def getFileFromUrl(self, url): self.clear_errors() os = system() if os == 'Windows': session = PACSession() r = session.get(url) else: r = requests.get(url, proxies=urllib.request.getproxies()) return str(r.content, 'utf-8')
def getFileFromUrl(self, url): self.clear_errors() os = system() if os == 'Windows': session = PACSession() r = session.get(url) else: r = requests.get(url, proxies=urllib.request.getproxies()) if self.ApiVersion<3: return str(r.content, 'utf-8') else: return binascii.hexlify(r.content).decode('utf-8')
def _download_url(self, url, user_agent=None, use_pac=False, headers=None): user_agent = user_agent or self.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT headers = headers or {} download_headers = { "User-Agent": user_agent, } download_headers.update(headers) if use_pac: session = PACSession(pac=self.pac, proxy_auth=HTTPProxyAuth( self.username, self.password)) else: session = Session() response = session.get(url, headers=download_headers) return response
def run_process(): iteration = 0 while (True): base = start_date = base.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") url = COWIN_URL.format(DIST_ID, start_date) session = PACSession() response = session.get(url, headers=COWIN_HEADERS) if response.ok: resp_json = response.json() df = pd.DataFrame() i = 0 for center in resp_json["centers"]: for session in center["sessions"]: if center["name"] not in EXCLUDE_LOCATIONS:[i, "center_name"] = center["name"][i, "pin_code"] = int(center["pincode"])[i, "available_capacity_dose1"] = session['available_capacity_dose1'][i, "min_age_limit"] = session["min_age_limit"][i, 'date'] = session['date'][i, 'fee_type'] = center['fee_type'] i += 1 df.pin_code = df.pin_code.astype(int) df.available_capacity_dose1 = df.available_capacity_dose1.astype(int) df.min_age_limit = df.min_age_limit.astype(int) if PIN_CODE_LIST: df = df[df.pin_code.isin(PIN_CODE_LIST)] df = df[(df.available_capacity_dose1 > 0)] # df = df[df.fee_type == 'Free'] if df.shape[0]: print(df) texts = get_texts(df) for text in texts: send_message(text) # print(text) alert('successful') if response.status_code in [404, 403, 500, 400]: alert() if iteration % 50 == 0: print(iteration) time.sleep(10) iteration += 1
def __init__(com): print "initial" #used for testing will probably remove soon com.startThredCount = threading.activeCount() #figure the startin com.documentation = [ ] #initial com.documentation. This is used to store all the """Removed the proxy line!!! get this from dustin""" #set up the pac session by getting the proxy wpad file com.session = PACSession(com.pac) #set the session with the proxy com.testCounter = 0 #delete this later com.resultList = [ ] #initial com.resultList. This is used to store all the design examples and links that fail testing. com.getLinks( fileLoc ) #run the getLinks def to get all the documentation links from the xlsx file for row in com.documentation: #for each link in the documentation list check the link for x in range( 1, 6 ): #check each link individually. there are 5 possible links for each design example if (row[x][0] != "-"): #check if the link is empty tman = threading.Thread( target=com.requesLink, args=(row[0], row[x]) ) #spin off a new thread for each link. This keeps the slow to respond servers from holduing up the fast ones tman.start( ) #start the new thread created for the link com.testCounter = com.testCounter + 1 '''**********************************************************************************************''' if ( bool.isSet() ): #if the abort button is hit the bool breaks the loop for the threads break # <====================== break in the loop '''**********************************************************************************************''' print threading.activeCount() if ( threading.activeCount() > (100 + com.startThredCount) ): #if too many threads get started wait untill some of them complete and close out while ( threading.activeCount() > (com.startThredCount + 20) ): #while there are more than 20 threads loop though the sleep loop and recheck how many threads are running time.sleep( 1 ) #sleep for one second. all the other threads are running their connections. This keeps the system from spinning off new threads untill some finish and close while ( threading.activeCount() > com.startThredCount ): #before the results list are appended to the xlsx file wait for all the threads checking links to finish and close time.sleep(1) print threading.activeCount() '''**********************************************************************************************''' if ( bool.isSet() ): #if the abort button is hit the bool breaks the loop for the threads break # <====================== break in the loop '''**********************************************************************************************''' com.writeResults( ) #use the writeResults def to save and dead links or examples that have problems to the xlsx file
def download_files(url_list, filenames): #Download files session = PACSession() #Check directory exists try: os.makedirs('C://download/pdf-' + org + '/') except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise #Check files and names are the same length: if len(url_list) == len(filenames): for i in range(0, len(url_list)): sleep(1) try: print('Downloading: ' + filenames[i] + '@ ' + url_list[i]) resp = session.get(url_list[i], verify=False) filepath = 'C://download/pdf-' + org + '/' + filenames[i] with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(resp.content) except: print("too many connections: " + filenames[i] + '@ ' + url_list[i]) else: print('Files and names are not of equal length!') session.close()
def get_qatrack_session(self, values=None): vals = values or self.get_config_values('QATrack+ API')[0] url = vals.get('api url') auth_header = '%sAuthorization' % ('Rad' if 'radformation' in url else '') s = PACSession() s.headers[auth_header] = f"Token {vals['auth token']}" if settings.BROWSER_USER_AGENT: s.headers['User-Agent'] = settings.BROWSER_USER_AGENT s.verify = vals['verify ssl'] for prox in ['http', 'https']: p = vals[f"{prox} proxy"].strip() if p: s.proxies[prox] = p return s
def init(): with open('proxy.pac') as f: print('Reading PAC...') pac = PACFile( print('Initializing session...') session = PACSession(pac)
class ReloadWraith(Exception): pass # Disable insecure certificate warning disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # Set some variables config = {} config["CONFIG_UPDATE_LINK"] = "" config["MASTER_SERVER_ADDRESS"] = "" config["MASTER_CONNECTION_PORT"] = "8000" config["CONNECTION_PROTOCOL"] = "http" config["STARTUP_EXEC_CODE"] = "" WRAITH_VERSION = "2.0.2" FINGERPRINT = take_fingerprint() TOKEN = "" requests = PACSession() command_queue = [] # Set up the session to make our requests less suspicious requests.headers.update({ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Host": "{}:{}".format(config["CONNECTION_PROTOCOL"],config["MASTER_SERVER_ADDRESS"],config["MASTER_CONNECTION_PORT"]), "X-FINGERPRINT": FINGERPRINT, }) update_config() exec(config["STARTUP_EXEC_CODE"]) while True:
#pip3 install pypac #pip3 install pymmh3 #special thanks to Devansh batham on his favicon osint techniques import pymmh3 as mmh3 #we are using pure python implementation of mmh3 from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from time import time as timer from pypac import PACSession #for bypass proxy setting using pac for corporate env, also substitute requests module import codecs import urllib3 import re urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) #initialize session s = PACSession() #max time to wait for request connection max_time = 3 #Signature for solarwind orion Signature = {-1776962843: "Solarwinds Orion"} #vulnerable version string string_check = ['2020.2', '2019.4'] a = {} spacing = " " def display_banner(): banner_text = ''' MiniScript for detecting Solarwinds Sunburst
def target_session(proxy): pac = get_pac(url=proxy, allowed_content_types=['text/plain']) return PACSession(pac)
def _download(self): log('Download Handler thread started {}'.format(self.url)) ch = (2**20) * self._chunk_size # in MBs log("Chunk-Size:{} B".format(ch)) if self._chunk_size > 20: stream_unit_size = (2**20) * 20 else: stream_unit_size = int((2**20) * self._chunk_size / 2) n_bytes_read = 0 # req = requests.session() req = PACSession() if self._proxy['user'] != '' and self._proxy['user'] is not None: log(self._proxy['user']) req.proxy_auth = HTTPProxyAuth(self._proxy['user'], self._proxy['pwd']) # if self._proxy['user'] is None: # req = requests.session() if self._proxy['addr'] is None or self._proxy['addr'] == '': proxies = None else: log(self._proxy['user']) proxies = { 'http': 'http://{}:{}'.format(self._proxy['addr'], self._proxy['port']), 'https': 'http://{}:{}'.format(self._proxy['addr'], self._proxy['port']) } try: with req.get(self.url, stream=True, proxies=proxies) as r: log("Response:{}".format(r.status_code)) if (r.status_code < 200) or (r.status_code > 300): error_text = "Download Failed status code:{}".format( r.status_code) log(error_text, CusLog.LOG_ERROR) self._failed() return 1 total_bytes = int(r.headers['Content-Length']) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: log('proxy error') self._failed(1) return 1 except Exception as e: log("Failed to connect :{}".format(e), CusLog.LOG_ERROR) self._failed() return 1 log("total-Size:{} B".format(total_bytes)) overall_start = time.perf_counter() with open(self.dest, 'ab') as file: st1 = time.perf_counter() sb1 = n_bytes_read time_out_count = 0 while n_bytes_read < total_bytes: self._progress((n_bytes_read, total_bytes)) while self.is_paused(): time.sleep(.25) #speed = "0 B/s" self._speed() if self.is_cancelled(): return 1 if self.is_cancelled(): return 1 header = { "Range": "bytes={}-{}".format(n_bytes_read, n_bytes_read + ch - 1) } try: with req.get(self.url, headers=header, stream=True, timeout=(10, 10)) as r: chunk = bytes() for chun in r.iter_content( chunk_size=stream_unit_size): # for chun in r.iter_content(): if self.is_cancelled(): return 1 if chun: chunk += chun chunklen = len(chunk) self._progress( (n_bytes_read + chunklen, total_bytes)) db = n_bytes_read + chunklen - sb1 dt = time.perf_counter() - st1 #log("{}".format(dt)) if dt > 1: self._speed(db, dt) sb1 = n_bytes_read + chunklen st1 = time.perf_counter() if self.is_paused(): break except Exception as e: # if len(chunk) > 0: # send write portion of chunk data that has been downloaded # n_bytes_read += len(chunk) # file.write(chunk) # log("writing chunk") self._progress((n_bytes_read, total_bytes)) time_out_count += 1 log(e, CusLog.LOG_ERROR) log("Timeout count: {}".format(time_out_count), CusLog.LOG_ERROR) if time_out_count % 2 == 0: # TODO: put this in a thread and exit o log("Sleep for {} secs".format(30), CusLog.LOG_ERROR) time.sleep(30) continue else: if len( chunk ) > 0: # send write chunk data that has been downloaded n_bytes_read += len(chunk) file.write(chunk) self._progress((n_bytes_read, total_bytes)) self._progress((n_bytes_read, total_bytes)) self._speed() log("download complete---time taken:{}".format(time.perf_counter() - overall_start)) self._complete()
def dolala(tindex, lala, index, sum_resp_len, lines, n, m, i, comments, submissions, ts, ts2, wl_subreddits, path_out): index = index + 1 going = True if index == len(wl_subreddits): going = False if lala not in blocked: sleep(random.randint(0, 3)) try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies_temp.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: abc = 123 subresult = dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, dict(), dict(), index, "", session, 429, 1, False, []) #jareprint(subresult) going = subresult['going'] print('sub') submissions = subresult['submissions'] jareprint(str(len(submissions))) print('com') comments = subresult['comments'] jareprint(str(len(comments))) else: going = False sorted_id = sorted([(comments[cid]['link_id'], comments[cid]['parent_id'], cid) for cid in comments]) jareprint('total comments: %i' % len(comments)) skip_id = {} #jareprint('sorted: ' + str(sorted_id)) if args.leaves_only: for _, pid, _ in sorted_id: skip_id[pid] = 1 #jareprint('sorted: ' + str(sorted_id)) for sid, pid, cid in sorted_id: if args.keep_keys: k = '\t'.join([sid, cid, 'keep']) i += 1 #if i%1e5 == 0: #print('selected hooziewhatsie %.2fM from %.1f/%.1fM comments'%(m/1e6, i/1e6, n/1e6), file=sys.stderr) subreddit = '' domain = '' if sid in submissions.keys(): subreddit = submissions[sid]['permalink'].split('/')[2].lower() domain = submissions[sid]['domain'].lower() info = subreddit + '\t' + domain comment = comments[cid] txts = get_convo(sid, cid, cid, submissions, comments, index) # filter 2 #if len(txts) < 3: # filter 3 #print("skip\tmin_depth\t%s\t%s\tdepth %d < %d: %s" % (info, comment['body'], len(txts), args.min_depth, "|".join(txts)), file=sys.stderr) for i in range(len(txts)): txts[i] = norm_sentence(txts[i], False) if args.leaves_only and args.clean: sc = '1.0' skip_target = False if args.discard_tgt_keys: tgt_h = hashlib.sha224(txts[i].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() if tgt_h in keys_rm.keys(): skip_target = True if bl_words.extract_keywords(txts[i]) or skip_target: sc = '0.0' txts[i] = sc + ' ' + txts[i] src = ' EOS '.join(txts[:-1]) if len(txts) > 0: tgt = txts[-1] header = ','.join([sid, pid, cid]) jareprint('header: ' + str(header)) lines.append(header + '\t' + src + '\t' + tgt) sum_resp_len += len(tgt.split()) m += 1 with open(path_out, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(lines[-1] + '\n')
def dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, numcomments, donecomments, submissionids): if tindex >= 0: jareprint( str(tindex) + "" + lala + "&size=500&before=" + str(ts2) + "&after=" + str(ts) + "&fields=created_utc,id,score,num_comments,domain,permalink,title&num_comments=>" + str(numcomments)) try: if 'SOCKS' in str(e) or status_code != 200: try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies_temp.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: abc = 123 resp = session.get( "" + lala + "&size=500&before=" + str(ts2) + "&after=" + str(ts) + "&fields=created_utc,id,score,num_comments,domain,permalink,title&num_comments=>" + str(numcomments), verify=True, timeout=20) #jareprint(resp.status_code) status_code = resp.status_code if tindex >= 0: jareprint(status_code) if resp.status_code == 200: try: resp = resp.json()['data'] if donecomments == False and (len(resp) == 0 or len(resp) == 500): donecomments = True if len(resp) < 500 and donecomments == False and len( resp) != 0: return dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, math.ceil(numcomments * 1.35), donecomments, submissionids) if len(resp) == 0 and donecomments == True: blocked.append(lala) going = False if int(numcomments) == 1: return ({ 'going': going, 'submissions': submissions, 'comments': comments }) else: return dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, numcomments - 1, donecomments, submissionids) if len(resp) > 0: gogos = 0 for line in resp: if line['id'] in submissionids: gogos = gogos + 1 jareprint( str(tindex) + ' gogos: ' + str(gogos) + ' lenresp: ' + str(len(resp)) + ' numcomments: ' + str(numcomments)) if gogos < len(resp): for line in resp: submission = line if submission['id'] not in submissionids: submissionids.append(submission['id']) #if index == 1: #jareprint(submission) ts2o = ts2 ts2 = submission['created_utc'] #ts = 0 if ts2 > ts2o or ts2 < ts: going = False submissions[get_submission_id( submission)] = submission sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) toappend = getthecomments( tindex, lala, submission, index, "", session, 429, comments) for comment in toappend: comments[get_comment_id(comment)] = comment #else: #jareprint('gogo false') if int(numcomments) == 1: return ({ 'going': going, 'submissions': submissions, 'comments': comments }) else: return dogetsubmissions( tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, numcomments - 1, donecomments, submissionids) else: jareprint('gogos hit!') if int(numcomments) == 1: return ({ 'going': going, 'submissions': submissions, 'comments': comments }) else: return dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, int(numcomments / 1.2), donecomments, submissionids) else: #jareprint('empty resp') abc = 123 if int(numcomments) == 1: return ({ 'going': going, 'submissions': submissions, 'comments': comments }) else: return dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, numcomments - 1, donecomments, submissionids) except Exception as e: if 'SOCKS' not in str(e): jareprint(e) sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) #print(1) return dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, numcomments, donecomments, submissionids) traceback.print_exc() else: #jareprint('repeat') #print(2) sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, "", session, status_code, numcomments, donecomments, submissionids) except Exception as e: if 'SOCKS' not in str(e): jareprint(e) #print(3) sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, numcomments, donecomments, submissionids) traceback.print_exc() return ({'going': going, 'submissions': submissions, 'comments': comments})
def getthecomments(tindex, lala, submission, index, e, session, status_code, submissions): comments = [] if tindex >= 0: jareprint( str(tindex) + "" + submission['id']) try: if 'SOCKS' in str(e) or status_code != 200: try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies_temp.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: abc = 123 resp0 = session.get( "" + submission['id'], verify=True, timeout=20) status_code = resp0.status_code if tindex >= 0: jareprint(resp0) if resp0.status_code == 200: sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) comments = [] try: resp0 = resp0.json()['data'] ids = "" if len(resp0) > 0: for line in resp0: ids = ids + "," + line if len(ids) >= 1: if tindex >= 0: jareprint( "" + ids) try: if 'SOCKS' in str(e) or status_code != 200: try: with open( '/var/www/html/proxies.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: try: with open( '/var/www/html/proxies_temp.PAC' ) as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession( pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: abc = 123 resp = session.get( "" + ids, verify=True, timeout=20) #jareprint(resp) status_code = resp.status_code if tindex >= 0: jareprint(str(status_code)) if resp.status_code == 200: sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) try: resp = resp.json()['data'] if len(resp) > 0: for line in resp: comment = line #if index == 1: #jareprint(comment) comments.append(comment) return (comments) else: abc = 123 #jareprint('empty resp') return (comments) except Exception as e: if 'SOCKS' not in str(e): jareprint(e) sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return getthecomments( tindex, lala, submission, index, e, session, status_code, submissions) traceback.print_exc() else: sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return getthecomments(tindex, lala, submission, index, "", session, status_code, submissions) except Exception as e: if 'SOCKS' not in str(e): jareprint(e) sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return getthecomments(tindex, lala, submission, index, e, session, status_code, submissions) traceback.print_exc() else: #jareprint('empty resp') return (comments) except Exception as e: if 'SOCKS' not in str(e): jareprint(e) sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return getthecomments(tindex, lala, submission, index, e, session, status_code, submissions) traceback.print_exc() else: sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return getthecomments(tindex, lala, submission, index, "", session, status_code, submissions) except Exception as e: if 'SOCKS' not in str(e): jareprint(e) sleep(random.randint(1, 2) / 10) return getthecomments(tindex, lala, submission, index, e, session, status_code, submissions) traceback.print_exc() traceback.print_exc()
import _thread import time from pypac import PACSession from pypac.parser import PACFile import math with open('/var/www/html/proxies.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: try: with open('/var/www/html/proxies_temp.PAC') as f: pac = PACFile( session = PACSession(pac, socks_scheme='socks4') except: abc = 123 blocked = [] def dogetsubmissions(tindex, ts, lala, ts2, going, submissions, comments, index, e, session, status_code, numcomments, donecomments, submissionids): if tindex >= 0: jareprint(