def has_peaks(exp: ms.MSExperiment) -> bool: """Checks if any spectrum in an experiment has peaks.""" for i in range(exp.getNrSpectra()): spec = exp.getSpectrum(i) if spec.size() > 0: return True return False
def read_sample(input_file, expt_='ecoli', mode='pos'): SM = Sample(expt_, mode, input_file) exp = MSExperiment() MzMLFile().load(input_file, exp) print(input_file, exp.getNrSpectra()) scans = [] ii = 0 for sp in exp: ms_level = sp.getMSLevel() if ms_level == 1: # ONLY dealig with MS1 here rt = sp.getRT() mz, intensity = sp.get_peaks() # use int and tuple to save space when storage is considered intensity = [int(x) for x in intensity] # Scan defined as 'scan_number', 'retention_time', 'mz_values', 'intensity_values' scans.append(Scan(ii, rt, tuple(mz), tuple(intensity))) # scans.append(Scan(ii, rt, mz, intensity)) ii += 1 SM.scans = scans SM.retention_index = tuple([sc.scan_number for sc in scans]) SM.retention_time = tuple([sc.retention_time for sc in scans]) return SM
def store(self, ofname: str, peakMap: pyopenms.MSExperiment): #sort peakMap if necessary if not peakMap.isSorted(): peakMap.sortSpectra() peakMap.updateRanges() outF = open(ofname, 'w') firstScan = self._getScan( peakMap.getSpectrum(0).getNativeID().decode('utf-8')) dataType = peakMap.getSpectrum(0).getType() dataType = 'Centroid' if dataType == 1 else 'Profile' if dataType == 2 else 'Unknown' lastScan = self._getScan( peakMap.getSpectrum(peakMap.getNrSpectra() - 1).getNativeID().decode('utf-8')) precursorFile = basename(ofname).replace('ms2', 'ms1') #print header outF.write( self._writeValue( MS2File._h_tag, 'CreationDate','%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) outF.write(self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'Extractor', 'msConvert')) outF.write(self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'ExtractorVersion', '0.1')) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'Comments', 'msConvert was written by Aaron Maurais, 2019')) outF.write(self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'ExtractorOptions', 'MS2')) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'AcquisitionMethod', 'Data-Dependent')) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'InstrumentType', 'Unknown')) outF.write(self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'ScanType', 'MS2')) outF.write(self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'DataType', dataType)) outF.write(self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'FirstScan', firstScan)) outF.write(self._writeValue(MS2File._h_tag, 'LastScan', lastScan)) #iterate through spectra preScan = 'Unknown' for i, scan in enumerate(peakMap.getSpectra()): if scan.getMSLevel() == 1: preScan = self._getScan(scan.getNativeID().decode('utf-8')) if scan.getMSLevel() == 2: #write header info curScan = self._getScan(scan.getNativeID().decode('utf-8')) precursors = scan.getPrecursors() preCharge = int(precursors[0].getCharge()) preMZ = precursors[0].getMZ() #print scan line outF.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(MS2File._s_tag, curScan.zfill(6), curScan.zfill(6), preMZ)) #print scan info outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._i_tag, 'RetTime', scan.getRT())) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._i_tag, 'PrecursorInt', precursors[0].getIntensity())) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._i_tag, 'IonInjectionTime', 'Unknown')) ameth = list(precursors[0].getActivationMethods()) ameth = ' '.join( [MS2File._activationMethods[x] for x in ameth]) if not ameth: ameth = 'Unknown' outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._i_tag, 'ActivationType', ameth)) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._i_tag, 'PrecursorFile', precursorFile)) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._i_tag, 'PrecursorScan', preScan)) outF.write( self._writeValue(MS2File._i_tag, 'InstrumentType', 'Unknown')) #write z line #after charge, the M+H m/z for the ion is listed, so calculate that here outF.write( self._writeValue( MS2File._z_tag, preCharge, (float(preMZ) * preCharge) - (preCharge * MS2File._H_mass) + MS2File._H_mass)) #write ions for ion in scan: outF.write('{0:.4f} {1:.1f}\n'.format( round(ion.getMZ(), 4), round(ion.getIntensity(), 1)))
def combine_experiments(exp1: ms.MSExperiment, exp2: ms.MSExperiment) -> None: """Merges two experiments (putting the second into the first).""" for i in range(exp2.getNrSpectra()): spec = exp2.getSpectrum(i) exp1.addSpectrum(spec)