def get_one_call(): try: city = tom_forecast_city.get() forecast = get_weather(city) mgr = owm.weather_manager() registry = owm.city_id_registry() list_of_locations = registry.locations_for(city) location = list_of_locations[ 0] # list of locatins - dictionary # will get allways 1'st by default lat = round((, 2) lon = round((location.lon), 2) one_call = mgr.one_call(lat, lon) tom_temp = one_call.forecast_daily[0].temperature('celsius').get( 'feels_like_morn', None) tom_wi = one_call.forecast_hourly[6].wind().get('speed', 0) tom_hu = one_call.forecast_hourly[6].humidity if forecast: location2_lbl['text'] = (f'Feels like morning T: {tom_temp}°C.\n\ Wind: {tom_wi} m∕s. \n\ Humidity: {tom_hu} %') else: error_lbl['text'] = ( f'There may be not enough info now. Please try again later') except: location2_lbl['text'] = (f'We could\'nt start your program. \n\ Please try starting it again')
def pressure_function(): mgr = owm.weather_manager() observation = mgr.weather_at_place(city) pressure_dict = # in pyOWM ---weather--- is an inbuilt method pressure1 = pressure_dict['press'] # press (atmospheric pressure on the ground in hPa) pressure2 = pressure_dict['sea_level'] # and sea_level (on the sea level, if location is on the sea | discluded from the lsit as a parameter as our locations are on the ground time.sleep(0.75) print ('...') print ('Current atmospheric pressure is: ' + str(pressure1) + ' bar∕mPa∕atm')
def get_weather(city): # main class try: # owm block mgr = owm.weather_manager() observation = mgr.weather_at_place(city) w = # get_short_weather_status sh_status = w.status # short version of status (eg. 'Rain') det_status = w.detailed_status # detailed version of status (eg. 'light rain') # get_id_city registry = owm.city_id_registry() id_result = registry.ids_for(city)[0] # get_weather_options wi = w.wind()['speed'] hu = w.humidity tmax = w.temperature('celsius')['temp_max'] tmin = w.temperature('celsius')['temp_min'] t_feel = w.temperature('celsius')['feels_like'] # get_pressure pressure_dict = # in pyOWM ---weather--- is an inbuilt method pressure1 = pressure_dict[ 'press'] # press (atmospheric pressure on the ground in hPa) pressure2 = pressure_dict['sea_level'] # get coords list_of_locations = registry.locations_for(city) location = list_of_locations[ 0] # list of locatins - dictionary # will get allways 1'st by default lat = round((, 2) lon = round((location.lon), 2) # get sunrise & sunset sunrise_unix = w.sunrise_time( ) + 10800 #it's 10800 seconds = 3 hours # default unit: 'unix' sunrise_local = (pyowm.utils.formatting.timeformat( sunrise_unix, 'iso'))[10:-3] sunset_unix = w.sunset_time() + 10800 # default unit: 'unix' sunset_local = (pyowm.utils.formatting.timeformat(sunset_unix, 'iso'))[10:-3] # get rain for the last 1-12 hours (depends on meteo json response) rain_dict = final = ( wi, hu, tmax, tmin, t_feel, pressure1, pressure2, id_result, lat, lon, sunrise_local, sunset_local, rain_dict, sh_status, det_status ) # <Weather - reference time=2013-12-18 09:20, status=Clouds> return (final) except: final = 'opppssssssssssssssssssssss!'
def rain_function(): try: mgr = owm.weather_manager() observation = mgr.weather_at_place(city) rain_dict = rr = rain_dict['1h'] # data cortege ## it's better to select Megapolises, as their meteo works much better print (f'Current amount of rain fallen for the last {str(rr)[2:3]} hour: {str(rr)[-5:-1]}mm') ## shift the key in 214 from 1h to (n)h !! not all cities possess other keys than '1h' except KeyError as err: print ('Ooops. There is no sufficient amount of rain to determine')
#__________________ city = input ('What city do U want to check the weather in?: ') time.sleep(0.75) #2 GET THE ID OF A CITY GIVEN IT'S NAME registry = owm.city_id_registry() results = registry.ids_for(city) [0] # застосовуємо модуль списки для ідентифікації 2ого по списку міста з меню вибору (Philadelphia, PA) print ("Selected city has the next ID: " + str(results)) #1 GET A CURRENT WEATHER STATUS OF THE CITY mgr = owm.weather_manager() observation = mgr.weather_at_place(city) w = # print(w) # <Weather - reference time=2013-12-18 09:20, status=Clouds> # Weather details wi = w.wind() ['speed'] # {'speed': 4.6, 'deg': 330} hu = w.humidity # 87 t = w.temperature('celsius') ['temp'] # {'temp_max': 10.5, 'temp': 9.7, 'temp_min': 9.0, 'feels_like': 22,68 } print ("In the city of " + city + ", we have the next weather conditions: " + "Wind speed - " + str(wi) + " km∕h" + ", relative humidity - " + str(hu) + "% " + ", T - " + str(t) + " °C") #_______PAUSE______ time.sleep(0.75) print ('...') #__________________