def test_build_full_URL(self):
     instance = OWMHTTPClient('test_API_key', self.__test_cache)
     API_subset_URL = '/subset'
     params = {'a': 1}
     result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
     expected_1 = ''
     expected_2 = ''
     self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)
 def test_build_full_URL_with_unicode_chars_in_API_key(self):
     instance = OWMHTTPClient('£°test££', self.__test_cache)
     API_subset_URL = '/subset'
     params = {'a': 1}
     result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
     expected_1 = ''
     expected_2 = ''
     self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)
 def test_build_full_URL_with_unicode_chars_in_API_key(self):
     instance = OWMHTTPClient('£°test££', self.__test_cache)
     API_subset_URL = '/subset'
     params = {'a': 1}
     result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
     expected_1 = ''
     expected_2 = ''
     self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)
 def test_build_full_URL(self):
     instance = OWMHTTPClient('test_API_key', self.__test_cache)
     API_subset_URL = '/subset'
     params = {'a': 1}
     result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
     expected_1 = ''
     expected_2 = ''
     self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)
Exemple #5
 def test_build_full_URL(self):
     instance = OWMHTTPClient('test_API_key', self.__test_cache)
     API_subset_URL = ''
     params = {'a': 1}
     result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
     expected_1 = ''
     expected_2 = ''
     self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)
Exemple #6
 def test_build_full_URL(self):
     instance = OWMHTTPClient('test_API_key', self.__test_cache)
     API_subset_URL = ''
     params = {'a': 1}
     result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
     expected_1 = ''
     expected_2 = ''
     self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)
class TestOWMHTTPClient(unittest.TestCase):

    __test_cache = NullCache()
    __instance = OWMHTTPClient(None, __test_cache)
    __test_output = b"this is a test HTTP response payload"

    def mock_urlopen(self, url, data, timeout):
        Mock implementation of urllib2.urlopen method for testing
        class Mock_Response(object):
            def __init__(self, output_msg):
                self.__output_msg = output_msg

            def read(self):
                return self.__output_msg

        return Mock_Response(self.__test_output)

    def mock_urlopen_raising_HTTPError(self, url, data, timeout):
        """Mock implementation of urllib2.urlopen raising HTTPError"""
        raise HTTPError(None, 404, "Failure", None, None)

    def mock_urlopen_raising_URLError(self, url, data, timeout):
        """Mock implementation of urllib2.urlopen raising URLError"""
        raise URLError("Failure")

    def test_build_query_parameters(self):
        root = ""
        params_dict = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
        result = self.__instance._build_query_parameters(root, params_dict)
        expected_1 = ""
        expected_2 = ""
        self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)

    def test_build_full_URL(self):
        instance = OWMHTTPClient('test_API_key', self.__test_cache)
        API_subset_URL = '/subset'
        params = {'a': 1}
        result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
        expected_1 = ''
        expected_2 = ''
        self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)

    def test_build_full_URL_with_no_API_key(self):
        API_subset_URL = '/subset'
        params = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
        result = self.__instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
        expected_1 = ''
        expected_2 = ''
        self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)

    def test_build_full_URL_with_unicode_chars_in_API_key(self):
        instance = OWMHTTPClient('£°test££', self.__test_cache)
        API_subset_URL = '/subset'
        params = {'a': 1}
        result = instance._build_full_URL(API_subset_URL, params)
        expected_1 = ''
        expected_2 = ''
        self.assertTrue(result == expected_1 or result == expected_2)

    def test_call_API(self):
        # Setup monkey patching
        if 'urllib2' in context:  # Python 2.x
            ref_to_original_urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
            urllib2.urlopen = self.mock_urlopen
        else:  # Python 3.x
            ref_to_original_urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen
            urllib.request.urlopen = self.mock_urlopen
        result_output = \
            self.__instance.call_API('', {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
        # Tear down monkey patching
        if 'urllib2' in context:  # Python 2.x
            urllib2.urlopen = ref_to_original_urlopen
        else:  # Python 3.x
            urllib.request.urlopen = ref_to_original_urlopen
        self.assertEqual(self.__test_output.decode('utf-8'), result_output)

    def test_call_API_raises_OWM_API_call_exception(self):
        # Setup monkey patching
        if 'urllib2' in context:  # Python 2.x
            ref_to_original_urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
        else:  # Python 3.x
            ref_to_original_urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen

        # Test raising HTTPrror
        if 'urllib2' in context:  # Python 2.x
            urllib2.urlopen = self.mock_urlopen_raising_HTTPError
        else:  # Python 3.x
            urllib.request.urlopen = \
        self.assertRaises(APICallError, self.__instance.call_API,
                          '', {
                              'a': 1,
                              'b': 2

        # Test raising URLError
        if 'urllib2' in context:  # Python 2.x
            urllib2.urlopen = self.mock_urlopen_raising_URLError
        else:  # Python 3.x
            urllib.request.urlopen = self.mock_urlopen_raising_URLError
        self.assertRaises(APICallError, self.__instance.call_API,
                          '', {
                              'a': 1,
                              'b': 2

        # Tear down monkey patching
        if 'urllib2' in context:  # Python 2.x
            urllib2.urlopen = ref_to_original_urlopen
        else:  # Python 3.x
            urllib.request.urlopen = ref_to_original_urlopen