Exemple #1
def test_not_monotonous():
    # ts not strictly monotonous
    ts = np.random.rand(1000)
    ws = ts
    gs = ws
    ti = ts[0]
    tf = ts[-1]
    x0 = 1.0
    dx0 = 0.0
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0)
    return None
Exemple #2
def test_outside_range_tf():
    # ti outside ts
    ts = np.linspace(1, 50, 1000)
    ws = np.linspace(1, 50, 1000)
    gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
    ti = 1.0
    tf = -5.0
    x0 = 1.0
    dx0 = 0.0
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0)
    return None
Exemple #3
def test_too_small():
    # Same size arrays but too small
    ts = np.linspace(1, 50, 1)
    ws = np.linspace(1, 50, 1)
    gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
    ti = 1.0
    tf = 50.0
    x0 = 1.0
    dx0 = 0.0
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0)
    return None
Exemple #4
def test_different_size():
    # Different size arrays
    ts = np.linspace(1, 50, 2000)
    ws = np.linspace(1, 50, 2001)
    gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
    ti = 1.0
    tf = 50.0
    x0 = 1.0
    dx0 = 0.0
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0)
    return None
Exemple #5
def test_dense_output_range():
    # Dense output outside integration range
    ts = np.linspace(1, 50, 2000)
    ws = np.linspace(1, 50, 2000)
    gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
    t_eval = np.linspace(0, 60, 1000)
    ti = 1.0
    tf = 50.0
    x0 = 1.0
    dx0 = 0.0
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0, t_eval=t_eval)
    return None
Exemple #6
def test_dense_output_sorted():
    # Dense output not sorted
    ts = np.linspace(1, 50, 2000)
    ws = np.linspace(1, 50, 2000)
    t_eval = np.linspace(1, 50, 100)
    t_eval = np.flip(t_eval)
    gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
    ti = 1.0
    tf = 50.0
    x0 = 1.0
    dx0 = 0.0
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0, t_eval=t_eval)
    return None
Exemple #7
def test_airy_backward_even():
    # Integration backwards on even grid
    ts = np.linspace(1, 100, 5000)
    ws = np.sqrt(ts)
    gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
    ti = 1.0
    tf = 100.0
    t_eval = np.linspace(ti, tf, 5000)
    x0 = airy(-tf)[0] + 1j * airy(-tf)[2]
    dx0 = -airy(-tf)[1] - 1j * airy(-tf)[3]
    sol = pyoscode.solve(ts,
    t = np.asarray(sol['t'])
    x = np.asarray(sol['sol'])
    dense = np.asarray(sol['x_eval'])
    dense_d = np.asarray(sol['dx_eval'])
    types = np.asarray(sol['types'])
    ana_t = np.linspace(ti, tf, 5000)
    ana_x = np.asarray([airy(-T)[0] + 1j * airy(-T)[2] for T in t])
    dense_ana_x = np.asarray([airy(-T)[0] + 1j * airy(-T)[2] for T in ana_t])
    dense_ana_dx = np.asarray([-airy(-T)[1] - 1j * airy(-T)[3] for T in ana_t])
    dense_error = np.abs((dense - dense_ana_x) / dense_ana_x) / 0.01 > 1.0
    dense_error_d = np.abs(
        (dense_d - dense_ana_dx) / dense_ana_dx) / 0.01 > 1.0
    error = np.abs((x - ana_x) / ana_x) / 0.01 > 1.0
    assert (np.any(dense_error) == False and np.any(dense_error_d) == False
            and np.any(error) == False)
Exemple #8
def test_no_integration():
    # Tests the case when ti=tf
    ts = np.linspace(1, 100, 5000)
    ws = np.sqrt(ts)
    gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
    ti = 1.0
    tf = ti
    x0 = airy(-ti)[0] + 1j * airy(-ti)[2]
    dx0 = -airy(-ti)[1] - 1j * airy(-ti)[3]
    sol = pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0, even_grid=True)
    t = np.asarray(sol['t'])
    x = np.asarray(sol['sol'])
    dx = np.asarray(sol['dsol'])
    assert (x.shape[0] == 1 and dx.shape[0] == 1 and x[0] == x0
            and dx[0] == dx0)
Exemple #9
gs = np.zeros_like(ws)
# Define the range of integration and the initial conditions
ti = 1.0
tf = 100.0
x0 = airy(-ti)[0] + 1j * airy(-ti)[2]
dx0 = -airy(-ti)[1] - 1j * airy(-ti)[3]
t_eval = np.linspace(ti, ti + 1.0, 10)
# Solve the system
# Test forward integration
#sol = pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0,t_eval=t_eval) # Uneven grid assumed, even grid given
#sol = pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0,t_eval=t_eval,even_grid=True) # Even grid expected, even grid given
# Test backward integration
#x0 = airy(-tf)[0] + 1j*airy(-tf)[2]
#dx0 = -airy(-tf)[1] - 1j*airy(-tf)[3]
#sol = pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, tf, ti, x0, dx0,t_eval=t_eval,even_grid=True) # X
sol = pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0, t_eval=t_eval)  # X
t = np.asarray(sol['t'])
x = np.asarray(sol['sol'])
dense = np.asarray(sol['x_eval'])
print("dense output: ", dense[0])
types = np.asarray(sol['types'])
# Plot the solution
ana_t = np.linspace(ti, tf, 5000)
plt.plot(ana_t, [1j * airy(-T)[0] - airy(-T)[2] for T in ana_t],
         label='true solution')
plt.plot(t[types == 0], 1j * x[types == 0], '.', color='C0', label='RK steps')
plt.plot(t[types == 1], 1j * x[types == 1], '.', color='C1', label='WKB steps')
plt.plot(t_eval, 1j * dense, color='C1', label='dense output')
Exemple #10
import pyoscode
import numpy
from scipy.special import airy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Define the frequency and friction term over the range of integration
ts = numpy.linspace(1, 1000, 5000)
ws = numpy.sqrt(ts)
gs = numpy.zeros_like(ws)
# Define the range of integration and the initial conditions
ti = 1.0
tf = 1000.0
x0 = airy(-ti)[0] + 1j * airy(-ti)[2]
dx0 = -airy(-ti)[1] - 1j * airy(-ti)[3]
# Solve the system
sol = pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0)
t = numpy.asarray(sol['t'])
x = numpy.asarray(sol['sol'])
types = numpy.asarray(sol['types'])
# Plot the solution
ana_t = numpy.linspace(1, 35.0, 1000)
plt.plot(ana_t, [airy(-T)[0] for T in ana_t], label='true solution')
plt.plot(t[types == 0], x[types == 0], '.', color='red', label='RK steps')
plt.plot(t[types == 1], x[types == 1], '.', color='green', label='WKB steps')
plt.xlim((1.0, 35.0))
plt.ylim((-1.0, 1.0))