Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, response_list, nerrs_stations=None):
        assert isinstance(response_list, dict)

        if nerrs_stations is None:
            from pyoos.collectors.nerrs.nerrs_soap import NerrsSoap
            nerrs_stations = NerrsSoap().stations

        def get_station(feature):
            for s in nerrs_stations:
                if s['Station_Code'].lower() == feature.lower():
                    return s

        skip_tags = ["DateTimeStamp", "utcStamp", "data", "MaxWSpdT"]

        stations = []
        for feature, response in response_list.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(response, etree._Element):
                response = etree.fromstring(response)

            feature = get_station(feature)

            s = Station()
            s.uid = feature['Station_Code']
            s.name = feature['Station_Name']
            s.location = sPoint(float(feature['Longitude']),
                                float(feature['Latitude']), 0)
            s.set_property("state", feature['State'])
            s.set_property("siteid", feature['NERR_Site_ID'])
            s.set_property("horizontal_crs", "EPSG:4326")
            s.set_property("vertical_units", "m")
            s.set_property("vertical_crs", "EPSG:4297")
            s.set_property("location_description", feature['Reserve_Name'])

            for data in response.findall(".//data"):
                p = Point()
                t = AsaTime.parse(testXMLValue(data.find("utcStamp")))
                t = t.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
                p.time = t
                p.location = s.location
                for child in data:
                    if child.tag not in skip_tags:
                            val = float(child.text)
                        except TypeError:
                            # Value was None



        self.feature = StationCollection(elements=stations)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, element, wqx_ns):
        self._root = element

        des = self._root.find(nsp("ActivityDescription", wqx_ns))
        if des is not None:
            self.id = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
            self.type = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityTypeCode", wqx_ns)))
            self.media = testXMLValue(
                des.find(nsp("ActivityMediaName", wqx_ns)))

        # Date/Time
        sd = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityStartDate",
                                       wqx_ns)))  # YYYY-MM-DD
        parse_string = "%s" % sd

        st = des.find(nsp("ActivityStartTime", wqx_ns))
        # If no time is defined, skip trying to pull it out and just use the date
        if st is not None:
            t = testXMLValue(st.find(nsp("Time", wqx_ns)))
            tz = testXMLValue(st.find(nsp("TimeZoneCode", wqx_ns)))

            parse_string = "%s %s" % (parse_string, t)
            if tz is not None:
                parse_string = "%s %s" % (parse_string, tz)

        self.start_time = AsaTime.parse(parse_string)
        if self.start_time.tzinfo is None:
            self.start_time = self.start_time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)

        self.project = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ProjectIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
        self.location_id = testXMLValue(
            des.find(nsp("MonitoringLocationIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
        self.comment = testXMLValue(
            des.find(nsp("ActivityCommentText", wqx_ns)))

        self.method_id = None
        self.method_name = None
        self.method_context = None
        # Method
        smpl = self._root.find(nsp("SampleDescription", wqx_ns))
        if smpl is not None:
            self.sample_collection_equipment_name = testXMLValue(
                smpl.find(nsp("SampleCollectionEquipmentName", wqx_ns)))
            smplcol = smpl.find(nsp("SampleCollectionMethod", wqx_ns))
            if smplcol is not None:
                self.method_id = testXMLValue(
                    smplcol.find(nsp("MethodIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
                self.method_context = testXMLValue(
                    smplcol.find(nsp("MethodIdentifierContext", wqx_ns)))
                self.method_name = testXMLValue(
                    smplcol.find(nsp("MethodName", wqx_ns)))

        self.results = []
        for res in self._root.findall(nsp("Result", wqx_ns)):
            self.results.append(WqxResult(res, wqx_ns))
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, response_list, nerrs_stations=None):
        assert isinstance(response_list, dict)

        if nerrs_stations is None:
            from pyoos.collectors.nerrs.nerrs_soap import NerrsSoap
            nerrs_stations = NerrsSoap().stations

        def get_station(feature):
            for s in nerrs_stations:
                if s['Station_Code'].lower() == feature.lower():
                    return s

        skip_tags = ["DateTimeStamp", "utcStamp", "data", "MaxWSpdT"]

        stations = []
        for feature, response in response_list.items():
            if not isinstance(response, etree._Element):
                response = etree.fromstring(response)

            feature = get_station(feature)

            s = Station()
            s.uid = feature['Station_Code']
            s.name = feature['Station_Name']
            s.location = sPoint(feature['Longitude'], feature['Latitude'], 0)
            s.set_property("state", feature['State'])
            s.set_property("siteid", feature['NERR_Site_ID'])
            s.set_property("horizontal_crs", "EPSG:4326")
            s.set_property("vertical_units", "m")
            s.set_property("vertical_crs", "EPSG:4297")
            s.set_property("location_description", feature['Reserve_Name'])

            for data in response.findall(".//data"):
                p = Point()
                t = AsaTime.parse(testXMLValue(data.find("utcStamp")))
                t = t.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
                p.time = t
                p.location = s.location
                for child in data:
                    if child.tag not in skip_tags:
                            val = float(child.text)
                            p.add_member(Member(value=val, name=child.tag, description=child.tag,
                                                unit=units(child.tag), standard=standard(child.tag)))
                        except TypeError:
                            # Value was None



        self.feature = StationCollection(elements=stations)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, element, wqx_ns):
        self._root = element

        des = self._root.find(nsp("ActivityDescription", wqx_ns))
        if des is not None:
            self.id = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
            self.type = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityTypeCode", wqx_ns)))
            self.media = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityMediaName", wqx_ns)))

        # Date/Time
        sd = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityStartDate", wqx_ns)))  # YYYY-MM-DD
        parse_string = "%s" % sd

        st = des.find(nsp("ActivityStartTime", wqx_ns))
        # If no time is defined, skip trying to pull it out and just use the date
        if st is not None:
            t = testXMLValue(st.find(nsp("Time", wqx_ns)))
            tz = testXMLValue(st.find(nsp("TimeZoneCode", wqx_ns)))

            parse_string = "%s %s" % (parse_string, t)
            if tz is not None:
                parse_string = "%s %s" % (parse_string, tz)

        self.start_time = AsaTime.parse(parse_string)
        if self.start_time.tzinfo is None:
            self.start_time = self.start_time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)

        self.project = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ProjectIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
        self.location_id = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("MonitoringLocationIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
        self.comment = testXMLValue(des.find(nsp("ActivityCommentText", wqx_ns)))

        self.method_id = None
        self.method_name = None
        self.method_context = None
        # Method
        smpl = self._root.find(nsp("SampleDescription", wqx_ns))
        if smpl is not None:
            self.sample_collection_equipment_name = testXMLValue(
                smpl.find(nsp("SampleCollectionEquipmentName", wqx_ns))
            smplcol = smpl.find(nsp("SampleCollectionMethod", wqx_ns))
            if smplcol is not None:
                self.method_id = testXMLValue(smplcol.find(nsp("MethodIdentifier", wqx_ns)))
                self.method_context = testXMLValue(smplcol.find(nsp("MethodIdentifierContext", wqx_ns)))
                self.method_name = testXMLValue(smplcol.find(nsp("MethodName", wqx_ns)))

        self.results = []
        for res in self._root.findall(nsp("Result", wqx_ns)):
            self.results.append(WqxResult(res, wqx_ns))