Exemple #1
    def get_operator_systemathics(self):
        Return the operator of the acquisition. Note that the operator is only
        linear if the scene temperature is differential (absolute=False).

        distribution = self.get_distribution_operator()
        temp = self.get_unit_conversion_operator()
        aperture = self.get_aperture_integration_operator()
        filter = self.get_filter_operator()
        projection = self.get_projection_operator()
        hwp = self.get_hwp_operator()
        polarizer = self.get_polarizer_operator()
        integ = self.get_detector_integration_operator()
        trans_inst = self.instrument.get_transmission_operator()
        trans_atm = self.scene.atmosphere.transmission
        response = self.get_detector_response_operator()

        with rule_manager(inplace=True):
            H_t = CompositionOperator([
                response, trans_inst, integ, polarizer_t, hwp_t * projection,
                filter, aperture, trans_atm, temp, distribution
            H_r = CompositionOperator([
                response, trans_inst, integ, polarizer_t, hwp_r * projection,
                polarizer_r, hwp_t * projection, filter, aperture, trans_atm,
                temp, distribution
            H = H_t + H_r

        if self.scene == 'QU':
            H = self.get_subtract_grid_operator()(H)
        return H
 def func(nops):
     ops = [ DiscreteDifferenceOperator(axis=axis,shapein=(2,3,4,5)) \
             for axis in range(nops) ]
     model = CompositionOperator(ops)
     assert model.T.T is model
     v = np.arange(2*3*4*5.).reshape(2,3,4,5)
     a = model.T(v)
     b = v.copy()
     for m in ops:
         b = m.T(b)
     c = model.T(v,v)
     assert np.all(a == b) and np.all(b == c)
Exemple #3
def test_composite():
    global counter
    counter = 0
    proxy_lists = [
        get_operator(proxy_list, attr)
        for attr in ('', 'C', 'T', 'H', 'I', 'IC', 'IT', 'IH')
    ref_lists = [
        get_operator(ref_list, attr)
        for attr in ('', 'C', 'T', 'H', 'I', 'IC', 'IT', 'IH')

    op = AdditionOperator(CompositionOperator(_) for _ in zip(*proxy_lists))
    ref = AdditionOperator(CompositionOperator(_) for _ in zip(*ref_lists))
    assert_same(op.todense(), ref.todense())
    assert_equal(counter, nproxy * op.shapein[0])
    def get_operator(self):
        Return the acquisition model H as an operator.

        if self._operator is None:
            self._operator = CompositionOperator([
                    [self.instrument.get_operator(self.sampling[b], self.scene)
                     for b in self.block], axisin=1),
        return self._operator
    def get_operator(self):
        Return the operator of the acquisition. Note that the operator is 
        only linear if the scene temperature is differential (absolute=False)
        distribution = self.get_distribution_operator()
        temp = self.get_unit_conversion_operator()
        aperture = self.get_aperture_integration_operator()
        projection = self.get_projection_operator()
        hwp = self.get_hwp_operator()
        polarizer = self.get_polarizer_operator()
        filter = self.get_filter_operator()
        integ = self.get_detector_integration_operator()
        response = self.get_detector_response_operator()
        convol = self.instrument.get_convolution_transfer_operator()

        with rule_manager(inplace=True):
            H = CompositionOperator([
                response, integ, filter, polarizer, hwp * projection, aperture,
                convol, temp, distribution
        if self.scene == 'QU':
            H = self.get_subtract_grid_operator()(H)
        return H
Exemple #6
def check(group, expected):
    actual = str(CompositionOperator(group))
    if '**2**2' in actual:
        raise SkipTest
    assert_equal(str(CompositionOperator(group)), expected)
def test_power_rule_comp():
    ops = (ReciprocalOperator(), SqrtOperator(), SquareOperator(),
    op = CompositionOperator(ops)
    assert_is_type(op, PowerOperator)
    assert_equal(op.n, -2.5)
Exemple #8
 def func(ops, expected_types, expected_values):
     op = CompositionOperator(ops)
     assert_eq([type(o) for o in op.operands], expected_types)
     assert_eq([get_val(o) for o in op.operands], expected_values)
Exemple #9
 def func(ops, r):
     op = CompositionOperator(ops)
     assert_same(op.todense(), r, atol=5)