def integrate_assemble_p0(family, degree): power = 5 m = UnitSquareMesh(2**power, 2**power) layers = 10 # Populate the coordinates of the extruded mesh by providing the # coordinates as a field. # TODO: provide a kernel which will describe how coordinates are extruded. mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers, layer_height=0.1) fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, family, degree, name="fs") f = Function(fs) fs1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, family, degree, name="fs1") f_rhs = Function(fs1) populate_p0 = op2.Kernel( """ void populate_tracer(double *x[], double *c[]) { x[0][0] = (c[1][2] + c[0][2]) / 2; }""", "populate_tracer") coords = f.function_space().mesh().coordinates op2.par_loop(populate_p0, f.cell_set, f.dat(op2.INC, f.cell_node_map()), coords.dat(op2.READ, coords.cell_node_map())) volume = op2.Kernel( """ void comp_vol(double *rhs[], double *x[], double *y[]) { double area = x[0][0]*(x[2][1]-x[4][1]) + x[2][0]*(x[4][1]-x[0][1]) + x[4][0]*(x[0][1]-x[2][1]); if (area < 0) area = area * (-1.0); rhs[0][0] += 0.5 * area * (x[1][2] - x[0][2]) * y[0][0]; }""", "comp_vol") op2.par_loop(volume, f.cell_set, f_rhs.dat(op2.WRITE, f_rhs.cell_node_map()), coords.dat(op2.READ, coords.cell_node_map()), f.dat(op2.READ, f.cell_node_map())) g = op2.Global(1, data=0.0, name='g') reduction = op2.Kernel( """ void comp_reduction(double A[1], double *x[]) { A[0] += x[0][0]; }""", "comp_reduction") op2.par_loop(reduction, f_rhs.cell_set, g(op2.INC), f_rhs.dat(op2.READ, f_rhs.cell_node_map())) return np.abs([0] - 0.5)
def integrate_unit_square(family, degree): power = 5 m = UnitIntervalMesh(2**power) layers = 10 # Populate the coordinates of the extruded mesh by providing the # coordinates as a field. # A kernel which describes how coordinates are extruded. mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers, layer_height=0.1) fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, family, degree, name="fs") f = Function(fs) area = op2.Kernel( """ void comp_area(double A[1], double *x[], double *y[]) { double area = (x[1][1]-x[0][1])*(x[2][0]-x[0][0]); if (area < 0) area = area * (-1.0); A[0] += area; }""", "comp_area") g = op2.Global(1, data=0.0, name='g') coords = f.function_space().mesh().coordinates op2.par_loop(area, f.cell_set, g(op2.INC), coords.dat(op2.READ, coords.cell_node_map()), f.dat(op2.READ, f.cell_node_map())) return np.abs([0] - 1.0)
def computeAvgHessian(meshd, sol, t, tIni, tEnd, nbrSpl, H, hessian, options) : print "DEBUG hessian-metric assembly"; sys.stdout.flush() chrono1 = clock() mesh = meshd.mesh detMax = Function(meshd.V).interpolate(abs(det(H))) lbdmax = sqrt(detMax) lbdmin = 1.e-20 * lbdmax lbdMin = op2.Global(1, lbdmin, dtype=float); op2.par_loop(options.absValHessian_kernel, H.node_set().superset, H.dat(op2.RW), lbdMin(op2.READ)) # sum with previous hessians # 3 cases: if t=tIni or tEnd or in between cof = float(tEnd-tIni)/(nbrSpl-1) if (t == tIni) or (t == tEnd) : cof *= 0.5[...] += cof* chrono2 = clock() print "DEBUG end Hessian-metric assembly. Elapsed time: %1.2e" %(chrono2-chrono1); sys.stdout.flush()