######### Process print 'Main Routine: ' mats_lists, gl_lists = None, None out_stem_dir = out_dir + '/' + out_stem print '\tCleaning the output dir: ' + out_stem if os.path.exists(out_stem_dir): clean_dir(out_stem_dir) else: os.makedirs(out_stem_dir) if in_wspace is None: print '\tLoading input data...' star = sub.Star() try: star.load(in_star) except pexceptions.PySegInputError as e: print 'ERROR: input STAR file for filaments could not be loaded because of "' + e.get_message( ) + '"' print 'Terminated. (' + time.strftime("%c") + ')' sys.exit(-1) set_lists, lists_dic_rows = surf.SetListTomoOMSegmentations(), dict() for row in range(star.get_nrows()): ltomos_pkl = star.get_element('_psPickleFile', row) ltomos = unpickle_obj(ltomos_pkl) set_lists.add_list_tomos(ltomos, ltomos_pkl) fkey = os.path.split(ltomos_pkl)[1] short_key_idx = fkey.index('_') short_key = fkey[:short_key_idx]
print '\t\t-Keep tomograms the ' + str( pt_keep) + 'th with the highest number of segmentations.' print '\t\t-Minimum number of segmentations: ' + str(pt_min_segs) if pt_min_by_tomo: print '\t\t-Num. segmentations computation by tomograms.' print '' ######### Process print 'Main Routine: ' print '\tProcessing STAR file rows: ' surfs = list() print '\tLoading input STAR file(s)...' star, star_out = sub.Star(), sub.Star() try: star.load(in_star) star_out.add_column('_psPickleFile') except pexceptions.PySegInputError as e: print 'ERROR: input STAR file could not be loaded because of "' + e.get_message( ) + '"' print 'Terminated. (' + time.strftime("%c") + ')' sys.exit(-1) print '\tLoop for tomograms in the list: ' segs_inserted = 0 set_lists = surf.SetListTomoOMSegmentations() for star_row in range(star.get_nrows()): print '\t\tNow list of tomograms initialization...'