def test_write(tmp_path): tld = TEST_FONTS_DIR / "good" for f in tld.iterdir(): ext = f.suffix if ext.lower() not in KNOWN_EXTENSIONS: continue out_file = tmp_path / _ = pyots.sanitize(f, output=out_file) assert out_file.exists()
def test_ots_bad(): tld = TEST_FONTS_DIR / "bad" count = 0 for f in tld.iterdir(): ext = f.suffix if ext.lower() not in KNOWN_EXTENSIONS: continue r = pyots.sanitize(f) if r.sanitized: count += 1 print("[bad] unexpected success on", f, "\n".join(r.messages)) assert not count, f"{count} file{'s were' if count != 1 else 'was'} sanitized when expected to be sanitized." # noqa: E501
def test_ots_good(): tld = TEST_FONTS_DIR / "good" count = 0 for f in tld.iterdir(): ext = f.suffix if ext.lower() not in KNOWN_EXTENSIONS: continue r = pyots.sanitize(f) if not r.sanitized: count += 1 print("[good] unexpected failure on", f, "\n".join(r.messages)) assert not count, f"{count} file{'s' if count != 1 else ''} failed when expected to be sanitized." # noqa: E501
def test_ots_fuzzing(): tld = TEST_FONTS_DIR / "fuzzing" count = 0 for f in tld.iterdir(): ext = f.suffix if ext.lower() not in KNOWN_EXTENSIONS: continue r = pyots.sanitize(f) if str(f.relative_to(TEST_FONTS_DIR)) in EXPECT_FAIL: if r.sanitized: count += 1 print("[fuzzing] unexpected success on", f, "\n".join(r.messages)) else: if not r.sanitized: count += 1 print("[fuzzing] unexpected failure on", f, "\n".join(r.messages)) assert not count, f"{count} file{'s' if count != 1 else ''} had an unexpected sanitization result."
def _get_pyots_result(path): return pyots.sanitize(path)