def test_experiment_configuration(self): # Activate tracking of pypads from import PyPads tracker = PyPads() tracker.start_track(experiment_name="ConfiguredExperiment") from sklearn import datasets, metrics from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier # load the iris datasets dataset = datasets.load_iris() # fit a model to the data model = DecisionTreeClassifier(), # make predictions expected = predicted = model.predict( # summarize the fit of the model print(metrics.classification_report(expected, predicted)) # print(metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted)) # assert statements # assert tracker._experiment.regex == "ConfiguredExperiment" # TODO add asserts tracker.api.end_run()
def test_pipeline(self): """ This example will track the experiment exection with the default configuration. :return: """ # --------------------------- setup of the tracking --------------------------- # Activate tracking of pypads set_up_fns = {} from import PyPads tracker = PyPads(setup_fns=set_up_fns, log_level="DEBUG") tracker.start_track(experiment_name="1. Experiment") import timeit t = timeit.Timer(sklearn_pipeline_experiment) print(t.timeit(1)) # --------------------------- asserts --------------------------- run = mlflow.active_run() assert tracker.api.active_run().info.run_id == # artifacts = [x for x in tracker.results.get_artifacts(] # assert len(artifacts) > 0 tracker.api.end_run()
def test_punch_before_import(self): from import PyPads from test_classes.dummy_mapping import _get_punch_dummy_mapping tracker = PyPads(uri=TEST_FOLDER, mappings=_get_punch_dummy_mapping()) tracker.activate_tracking(reload_modules=True) tracker.start_track() from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy2 dummy2 = PunchDummy2(2) assert hasattr(PunchDummy, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy") assert hasattr(PunchDummy2, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2") assert hasattr(dummy2, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2")
def test_punch_after_import_clear_imports(self): from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy2 dummy2 = PunchDummy2(2) from import PyPads from test_classes.dummy_mapping import _get_punch_dummy_mapping # TODO Punching of globals? tracker = PyPads(uri=TEST_FOLDER, mappings=_get_punch_dummy_mapping()) tracker.activate_tracking(clear_imports=True, reload_modules=False) tracker.start_track() from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy as c from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy2 as d assert hasattr(c, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy") assert hasattr(d, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2") assert not hasattr(PunchDummy, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy") assert not hasattr(PunchDummy2, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2") assert not hasattr(dummy2, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2")
def test_punch_after_import(self): from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy2 dummy2 = PunchDummy2(2) from import PyPads from test_classes.dummy_mapping import _get_punch_dummy_mapping # TODO PunchDummy2 has PunchDummy as reference tracker = PyPads(uri=TEST_FOLDER, mappings=_get_punch_dummy_mapping()) tracker.activate_tracking(reload_modules=True) tracker.start_track() from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy as a from test_classes.dummy_classes import PunchDummy2 as b assert not hasattr(a, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy") assert not hasattr(b, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2") assert not hasattr(PunchDummy, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy") assert not hasattr(PunchDummy2, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2") assert not hasattr(dummy2, "_pypads_mapping_PunchDummy2")
def test_track_metric(self): # --------------------------- setup of the tracking --------------------------- # Activate tracking of pypads from import PyPads name = "some_metric" description = 'Some description' value = 1 step = 0 keys = [ 'experiment_id', 'run_id', 'category', 'storage_type', 'description', 'name', 'data' ] tracker = PyPads(uri=TEST_FOLDER) tracker.activate_tracking() tracker.start_track(experiment_name='TEST CASE EXPERIMENT') # meta = MetricMetaModel(url='https://some.metric.url', name='some_metric', description='some description', # step=0) tracker.api.log_metric(name, value=value, description=description, step=step) holder = tracker.api.get_programmatic_output() meta = MetricMetaModel(name=name, value_format='str', data=str(value), step=step, description=description, parent=holder, produced_by=holder.produced_by, part_of=get_reference(holder)) artifacts = [ x for x in tracker.results.get_metrics( experiment_name='TEST CASE EXPERIMENT', name=name, step=step, ] # --------------------------- asserts --------------------------- assert len(artifacts) == 1 for key in keys: assert artifacts[0].dict().get(key) == meta.dict().get(key)
def test_default_tracking(self): """ This example will track the experiment exection with the default configuration. :return: """ # --------------------------- setup of the tracking --------------------------- # Activate tracking of pypads from import PyPads tracker = PyPads(autostart=False, log_level="WARNING") tracker.start_track(experiment_name="1. Experiment") tracker.actuators.set_random_seed(seed=1) import timeit t = timeit.Timer(sklearn_simple_decision_tree_experiment) from pypads import logger # --------------------------- asserts --------------------------- import mlflow run = mlflow.active_run() assert tracker.api.active_run().info.run_id == tracker.api.end_run()
def test_default_tracking(self): """ This example will track the experiment exection with the default configuration. :return: """ # --------------------------- setup of the tracking --------------------------- # Activate tracking of pypads from import PyPads tracker = PyPads(uri="") tracker.activate_tracking() tracker.start_track() from pypads import logger"Test logger") import timeit t = timeit.Timer(sklearn_simple_decision_tree_experiment) from pypads import logger # --------------------------- asserts --------------------------- tracker.api.end_run()
from import PyPads from pypads.injections.setup.hardware import ICpuRSF tracker = PyPads(setup_fns=[ICpuRSF()]) tracker.start_track(experiment_name="Pypads-padre") import numpy as np from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, make_scorer # Define a pipeline to search for the best combination of PCA truncation # and classifier regularization. pca = PCA() # set the tolerance to a large value to make the example faster logistic = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear', max_iter=10000, tol=0.1, multi_class="ovr") pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('pca', pca), ('logistic', logistic)]) X_digits, y_digits = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True) # Parameters of pipelines can be set using ‘__’ separated parameter names: param_grid = { 'pca__n_components': [5, 15, 30, 45, 64], 'logistic__C': np.logspace(-4, 4, 4), } search = GridSearchCV(pipe,
def wrapped_function(*args, _pypads_cache=None, _pypads_config=None, _pypads_active_run_id=None, _pypads_tracking_uri=None, _pypads_affected_modules=None, _pypads_triggering_process=None, **kwargs): from pypads.parallel.util import _pickle_tuple, _cloudpickle_tuple from pypads import logger # only if pads data was passed if _pypads_active_run_id: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from import pypads import mlflow is_new_process = not pypads.current_pads # If pads has to be reinitialized if is_new_process: import pypads # reactivate this run in the foreign process mlflow.set_tracking_uri(_pypads_tracking_uri) mlflow.start_run(run_id=_pypads_active_run_id, nested=True) start_time = time.time() logger.debug("Init Pypads in:" + str(time.time() - start_time)) # TODO update to new format from import PyPads _pypads = PyPads(uri=_pypads_tracking_uri, config=_pypads_config, pre_initialized_cache=_pypads_cache) _pypads.activate_tracking( reload_warnings=False, affected_modules=_pypads_affected_modules, clear_imports=True, reload_modules=True, ) _pypads.start_track(disable_run_init=True) def clear_mlflow(): """ Don't close run. This function clears the run which was reactivated from the stack to stop a closing of it. :return: """ if len(mlflow.tracking.fluent._active_run_stack) == 1: mlflow.tracking.fluent._active_run_stack.pop() import atexit atexit.register(clear_mlflow) # If pads already exists on process else: _pypads = pypads.current_pads _pypads.cache.merge(_pypads_cache) # Unpickle args from pickle import loads start_time = time.time() a, b = loads(args[0]) logger.debug("Loading args from pickle in:" + str(time.time() - start_time)) # Unpickle function from cloudpickle import loads as c_loads start_time = time.time() wrapped_fn = c_loads(args[1])[0] logger.debug("Loading punched function from pickle in:" + str(time.time() - start_time)) args = a kwargs = b logger.debug("Started wrapped function on process: " + str(os.getpid())) out = wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs) return out, _pypads.cache else: return fn(*args, **kwargs)