invesment_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of solar panel in USD/W
    model.PV_Energy_Production = Param(model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals, initialize=Initialize_PV_Energy) # Energy produccion of a solar panel in W
    # Parameters of the battery bank
    model.Charge_Battery_Efficiency = Param() # Efficiency of the charge of the battery in  %
    model.Discharge_Battery_Efficiency = Param() # Efficiency of the discharge of the battery in %
    model.Deep_of_Discharge = Param() # Deep of discharge of the battery (Deep_of_Discharge) in %
    model.Maximun_Battery_Charge_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Minimun time of charge of the battery in hours
    model.Maximun_Battery_Discharge_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Maximun time of discharge of the battery  in hours                     
    model.Battery_Reposition_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Period of repocition of the battery in years
    model.Battery_Invesment_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of battery 
    # Parametes of the diesel generator
    model.Generator_Effiency = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Generator_Min_Out_Put = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Generator_Efficiency = Param() # Generator efficiency to trasform heat into electricity %
    model.Low_Heating_Value = Param() # Low heating value of the diesel in W/L
    model.Diesel_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of diesel in USD/L
    model.Generator_Invesment_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of the diesel generator  
    model.Marginal_Cost_Generator_1 = Param(initialize=Marginal_Cost_Generator_1)
    model.Cost_Increase = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Generator_Nominal_Capacity = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Start_Cost_Generator = Param(within=NonNegativeReals, initialize=Start_Cost)  
    model.Marginal_Cost_Generator = Param(initialize=Marginal_Cost_Generator)
    # Parameters of the Energy balance                  
    model.Energy_Demand = Param(model.scenario,model.periods, initialize=Initialize_Demand) # Energy Energy_Demand in W 
    model.Lost_Load_Probability = Param() # Lost load probability in %
    model.Value_Of_Lost_Load = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Value of lost load in USD/W

    # Parameters of the proyect
    model.Delta_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Time step in hours
    model.Porcentage_Funded = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Porcentaje of the total investment that is Porcentage_Porcentage_Funded by a bank or another entity in %
    model.Project_Years = Param(model.years, initialize= Initialize_years) # Years of the project
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_PV = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %                                             
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Battery = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Generator = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.Discount_Rate = Param() # Discount rate of the project in %
    model.Interest_Rate_Loan = Param() # Interest rate of the loan in %
    model.Scenario_Weight = Param(model.scenario, within=NonNegativeReals)
    # Variables associated to the solar panels
    model.PV_Units = Var(within=NonNegativeReals) # Number of units of solar panels
    model.Total_Energy_PV = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Energy generated for the Pv sistem in Wh
    # Variables associated to the battery bank
    model.Battery_Nominal_Capacity = Var(within=NonNegativeReals) # Capacity of the battery bank in Wh
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_Out = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Battery discharge energy in wh
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_In = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Battery charge energy in wh
    model.State_Of_Charge_Battery = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # State of Charge of the Battery in wh
    model.Maximun_Charge_Power= Var() # Maximun charge power in w
    model.Maximun_Discharge_Power = Var() #Maximun discharge power in w
     # Variables associated to the diesel generator
    model.Period_Total_Cost_Generator = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals)    
    model.Energy_Generator_Total = Var(model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Binary_generator_1 = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=Binary)
    model.Integer_generator = Var(within=NonNegativeIntegers)
    model.Total_Cost_Generator = Var(model.scenario,within=NonNegativeReals)  
    model.Generator_Total_Period_Energy = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals)   
    model.Generator_Energy_Integer = Var(model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeIntegers)
    model.Last_Energy_Generator = Var(model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals)
    # Varialbles associated to the energy balance
    model.Lost_Load = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Energy not suply by the system kWh
    model.Energy_Curtailment = Var(model.scenario,model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Curtailment of solar energy in kWh
    # Variables associated to the project
    model.Cost_Financial = Var(within=NonNegativeReals) # Financial cost of each period in USD
    model.Initial_Inversion = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Operation_Maintenance_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Total_Finalcial_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Battery_Reposition_Cost = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Scenario_Lost_Load_Cost = Var(model.scenario, within=NonNegativeReals) ####  
    model.Sceneario_Generator_Total_Cost = Var(model.scenario, within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Scenario_Net_Present_Cost = Var(model.scenario, within=NonNegativeReals)
Exemple #18
 def _populate(b, *args):
     b.A = RangeSet(1, 3)
     b.v = Var()
     b.vv = Var(m.A)
     b.p = Param()
Exemple #19
def Model_Creation(model, Renewable_Penetration,Battery_Independency):
    This function creates the instance for the resolution of the optimization in Pyomo.
    :param model: Pyomo model as defined in the Micro-Grids library.
    from pyomo.environ import  Param, RangeSet, NonNegativeReals, Var, NonNegativeIntegers
    # Import library with initialitation funtions for the parameters
    from Initialize import Initialize_years, Initialize_Demand, Battery_Reposition_Cost,\
    Initialize_Renewable_Energy, Marginal_Cost_Generator_1,Min_Bat_Capacity, Start_Cost,\
    Marginal_Cost_Generator, Capital_Recovery_Factor
    # Time parameters
    model.Periods = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Number of periods of analysis of the energy variables
    model.Years = Param() # Number of years of the project
    model.StartDate = Param() # Start date of the analisis
    model.Scenarios = Param() 
    model.Renewable_Source = Param()
    model.Generator_Type = Param()
    model.periods = RangeSet(1, model.Periods) # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of periods in each year
    model.years = RangeSet(1, model.Years) # Creation of a set from 1 to the number of years of the project
    model.scenario = RangeSet(1, model.Scenarios) # Creation of a set from 1 to the numbero scenarios to analized
    model.renewable_source = RangeSet(1, model.Renewable_Source)
    model.generator_type = RangeSet(1, model.Generator_Type)    

    model.Scenario_Weight = Param(model.scenario, within=NonNegativeReals) #########
    # Parameters of the PV 

    model.Renewable_Nominal_Capacity = Param(model.renewable_source,
                                             within=NonNegativeReals) # Nominal capacity of the PV in W/unit
    model.Renewable_Inverter_Efficiency = Param(model.renewable_source) # Efficiency of the inverter in %
    model.Renewable_Invesment_Cost = Param(model.renewable_source,
                                           within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of solar panel in USD/W
    model.Renewable_Energy_Production = Param(model.scenario,model.renewable_source,
                                              model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals, 
                                              initialize=Initialize_Renewable_Energy) # Energy produccion of a solar panel in W
    # Parameters of the battery bank
    model.Charge_Battery_Efficiency = Param() # Efficiency of the charge of the battery in  %
    model.Discharge_Battery_Efficiency = Param() # Efficiency of the discharge of the battery in %
    model.Deep_of_Discharge = Param() # Deep of discharge of the battery (Deep_of_Discharge) in %
    model.Maximun_Battery_Charge_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Minimun time of charge of the battery in hours
    model.Maximun_Battery_Discharge_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Maximun time of discharge of the battery  in hours                     
    model.Battery_Invesment_Cost = Param() # Cost of battery 
    model.Battery_Electronic_Invesmente_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Battery_Cycles = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.Unitary_Battery_Reposition_Cost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals, 
    model.Battery_Initial_SOC = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)
    if  Battery_Independency > 0:
        model.Battery_Independency = Battery_Independency
        model.Battery_Min_Capacity = Param(initialize=Min_Bat_Capacity)
    # Parametes of the diesel generator
    if model.formulation == 'LP': 
        model.Generator_Efficiency = Param(model.generator_type) 
        model.Low_Heating_Value = Param(model.generator_type) 
        model.Fuel_Cost = Param(model.generator_type,  within=NonNegativeReals) 
        model.Generator_Invesment_Cost = Param(model.generator_type, within=NonNegativeReals) 
        model.Marginal_Cost_Generator_1 = Param(model.generator_type, initialize=Marginal_Cost_Generator_1)
    elif model.formulation == 'MILP':
        model.Generator_Min_Out_Put = Param(model.generator_type,
        model.Generator_Efficiency = Param(model.generator_type) # Generator efficiency to trasform heat into electricity %
        model.Low_Heating_Value = Param(model.generator_type) # Low heating value of the diesel in W/L
        model.Fuel_Cost = Param(model.generator_type,
                              within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of diesel in USD/L
        model.Generator_Invesment_Cost = Param(model.generator_type,within=NonNegativeReals) # Cost of the diesel generator  
        model.Marginal_Cost_Generator_1 = Param(model.generator_type,
        model.Cost_Increase = Param(model.generator_type,
        model.Generator_Nominal_Capacity = Param(model.generator_type,
        model.Start_Cost_Generator = Param(model.generator_type,
                                       within=NonNegativeReals, initialize=Start_Cost)  
        model.Marginal_Cost_Generator = Param(model.generator_type,
    # Parameters of the Energy balance                  
    model.Energy_Demand = Param(model.scenario, model.periods, 
                                initialize=Initialize_Demand) # Energy Energy_Demand in W 
    model.Value_Of_Lost_Load = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Value of lost load in USD/W
    if Renewable_Penetration > 0:
        model.Renewable_Penetration =  Renewable_Penetration
    # Parameters of the proyect
    model.Delta_Time = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Time step in hours
    model.Project_Years = Param(model.years, initialize= Initialize_years) # Years of the project
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Renewable = Param(model.renewable_source,
                                                       within=NonNegativeReals) # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %                                             
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Battery = Param(within=NonNegativeReals) # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Generator = Param(model.generator_type,
                                                       within=NonNegativeReals) # Percentage of the total investment spend in operation and management of solar panels in each period in %
    model.Discount_Rate = Param() # Discount rate of the project in %
    model.Capital_Recovery_Factor = Param(within=NonNegativeReals, initialize= Capital_Recovery_Factor) 
    # Variables associated to the solar panels
    model.Renewable_Units = Var(model.renewable_source,
                                within=NonNegativeReals,bounds= (10,50000)) # Number of units of solar panels

    # Variables associated to the battery bank
    bat = 700000
    model.Battery_Nominal_Capacity = Var(within=NonNegativeReals,bounds= (0,bat)) # Capacity of the battery bank in Wh
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_Out = Var(model.scenario, model.periods,
                                        within=NonNegativeReals,bounds=(0,bat)) # Battery discharge energy in wh
    model.Energy_Battery_Flow_In = Var(model.scenario, model.periods, 
                                       within=NonNegativeReals,bounds=(0,bat)) # Battery charge energy in wh
    model.State_Of_Charge_Battery = Var(model.scenario, model.periods, 
                                        within=NonNegativeReals) # State of Charge of the Battery in wh
    model.Maximun_Charge_Power = Var(within=NonNegativeReals,bounds=(0,bat))
    model.Maximun_Discharge_Power = Var(within=NonNegativeReals,bounds=(0,bat))
    # Variables associated to the diesel generator
    if model.formulation == 'LP':
        model.Generator_Nominal_Capacity = Var(model.generator_type,
                                               within=NonNegativeReals) # Capacity  of the diesel generator in Wh
        model.Generator_Energy = Var(model.scenario,model.generator_type,
                                     model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Energy generated for the Diesel generator

    elif model.formulation == 'MILP':
        def gen(model,g):
            if g == 1:
                return 1
                return 1
        def bounds_N(model,g):
            if g == 1:
                return (1,2)
                return (1,2)
        def bounds_E(model,s,g,t):
            if g == 1:
                return (0,2)
                return (0,2)    
        model.Generator_Energy = Var(model.scenario, model.generator_type,
                                           model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals)
        model.Integer_generator = Var(model.generator_type,
        model.Generator_Total_Period_Energy = Var(model.scenario,
        model.Generator_Energy_Integer = Var(model.scenario, model.generator_type,
                                             model.periods, within=NonNegativeIntegers,
        model.Last_Energy_Generator = Var(model.scenario, model.generator_type,
                                          model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals)
    # Varialbles associated to the energy balance
    if model.Lost_Load_Probability > 0:
        model.Lost_Load = Var(model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals) # Energy not suply by the system kWh
    model.Energy_Curtailment = Var(model.scenario, model.periods, within=NonNegativeReals
                                   ,bounds=(0,100000)) # Curtailment of solar energy in kWh
Exemple #20
def build_constrained_layout_model():
    """Build the model."""
    m = ConcreteModel(name="2-D constrained layout")
    m.rectangles = RangeSet(3, doc="Three rectangles")
    m.circles = RangeSet(2, doc="Two circles")

    m.rect_length = Param(m.rectangles,
                              1: 5,
                              2: 7,
                              3: 3
                          doc="Rectangle length")
    m.rect_height = Param(m.rectangles,
                              1: 6,
                              2: 5,
                              3: 3
                          doc="Rectangle height")

    m.circle_x = Param(m.circles,
                           1: 15,
                           2: 50
                       doc="x-coordinate of circle center")
    m.circle_y = Param(m.circles,
                           1: 10,
                           2: 80
                       doc="y-coordinate of circle center")
    m.circle_r = Param(m.circles,
                           1: 6,
                           2: 5
                       doc="radius of circle")

    @m.Param(m.rectangles, doc="Minimum feasible x value for rectangle")
    def x_min(m, rect):
        return min(m.circle_x[circ] - m.circle_r[circ] +
                   m.rect_length[rect] / 2 for circ in m.circles)

    @m.Param(m.rectangles, doc="Maximum feasible x value for rectangle")
    def x_max(m, rect):
        return max(m.circle_x[circ] + m.circle_r[circ] -
                   m.rect_length[rect] / 2 for circ in m.circles)

    @m.Param(m.rectangles, doc="Minimum feasible y value for rectangle")
    def y_min(m, rect):
        return min(m.circle_y[circ] - m.circle_r[circ] +
                   m.rect_height[rect] / 2 for circ in m.circles)

    @m.Param(m.rectangles, doc="Maximum feasible y value for rectangle")
    def y_max(m, rect):
        return max(m.circle_y[circ] + m.circle_r[circ] -
                   m.rect_height[rect] / 2 for circ in m.circles)

    m.ordered_rect_pairs = Set(initialize=m.rectangles * m.rectangles,
                               filter=lambda _, r1, r2: r1 != r2)
    m.rect_pairs = Set(initialize=[(r1, r2) for r1, r2 in m.ordered_rect_pairs
                                   if r1 < r2])

    m.rect_sep_penalty = Param(
            (1, 2): 300,
            (1, 3): 240,
            (2, 3): 100
        doc="Penalty for separation distance between two rectangles.")

    def x_bounds(m, rect):
        return m.x_min[rect], m.x_max[rect]

    def y_bounds(m, rect):
        return m.y_min[rect], m.y_max[rect]

    m.rect_x = Var(m.rectangles,
                   doc="x-coordinate of rectangle center",
    m.rect_y = Var(m.rectangles,
                   doc="y-coordinate of rectangle center",
    m.dist_x = Var(m.rect_pairs,
                   doc="x-axis separation between rectangle pair")
    m.dist_y = Var(m.rect_pairs,
                   doc="y-axis separation between rectangle pair")

    m.min_dist_cost = Objective(expr=sum(m.rect_sep_penalty[r1, r2] *
                                         (m.dist_x[r1, r2] + m.dist_y[r1, r2])
                                         for (r1, r2) in m.rect_pairs))

    @m.Constraint(m.ordered_rect_pairs, doc="x-distance between rectangles")
    def dist_x_defn(m, r1, r2):
        return m.dist_x[tuple(sorted([r1, r2]))] >= m.rect_x[r2] - m.rect_x[r1]

    @m.Constraint(m.ordered_rect_pairs, doc="y-distance between rectangles")
    def dist_y_defn(m, r1, r2):
        return m.dist_y[tuple(sorted([r1, r2]))] >= m.rect_y[r2] - m.rect_y[r1]

                   doc="Make sure that none of the rectangles overlap in "
                   "either the x or y dimensions.")
    def no_overlap(m, r1, r2):
        return [
            m.rect_x[r1] + m.rect_length[r1] / 2 <=
            (m.rect_x[r2] - m.rect_length[r2] / 2),
            m.rect_y[r1] + m.rect_height[r1] / 2 <=
            (m.rect_y[r2] - m.rect_height[r2] / 2),
            m.rect_x[r2] + m.rect_length[r2] / 2 <=
            (m.rect_x[r1] - m.rect_length[r1] / 2),
            m.rect_y[r2] + m.rect_height[r2] / 2 <=
            (m.rect_y[r1] - m.rect_height[r1] / 2),

    @m.Disjunction(m.rectangles, doc="Each rectangle must be in a circle.")
    def rectangle_in_circle(m, r):
        return [
                # Rectangle lower left corner in circle
                (m.rect_x[r] - m.rect_length[r] / 2 - m.circle_x[c])**2 +
                (m.rect_y[r] + m.rect_height[r] / 2 - m.circle_y[c])**2 <=
                # rectangle upper left corner in circle
                (m.rect_x[r] - m.rect_length[r] / 2 - m.circle_x[c])**2 +
                (m.rect_y[r] - m.rect_height[r] / 2 - m.circle_y[c])**2 <=
                # rectangle lower right corner in circle
                (m.rect_x[r] + m.rect_length[r] / 2 - m.circle_x[c])**2 +
                (m.rect_y[r] + m.rect_height[r] / 2 - m.circle_y[c])**2 <=
                # rectangle upper right corner in circle
                (m.rect_x[r] + m.rect_length[r] / 2 - m.circle_x[c])**2 +
                (m.rect_y[r] - m.rect_height[r] / 2 - m.circle_y[c])**2 <=
            ] for c in m.circles

    return m
Exemple #21
    def build(self):
        super(Iapws95ParameterBlockData, self).build()
        self.state_block_class = Iapws95StateBlock
        # Location of the *.so or *.dll file for external functions
        self.plib = _so
        self.available = os.path.isfile(self.plib)
        # Phase list
        self.private_phase_list = Set(initialize=["Vap", "Liq"])
        if self.config.phase_presentation == PhaseType.MIX:
            self.phase_list = Set(initialize=["Mix"])
        elif self.config.phase_presentation == PhaseType.LG:
            self.phase_list = Set(initialize=["Vap", "Liq"])
        elif self.config.phase_presentation == PhaseType.L:
            self.phase_list = Set(initialize=["Liq"])
        elif self.config.phase_presentation == PhaseType.G:
            self.phase_list = Set(initialize=["Vap"])

        # State var set
        self.state_vars = self.config.state_vars

        # Component list - a list of component identifiers
        self.component_list = Set(initialize=['H2O'])

        # List of phase equilibrium
        self.phase_equilibrium_idx = Set(initialize=[1])
        self.phase_equilibrium_list = {1: ["H2O", ("Vap", "Liq")]}

        # Parameters, these should match what's in the C code
        self.temperature_crit = Param(initialize=647.096,
                                      doc='Critical temperature [K]')
        self.pressure_crit = Param(initialize=2.2064e7,
                                   doc='Critical pressure [Pa]')
        self.dens_mass_crit = Param(initialize=322,
                                    doc='Critical density [kg/m3]')
        self.gas_const = Param(initialize=8.3144598,
                               doc='Gas Constant [J/mol/K]')
        self.mw = Param(initialize=0.01801528, doc='Molecular weight [kg/mol]')
        #Thermal conductivity parameters.
        # "Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2011 for the Thermal Conductivity of
        # Ordinary Water Substance"
        self.tc_L0 = Param(RangeSet(0, 5),
                               0: 2.443221e-3,
                               1: 1.323095e-2,
                               2: 6.770357e-3,
                               3: -3.454586e-3,
                               4: 4.096266e-4
                           doc="0th order themalcondutivity paramters")

        self.tc_L1 = Param(RangeSet(0, 5),
                           RangeSet(0, 6),
                               (0, 0): 1.60397357,
                               (1, 0): 2.33771842,
                               (2, 0): 2.19650529,
                               (3, 0): -1.21051378,
                               (4, 0): -2.7203370,
                               (0, 1): -0.646013523,
                               (1, 1): -2.78843778,
                               (2, 1): -4.54580785,
                               (3, 1): 1.60812989,
                               (4, 1): 4.57586331,
                               (0, 2): 0.111443906,
                               (1, 2): 1.53616167,
                               (2, 2): 3.55777244,
                               (3, 2): -0.621178141,
                               (4, 2): -3.18369245,
                               (0, 3): 0.102997357,
                               (1, 3): -0.463045512,
                               (2, 3): -1.40944978,
                               (3, 3): 0.0716373224,
                               (4, 3): 1.1168348,
                               (0, 4): -0.0504123634,
                               (1, 4): 0.0832827019,
                               (2, 4): 0.275418278,
                               (3, 4): 0.0,
                               (4, 4): -0.19268305,
                               (0, 5): 0.00609859258,
                               (1, 5): -0.00719201245,
                               (2, 5): -0.0205938816,
                               (3, 5): 0.0,
                               (4, 5): 0.012913842
                           doc="1st order themalcondutivity paramters")
        #Viscosity paramters
        #"Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the Viscosity of
        # Ordinary Water Substance "
        self.visc_H0 = Param(RangeSet(0, 4),
                                 0: 1.67752,
                                 1: 2.20462,
                                 2: 0.6366564,
                                 3: -0.241605
                             doc="0th order viscosity parameters")

        self.visc_H1 = Param(RangeSet(0, 6),
                             RangeSet(0, 7),
                                 (0, 0): 5.20094e-1,
                                 (1, 0): 8.50895e-2,
                                 (2, 0): -1.08374,
                                 (3, 0): -2.89555e-1,
                                 (4, 0): 0.0,
                                 (5, 0): 0.0,
                                 (0, 1): 2.22531e-1,
                                 (1, 1): 9.99115e-1,
                                 (2, 1): 1.88797,
                                 (3, 1): 1.26613,
                                 (4, 1): 0.0,
                                 (5, 1): 1.20573e-1,
                                 (0, 2): -2.81378e-1,
                                 (1, 2): -9.06851e-1,
                                 (2, 2): -7.72479e-1,
                                 (3, 2): -4.89837e-1,
                                 (4, 2): -2.57040e-1,
                                 (5, 2): 0.0,
                                 (0, 3): 1.61913e-1,
                                 (1, 3): 2.57399e-1,
                                 (2, 3): 0.0,
                                 (3, 3): 0.0,
                                 (4, 3): 0.0,
                                 (5, 3): 0.0,
                                 (0, 4): -3.25372e-2,
                                 (1, 4): 0.0,
                                 (2, 4): 0.0,
                                 (3, 4): 6.98452e-2,
                                 (4, 4): 0.0,
                                 (5, 4): 0.0,
                                 (0, 5): 0.0,
                                 (1, 5): 0.0,
                                 (2, 5): 0.0,
                                 (3, 5): 0.0,
                                 (4, 5): 8.72102e-3,
                                 (5, 5): 0.0,
                                 (0, 6): 0.0,
                                 (1, 6): 0.0,
                                 (2, 6): 0.0,
                                 (3, 6): -4.35673e-3,
                                 (4, 6): 0.0,
                                 (5, 6): -5.93264e-4
                             doc="1st order viscosity parameters")

        self.smoothing_pressure_over = Param(
            doc='Smooth max parameter (pressure over)')
        self.smoothing_pressure_under = Param(
            doc='Smooth max parameter (pressure under)')
Exemple #22
    def _make_params(self):
        self.P = Param(initialize=self.config.passes,
                       doc="Total number of passes for hot or cold fluid")
        self.PH = RangeSet(self.P, doc="Set of hot fluid passes")
        self.PC = RangeSet(self.P, doc="Set of cold fluid passes(equal to PH)")

        self.plate_thermal_cond = Param(
            units=pyunits.W / pyunits.m / pyunits.K,
            doc="Plate thermal conductivity")
        self.plate_thick = Param(mutable=True,
                                 doc="Plate thickness")

        self.port_dia = Param(mutable=True,
                              doc=" Port diameter of plate ")
        self.Np = Param(self.PH,
                        doc="Number of channels in each pass",
        # Number of channels in each pass
        for i in self.PH:
            self.Np[i].value = self.config.channel_list[i - 1]

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Assign plate specifications

        # effective plate length & width
        _effective_plate_length = self.config.plate_vertical_dist - \
        _effective_plate_width = self.config.plate_horizontal_dist + \

        self.plate_length = Expression(expr=_effective_plate_length)
        self.plate_width = Expression(expr=_effective_plate_width)

        # Area of single plate
        _total_active_plate_number = 2 * sum(self.config.channel_list) - 1 -\

        self.plate_area = Expression(expr=self.config.total_area /
                                     doc="Heat transfer area of single plate")

        # Plate gap
        if self.config.plate_gap is None:
            _total_plate_number = 2 * sum(self.config.channel_list) + 1 +\
            _plate_pitch = self.config.plate_pact_length / _total_plate_number

            _plate_gap = _plate_pitch - self.config.plate_thickness
            _plate_gap = self.config.plate_gap

        self.plate_gap = Expression(expr=_plate_gap)

        # Surface enlargement factor
        if self.config.surface_enlargement_factor is None:
            _projected_plate_area = _effective_plate_length * _effective_plate_width
            _surface_enlargement_factor = self.plate_area / _projected_plate_area
            _surface_enlargement_factor = self.config.surface_enlargement_factor

        self.surface_enlargement_factor = Expression(

        # Channel equivalent diameter
        self.channel_dia = Expression(expr=2 * self.plate_gap /
                                      doc=" Channel equivalent diameter")

        # heat transfer parameters
        self.param_a = Var(initialize=0.3,
                           bounds=(0.2, 0.4),
                           doc='Nusselt parameter')
        self.param_b = Var(initialize=0.663,
                           bounds=(0.3, 0.7),
                           doc='Nusselt parameter')
        self.param_c = Var(initialize=1 / 3.0,
                           bounds=(1e-5, 2),
                           doc='Nusselt parameter')
Exemple #23
    def test_nonnegative_transform_3(self):
        self.model.S = RangeSet(0, 10)
        self.model.T = Set(initialize=["foo", "bar"])

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit bounds
        self.model.x1 = Var(bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.y1 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.z1 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=(-3, 3))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined bounds
        def boundsRule(*args):
            return (-4, 4)

        self.model.x2 = Var(bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.y2 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.z2 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=boundsRule)

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit domains
        self.model.x3 = Var(domain=NegativeReals, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.y3 = Var(self.model.S,
                            bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.z3 = Var(self.model.S,
                            bounds=(-10, 10))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined domains
        def domainRule(*args):
            if len(args) == 1:
                arg = 0
                arg = args[1]

            if len(args) == 1 or arg == 0:
                return NonNegativeReals
            elif arg == 1:
                return NonNegativeIntegers
            elif arg == 2:
                return NonPositiveReals
            elif arg == 3:
                return NonPositiveIntegers
            elif arg == 4:
                return NegativeReals
            elif arg == 5:
                return NegativeIntegers
            elif arg == 6:
                return PositiveReals
            elif arg == 7:
                return PositiveIntegers
            elif arg == 8:
                return Reals
            elif arg == 9:
                return Integers
            elif arg == 10:
                return Binary
                return Reals

        self.model.x4 = Var(domain=domainRule, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.y4 = Var(self.model.S, domain=domainRule, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.z4 = Var(self.model.S,
                            bounds=(-10, 10))

        def objRule(model):
            return sum(5*sum_product(model.__getattribute__(c+n)) \
                       for c in ('x', 'y', 'z') for n in ('1', '2', '3', '4'))

        self.model.obj = Objective(rule=objRule)

        transform = TransformationFactory('core.nonnegative_vars')
        instance = self.model.create_instance()
        transformed = transform.create_using(instance)

        opt = SolverFactory("glpk")

        instance_sol = opt.solve(instance)
        transformed_sol = opt.solve(transformed)

Exemple #24
Weights = [30, 90, 50, 70, 60, 50]  # In quintal
Costs = [50, 100, 80, 85, 92, 115]  # Thousand of euros

# Componets of metal in each block (given in percetange)
Cs = [
    [93, 76, 74, 65, 72, 68],  # Ferro
    [5, 13, 11, 16, 6, 23],  # Cromo
    [0, 11, 12, 14, 20, 8],  # Nichel
    [2, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1]
]  # Impurità

# Create concrete model
m = ConcreteModel()

# Set of indices
m.I = RangeSet(0, len(Blocks) - 1)

# Variables
def fb(m, i):
    return 0, Weights[i]

m.x = Var(m.I, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=fb)

# Objective Function
m.obj = Objective(expr=sum(Costs[i] * m.x[i] for i in m.I))

# Production Constraints
m.c1 = Constraint(expr=sum(Cs[0][i] / 100 * m.x[i] for i in m.I) >= 65)
Exemple #25
from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct, Disjunction

def build_model(case="Growth"):
    m = ConcreteModel()
    m.months = RangeSet(0, 120, doc="10 years")
    m.discount_rate = Param(initialize=0.08, doc="8%")
    m.conv_setup_time = Param(initialize=12)
    m.modular_setup_time = Param(initialize=3)
    m.modular_teardown_time = Param(initialize=3)
    m.conventional_salvage_value = Param(initialize=0.05, doc="5%")
    m.module_salvage_value = Param(initialize=0.3, doc="30%")

    @m.Param(m.months, doc="Discount factor")
    def discount_factor(m, mo):
        return (1 + m.discount_rate / 12)**(-mo / 12)

    @m.Param(m.months, doc="Value of each unit of production")
    def production_value(m, mo):
        return (7 / 12) * m.discount_factor[mo]
Exemple #26
def add_concave_linear_underest(b, name, nsegs, x, f, f_expr, *sets, **kwargs):
    exists = kwargs.get('exists', 1.0)
    bb = kwargs.get('block_bounds', {})
    if not isinstance(sets, tuple):
        sets = (sets, )
    segs = b.segs = RangeSet(nsegs)
    segs_m1 = b.segs_m1 = RangeSet(nsegs - 1)
    sets_segs = sets + (segs, )
    sets_segs_m1 = sets + (segs_m1, )

    def calc_lengths(m, *i):
        i = i if i else None  # change empty tuple to None
        return (ub(x[i], bb) - lb(x[i], bb)) / nsegs

    seg_length = b.seg_length = Param(*sets, initialize=calc_lengths)

    delta = b.delta = Var(*sets_segs, domain=NonNegativeReals)
    for i_seg in delta._index:
        if not isinstance(i_seg, tuple):
            # if we're getting a singleton (not defined over a set)
            i = None
            i = i_seg[:-1]
    w = b.w = Var(*sets_segs_m1, domain=Binary)

    def x_defn(m, *i):
        i = i if i else None  # change empty tuple to None
        return x[i] == lb(x[i], bb) + sum(delta[cc(i, s)] for s in segs) - \
            (1 - exists) * (lb(x[i], bb) - lb(x[i]))
        # TODO: this restricts the upper bound of x[i] when the unit does not exist. This is fine if x[i] = 0 when the unit doesn't exist, but is a hack otherwise.

    b.x_defn = Constraint(*sets, rule=x_defn)

    def f_lb(m, *i):
        if len(i) == 0:
            i = None
        if abs(seg_length[i]) < 1E-10:
            return f[i] >= f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i], bb))) - \
                (1 - exists) * (f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i], bb))) -
                                f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i]))))
        return f[i] >= f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i], bb))) + \
            sum((f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i], bb) + s * seg_length[i])) -
                 f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i], bb) + (s - 1) * seg_length[i]))
                 ) / seg_length[i] * delta[cc(i, s)]
                for s in segs) - \
            (1 - exists) * (f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i], bb))) -
                            f_expr(*cc(i, lb(x[i]))))

    b.f_lb = Constraint(*sets, rule=f_lb)

    def delta_lb(m, *i_seg):
        # split out the segment from the sets
        i, seg = i_seg[:-1], i_seg[-1]
        return seg_length[i] * w[i, seg] <= delta[
            i, seg] if seg < nsegs else Constraint.NoConstraint

    b.delta_lb = Constraint(*sets_segs, rule=delta_lb)

    def delta_ub(m, *i_seg):
        i, seg = i_seg[:-1], i_seg[-1]
        return delta[i, seg] <= seg_length[i] * w[
            i, seg - 1] if seg > 1 else Constraint.NoConstraint

    b.delta_ub = Constraint(*sets_segs, rule=delta_ub)
    def __init__(self, convex=True, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create the flowsheet."""
        kwargs.setdefault('name', 'DuranEx3')
        super(EightProcessFlowsheet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        m = self
        """Set declarations"""
        I = m.I = RangeSet(2, 25, doc="process streams")
        J = m.J = RangeSet(1, 8, doc="process units")
        m.PI = RangeSet(1, 4, doc="integer constraints")
        m.DS = RangeSet(1, 4, doc="design specifications")
        1: Unit 8
        2: Unit 8
        3: Unit 4
        4: Unit 4
        m.MB = RangeSet(1, 7, doc="mass balances")
        """Material balances:
        1: 4-6-7
        2: 3-5-8
        3: 4-5
        4: 1-2
        5: 1-2-3
        6: 6-7-4
        7: 6-7
        """Parameter and initial point declarations"""
        # Format: process #: cost
        fixed_cost = {1: 5, 2: 8, 3: 6, 4: 10, 5: 6, 6: 7, 7: 4, 8: 5}
        CF = m.CF = Param(J, initialize=fixed_cost)

        # Format: stream #: cost
        variable_cost = {
            3: -10,
            5: -15,
            9: -40,
            19: 25,
            21: 35,
            25: -35,
            17: 80,
            14: 15,
            10: 15,
            2: 1,
            4: 1,
            18: -65,
            20: -60,
            22: -80
        CV = m.CV = Param(I, initialize=variable_cost, default=0)

        # initial point information for equipment selection (for each NLP
        # subproblem)
        initY = {
            'sub1': {
                1: 1,
                2: 0,
                3: 1,
                4: 1,
                5: 0,
                6: 0,
                7: 1,
                8: 1
            'sub2': {
                1: 0,
                2: 1,
                3: 1,
                4: 1,
                5: 0,
                6: 1,
                7: 0,
                8: 1
            'sub3': {
                1: 1,
                2: 0,
                3: 1,
                4: 0,
                5: 1,
                6: 0,
                7: 0,
                8: 1
        # initial point information for stream flows
        initX = {
            1: 0,
            2: 2,
            3: 1.5,
            4: 0,
            5: 0,
            6: 0.75,
            7: 0.5,
            8: 0.5,
            9: 0.75,
            10: 0,
            11: 1.5,
            12: 1.34,
            13: 2,
            14: 2.5,
            15: 0,
            16: 0,
            17: 2,
            18: 0.75,
            19: 2,
            20: 1.5,
            21: 0,
            22: 0,
            23: 1.7,
            24: 1.5,
            25: 0.5
        """Variable declarations"""
        Y = m.Y = Var(J, domain=Binary, initialize=initY['sub1'])
        X = m.X = Var(I, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=initX)
        CONSTANT = m.constant = Param(initialize=122.0)
        """Constraint definitions"""
        # INPUT-OUTPUT RELATIONS FOR process units 1 through 8
        m.inout3 = Constraint(expr=1.5 * m.X[9] + m.X[10] == m.X[8])
        m.inout4 = Constraint(expr=1.25 * (m.X[12] + m.X[14]) == m.X[13])
        m.inout5 = Constraint(expr=m.X[15] == 2 * m.X[16])
        if convex:
            m.inout1 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[3]) - 1 <= m.X[2])
            m.inout2 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[5] / 1.2) - 1 <= m.X[4])
            m.inout7 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[22]) - 1 <= m.X[21])
            m.inout8 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[18]) - 1 <= m.X[10] + m.X[17])
            m.inout6 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[20] / 1.5) - 1 <= m.X[19])
            m.inout1 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[3]) - 1 == m.X[2])
            m.inout2 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[5] / 1.2) - 1 == m.X[4])
            m.inout7 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[22]) - 1 == m.X[21])
            m.inout8 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[18]) - 1 == m.X[10] + m.X[17])
            m.inout6 = Constraint(expr=exp(m.X[20] / 1.5) - 1 == m.X[19])

        # Mass balance equations
        m.massbal1 = Constraint(expr=m.X[13] == m.X[19] + m.X[21])
        m.massbal2 = Constraint(expr=m.X[17] == m.X[9] + m.X[16] + m.X[25])
        m.massbal3 = Constraint(expr=m.X[11] == m.X[12] + m.X[15])
        m.massbal4 = Constraint(expr=m.X[3] + m.X[5] == m.X[6] + m.X[11])
        m.massbal5 = Constraint(expr=m.X[6] == m.X[7] + m.X[8])
        m.massbal6 = Constraint(expr=m.X[23] == m.X[20] + m.X[22])
        m.massbal7 = Constraint(expr=m.X[23] == m.X[14] + m.X[24])

        # process specifications
        m.specs1 = Constraint(expr=m.X[10] <= 0.8 * m.X[17])
        m.specs2 = Constraint(expr=m.X[10] >= 0.4 * m.X[17])
        m.specs3 = Constraint(expr=m.X[12] <= 5 * m.X[14])
        m.specs4 = Constraint(expr=m.X[12] >= 2 * m.X[14])

        # Logical constraints (big-M) for each process.
        # These allow for flow iff unit j exists
        m.logical1 = Constraint(expr=m.X[2] <= 10 * m.Y[1])
        m.logical2 = Constraint(expr=m.X[4] <= 10 * m.Y[2])
        m.logical3 = Constraint(expr=m.X[9] <= 10 * m.Y[3])
        m.logical4 = Constraint(expr=m.X[12] + m.X[14] <= 10 * m.Y[4])
        m.logical5 = Constraint(expr=m.X[15] <= 10 * m.Y[5])
        m.logical6 = Constraint(expr=m.X[19] <= 10 * m.Y[6])
        m.logical7 = Constraint(expr=m.X[21] <= 10 * m.Y[7])
        m.logical8 = Constraint(expr=m.X[10] + m.X[17] <= 10 * m.Y[8])

        # pure integer constraints
        m.pureint1 = Constraint(expr=m.Y[1] + m.Y[2] == 1)
        m.pureint2 = Constraint(expr=m.Y[4] + m.Y[5] <= 1)
        m.pureint3 = Constraint(expr=m.Y[6] + m.Y[7] - m.Y[4] == 0)
        m.pureint4 = Constraint(expr=m.Y[3] - m.Y[8] <= 0)
        """Cost (objective) function definition"""
        m.cost = Objective(expr=sum(Y[j] * CF[j]
                                    for j in J) + sum(X[i] * CV[i]
                                                      for i in I) + CONSTANT,
        """Bound definitions"""
        # x (flow) upper bounds
        # x_ubs = {3: 2, 5: 2, 9: 2, 10: 1, 14: 1, 17: 2, 19: 2, 21: 2, 25: 3}
        x_ubs = {
            2: 10,
            3: 2,
            4: 10,
            5: 2,
            9: 2,
            10: 1,
            14: 1,
            17: 2,
            18: 10,
            19: 2,
            20: 10,
            21: 2,
            22: 10,
            25: 3
        }  # add bounds for variables in nonlinear constraints
        for i, x_ub in x_ubs.items():
    def _make_vars(self):
        ''' This section is for variables within this model.'''
        # Number of waterwall zones is given by config,
        # Optionally the model could contain a platen and a roof superheater

        self.deltaP = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                          doc='Pressure drop of secondary air '
                          'through windbox and burner [Pa]')

        self.zones = RangeSet(self.config.number_of_zones)

        self.fcorrection_heat_ww = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                       doc='Correction factor '
                                       'for waterwall heat duty')

        if self.config.has_platen_superheater is True:
            self.fcorrection_heat_platen = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                               doc='Correction factor for '
                                               'platen SH heat duty')

        # wall temperatures of water wall zones
        self.wall_temperature_waterwall = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                              doc='Wall temperature [K] in '
                                              'Waterwall zones')

        # heat duties for water wall zones
        self.waterwall_heat = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                  doc='Heat duty [W] or heat loss '
                                  'to waterwall zones')

        if self.config.has_platen_superheater is True:
            # heat duty to platen super heater
            self.platen_heat = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                   doc='Platen superheater heat duty [W]')
            # wall temperature of platen superheater
            self.wall_temperature_platen = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                               doc='Platen superheater'
                                               ' wall temperature [K]')

        if self.config.has_roof_superheater is True:
            # heat duty to roof superheater
            self.roof_heat = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                 doc='Roof superheater heat duty [W]')
            # wall temperature of roof superheater
            self.wall_temperature_roof = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                             doc='Roof superheater '
                                             'wall temperature [K]')

        # PA/coal temperature, usually fixed around 150 F
        self.temperature_coal = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                    doc='Coal temperature in K')

        # overall Stoichiometric ratio, used to calculate total
        # combustion air flowrate
        # If SR is a function of load or raw coal flow rate,
        # specify constraint in flowsheet model
        self.SR = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                      doc='Overall furnace Stoichiometric ratio - SR')

        # lower furnace Stoichiometric ratio
        self.SR_lf = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                         doc='Lower furnace Stoichiometric ratio'
                         ' - SR excluding overfire air')

        # PA to coal mass flow ratio,
        # typically 2.0 depending on load or mill curve
        # usually this is an input of surrogate model
        self.ratio_PA2coal = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                 doc='Primary air to coal ratio')

        # mass flow rate of raw coal fed to mill
        # (raw coal flow without moisture vaporization in mill)
        self.flowrate_coal_raw = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                     doc='Raw coal mass flowrate [kg/s]')

        # mass flow rate of coal to burners after moisture vaporization in mill
        self.flowrate_coal_burner = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                        doc='Mass flowrate coal to burners '
                                        'with moisture'
                                        ' partially vaporized in mill [kg/s]')

        # raw coal moisture mass fraction (on as received basis),
        # can change with time to represent HHV change on as received basis
        self.mf_H2O_coal_raw = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                   doc='Raw coal mass fraction of'
                                   ' moisture on as received basis')

        # moisture mass fraction of coal to burners after mill,
        # calculated based on fraction of moistures vaporized in mill
        self.mf_H2O_coal_burner = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                      doc='Mass fraction of moisture'
                                      ' on as received basis')

        # Fraction of moisture vaporized in mill,
        # set in flowsheet as a function of coal flow rate, default is 0.6
        self.frac_moisture_vaporized = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                           doc='Fraction of coal'
                                           ' moisture vaporized in mill')

        # Vaporized moisture mass flow rate
                         doc="Vaporized moisture mass flowrate [kg/s]")
        def flowrate_moist_vaporized(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_coal_raw[t] * b.mf_H2O_coal_raw[t] \
                * b.frac_moisture_vaporized[t]

        # Elemental composition of dry coal, assuming fixed over time
        # They are usually fixed as user inputs
        self.mf_C_coal_dry = Var(initialize=0.5,
                                 doc='Mass fraction of C on dry basis')

        self.mf_H_coal_dry = Var(initialize=0.05,
                                 doc='Mass fraction of H on dry basis')

        self.mf_O_coal_dry = Var(initialize=0.1,
                                 doc='Mass fraction of O on dry basis')

        self.mf_N_coal_dry = Var(initialize=0.1,
                                 doc='Mass fraction of N on dry basis')

        self.mf_S_coal_dry = Var(initialize=0.05,
                                 doc='Mass fraction of S on dry basis')

        self.mf_Ash_coal_dry = Var(initialize=0.2,
                                   doc='Mass fraction of Ash on dry basis')

        # High heating value of dry coal, usally as a fixed user input
        self.hhv_coal_dry = Var(initialize=1e7,
                                doc='High heating value (HHV)'
                                'of coal on dry basis J/kg')

        # Fraction of unburned carbon (actually all organic elements) in
        # flyash, predicted by surrogate model.
        # When generating the surrogate, sum up all elements in
        # flyash from fireside boiler model outputs
        self.ubc_in_flyash = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                 doc='Unburned carbon and'
                                 ' other organic elements in fly ash')

        # mole fraction of NO in flue gas, predicted by surrogate model
        # usually mole fraction is very close to mass fraction of NO
        self.frac_mol_NOx_fluegas = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                        doc='Mole fraction of NOx in flue gas')

        # NOx in lb/MMBTU, NO is converted to NO2 as NOx
        @self.Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="NOx in lb/MMBTU")
        def nox_lb_mmbtu(b, t):
            return b.flue_gas_outlet.flow_mol_comp[t, "NO"] * 0.046 * 2.20462 \
                / (b.flowrate_coal_raw[t] * (1-b.mf_H2O_coal_raw[t])
                   * b.hhv_coal_dry/1.054e9)

        # coal flow rate after mill
                         doc="Coal flow rate to burners after mill")
        def flowrate_coal_burner_eqn(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_coal_burner[t] == b.flowrate_coal_raw[t] \
                - b.flowrate_moist_vaporized[t]

        # moisture mass fraction in coal after mill
                         doc="Moisture mass fraction for coal after mill")
        def mf_H2O_coal_burner_eqn(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_coal_raw[t] * b.mf_H2O_coal_raw[t] == \
                b.flowrate_coal_burner[t] * b.mf_H2O_coal_burner[t] \
                + b.flowrate_moist_vaporized[t]

        # fraction of daf elements on dry basis
        @self.Expression(doc="Mass fraction of dry ash free (daf)")
        def mf_daf_dry(b):
            return 1 - b.mf_Ash_coal_dry

                         doc="Ash mass flow rate kg/s")
        def flowrate_ash(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_coal_raw[t] * \

                         doc="Dry ash free - daf_coal flow rate "
                         "in fuel fed to the boiler kg/s")
        def flowrate_daf_fuel(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_coal_raw[t] * \
                (1-b.mf_H2O_coal_raw[t]) * b.mf_daf_dry

                         doc="Dry ash free (daf) coal flow rate in fly ash")
        def flowrate_daf_flyash(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_ash[t] / (1.0 - b.ubc_in_flyash[t]) \
                * b.ubc_in_flyash[t]

                         doc="Burned daf coal flow rate")
        def flowrate_daf_burned(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_daf_fuel[t] - b.flowrate_daf_flyash[t]

        @self.Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Coal burnout")
        def coal_burnout(b, t):
            return b.flowrate_daf_burned[t] / b.flowrate_daf_fuel[t]

        @self.Expression(doc="Dry ash free - daf C mass fraction")
        def mf_C_daf(b):
            return b.mf_C_coal_dry / b.mf_daf_dry

        @self.Expression(doc="Dry ash free - daf H mass fraction")
        def mf_H_daf(b):
            return b.mf_H_coal_dry / b.mf_daf_dry

        @self.Expression(doc="Dry ash free - daf O mass fraction")
        def mf_O_daf(b):
            return b.mf_O_coal_dry / b.mf_daf_dry

        @self.Expression(doc="Dry ash free - daf N mass fraction")
        def mf_N_daf(b):
            return b.mf_N_coal_dry / b.mf_daf_dry

        @self.Expression(doc="Dry ash free - daf S mass fraction")
        def mf_S_daf(b):
            return b.mf_S_coal_dry / b.mf_daf_dry

        @self.Expression(doc="Dry ash free high heating value in J/kg")
        def hhv_daf(b):
            return b.hhv_coal_dry / b.mf_daf_dry

        @self.Expression(doc="Heat of combustion at constant "
                         "pressure on daf basis in J/kg")
        # Note that measure HHV is the heat of combustion at constant volume
        def dhcoal(b):
            return -b.hhv_daf + const.gas_constant * 298.15 / 2 \
                * (-b.mf_H_daf/2/b.atomic_mass_H + b.mf_O_daf/b.atomic_mass_O
                   + b.mf_N_daf/b.atomic_mass_N)

        @self.Expression(doc="Carbon heat of reaction - dhc J/kg")
        def dhc(b):
            return -94052 * 4.184 / b.atomic_mass_C * b.mf_C_daf

        @self.Expression(doc="Hydrogen heat of reaction - dhh in J/kg")
        def dhh(b):
            return -68317.4 * 4.184 / b.atomic_mass_H / 2 * b.mf_H_daf

        @self.Expression(doc="Sulfur heat of reaction - dhs in J/kg")
        def dhs(b):
            return -70940 * 4.184 / b.atomic_mass_S * b.mf_S_daf

        @self.Expression(doc="Heat of formation for daf coal in J/kg")
        def hf_daf(b):
            return b.dhc + b.dhh + b.dhs - b.dhcoal

                         doc="Heat of formation of "
                         "moisture-containing coal to burners")
        def hf_coal(b, t):
            return b.hf_daf * (1-b.mf_H2O_coal_burner[t]) * b.mf_daf_dry \
                + b.mf_H2O_coal_burner[t]*(-68317.4)*4.184/(b.atomic_mass_H*2
                                                            + b.atomic_mass_O)

        @self.Expression(doc="Average atomic mass of daf coal")
        def am_daf(b):
            return 1 / (
                b.mf_C_daf / b.atomic_mass_C + b.mf_H_daf / b.atomic_mass_H +
                b.mf_O_daf / b.atomic_mass_O + b.mf_N_daf / b.atomic_mass_N +
                b.mf_S_daf / b.atomic_mass_S)

                         doc="Gt1 or Einstein quantum theory function for daf "
                         "coal sensible heat calculation")
        def gt1(b, t):
            return 1 / (exp(380 / b.temperature_coal[t]) - 1)

        # since flyash and flue gas outlet temperature is not fixed
        self.gt1_flyash = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                              doc='Gt1 or Einstein quantum theory function'
                              ' for daf part of flyash')

                         doc="Gt1 or Einstein quantum theory "
                         "for daf part of flyash")
        def gt1_flyash_eqn(b, t):
            return b.gt1_flyash[t] \
                * (exp(380/b.flue_gas[t].temperature)-1) == 1

                         doc="Gt2 or Einstein quantum theory "
                         "function for daf coal "
                         "sensible heat calculation for high temperature")
        def gt2(b, t):
            return 1 / (exp(1800 / b.temperature_coal[t]) - 1)

        # declare variable rather than use expression
        # since flyash and flue gas outlet temperature is not fixed
        self.gt2_flyash = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                              doc='Gt2 or Einstein quantum theory function '
                              'for daf part of flyash')

                         doc="Gt2 or Einstein quantum theory function "
                         "for daf part of flyash")
        def gt2_flyash_eqn(b, t):
            return b.gt2_flyash[t] \
                * (exp(1800/b.flue_gas[t].temperature)-1) == 1

                         doc="Sensible heat of daf coal")
        def hs_daf(b, t):
            return const.gas_constant / b.am_daf * (380 *
                                                    (b.gt1[t] - 0.3880471566) +
                                                    3600 *
                                                    (b.gt2[t] - 0.002393883))

                         doc="Sensible heat for daf part of flyash")
        def hs_daf_flyash(b, t):
            return const.gas_constant / b.am_daf * (
                380 * (b.gt1_flyash[t] - 0.3880471566) + 3600 *
                (b.gt2_flyash[t] - 0.002393883))

                         doc="Sensible heat of coal to burners")
        def hs_coal(b, t):
            return (1-b.mf_H2O_coal_burner[t]) * b.mf_daf_dry * b.hs_daf[t] \
                + b.mf_H2O_coal_burner[t]*4184*(b.temperature_coal[t]-298.15) \
                + (1-b.mf_H2O_coal_burner[t]) * b.mf_Ash_coal_dry \
                * (593 * (b.temperature_coal[t]-298.15)
                   + 0.293*(b.temperature_coal[t]**2 - 298.15**2))

                         doc="Total enthalpy of "
                         "moisture-containing coal to burners")
        def h_coal(b, t):
            return b.hs_coal[t] + b.hf_coal[t]

        # variable for O2 mole fraction in flue gas on dry basis
        # it can be used for data reconciliation and parameter estimation
        self.fluegas_o2_pct_dry = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time,
                                      doc='Mol percent of O2 on dry basis')